91 research outputs found

    Co-autoría e Hiper-autoría en la producción científica del Sistema Universitario Español

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    En este trabajo se analizan las publicaciones científicas del Sistema Universitario Español (SUE) en Web of Science para detectar patrones de co-autoría. Se estudia la colaboración por disciplina e institución considerando el promedio y la mediana de autores por documentos. Se han obtenido los documentos en hiper-autoría (más de 100 autores) considerando el rango de atípicos en cada disciplina. Los resultados muestran un incremento en el índice de co-autoría general del SUE que ha pasado del 7,15 en 2004 al 21,86 en 2014. Este aumento se debe a la producción en Ciencias Experimentales, especialmente en el campo de la Física. Se han detectado diez áreas temáticas con documentos firmados por más de 1000 autores, otras diez entre 500 y 1000 y 39 disciplinas entre 100 y 500 autores. Las nuevas dinámicas de trabajo en grandes redes hacen evidente la necesidad de desarrollar nuevas metodologías para la evaluación de la ciencia y de los créditos de autoría y, en esta línea, se evidencia el principal aporte de nuestro trabajo

    Aplicación de minería de texto para el análisis métrico sobre ahorro energético en proyectos del Séptimo Programa Marco.

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    Objectives. This study analyses the scientific and technological activity on energy saving through the projects of the Seventh Framework Programme. The European CORDIS database is used and text mining tools are used for content analysis. Design/Methodology/Focus. The work is developed in two phases. The first uses a scientometric approach to obtain information on: countries participating and leading the projects, distribution of funding and the relationship between the number of participants and the funds obtained. The second phase focuses on the analysis of the frequency of terms to identify the main topics of the projects. Results/Discussion. 256 projects have been awarded with the largest participants: Germany, France, United Kingdom, Spain and Italy. The funding received is very variable and there is no relationship between the number of countries and institutions per project and the amount achieved. The content analysis shows that among the main topics are those related to Electric Power Management; Obtaining energy from alternative sources (wind and solar); Electric Vehicles and Energy Efficiency. Conclusions. The most active countries in this field are the large producers. There is no relationship between the size of the research teams and the funding raised as there are projects with few participating countries and institutions and high funding. The topics analyzed by the projects are very varied and there are some specific ones such as the Electric Vehicle and others related to energy management and urban efficiency. Originality/Value. The application of mixed methodologies for the study of a scientific field is presented as a promising approach to describe the area and analyze its dynamics

    Computació distribuïda sobre dispositius mòbils

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    En aquest projecte, s'ha desenvolupat una plataforma que ajuda a la paral·lelització d’aplicacions utilitzant dispositius mòbils com a nodes o processadors. Per al seu desenvolupament, el projecte s'ha dividit en tres subprojectes (client, servidor i proveïdor). La plataforma de computació distribuïda i paral·lelització es compon dels subprojectes client i servidor. El subprojecte proveïdor s'ha desenvolupat per utilitzar la plataforma de computació distribuïda creada, i concretament, s'ha desenvolupat per resoldre una tasca pròpia del camp de la Bioinformática, l'alineació de seqüències d'ADN

    Dynamics of large turbulent structures in a steady breaker

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    The flow near the leading edge of a steady breaker has been studied experimentally using Bubble Image Velocimetry (BIV) with the aim of characterizing the dynamics of the large eddies responsible for air entrainment. It is well reported in the literature, and confirmed by our measurements of the instantaneous velocity field, that this flow shares some important features with the turbulent shear-layer formed between two parallel semi-infinite streams with different velocities. Namely, the formation of a periodic array of coherent vortices, the constant convective velocity of those vortices, the linear relation between their size and their downstream position and the self-similar structure of both mean velocity profiles and Reynolds shear stresses. Nonetheless, important differences exists between the dynamics of the large eddies in a steady breaker and those in a free shear-layer. Particularly, the convective velocity of these large structures is slower in a steady breaker and, consistent with this, their growth rates are larger. A physical interpretation of these differences is provided together with a discussion of their implications. To support our measurements and conclusions, we present a careful analysis of the accuracy of the BIV technique in turbulent flows with large bubblesThe authors wish to thank Professor Emil J. Hopfinger for his valuable suggestions on the interpretation of the experimental data. This work was supported by the ONR through Grant N00014-05-1-0121 and by the Spanish Ministry of Science (MICINN) through Grant DPI2008-06369Publicad

    Shielding analyses supporting the Lithium loop design and safety assessments in IFMIF-DONES

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    The assessment of radiation fields in the lithium loop pipes and dump tank during the operation were performed for International Fusion Materials Irradiation Facility – DEMO-Oriented NEutron Source (IFMIF-DONES) in order to obtain the radiation dose-rate maps in the component surroundings. Variance reduction techniques such as weight window mesh (produced with the ADVANTG code) were applied to bring the statistical uncertainty down to a reasonable level. The biological dose was given in the study, and potential shielding optimization is suggested and more thoroughly evaluated. The MCNP Monte Carlo was used to simulate a gamma particle transport for radiation shielding purposes for the current Li Systems’ design. In addition, the shielding efficiency was identified for the Impurity Control System components and the dump tank. The analysis reported in this paper takes into account the radiation decay source from and activated corrosion products (ACPs), which is created by d-Li interaction. As a consequence, the radiation (resulting from ACPs and Be-7) shielding calculations have been carried out for safety considerations

    Ranking dynamics and volatility

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    Scientific journals are ordered by their impact factor while countries, institutions or researchers can be ranked by their scientific production, impact or by other simple or composite indicators as in the case of university rankings. In this paper, the theoretical framework proposed in Criado, R., Garcia, E., Pedroche, F. & Romance, M. (2013). A new method for comparing rankings through complex networks: Model and analysis of competitiveness of major European soccer leagues. Chaos, 23, 043114 for football competitions is used as a starting point to define a general index describing the dynamics or its opposite, stability, of rankings. Some characteristics to study rankings, ranking dynamics measures and axioms for such indices are presented. Furthermore, the notion of volatility of elements in rankings is introduced. Our study includes rankings with ties, entrants and leavers. Finally, some worked out examples are shown

    Estimating fog-top height through near-surface micrometeorological measurements

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    Fog-top height (fog thickness) is very useful information for aircraft maneuvers, data assimilation/validation of Numerical Weather Prediction models or nowcasting of fog dissipation. This variable is usually difficult to determine, since the fog-layer top cannot be observed from the surface. In some cases, satellite data, ground remote sensing instruments or atmospheric soundings are used to provide approximations of fog-top height. These instruments are expensive and their data not always available. In this work, two different methods for the estimation of fog-top height from field measurements are evaluated from the statistical analysis of several radiation-fog events at two research facilities. Firstly, surface friction velocity and buoyancy flux are here presented as potential indicators of fog thickness, since a linear correlation between fog thickness and surface turbulence is found at both sites. An operational application of this method can provide a continuous estimation of fog-top height with the deployment of a unique sonic anemometer at surface. Secondly, the fog-top height estimation based on the turbulent homogenisation within well-mixed fog (an adiabatic temperature profile) is evaluated. The latter method provides a high percentage of correctly-estimated fog-top heights for well-mixed radiation fog, considering the temperature difference between different levels of the fog. However, it is not valid for shallow fog (~ less than 50 m depth), since in this case, the weaker turbulence within the fog is not able to erode the surface-based temperature inversion and to homogenise the fog layer

    Estudio de las competencias lingüísticas en niños de educación infantil. Aplicación de un programa de entrenamiento en conciencia fonológica

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    We previouslyanalyzed the psychological requirements for the correct acquisition of languageskills,averyimportant matter in aliteratesociety, focusing on the training of phonological awareness as a good predictor of reading ability. At this end, the so-called LOLE program (Mayor and Zubiauz, 2011) has been selected since is based on providing aids to pupils according to the vygoskyana theory. Using LOLE as starting point, a pilot project has been carried out with the following main objectives: apply a training on phonological consciousness; work, by means of dynamic evaluation, with the aids provided by the program to get a better adaption to the zone of proximal development of each student; show the program to teachers. The project was applied to a sample of 25 pupils (five (16) and six (9) years old) belonging to third course of pre-school of the Inmaculada School (Valladolid). The general and specific aids (on rhyme, syllable and phoneme) needed by pupils and their evolution were carefully recorded. Methodology was based on techniques useful to improve attention, motivation and self-esteem. The work has allowed detect pupils with specific necessities, and to improve and evaluate their phonological improvements (only 28% of pupils could to solve the activities by their own). From the quantitative and qualitative analysis, it is concluded that an important number of students has not suitably assimilated the easiest activities concerned with phonological consciousness, and that it is needed to strength and optimize their learning through a systematic training.Analizamos previamente los requisitos psicológicos para la correcta adquisición de las competencias lingúisticas, tan importantes en una sociedad alfabetizada, centrándonos en el entrenamiento de la conciencia fonológica como buen predictor de la capacidad lectora. Se ha elegido el Programa LOLE (Mayor y Zubiauz, 2011) por su concepción del préstamos de ayudas al alumno/a, en la línea de la teoría vygoskyana. A partir de él se elabora un programa para entrenar en conciencia fonológica trabajando desde la perspectiva de la evaluación dinámica. Se usan las ayudas que presta el programa para adaptarnos a la ZDP de cada alumno. También se pretende dar a conocer a los maestros el programa. Se aplicó en una muestra de 25 alumnos de 5 y 6 años de edad de tercero de Educación Infantil de un colegio concertado de Valladolid. Se efectuó un registro detallado de las ayudas generales y específicas (en rima, sílaba y fonema) que precisó cada alumno y de su evolución. En la metodología se han utilizado técnicas para mejorar la atención, motivación y autoestima. La aplicación ha permitido detectar alumnos con necesidades específicas, así como mejorar y valorar sus progresos fonológicos (únicamente el 28% de los alumnos han logrado resolver las actividades de forma autónoma). Del análisis cuantitativo y cualitativo se concluye que un número importante de alumnos no ha asimilado aun convenientemente las actividades más elementales de concienciación fonológica y es necesario reforzar y optimizar el aprendizaje de éstas mediante un entrenamiento sistemátic

    Improved thermochemical energy storage behavior of manganese oxide by molybdenum doping

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    To improve the thermochemical energy storage (TCS) behavior of Mn2O3, several Mn–Mo oxides with varying amounts of MoO3 (0–30 wt%) were prepared by a precipitation method. The physico-chemical properties of the solids were studied byN2 adsorption–desorption, X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and H2-temperature-programmed reduction (TPR), while their TCS behavior was determined by thermogravimetric analysis coupled with differential scanning calorimetry (TGA-DSC). Apart from Mn2O3 and MoO3 phases, XRD revealed a mixed MnMoO4 phase for MoO3 loadings equal or higher than 1.5 wt%. All samples showed a wellformed coral-like surface morphology, particularly those solids with low MoO3 contents. This coral morphology was progressively decorated with compact and Mo-enriched MnMoO4 particles as the MoO3 content increased. TPR revealed that the redox behavior of Mn2O3 was significantly altered upon addition of Mo. The TCS behavior of Mn2O3 (mostly oxidation kinetics and redox cyclability) was enhanced by addition of low amounts of Mo (0.6 and 1.5% MoO3) without significantly increasing the reduction temperature of the solids. The coral morphology (which facilitated oxygen diffusion) and a smoother transition from the reduced to oxidized phase were suggested to be responsible for this improved TCS behavior. The samples containing 0.6 and 1.5 wt% of MoO3 showed outstanding cyclability after 45 consecutive reduction–oxidation cycles at high temperatures (600–1000 C). These materials could potentially reach absorption efficiencies higher than 90% at concentration capacity values typical of concentrated solar power plants

    Highly cited papers at the spanish domestic level

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    This paper presents a methodological proposal based on the identification of highly cited papers (HCPs) at domestic-level in the Spanish Public University System (SUPE), in order to find the most outstanding publications in the local context. The principal aim is to detect different activity and impact profiles among Spanish universities and differentiate those institutions that play a more significant role. To determine which and how many are the highly cited papers at the domestic level (HCP-DL) collected in the Web of Science, three citation thresholds (1, 5, and 10%) were established. Thematic classification in Incites/Essential Science Indicators areas is used. The results show a preponderance of HCPs in the field of Space Science, while the polytechnic universities have high visibility in the Computer Science area. It has been observed that the presence of HCPs in a given area is involved with universities specialized in teaching and research activities. In absolute terms, the big non-specialized universities are major producers of HCPs and hold the leading positions in our results. However, when efficiency is analyzed in relative terms, some small, specialized universities reveal themselves to be more efficient at producing HCPs (% of HCPs or citations per HCP). We think that this methodology, due to its simplicity, its ease of calculation, and the knowledge it provides, can be very useful to analyze the national systems of any country, in order to know the impact and visibility of the research carried out in its scientific institutions or research areas