59 research outputs found

    Tourism Potential of the Gawai Tradition Talang Mamak Tribe in the village of Rantau Langsat

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    The study aims to explore the tourism potential of Gawai (marriage celebration) ethnic tradition Talang Mamak, and this provides the context for a deeper examination of the Mamak Talang tribal tradition as a tourist product. This research used descriptive methods with qualitative analysis techniques. This research utilizes both primary and secondary data. The results of the study found that the Gawai tradition in Rantau Langsat village has the potential to become one of the leading tours in Rantau Langsat village which can become the basis for developing tourism in the area. The condition of infrastructure and supporting facilities in Rantau Langsat village, such as accommodation, restaurants and transportation can increase comfort and convenience for tourists visiting Rantau Langsat village

    Pelatihan Mengembangkan Soal Berfikir Tingkat Tinggi (HOTs) Para Guru Geografi SMA Se Provinsi Lampung

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    dalam presepsi dan keterampilan guru geografi dalam mengkontruksi instrumen pengukuran hasil belajar berorientasi HOTS. Metode pelaksanaan kegiatan ini terdiri dari tiga tahap yakni tahap penyampaian materi, tahap kegiatan mandiri peserta dan tahap refleksi terhadap hasil kerja mandiri peserta. Hasil pada artikel ini menunjukkan bahwa beberapa presepsi jawaban guru yang dapat disimpulkan bahwa pelaksanaan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini sangat urgen guna meningkatkan kompetensi guru dalam mengkontruksi instrumen hasil belajar pada mata pelajaran geografi serta soal-soal HOTS yang dibuat oleh peserta menggambarkan bahwa perlunya kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat mengenai pelatihan menulis soal HOTS secara berkelanjutan guna dapat memantapkan kompetensi guru dalam menulis soal HOTS secara konseptual maupun praktiknya. Dalam kegiatan pengabdian ini guru-guru juga diajak untuk membuat soal HOTS yang dijadikan bank soal mata pelajaran geografi berorientasi HOTS yang merupakan luaran dari kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini.   Kata Kunci: Kompetensi guru, HOTS, Geografi, Instrumen pengukuran hasil belajar &nbsp


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    Ciburial tourist village is a village that has a beautiful landscape and an interesting cultural diversity. Various kinds of tourism potential are divided into several parts, namely cultural and artistic tourism, culinary tourism, and nature tourism. Judging from its natural and cultural conditions, Ciburial tourism village has the potential to be developed as an Edutourism. Based on these conditions, the purpose of the community service program is in the form of training on understanding Edutourism, the potential that can be explored as Edutourism, and steps for implementing Edutourism. The service method is carried out in several ways, namely observation to identify the potential of Edutourism, interviews with various sources, and training provided to the community regarding Edutourism. Based on the results it was found that the potential that could be developed into Edutoursim was culinary and cultural tourism, namely honey cultivation, tofu factories, and also bamboo crafts. After knowing the potential for edutourism in Ciburial, the concrete implementation steps that need to be taken next are planning, execution, continuous development, and cooperation. Cooperation with partners and also educational institutions need to be established to increase the level of visits to the Ciburial Tourism Villag


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    Indonesia is a multi-islands, multi-ethnics and multi-disasters country. Each etnic has a set of culture which is adapted into its environment, including in anticipating the pontential disaster around its area. The culture which is transmited or inherited from one generation to the next, has been proved its superiority, known as local wisdom. Local wisdom, in the form of life philosophy, attitude, and behavior guidance, will help the society to survive from various threats that distrupt their existance from natural disaster and life dynamics. Sundanese people, particularly in Kampung Naga Tasikmalaya, has a local wisdom which can protect their enviroment. This is very important in mitigating  disaster, such as landslide, drought, and polution. This society has been realized that disater will occured if their ennvironment is damaged. Local wisdom in disaster mitigation can be seen in the form of architecture, landuse zoning, land management for sustainable enviroment. This value of local wisdom is very important to be transmited and transformed to both domestic and international tourist through ecotourism. Ecotourism is known as sustainable tourism, green tourism, and edutourism because it has the vision of enviromental sustainable, activity without pollution, conservation, society empowerment, and appreciation for nature and society culture. The shift of tourism paradigm (from travel package and mass tourism to individual and small scale; from psikosentris to alosentris; from  foreign investment to own  society; and from European stypes to the natives) become a potential for Kampung Naga to be an ecotourism destination which has educational tourism. Besides, the potencies of Kampung Naga to be tourism destination also can be seen from strategic access from Bandung-Tasikmalaya-Pangandaran; openess in accepting the tourist; beautiful nature, various souvenirs, and tracking. Moreover, the approciation for Kampung Naga's society in preserving their enviroment and mitigating disaster become the other visions of making Kampung Naga as education tourism destinatio


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    Penguasaan materi pembelajaran adalah salah satu tujuan utama dalam pendidikan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mempelajari model pembelajaran lemparan bola salju dengan tipe kartu indeks yang sesuai dengan kemampuan pemahaman peserta didik di sekolah dasar. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada siswa kelas IV SDN Cikampek Barat II, Kecamatan Cikampek, Kota Karawang. Jumlah peserta dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 26 siswa di kelas eksperimen 1 yang menerapkan model pembelajaran snowball throwing dan 26 siswa di kelas eksperimen 2 yang menggunakan model pembelajaran indeks kartu pertandingan. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode kuasi eksperimen dengan desain pretest postest control group design control. Data penelitian dikumpulkan menggunakan instrumen tes dan rubrik. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, dapat disimpulkan bahwa model kartu indeks pembelajaran cocok lebih efektif dalam meningkatkan pemahaman peserta didik tentang bahan rumah dan pakaian adat Indonesia dengan model pembelajaran melempar bola salju . Kata Kunci: Pembelajaran Aktif , Pelemparan Bola Salju, Pencocokan Kartu Indeks , Pemahaman Konsep.Mastery of learning materials is one of the main goals in education. The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of the active learning model snowball throwing type with the index card match type in the ability to understand the concept of learners in elementary school. This research was conducted on students in grade IV SDN Cikampek Barat II, Cikampek District, Karawang City. The number of participants in this study were 26 students in the experimental class 1 who applied the snowball throwing learning model and as many as 26 students in the experimental class 2 who used the index card match learning model. The research method used in this study is a quasi-experimental method with the matching pretest posttest control group design. The data of this study were collected using test instruments and assessment rubrics. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that the index card match learning model is more effective in increasing students' understanding of the concept of existing home material and traditional Indonesian clothing compared to the snowball throwing learning model

    Building Ecoliteracy Through Adiwiyata Program (Study at Adiwiyata School in Banda Aceh)

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    This study is back grounded by importance of ecoliteracy for each individual. One of comprehensive efforts to build ecoliteracy in community is through Adiwiyata Program. This study is aimed to find out how the effectiveness of Adiwiyata Program in the effort to build students’ ecoliteracy in Banda Aceh. The method which is used is survey. The study is conducted in ten schools, with respondents are principal, teachers, administrative staff and students. Data analysis is done descriptively toward five variable and hypothesis test use nonparametric statistic test. The result of study showed that there is significant influence of school policy, curriculum implementation, school culture and school infrastructure management toward students’ ecoliteracy. The findings of study is the more effective four components of Adiwiyata is implemented, the higher of students’ecoliteracy. Therefore, four components of Adiwiyata should be implemented maximally, among other by strengthening Adiwiyata school team

    Pemetaan Perkembangan Program Kampung Keluarga Berencana (KB) dengan Sistem Informasi Geografis di Kabupaten Sukabumi

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    One of Indonesia's problems is its rapid population increase. The population growth rate for Indonesia between 2010 and 2020 is 1.49%. North Sukabumi is a developing region of Sukabumi Regency with a greater population and population growth rate than Southern Sukabumi. Family Planning Village is one of the government's initiatives to address the issue of population increase. This research aims at assessing the growth of KB village areas and the evolution of the KB village program in North Sukabumi from 2017 to 2020. This study employs a descriptive quantitative GIS-based methodology. This study used scoring and weighting analysis to analyze its data. The growth of the KB village program in North Sukabumi from 2017 to 2020 is often shown on a map including two pieces of information: a diagram of the development of the KB village program each year and the percentage of the overall development of the KB Village program from 2017 to 2020. The findings of this research show that the number of KB villages continues to expand each year, with 94 KB villages existing by 2020. Furthermore, the growth of the KB village initiative in North Sukabumi between 2017 and 2020 is highly encouraging (60.90 %). This study is valuable to the government, KB village managers, and communities as it pertains to the improvement of family/community welfare via the KB Village program

    Analisis literasi lingkungan pada mahasiswa pendidikan geografi

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran literasi lingkungan pada mahasiswa pendidikan geografi. Sampel peneltian adalah seluruh mahasiswa pendidikan geografi Universitas Sembilanbelas November Kolaka sebanyak 221 mahasiswa. Metode penelitian yang digunakan deskriptif dengan teknik pengumpulan data berupa survey melalui instrumen angket dan soal tes pilihan ganda yang digunakan untuk mengetahui persentase literasi lingkungan mahasiswa, yang terdiri dari indikator pengetahuan lingkungan, keterampilan kognitif, sikap peduli lingkungan dan perilaku pro-lingkungan. Hasil dari pengolahan dan analisis data, maka disimpulkan bahwa literasi lingkungan mahasiswa pendidikan geografi berada pada kategori sedang untuk indikator pengetahuan lingkungan sebesar 78,3%, indikator keterampilan kognitif 63,3%, dan indikator perilaku pro-lingkungan sebesar 65,6%, sedangkan pada indikator sikap peduli lingkungan menunjukkan kategori tinggi dengan persentase 81%. Selain itu, persentase tersebut juga menunjukkan beberapa sub-indikator dengan persentase tertinggi dari indikator literasi lingkungan diantaranya sub-indikator memiliki pengetahuan mengenai pemecahan masalah lingkungan pada indikator pengetahuan lingkungan, sub-indikator memiliki kemampuan dalam merencanakan tindakan penyelidikan isu lingkungan pada indikator keterampilan kognitif, sub-indikator sikap apresiasi terhadap lingkungan pada indikator sikap peduli lingkungan, dan sub-indikator konservasi sumber daya alam pada indikator perilaku pro-lingkungan

    Implementation of Adiwiyata Program in the Effort to Create Environmental Cultured School in Banda Aceh

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    This research examined the implementation of Adiwiyata Program in the effort to create environmental cultured school in Banda Aceh. This research used quantitative study paradigm by using survey technique. This study was conducted in ten schools in Banda Aceh from elementary to secondary school levels by involving 452 respondents, which consist of school principals/vice principals, Adiwiyata coordinators, administrative staff and students. Data collection was done through questionnaire and observation. The result of study showed that in general Adiwiyata Program implementation is in effective category. This described that in general the four components of Adiwiyata Program had been implemented effective. Nevertheless, result of study found various obstacles encountered by school in implementing Adiwiyata Program. This article delve and describe in depth the implementation of Adiwiyata Program, so various obstacles encountered by school can be found out in order to implement Adiwiyata Program in Banda Aceh. It is hoped that the result of study can give insight to stakeholder to take the steps forward in the effort to create environmental cultured school. Keywords: Implementation, Adiwiyata Program, Environmental cultured schoo


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    The problem of protecting the environment is often not considered properly. Including the maintenance and management of the Sekanak Lambidaro River in Palembang, which was once a garbage dump and surrounded by slums. So it certainly makes damage to the place of an ecosystem of flora and fauna that exist in the environment. Not to mention that the endless cultural conflicts between the Sekanak River area have become a problem in the city of Palembang. So, a Sekanak Lambidaro Palembang River Festival was held in order to make the community affected by the bad environment more livable. Through activities that are oriented towards a green environment based on the concept of sustainable development. This concept is used so as not to make people continue to be influenced by the great world of globalization at the moment. By using a descriptive qualitative research method with the aim of being able to find out how useful this festival is in increasing the awareness of the people of Palembang City in nature and cultural conservation by applying the principles of ecotourism and sustainable tourism
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