939 research outputs found

    Shifting worlds: Leading educational *change in a quantum universe

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    The twentieth century theories of quantum physics and chaos theory in mathematics have had an impact across disciplines, but in many ways educational leaders have been trapped in the old Newtonian paradigm. The conceptual portion of this study bridges the paradigms to suggest new ways to view school leadership for the twenty-first century, using New Science constructs, systems thinking, and leadership concepts of business writers Senge (1990) and Wheatley (1992). It argues that such business models are appropriate for school organizations, and builds a conceptual model of a quantum principal who may participate in creating change through transformation (Burns, 1978) and revolution (Alinsky, 1946, 1971). The empirical portion of the dissertation compares the interaction of change, perceptions of change, and perceptions of the principals\u27 leadership in two New Hampshire high schools over the ten-year period from 1992--2002. One high school changed considerably; the other maintained status quo. Information on principals\u27 leadership styles was gathered by surveying the faculties at the schools one time in 2002, asking for their retrospective evaluations of their principals based on the model of leadership. Follow-up interviews were conducted with the five principals and with six teachers at each school, A leadership profile for each principal was developed from these data. The findings suggest that change within a school emerges from the interactions of the situation and the leadership styles of the principals. Four of the five principals interviewed were rated better than average in leadership by their faculties, yet good leadership skills and intent to change did not always result in changes. More systemic change happened in the more disorganized (chaotic) school. Change continued even under the leadership of the poorly-rated principal. This research suggests that effective leadership for change fosters risk-taking with an emphasis on creating a feeling of confidence and comfort in the process of change and motion, as well as building connection, communication, and capacity among all parts of the system. Processes, inter-relationships, and diverse people\u27s interacting energies create solutions. The New Science paradigm provides a powerful way to re-think the role of leadership in connection with change in schools

    Energy expenditures of women performing household tasks

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    The Polls: A Report: AIDS

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    The abstract is included in the text

    From Clay to Stone and Back Again

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    Does the payment of incentives create expectation effects?

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    Die Tendenz, Befragte für ihre Teilnahme an Umfragen zu bezahlen, lässt verschiedene nicht intendierte Folgen befürchten, so die Erwartung zukünftiger Zahlungen und die Möglichkeit einer Verschlechterung der Antwortqualität. Die Ergebnisse dieser Untersuchung sind eher beruhigend, was diese beiden Punkte angeht. Zwar stimmen Befragte, die schon einmal für ihre Teilnahme an einer Umfrage bezahlt worden sind, häufiger dem Statement "Man sollte für die Teilnahme an solchen Umfragen bezahlt werden" zu, sie beteiligen sich jedoch auch ohne weitere Zahlungen überdurchschnittlich oft an weiteren Untersuchungen. Befragte, die vor sechs Monaten eine Zahlung erhielten, verweigern die Beantwortung einer Batterie von achtzehn Fragen über diese Untersuchung nicht mit höherer Wahrscheinlichkeit als Befragte, die keine Zahlung erhielten. Darüber hinaus äußern sie häufiger positive Einstellungen zum Nutzen von "Untersuchungen wie dieser". Es ist jedoch noch zu untersuchen, in wie weit diese Ergebnisse verallgemeinerbar sind. (ICEÜbers)"Increasing use of incentive payments to survey respondents raises the threat of several unintended consequences, among them the creation of expectations for future payments and the possibility of a deterioration in the quality of response. The findings from the present study are somewhat reassuring with respect to both of these unintended outcomes. Although people who have received a monetary incentive in the past are significantly more likely to agree that 'people should be paid for doing surveys like this', they are also more likely to participate in a subsequent survey, in spite of receiving no further payments. And respondents who received an incentive six months earlier are no more likely than those who received no incentive to refuse to answer (or to answer don't know to) a series of eighteen key questions an the survey. Furthermore, they are more likely than other respondents to express favourable attitudes toward the usefulness of 'surveys like this'. The generality of these findings, however, needs much further testing." (author's abstract

    Hyperoxic Brain Effects Are Normalized by Addition of CO2

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    Hyperoxic ventilation leads to responses in brain areas that modify hypothalamus-mediated sympathetic and hormonal outflow; these responses can be diminished by addition of CO2 to the gas mixture

    Additive Manufacturing a Liquid Hydrogen Rocket Engine

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    Space Propulsion is a 5 day event being held from 2nd May to the 6th May 2016 at the Rome Marriott Park Hotel in Rome, Italy. This event showcases products like Propulsion sub-systems and components, Production and manufacturing issues, Liquid, Solid, Hybrid and Air-breathing Propulsion Systems for Launcher and Upper Stages, Overview of current programmes, AIV issues and tools, Flight testing and experience, Technology building blocks for Future Space Transportation Propulsion Systems : Launchers, Exploration platforms & Space Tourism, Green Propulsion for Space Transportation, New propellants, Rocket propulsion & global environment, Cost related aspects of Space Transportation propulsion, Modelling, Pressure-Thrust oscillations issues, Impact of new requirements and regulations on design etc. in the Automotive, Manufacturing, Fabrication, Repair & Maintenance industries

    The Ursinus Weekly, October 12, 1953

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    Women\u27s AA plan reception for freshmen • Student teachers discuss problems at doggie roast • Leaders elected by women of Day Study • Academic freedom topic of chats • Deedes to open Forum season with British foreign policy talk • Draft exams scheduled for Nov. 19, Apr. 22 • Pre-med group hears Dr. Benjamin Souders • Student council activity reviewed by reporters: MSGA announces report concerning Student Union; WSGA holds first meeting, social calendar arranged • String quartet to play this Sunday • Tryouts are held for All my sons • IRC will discuss aims of U.S. and Great Britain, Oct. 19 • Fraternities plan receptions as Old Timers\u27 Day highlight • Editorials: Perseverance brings progress; Your ideas in the Weekly ; Observations unlimited • When Ursinus played Penn • Spirit Committee sparks U campus; Outstanding year of \u2753-\u2754 predicted • Ursinus coed receives reply to letter mailed in ocean • Spencer Hand added to staff of Library • About the Belles: Marge Merrifield captains promising hockey team; Numerous veterans, one freshman named to line-up • Danny back at Ursinus • Varsity hockey opens Friday • Bears win opener, 32-14; Lose to Drexel • Soccer team ties Drexel • Gurzynski sees excellent year • Touch football season openshttps://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/weekly/1478/thumbnail.jp

    Ariel - Volume 10 Number 3

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    Executive Editors Madalyn Schaefgen David Reich Business Manager David Reich News Editors Medical College Edward Zurad CAHS John Guardiani World Mark Zwanger Features Editors Meg Trexler Jim O\u27Brien Editorials Editor Jeffrey Banyas Photography and Sports Editor Stuart Singer Commons Editor Brenda Peterso