7 research outputs found

    The Efficacy of Buccal Infiltration of 4% Articaine and PSA Injection of 2% Lidocaine on Anesthesia of Maxillary Second Molars

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    Introduction: During the early mixed dentition period, the location of the deciduous maxillary second molar results in ineffectiveness of the infiltration technique in this area. In such cases, administration of posterior superior alveolar (PSA) nerve block is recommended; however, such a technique has some complications. The present study was undertaken to compare the effects of buccal infiltration of 4% Articaine and PSA technique with 2% Lidocaine on the success of anesthesia of maxillary deciduous second molars in 6 to 9-year old children. Methods and Materials: In the present double-blind randomized clinical trial, 56 children aged 6-9 years requiring vital pulp therapy of deciduous maxillary second molar were included. In group 1, 4% Articaine was injected using a buccal infiltration technique. In group 2, 2% Lidocaine was injected using the PSA nerve block technique. After 10 min, the caries was removed and access cavity preparation was instituted. The patients were asked to report the presence or absence of pain during the procedure. Therefore, the existence of pain was measured by the patient's self-report. Data were analyzed with descriptive statistical methods and the chi-squared test. Results: Pain was reported by 6 (21.4%) and 9 (32.1%) subjects in the Articaine and Lidocaine groups, respectively. Chi-squared test did not reveal any significant differences between the two groups (P=0.54). Conclusion: Under the limitations of the present study, there was no significant differences between the results of Articaine buccal infiltration and Lidocaine PSA technique, so Articaine buccal infiltration can be used as a substitute for the PSA technique.Keywords: Articaine; Buccal Infiltration Technique; Deciduous Second Molar; Lidocaine; Posterior Superior Alveolar Nerve Bloc

    The impact of maternal emotional intelligence and parenting style on child anxiety and behavior in the dental setting

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    Objective. The present study investigated the correlations between maternal emotional intelligence (EQ), parenting style, child trait anxiety and child behavior in the dental setting. Study design. One-hundred seventeen children, aged 4-6 years old (mean 5.24 years), and their mothers participated in the study. The BarOn Emotional Quotient Inventory and Bumrind's parenting style questionnaire were used to quantify maternal emotional intelligence and parenting style. Children's anxiety and behavior was evaluated using the Spence Children's Anxiety Scale (SCAS) and Frankl behavior scale. Results. Significant correlation was found between maternal EQ and child behavior (r=0.330; p<0.01); but not between parenting style and child behavior. There was no significant correlation between mother's total EQ and child's total anxiety; however, some subscales of EQ and anxiety showed significant correlations. There were significant correlations between authoritarian parenting style and separation anxiety (r=0.186; p<0.05) as well as authoritative parenting style and mother's EQ (r=0.286; p<0.01). There was no significant correlation between child anxiety and behavior (r = -0.81). Regression analysis revealed maternal EQ is effective in predicting child behavior (B=0.340; p<0.01). Conclusion. This study provides preliminary evidence that the child's behavior in the dental setting is correlated to mother's emotional intelligence. Emotionally intelligent mothers were found to have predominantly authoritative parenting styl

    Evaluation of last-year dental students’ skill at the Tabriz Faculty of Dentistry about principles of writing prescriptions

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    Background: Inattention to the principles of writing prescriptions might give rise to ineffective or hazardous treatment and inflict injuries to the patient. The aim of this study was to evaluate the last-year dental students’ skill in writing prescription at the Tabriz Faculty of Dentistry in 2016-2017. Methods: In this cross-sectional study, all last-year dental students (92 students) at the Tabriz Faculty of Dentistry were asked to write separate prescription for 3 patients. The level of compliance with the principles of writing prescriptions was evaluated based on the WHO checklist, which consists of the following items: patient’s name, gender and age; date of prescription; Rx symbol; the form and name of the drug; the dose of the medication; the number of the drugs to be filled; administration interval; the strength of the drug; route of administration; the signature and seal of the physician; and the refill order. Each correct item was given a positive score and each incorrect item received no score (score range: 0-45). Results: 10.9%, 43.5% and 45.6% of the students exhibited high, moderate and low skill. The mean score was 27.75 (SD 8.75) of a total possible score of 45. There were no significant differences between male and female students (P = 0.7, CI = -4.5 to 3.2, effect size = -0.035). Conclusion: Overall, final-year dental students’ skill in writing prescriptions was at a moderate level and no student fully observed all the principles for the correct method of writing prescriptions

    A study of Knowledge, Attitude and Self-Assessment of Residents on Evidence-Based Dentistry at Faculty of Dentistry of Tabriz University of Medical Sciences

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    Introduction: Evidence-based dentistry is the combination of individual clinical experiences withthe highest-quality evidence available as the result of systematic studies.Evidence-based dentistryis an approach in which the clinician uses the best evidence available to make the most appropriatedecision for the patient. In this descriptive study, the knowledge, attitude and self-assessment ofTabriz dental school residents were examined on evidence-based dentistry in the academic year2014-2015. Methods: All residents of Tabriz Dentistry Faculty (100 in total) were enrolled in the study.Thedata collection tool was a questionnaire, and the validity of the questionnaire was determined inprevious studies. To determine the reliability of the questionnaire, it was distributed among the20 residents ina pilot study. Descriptive statistical methods were used to study the data obtained.Chi-square, t-test, and Kruskal-Wallis tests were used to assess the relationship between variablesusing SPSS 20. Results: The results showed that the level of residents’ knowledge on evidence-based dentistrywas moderate and 94.4% of residents had a positive attitude toward EBD. The highest and lowestself-assessments were related to the terms PubMed and Cochrane Collaboration (CI=29.27-30.73,CI=42.06-43.32 CI=28.69-31.09with 95%confidence interval), respectively. Conclusion: Given the increasing importance of evidence-based dentistry and considering themoderate knowledge of the residents on the topic, a need is felt for proper planning to teach itat Tabriz University of Medical Sciences. Considering dentists’ positive attitude toward EBD, Itseems that there is an appropriate background for EBD education in the countr

    Impact of Self-concept on Preschoolers’ Dental Anxiety and Behavior

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    Background and aims. Different factors affect children’s behavior during dental treatment, including psychological and behavioral characteristics. The aim of this study was to evaluate the correlation of self-concept on child’s anxiety and be-havior during dental treatment in 4 to 6-year-old children. Materials and methods. A total of 235 preschoolers aged 4 to 6 years were included in this descriptive analytic study. Total self-concept score for each child was assessed according to Primary Self-concept Scale before dental treatment. Child’s anxiety and child’s behavior were assessed, during the restoration of mandibular primary molar, using clinical anxi-ety rating scale and Frankl Scale, respectively. Spearman’s correlation coefficient was used to evaluate the correlation be-tween the total self-concept score with the results of clinical anxiety rating scale and Frankl Scale. Results. There was a moderate inverse correlation between the self-concept and clinical anxiety rating scale scores (r = −0.545, P < 0.001), and a moderate correlation between the self-concept and child’s behavior scores (r = 0.491, P < 0.001). A strong inverse relation was also found between the anxiety and behavior scores (r = −0.91, P < 0.001). Conclusion. Children with higher self-concept had lower anxiety level and better behavioral feedback during dental treat-ment

    Investigation of associations between ABO blood group and the severity of COVID-19 patients admitted to Razi Hospital

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    Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) virus is the third strain of coronavirus with a possible zoonotic origin, which has been labeled deadly since the beginning of the new millennium. Due to various factors affecting the morbidity and mortality of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) and its various clinical syndromes, in this study we examined the relationship between the ABO blood group and the severity of COVID-19 patients. In this cross-sectional study, the required information was obtained by studying all records of patients with COVID-19 admitted to Razi Hospital in Rasht from April to May 2020. Information in patients' records including age, gender, clinical signs, blood type, high-resolution computed tomography (HRCT) findings, and nasopharyngeal tests was collected. In total, 548 cases were studied; of which 305 patients were male and 243 patients were female. The mean and standard deviation of patients' age was 58.15 ± 0.7 years. PCR test was performed for 195 patients. ABO positive/negative blood group was not significantly associated with disease severity in patients with COVID-19. The results of the present study showed that gender, age, history of underlying disease, disease severity, and ABO blood group were not significantly associated with disease severity.