336 research outputs found

    A new plesiosaur from the Lower Jurassic of Portugal and the early radiation of Plesiosauroidea

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    A new plesiosaur partial skeleton, comprising most of the trunk and including axial, limb, and girdle bones, was collected in the lower Sinemurian (Coimbra Formation) of Praia da Concha, near São Pedro de Moel in central west Portugal. The specimen represents a new genus and species, Plesiopharos moelensis gen. et sp. nov. Phylogenetic analysis places this taxon at the base of Plesiosauroidea. Its position is based on this exclusive combination of characters: Presence of a straight preaxial margin of the radius; transverse processes of mid-dorsal vertebrae horizontally oriented; ilium with sub-circular cross section of the shaft and subequal anteroposterior expansion of the dorsal blade; straight proximal end of the humerus; and ventral surface of the humerus with an anteroposteriorly long shallow groove between the epipodial facets. In addition, the new taxon has the following autapomorphies: Iliac blade with less expanded, rounded and convex anterior flank; highly developed ischial facet of the ilium; apex of the neural spine of the first pectoral vertebra inclined posterodorsally with a small rounded tip. This taxon represents the most complete and the oldest plesiosaur species in the Iberian Peninsula. It is also the most complete, best preserved, and oldest marine vertebrate in the region and testifies to the incursion of marine reptiles in the newly formed proto-Atlantic sea, prior to the Atlantic Ocean floor spreading in the Early Cretaceous.publishersversionpublishe


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    O uso de materiais orgânicos como adubação ou como condicionador de solo é uma alternativa importante para a agricultura sustentável. O trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar o efeito do adubo orgânico na produção de alface crespa. O experimento foi conduzido na propriedade de Valdir Kölln localizada no município de Tigrinhos, no estremo oeste de Santa Catarina, o delineamento utilizado foi em blocos casualisados em esquema fatorial (1x5) “uni fatorial”, sendo um como material orgânico e cinco doses. O esterco solido de bovino que foi utilizado nas seguintes doses: 0; 2,5 T/ha; 5 T/ha; 7,5 T/há; e 10 T/há. O delineamento utilizado foi em blocos casualizados (DBC). Foram avaliados altura de plantas (Alt); numero de folhas (N° Fol); e produtividade (Pro). As variáveis analisadas não houve divergência para blocos, já para o fator numero de folhas e produtividade houve diferença estatística. Palavras-Chaves: Lactuca sativa, material orgânico, agricultura sustentável

    Angiotensin-II-Evoked Ca2+ Entry in Murine Cardiac Fibroblasts Does Not Depend on TRPC Channels

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    TRPC proteins form cation conducting channels regulated by different stimuli and are regulators of the cellular calcium homeostasis. TRPC are expressed in cardiac cells including cardiac fibroblasts (CFs) and have been implicated in the development of pathological cardiac remodeling including fibrosis. Using Ca2+ imaging and several compound TRPC knockout mouse lines we analyzed the involvement of TRPC proteins for the angiotensin II (AngII)-induced changes in Ca2+ homeostasis in CFs isolated from adult mice. Using qPCR we detected transcripts of all Trpc genes in CFs; Trpc1, Trpc3 and Trpc4 being the most abundant ones. We show that the AngII-induced Ca2+ entry but also Ca2+ release from intracellular stores are critically dependent on the density of CFs in culture and are inversely correlated with the expression of the myofibroblast marker α-smooth muscle actin. Our Ca2+ measurements depict that the AngII- and thrombin-induced Ca2+ transients, and the AngII-induced Ca2+ entry and Ca2+ release are not affected in CFs isolated from mice lacking all seven TRPC proteins (TRPC-hepta KO) compared to control cells. However, pre-incubation with GSK7975A (10 µM), which sufficiently inhibits CRAC channels in other cells, abolished AngII-induced Ca2+ entry. Consequently, we conclude the dispensability of the TRPC channels for the acute neurohumoral Ca2+ signaling evoked by AngII in isolated CFs and suggest the contribution of members of the Orai channel family as molecular constituents responsible for this pathophysiologically important Ca2+ entry pathway

    Efeitos adversos da vacina contra febre aftosa em bovinos de leite

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    Foot-and-mouth disease represents an important barrier to the international commerce of animal products, potentially associated with significant economic losses. The systematic vaccination of bovines and buffaloes was fundamental for the eradication of this disease; however, the use of vaccines can lead to reactions at the application site. The objectives of this study were to evaluate the effects of the vaccination protocol to the production of dairy cows and to observe the occurrence of vaccinal reactions in the animals. At one property located in the municipality of Salvador do Sul, Rio Grande do Sul, 270 dairy cows were vaccinated against foot-and-mouth disease in May 2019. The vaccine was administered via a subcutaneous application using disposable syringes and needles for each animal. Inspection of the animals was performed before and 20 days after the vaccination to verify the presence of reactions to the vaccine. The study’s sample was set by convenience, including 203 lactating animals with or without bovine somatotropin (BST) administration during the data collection period, which was limited to 20 days before and 20 days after the vaccination. Milk production data was obtained through SmartDairy® HerdMetrix™ software, tabulated in electronic spreadsheets using Microsoft Excel® and processed using the program SAS®, considering a 5% significance level for mixed model statistical analysis. A total of 160 animals (78.82%) presented local lesions at the application site, even when the recommended vaccination practices were followed, suggesting that the high reaction power was provoked by the vaccinal components. In regards to milk production, a statistically significant (p<0.05) decrease of 0.30kg of milk per animal/day was observed in the average daily production in the 20 days post-vaccination. These results demonstrate the local and systemic effects caused by the foot-and-mouth disease vaccine, evidenced by reduced levels of milk production and the occurrence of vaccine reactions, implying significant economic losses.A febre aftosa representa uma importante barreira no comércio internacional de produtos de origem animal, podendo acarretar em significativas perdas econômicas. A vacinação sistemática de bovinos e bubalinos foi fundamental para a erradicação da doença. No entanto, a utilização de vacinas pode causar reações no local da aplicação. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar os efeitos da vacina em bovinos leiteiros e observar a incidência de reações vacinais no local de aplicação. O estudo foi realizado numa propriedade leiteira do município de Salvador do Sul, Rio Grande do Sul, onde foram vacinados 270 bovinos contra febre aftosa no mês de maio de 2019. A vacina foi administrada por via subcutânea, com seringas e agulhas descartáveis para cada animal. Foi realizada inspeção dos animais antes da vacinação e 21 dias após a vacinação, para verificar a presença de reações vacinais. A amostra foi definida por conveniência, incluindo 203 vacas em lactação com ou sem administração de somatotropina bovina (BST) durante o período de coleta de dados, que l foi de 20 dias antes e 20 dias após a vacinação. Estes dados de produção de leite foram obtidos através do software SmartDairy® HerdMetrix™, tabulados em planilhas eletrônicas do Microsoft Excel® e processados usando o programa SAS®, considerando 5% de nível de significância para uma análise estatística modelo misto. Foi observado que 160 (78,82%) vacas apresentaram lesões no local de aplicação, mesmo quando a aplicação era realizada de acordo com as boas práticas de vacinação, o que indica o alto poder de reação provocada pelos componentes da vacina. Em relação à produção de leite, observou-se uma redução significativa (p<0,05) na produção média diária de 0,30kg de leite por animal/dia nos 21 dias após a vacinação. Esses resultados demonstram os efeitos locais e sistêmicos provocados pela vacina da febre aftosa, evidenciados pela redução na produção de leite e pela incidência de reações vacinais, o que implica em significativas perdas econômicas

    Dynamic Time Warping Under Translation: Approximation Guided by Space-Filling Curves

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    The Dynamic Time Warping (DTW) distance is a popular measure of similarity for a variety of sequence data. For comparing polygonal curves π, σ in ℝ^d, it provides a robust, outlier-insensitive alternative to the Fréchet distance. However, like the Fréchet distance, the DTW distance is not invariant under translations. Can we efficiently optimize the DTW distance of π and σ under arbitrary translations, to compare the curves' shape irrespective of their absolute location? There are surprisingly few works in this direction, which may be due to its computational intricacy: For the Euclidean norm, this problem contains as a special case the geometric median problem, which provably admits no exact algebraic algorithm (that is, no algorithm using only addition, multiplication, and k-th roots). We thus investigate exact algorithms for non-Euclidean norms as well as approximation algorithms for the Euclidean norm. For the L₁ norm in ℝ^d, we provide an ????(n^{2(d+1)})-time algorithm, i.e., an exact polynomial-time algorithm for constant d. Here and below, n bounds the curves' complexities. For the Euclidean norm in ℝ², we show that a simple problem-specific insight leads to a (1+ε)-approximation in time ????(n³/ε²). We then show how to obtain a subcubic ????̃(n^{2.5}/ε²) time algorithm with significant new ideas; this time comes close to the well-known quadratic time barrier for computing DTW for fixed translations. Technically, the algorithm is obtained by speeding up repeated DTW distance estimations using a dynamic data structure for maintaining shortest paths in weighted planar digraphs. Crucially, we show how to traverse a candidate set of translations using space-filling curves in a way that incurs only few updates to the data structure. We hope that our results will facilitate the use of DTW under translation both in theory and practice, and inspire similar algorithmic approaches for related geometric optimization problems