206 research outputs found

    Sistema de trilhas para uso público na Floresta Nacional de Irati-PR dentro dos preceitos do ecoturismo

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    Orientador : Paulo Cesar Rizzo CerdeiraMonografia (especialização) - Instituto Brasileiro de Pós-Graduação e Extensão, Curso de Especialização em EcoturismoInclui bibliografi

    Production de litières par des forêts situées dans le pré-delta du fleuve Paraná (Argentine)

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    • The objectives of this study were to measure litterfall production of the four floodplain forest types and to analyze the relationship between litterfall (forest type, dominant species, organic fractions) and flood pulses. • Litterfall production was measured in two mono-specific stands of Salix humboldtiana or Tessaria integrifolia, respectively, and two mixed forests dominated by A. inundata or Nectandra angustifolia, during 1998 and the 2000–2002 periods. • Mono-specific stands presented similar productivities (6.8 and 6.5 Mg dry matter ha−1 y−1, respectively), but differed significantly from the two other. The highest litterfall production was obtained during the large flood that occurred during 1998, decreasing later throughout the study period. Leaves were the dominant fraction of litterfall, followed by branches, flowers and fruits. • Only S. humboldtiana, T. integrifolia and A. inundata forests showed distinct patterns of litterfall production, depending on the flooding pulse. N. angustifolia did not show a distinctive litterfall pattern • The forests studied here presented patterns of litter production associated with the flood pulse according to its location along a topographic gradient, that controls the litter productivity of these forests.• Cette étude avait pour but de mesurer la production de litière dans quatre forêts alluviales et d’analyser les relations entre les litières (selon le type de forêt, l’espèce dominante, et des fractions organiques) et les crues du fleuve Paraná (Argentine). • La production de litière a été mesurée dans deux forêts monospécifiques de Salix humboldtiana ou de Tessaria integrifolia, et dans deux forêts mixtes où l’espèce prédominante était soit Albizia inundata soit Nectandra angustifolia. Cette étude a été menée en 1998 puis de 2000 à 2002. • Les forêts monospécifiques présentent des productions de litières similaires (6.8 et 6.5 Mg matière sèche ha−1 ans−1 respectivement) et étaient significativement différentes des deux forêts mixtes. La plus forte production de litière a été obtenue au cours de la grande crue de 1998, puis a diminué progressivement au cours du temps. Les feuilles représentaient la principale fraction des litières, tandis que les branches, les fleurs et les fruits constituent des fractions mineures. • Les forêts dominées par S. humboldtiana, T. integrifolia et A. inundata ont vu leur production de litière évoluer en fonction des crues du fleuve Parana. Ce type de relation entre crue et production de litière n’a pas été détecté dans le cas des forêts de N. angustifolia. • Il existe ainsi une relation entre la production de litière et la hauteur des crues, elle-même conditionnée par un gradient topographique, qui détermine donc la production de litière de ces forêts.We are grateful to R. D’Angelo, R. Zanello, and O. Bejarano for their help in field data collection; and to “National Parks Administration (APN)” for allowing this study. Recognitions to the anonymous reviewers which helped to improve the original manuscript. This research has been partially funded by the PICT-ANPCyT 11928, the PIP-CONICET 6374, and the PID-UNER 2089/01.Peer reviewe

    Poly(oxanorbornene)‐Based Polyzwitterions with Systematically Increasing Hydrophobicity : Synthesis, Physical Characterization, and Biological Properties

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    Surfaces coated with polyzwitterions are known to resist protein adhesion and to be generally bio-inert. In recent reports, several polyzwitterionic coatings with carboxylate groups and intrinsic antimicrobial activity due to the pH-responsivity of that group are described, but the design rules to obtain such activity remain unclear. Therefore, in this work, a set of surface-attached polyzwitterions with carboxylate groups and varying alkyl residues is studied. The gradually increasing hydrophobicity of these surfaces (verified by contact angle and swellability measurements) has an impact on their biological properties. Hydrophilic surfaces (polyzwitterions bearing short alkyl residues) behave like “classical” polyzwitterions: they repel proteins and human cells and are non-toxic to bacteria. The more hydrophobic polyzwitterionic surfaces are protein-adhesive, cell-toxic, and can kill bacteria. This indicates that the hydrophobicity of polyzwitterionic surfaces needs to be balanced precisely to combine protein-repellency and antimicrobial activity in a single material

    The Aspergillus giganteus antifungal protein AFPNN5353 activates the cell wall integrity pathway and perturbs calcium homeostasis

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    Background The antifungal protein AFPNN5353 is a defensin-like protein of Aspergillus giganteus. It belongs to a group of secretory proteins with low molecular mass, cationic character and a high content of cysteine residues. The protein inhibits the germination and growth of filamentous ascomycetes, including important human and plant pathogens and the model organsims Aspergillus nidulans and Aspergillus niger. Results We determined an AFPNN5353 hypersensitive phenotype of non-functional A. nidulans mutants in the protein kinase C (Pkc)/mitogen-activated protein kinase (Mpk) signalling pathway and the induction of the α-glucan synthase A (agsA) promoter in a transgenic A. niger strain which point at the activation of the cell wall integrity pathway (CWIP) and the remodelling of the cell wall in response to AFPNN5353. The activation of the CWIP by AFPNN5353, however, operates independently from RhoA which is the central regulator of CWIP signal transduction in fungi. Furthermore, we provide evidence that calcium (Ca2+) signalling plays an important role in the mechanistic function of this antifungal protein. AFPNN5353 increased about 2-fold the cytosolic free Ca2+ ([Ca2+]c) of a transgenic A. niger strain expressing codon optimized aequorin. Supplementation of the growth medium with CaCl2 counteracted AFPNN5353 toxicity, ameliorated the perturbation of the [Ca2+]c resting level and prevented protein uptake into Aspergillus sp. cells. Conclusions The present study contributes new insights into the molecular mechanisms of action of the A. giganteus antifungal protein AFPNN5353. We identified its antifungal activity, initiated the investigation of pathways that determine protein toxicity, namely the CWIP and the Ca2+ signalling cascade, and studied in detail the cellular uptake mechanism in sensitive target fungi. This knowledge contributes to define new potential targets for the development of novel antifungal strategies to prevent and combat infections of filamentous fungi which have severe negative impact in medicine and agriculture.FWF, P19970-B11, Characterization of the toxicity of PA

    New record of parasitic isopod (Isopoda: Bopyridae) infecting the branchial chamber of blue swimming crab Portunus pelagicus (Linnaeus, 1758) (Decapoda: Portunidae) in the Philippines

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    A parasitic disease causing swollen carapace in commercially important blue swimming crab (Portunus pelagicus L.) has not received considerable attention; neither its causative agent is identified nor its seasonality is recorded. This study aimed to identify the parasite in P. pelagicus inhabiting the Manila Bay. Parasite found in the branchial chamber were isolated, preserved in ethanol and examined. A total of 292 crab specimens were examined and ten were found to be infected (3.42% prevalence with 0–2 parasites per host). Infections were only observed in November 2014 and between January and June 2015. The highest prevalence of infection (10.34%) was recorded in January 2015 whereas the greatest intensity of infection (up to two parasites per infected crab individual) was recorded from February to April 2015. The parasite, based on morphology, was identified as Allokepon monodi. This study presents the third record of female and second record of male A. monodi infecting a crab species. It also represents the first record of male A. monodi in P. pelagicus and in the Philippines. We recommend further studies on the impacts and economic implications of the disease

    Internet-based training of coronary artery patients: the Heart Cycle Trial

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    © 2016, Springer Japan. Low adherence to cardiac rehabilitation (CR) might be improved by remote monitoring systems that can be used to motivate and supervise patients and tailor CR safely and effectively to their needs. The main objective of this study was to evaluate the feasibility of a smartphone-guided training system (GEX) and whether it could improve exercise capacity compared to CR delivered by conventional methods for patients with coronary artery disease (CAD). A prospective, randomized, international, multi-center study comparing CR delivered by conventional means (CG) or by remote monitoring (IG) using a new training steering/feedback tool (GEx System). This consisted of a sensor monitoring breathing rate and the electrocardiogram that transmitted information on training intensity, arrhythmias and adherence to training prescriptions, wirelessly via the internet, to a medical team that provided feedback and adjusted training prescriptions. Exercise capacity was evaluated prior to and 6 months after intervention. 118 patients (58 ± 10 years, 105 men) with CAD referred for CR were randomized (IG: n = 55, CG: n = 63). However, 15 patients (27 %) in the IG and 18 (29 %) in the CG withdrew participation and technical problems prevented a further 21 patients (38 %) in the IG from participating. No training-related complications occurred. For those who completed the study, peak VO 2 improved more (p = 0.005) in the IG (1.76 ± 4.1 ml/min/kg) compared to CG (−0.4 ± 2.7 ml/min/kg). A newly designed system for home-based CR appears feasible, safe and improves exercise capacity compared to national CR. Technical problems reflected the complexity of applying remote monitoring solutions at an international level

    In vitro and in vivo investigation of a thyroid hormone system-specific interaction with triazoles

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    Alterations in thyroid hormones (TH) and thyroid-stimulating hormone levels are frequently found following exposure to chemicals of concern. Dysregulation of TH levels can severely perturb physiological growth, metabolism, differentiation, homeostasis in the adult and developmental processes in utero. A frequently identified mode of action for this interaction is the induction of hepatic detoxification mechanisms (e.g. SULTs and UGTs), which lead to TH conjugation and elimination and therefore interfere with hormonal homeostasis, fulfilling the endocrine disruptors (EDs) definition. A short-term study in rats with dietary exposure to cyproconazole, epoxiconazole and prochloraz was conducted and hepatocyte hypertrophy, hepatic UGT activity and Phase 1/2 gene expression inductions were observed together with changes in TH levels and thyroid follicular hypertrophy and hyperplasia. To test for specific interaction with the thyroid hormone system, in vitro assays were conducted covering thyroidal I-uptake (NIS), TH transmembranal transport via MCT8 and thyroid peroxidase (TPO) function. Assays for iodothyronine deiodinases (DIO1–DIO3) and iodotyrosine deiodinase (DEHAL1) were included, and from the animal experiment, Dio1 and Dehal1 activities were measured in kidney and liver as relevant local indicators and endpoints. The fungicides did not affect any TH-specific KEs, in vitro and in vivo, thereby suggesting hepatic conjugation as the dominant MoA

    Confirmation of the Disulfide Connectivity and Strategies for Chemical Synthesis of the Four-Disulfide-Bond-Stabilized Aspergillus giganteus Antifungal Protein, AFP

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    Emerging fungal infections require new, more efficient antifungal agents and therapies. AFP, a protein from Aspergillus giganteus with four disulfide bonds, is a promising candidate because it selectively inhibits the growth of filamentous fungi. In this work, the reduced form of AFP was prepared using native chemical ligation. The native protein was synthesized via oxidative folding with uniform protection for cysteine thiols. AFP's biological activity depends heavily on the pattern of natural disulfide bonds. Enzymatic digestion and MS analysis provide proof for interlocking disulfide topology (abcdabcd) that was previously assumed. With this knowledge, a semi-orthogonal thiol protection method was designed. By following this strategy, out of a possible 105, only 6 disulfide isomers formed and 1 of them proved to be identical with the native protein. This approach allows the synthesis of analogs for examining structure-activity relationships and, thus, preparing AFP variants with higher antifungal activity

    Dissecting CD8+ T cell pathology of severe SARS-CoV-2 infection by single-cell immunoprofiling

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    Introduction: SARS-CoV-2 infection results in varying disease severity, ranging from asymptomatic infection to severe illness. A detailed understanding of the immune response to SARS-CoV-2 is critical to unravel the causative factors underlying differences in disease severity and to develop optimal vaccines against new SARS-CoV-2 variants. Methods: We combined single-cell RNA and T cell receptor sequencing with CITE-seq antibodies to characterize the CD8+ T cell response to SARS-CoV-2 infection at high resolution and compared responses between mild and severe COVID-19. Results: We observed increased CD8+ T cell exhaustion in severe SARS-CoV-2 infection and identified a population of NK-like, terminally differentiated CD8+ effector T cells characterized by expression of FCGR3A (encoding CD16). Further characterization of NK-like CD8+ T cells revealed heterogeneity among CD16+ NK-like CD8+ T cells and profound differences in cytotoxicity, exhaustion, and NK-like differentiation between mild and severe disease conditions. Discussion: We propose a model in which differences in the surrounding inflammatory milieu lead to crucial differences in NK-like differentiation of CD8+ effector T cells, ultimately resulting in the appearance of NK-like CD8+ T cell populations of different functionality and pathogenicity. Our in-depth characterization of the CD8+ T cell-mediated response to SARS-CoV-2 infection provides a basis for further investigation of the importance of NK-like CD8+ T cells in COVID-19 severity.</p