295 research outputs found

    Karakteristik Torrefaksi dan Densifikasi Limbah Tandan Kosong Kelapa Sawit

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    Energy demand increases continuously due to the growth of industries. Most industries still rely on fossil fuel that its price commonly increases and the deposit in the universe decreases since it is not renewable resource. Indonesia is the largest palm oil producer in the world that has potential abundance biomass of empty fruit bunch (EFB) of oil palm. It can be alternative energy source. The EFB is commonly used as fuel for heat source of boiler jn the palm oil plant. Most applications were by conventional combustion process that has disadvantage of low energy value. The EFB was only chopped and grinded, and then dried prior to combustion process. This study investigates improvement of energy quality of EFB through torrefaction (or light pyrolysis) and densification process.  The EFB was chopped in the small size and grinded in the form of fiber, then dried. The EFB fiber in small slices was pressed in a small steel tube and heated in the range of 200-300°C. The variables of study were duration and temperature of process. The initial heat value of EFB was 18,241 MJ/kg that slightly lower than its of kernel shell heat value 19.955 MJ/kg. The water content were found 6.28% and 4.31% for EFB and kernel shell respectively.  Results have shown that torrefaction and densification have improved the calorific value of EFB in the range of 6.58-16.71% of its initial value.  On the other hand, the energy yield has decreased to 97.54, 97.26 and 93.76% of its initial energy yield for torrefaction temperature of 200, 250 and 300°C respectivel

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    Kulit merupakan bahan baku untuk produk-produk kerajinan. Sebelum digunakan, kulit melalui proses penyamakan. Sebagaian besar industri penyamakan kulit menggunakan khrom sebagai bahan penyamak. Untuk limbah penyamakan kulit yang mengandung khrom, kadar maksimum yang diperbolehkan sebesar 2,0 mg/L. limbah yang dihasilkan perlu ditangani agar tidak menimbulkan masalah lingkungan. Pemungutan khrom dari limbah cair penyamakan kulit dapat dilakukan dengan mereaksikan dengan kapur padam. Namun kondisi dan kinetika reaksinya belum diketahui secara baik, khususnya reaksi dalam reaktor batch, sehingga perlu dipelajari. Reaksi pemungutan khrom dengan kapur padam dapat dilakukan dalam reaktor slurry tangki berpengaduk secara batch. Mula-mula limbah penyamakan kulit dimasukan kedalam reaktor kemudian diaduk dengan kecepatan tertentu pada suhu kamar. Pada kondisi reaktor telah tercapai kemudian dimasukan kapur padam. Cuplikan diambil setiap selang waktu 3 menit selama 24 menit..Analisis konsentrasi khrom yang tertinggal dijalankan dengan Atomic Absorrption Spectrofhotometer (AAS). Variable yang dipelajari adalah variasi kecepatan pengaduk pada kisaran 140-200 rpm, suhu 30 –60 C, dan perbandingan mol kapur padam dengan mol khrom 1 – 3. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa reaksi antara kapur padam dengan khrom secara keseluruhan dikendalikan oleh perpindahan massa pada lapisan film cair dan lapisan hasil. Pada suhu 30 – 60 C, konstanta kecepatan reaksi mengikuti persamaan Arrhenius. Kenaikan suhu pada rentang tersebut tidak berpengaruh besar pada nilai difusivitas pada lapisan hasil. Perbandingan mol kapur padam dengan khrom tidak mempengaruhi konstanta perpindahan massa pada lapisan film cair, difusivitas pada lapisan hasil maupun konstanta kecepatan reaksi. Kata kunci: limbah, penyamakan, kulit, khrom, kapur padam, kinetika, reaks

    Review: Biomassa Sebagai Adsorbent untuk Pengolahan Logam Berat Pada Air Limbah Industri

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    Industrial wastewater generally contains heavy metalssuch as lead, cadmium, arsenic, nickel, chromium and mercury. Contamination of water with these elements is very dangerous and will pollute the environment, so a suitable waste water treatment is required. This review aims to find out the efficient methods of handling industrial wastewater and the benefits of biomass. Many scientific methods are used in this regard, including adsorption, chemical precipitation, ion exchange, electrochemical treatment, membrane filtration, coagulation and flocculation. However, some of these techniques have drawbacks such aswill produce a large amount of metal sludge, making it difficult to recycle metal, and the formation of toxic sludge or other wastes. Of all these techniques, adsorption with adsorbent biomasshas been widely known because it is an economical, effective and environmentally friendly processing technique, so this method is suitable for treating industrial wastewater. The use of biomass as an adsorbent is intendedto help reduce dependence on fossil raw materials and greenhouse gas emissions that contribute to climate change


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    ABSTRACTThe purpose of this study was to determine and analyze the influence of personality, organizational culture and organizational commitment on organizational citizenship behavior and teacher performance in high schools in Indra Makmur District, North Aceh Regency. The number of samples in this study were 126 teachers obtained by saturated sample technique. The data analysis method used was Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) using AMOS 21 software. The results of this study found that directly, personality and organizational culture had a positive and significant effect on organizational citizenship behavior, while organizational culture has no significant effect. Furthermore, the results of the study found that personality and organizational citizenship behavior had a positive effect on teacher performance, but organizational culture had a negative effect and organizational commitment had no significant effect. The results of the mediation effect test found that organizational citizenship behavior is able to fully mediate the influence of organizational culture and personality on performance, but not to be a mediator on the effect of organizational commitment on theacher performance.Keywords      :    Personality, Organizational Culture, Organizational Commintment, Organizational Citizenship Behavior and Theacher Performanc

    Pengolahan Limbah Pewarna Metilen Biru Menggunakan Arang Aktif dan Zeolit Aktif dengan Katalis Fe dan Oksidator Hidrogen Peroksida

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    The textile industry including batik has provided broad benefits to society from an economic standpoint. However, there is negative impact from wastewater generated in the production process, which is containing dyes. Various types of dyes are used in the coloring process, and methylene blue is one of most used dye. Various ways have been done to treat wastewater containing methylene blue. Methylene blue processing techniques by adsorption have been carried out with various types of adsorbents. Research on the comparison of the ability of commercial activated charcoal and commercial activated zeolite to adsorb methylene blue was carried out with the addition of an Fe catalyst and a hydrogen peroxide oxidizer. The results showed that the addition of Fe catalyst would increase the degradation of methylene blue in the waste either with activated charcoal or activated zeolite. The combination of using Fe catalyst and hydrogen peroxide oxidizer further increases the removal of methylene blue in both types of adsorbents, activated charcoal and activated zeolite. Activated zeolite has the better ability to adsorb methylene blue than activated charcoal under various conditions

    Pengaruh Panjang Kolom Distilasi Bahan Isian Terhadap Hasil Produk Cair Sampah Plastik

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    Plastic waste is a problem that has to be taken seriously for the pollution of the environment, especially for land contamination. For now, the handling of plastic waste normally disposed (landfills), burned or recycled (recycle). At burning of plastic waste is usually carried out by pyrolysis method to produce plastic oil. To get the maximum results needed further analysis in the form of purification by distillation, where the distillation is a method that can be used for advanced analysis, one with a distillation column. Fractional distillation is often called the distillation column is to separate liquid components, two or more, of a solution based on differences in their boiling points. This distillation can also be used to mix with boiling point less than 20°C and work at atmospheric pressure or low pressure. Application of this type is used in the distillation of crude oil industry, to separate the components in the crude oil distillation Differences simple fractionation and distillation is the fractionation column. In this column warming occurs gradually with different temperatures on each license plate. Different heating is intended for refining distillates from the plates underneath. Getting to the top, the less volatile liquid. The distillation process depends on the characteristics of the vapor pressure of a liquid mixture of components.The distillate was obtained at temperature of 195oC, 200oC, 220oC, 235oC and 240oC and the most products component of pyrolysis plastic in previous research was obtain at 195oC, 200oC and 220o

    Restoring State Control Over Forest Resources Through Administrative Procedures: Evidence From a Community Forestry Programme in Central Java, Indonesia

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    In recent years, community forestry has emerged as a means to reform power constellations with regard to forest governance. Through community forestry, the central state promised to devolve several forest rights to local communities and encouraged them to get involved in decision making processes and the implementation of forest activities. However, experience in some countries indicates that the implementation of community forestry programmes is rarely followed by genuine power devolution to local forest users. Instead, these programmes may even serve as a means to retain or restore the central state’s control over forests. Using a case study of a community forestry programme implemented in Java, Indonesia, by a state forest company, this paper argues that the implementation of community forestry is also driven by the state’s interests to regain control over the forests. Research in eight villages in Central Java province reveals that the community forestry programmes are carefully structured according to numerous administrative procedures and estab- lish a mode of control through a bureaucratic design. ----- In den letzten Jahren hat sich community forestry als Mittel zur Reform von Machtkonstellationen in Bezug auf die Verwaltung von Wäldern herausgebildet. Der Zentralstaat versprach durch community forestry bestimmte Waldrechte an lokale Communities abzugeben und ermutigte sie, sich an Entscheidungsprozessen und der Implementierung von Forstaktivitäten zu beteiligen. Erfahrungen in einigen Ländern zeigen jedoch, dass die Implementierung von community forestry-Programmen selten mit einem tatsächlichen Machttransfer an lokale ForstnutzerInnen einhergeht, sondern diese Programme sogar als Mittel zur Rückgewinnung von zentralstaatlicher Kontrolle über Wälder dienen können. Anhand eines Fallbeispiels eines community forestry-Programms, das in Java, Indonesien, von einem staatlichen Forstunternehmen implementiert wird, argumentiere ich in diesem Artikel, dass die Implementierung von community forestry auch von den Interessen des Staates, Kontrolle über die Wälder zurückzugewinnen, vorangetrieben wird. Meine Forschung in acht Dörfern in der Provinz Zentral-Java zeigt, dass die community forestry-Programme sorgfältig nach zahlreichen administrativen Verfahren strukturiert sind und eine Art der Kontrolle durch bürokratisches Design etablieren

    Prestasi Kerja Di Bidang Pemanenan Hasil Hutan Di Hutan Jati

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    One of important information for planning and controlling is productivity. Productivity is working output from the worker or a group during a certain time. The objective of this study is to investigate productivity of forest harvesting in teak forest. The study carried out at KPH Randublatung, KPH Mantingan and KPH Balapulang Forest State Enterprise Unit I Central Java in July-September 2000. Cutting in KPH Balapulang carried out in the fifth age class but in KPH Randublatung and KPH Mantingan carried out in the eighth or ninth age class. The data collected by time study method. The method use selective operating time (SOT), normal time, allowance and standard time approach. Productivity calculated with divided working result by standard time. Productivity per day of manual felling amount to 3.5 trees and manual bucking was in the range 0.38-1.84 m3. Productivity of mechan ized felling amount to six trees per day and mechanized bucking was in the range 5.208-12.853 m3 per day. Productivity per day of manual skidding was 0.985 m3 and skidding system carried out by oxen amount 3.815 m3. Productivity of hauling counts in the range 5.985-8.805 m3 per day with transport distance in the range 7.43- 37.46 kilometers. Keywords: forest harvesting, teak forest, time study, productivit
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