65 research outputs found

    Influencia del régimen hídrico sobre parámetros de calidad del trigo duro (Triticum durum Desf.) en ambiente mediterráneo

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    Memoria presentada para optar al grado de Licenciada en FarmaciaProyecto Investigación. Univ. Granada. Departamento de Fisiología Vegetal. Leída el 19 de mayo de 200

    Vulneración de derechos fundamentales y garantías procesales al dictarse medidas de protección por violencia contra la mujer, San Miguel, Cajamarca

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    El estudio tuvo por objetivo, analizar la Vulneración de los Derechos Fundamentales y Garantías Procesales en el dictado de Medidas de Protección de manera inmotivada en los procesos de Violencia contra la Mujer; el método fue básico e interpretativo, el diseño fue fundamentado y enfoque cualitativo, dado que, se basó en comprender los fenómenos. El resultado dio a conocer que la incorporación de la actividad probatoria del presunto agresor, no garantiza el debido proceso en el otorgamiento de las medidas de protección en los procesos de violencia contra la mujer, afirmándose que efectivamente se ve vulnerado la actuación probatoria, porque los jueces no actúan corriendo traslado a las partes sino más bien, solo notifican las medidas de protección. Se determinó que se vulnera algunos derechos fundamentales y las garantías procesales, como es el caso del ejercicio al derecho de defensa del presunto agresor y el debido proceso en los procesos de violencia contra la mujer, porque desde que se pone de conocimiento al investigado este al ser detenido policialmente no ejerce su derecho de defensa de género, se vela por generar medidas de protección preventivas para favorecer a la víctima

    Técnicas Cromatográficas para la Detección e Identificación de la Adulteración del Aceite de Oliva

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    Musfra Khursheed – Bahauddin Zakariya University - 0009-0008-8641-7523Ali Ahmad – Universitat Politècnica de València - 0000-0001-5530-7374Shab E Noor – Universidad de Jaén - 0000-0003-0345-4692Luis F García del Moral – Universidad de Granada - 0000-0002-0533-2915Vanessa Martos Núñez – Universidad de Granada - 0000-0001-6442-7968Fecha de publicación: 03.01.2024Correspondencia a través de ORCID: Ali Ahmad - 0000-0001-5530-7374Financiación: The research received financial support from the "SUSTAINABLE" project, which is funded by the European Union's Horizon 2020 Project H2020-MSCA-RISE-2020, under Grant Agreement 101007702.Área o categoría del conocimiento: Química y Fisiología Vegetal – DocenciaAbstract: Olive oil stands out as one of the most beneficial oils for human health, offering preventive measures against a spectrum of health issues, including cardiovascular problems, cancer, osteoporosis, and various chronic diseases. However, the surging demand for olive oil has led to its susceptibility to adulteration with cheaper oils, such as soybean, peanut, hazelnut, and sunflower oil. Notably, extra virgin olive oil (EVOO), commanding a premium price, is particularly prone to adulteration with lower-cost alternatives. This adulteration poses a significant risk to health, necessitating the development of methods to detect and separate these impurities, thereby ensuring the quality and safety of olive oil. In order to address this concern, chromatographic techniques have emerged as pivotal tools in the purification and detection of adulterants in olive oil. Commonly employed methods include Thin Layer Chromatography (TLC), Gas Chromatography (GC), Liquid Chromatography (LC), and High-Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC). These techniques play a crucial role in differentiating between pure and impure olive oil in the market. This article focuses on the most prospective chromatographic methods for the detection and identification adulteration in olive oil. The outcomes of this research have the potential to pave the way for new directions in food security research, contributing to overall sustainability. Moreover, the insights gained from this study can be valuable for young students, serving as a concise reference for analytical methods in this field.Resumen: El aceite de oliva destaca como uno de los aceites más beneficiosos para la salud humana, ofreciendo medidas preventivas contra un espectro de problemas de salud, incluyendo problemas cardiovasculares, cáncer, osteoporosis y diversas enfermedades crónicas. Sin embargo, la creciente demanda de aceite de oliva ha llevado a su susceptibilidad a la adulteración con aceites más baratos, como el de soja, cacahuate, avellana y girasol. Es importante destacar que el aceite de oliva virgen extra (AOVE), que tiene un precio premium, es particularmente propenso a la adulteración con alternativas de menor costo. Esta adulteración representa un riesgo significativo para la salud, lo que hace necesario el desarrollo de métodos para detectar y separar estas impurezas, asegurando así la calidad y seguridad del aceite de oliva. Para abordar esta preocupación, las técnicas cromatográficas han surgido como herramientas fundamentales en la purificación y detección de adulterantes en el aceite de oliva. Los métodos comúnmente empleados incluyen la Cromatografía en Capa Fina (TLC), la Cromatografía de Gases (GC), la Cromatografía Líquida (LC) y la Cromatografía Líquida de Alta Resolución (HPLC). Estas técnicas desempeñan un papel crucial en diferenciar entre aceite de oliva puro e impuro en el mercado. Este artículo se centra en los métodos cromatográficos más prometedores para la detección e identificación de adulteraciones en el aceite de oliva. Los resultados de esta investigación tienen el potencial de abrir nuevas direcciones en la investigación de seguridad alimentaria, contribuyendo a la sostenibilidad general. Además, las percepciones obtenidas de este estudio pueden ser valiosas para los estudiantes, sirviendo como una referencia concisa para los métodos analíticos en este campo.The research received financial support from the "SUSTAINABLE" project, which is funded by the European Union's Horizon 2020 Project H2020-MSCA-RISE-2020, under Grant Agreement 101007702

    Visualización de la fluorescencia de clorofila a: Una demostración práctica

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    Ali Ahmad – University of Granada - 0000-0001-5530-7374Santiago Atero Calvo – University of Granada - 0000-0001-8446-5515Begoña Blasco León – University of Granada - 0000-0001-8061-5141Safa Selmi – Association of Safeguard of Matmata - University of Gabes - 0000-0002-3389-6806Alessandro Candiani – DNAPhone SRL - 0000-0002-6200-7705Vanessa Martos Núñez – University of Granada - 0000-0001-6442-7968Recepción: 14.11.2022 | Aceptado: 18.11.2022Correspondencia a través de ORCID: Ali Ahmad - 0000-0001-5530-7374Área o categoría del conocimiento: Fisiología Vegetal – DocenciaAbstract: Chlorophylls are the principal components of plants for light harvesting. They utilize the energy retrieved from solar radiations to carry out the process of photosynthesis and produce reduced organic compounds such as carbohydrates. However, all of the incident light is not used in photosynthesis process, it confronts two other fates. A part of it is dissipated as heat, whereas the other is emitted as fluorescence. These processes occur simultaneously and whether one or the other occurs to a greater or lesser extent will depend both on the physiological status of the plant and the environmental conditions it faces. Chlorophyll (Chl) fluorescence is inversely proportional to the yield of photosynthesis and therefore is of prime importance in plant physiology. Furthermore, there are a lot of studies where Chl a fluorescence has been used as a probe for estimating photosynthetic yield, drought, salinity, vigor, and environmental effects on crop production yield. Therefore, this study was undertaken to demonstrate the visualization of the light emitted from Chl, commonly known as Chl a fluorescence. Plant leaves were dark adopted for 20 minutes before their exposure to ultraviolet (UV) light. Red glasses were used to visualize the emitted red light (fluorescence) from the leaves. This study may instill further interest in the plant physiology students to deepen and expand their learning by undertaking simple demonstrations like this.Resumen: Las clorofilas son los principales componentes de las plantas para recolectar la luz. Utilizan la energía procedente de la radiación solar para llevar a cabo el proceso de fotosíntesis y producir moléculas orgánicas reducidas como los hidratos de carbono. Sin embargo, el total de la utilización de la luz incidente no toda es aprovechada en el proceso de fotosíntesis, ya que esta se enfrenta a otros dos destinos. Una parte se disipa como calor, mientras que la otra se emite como fluorescencia. Estos procesos ocurren de forma simultánea y que se de uno u otro proceso en mayor o menor medida, va a depender tanto del estatus fisiológico de la planta como de las condiciones ambientales a las que se enfrente. La fluorescencia de la clorofila (Chl) es inversamente proporcional al rendimiento o la tasa de la fotosíntesis y, por lo tanto, tiene una importancia fundamental en los estudios de fisiología vegetal. Asimismo, hay muchos estudios en los que la fluorescencia de Chl a se ha utilizado como sonda para estimar el rendimiento fotosintético, la sequía, la salinidad, el vigor y los efectos ambientales en la producción y el rendimiento de los cultivos. Por lo tanto, este estudio se realizó para demostrar la visualización de la luz emitida por la Chl, comúnmente conocida como fluorescencia de Chl a. Las hojas de las plantas fueron adoptadas en la oscuridad durante 20 minutos antes de su exposición a la luz ultravioleta (UV). Se utilizaron gafas rojas para visualizar la luz roja emitida (fluorescencia) de las hojas. Este estudio puede infundir más interés en los estudiantes de fisiología vegetal para que profundicen y amplíen su aprendizaje realizando demostraciones sencillas como esta.This work was supported by the projects: “VIRTUOUS” funded from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Project H2020-MSCA-RISE-2019. Ref. 872181, “SUSTAINABLE” funded from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Project H2020-MSCA-RISE-2020. Ref. 101007702, and the “Project of Excellence” from FEDER (Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional)- Junta de Andalucía 2018. Ref. P18-H0-4700.University of GranadaAssociation of Safeguard of Matmata - University of GabesDNAPhone SR

    Fungi, P-Solubilization, and Plant Nutrition

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    The application of plant beneficial microorganisms is widely accepted as an efficient alternative to chemical fertilizers and pesticides. It was shown that annually, mycorrhizal fungi and nitrogen-fixing bacteria are responsible for 5 to 80% of all nitrogen, and up to 75% of P plant acquisition. However, while bacteria are the most studied soil microorganisms and most frequently reported in the scientific literature, the role of fungi is relatively understudied, although they are the primary organic matter decomposers and govern soil carbon and other elements, including P-cycling. Many fungi can solubilize insoluble phosphates or facilitate P-acquisition by plants and, therefore, form an important part of the commercial microbial products, with Aspergillus, Penicillium and Trichoderma being the most efficient. In this paper, the role of fungi in P-solubilization and plant nutrition will be presented with a special emphasis on their production and application. Although this topic has been repeatedly reviewed, some recent views questioned the efficacy of the microbial P-solubilizers in soil. Here, we will try to summarize the proven facts but also discuss further lines of research that may clarify our doubts in this field or open new perspectives on using the microbial and particularly fungal P-solubilizing potential in accordance with the principles of the sustainability and circular economy

    Dataset of fluorescence spectra and chemical parameters of olive oils

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    This dataset encompasses fluorescence spectra and chemical parameters of 24 olive oil samples from the 2019-2020 harvest provided by the producer Conde de Benalua, Granada, Spain. The oils are characterized by different qualities: 10 extra virgin olive oil (EVOO), 8 virgin olive oil (VOO), and 6 lampante olive oil (LOO) samples. For each sample, the dataset includes fluorescence spectra obtained with two excitation wavelengths, oil quality, and five chemical parameters necessary for the quality assessment of olive oil. The fluorescence spectra were obtained by exciting the samples at 365 nm and 395 nm under identical conditions. The dataset includes the values of the following chemical parameters for each olive oil sample: acidity, peroxide value, K270, K232, ethyl esters, and the quality of the samples (EVOO, VOO, or LOO). The dataset offers a unique possibility for researchers in food technology to develop machine learning models based on fluorescence data for the quality assessment of olive oil due to the availability of both spectroscopic and chemical data. The dataset can be used, for example, to predict one or multiple chemical parameters or to classify samples based on their quality from fluorescence spectra


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    Este artigo tem por objetivo refletir o processo histórico da avaliação na Educação Infantil, uma trajetória centrada em juízos e valores sobre a criança.  A necessidade de uma reforma educacional voltada ao aluno era evidente, a avaliação em uma perspectiva transformadora, onde os resultados fizessem parte da análise da vivencia da criança. A avaliação desde o século IV não era compreendida, sabemos que a avaliação é indispensável para valorizar a diversidade dos alunos e proporcionar experiências que lhes ajudem a avançar e a desenvolver-se, é a partir da avaliação que podemos conhecer as diferentes dificuldades e necessidades individuais dos alunos e planejar diversas atividades que possibilitem seu desenvolvimento, sem que se sintam incapazes e frustrados a realizá-las. Assim, algumas implementações nas Políticas Públicas com base em documentos legais aconteceram até o surgimento do Referencial Curricular Nacional para a Educação Infantil (RCNEI), visando à orientação didática de professores nesta área. O RCNEI foi publicado em 1998 e ainda é utilizado por professores e instituições em todo o país, embora um marco importante de base para a construção de outros documentos de políticas públicas no Brasil, a avaliação na educação infantil só será efetiva com a crescente e efetiva formação de qualidade ao professor, pois é ele que atua diretamente com as crianças na sala de aula. Neste caso, é essencial a mediação, ou seja, um professor que promova um ambiente de confiança, valorizando as ações educativas desencadeando novos conhecimentos construídos a partir desenvolvimento individual de cada aluno. 

    Extraction of physicochemical properties from the fluorescence spectrum with 1D convolutional neural networks : application to olive oil

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    One of the main challenges for olive oil producers is the ability to assess oil quality regularly during the production cycle. The quality of olive oil is evaluated through a series of parameters that can be determined, up to now, only through multiple chemical analysis techniques. This requires samples to be sent to approved laboratories, making the quality control an expensive, time-consuming process, that cannot be performed regularly and cannot guarantee the quality of oil up to the point it reaches the consumer. This work presents a new approach that is fast and based on low-cost instrumentation, and which can be easily performed in the field. The proposed method is based on fluorescence spectroscopy and one-dimensional convolutional neural networks and allows to predict five chemical quality indicators of olive oil (acidity, peroxide value, UV spectroscopic parameters K270 and K232, and ethyl esters) from one single fluorescence spectrum obtained with a very fast measurement from a low-cost portable fluorescence sensor. The results indicate that the proposed approach gives exceptional results for quality determination through the extraction of the relevant physicochemical parameters. This would make the continuous quality control of olive oil during and after the entire production cycle a reality

    Influence of Dietary Inulin on Fecal Microbiota, Cardiometabolic Risk Factors, Eicosanoids, and Oxidative Stress in Rats Fed a High-Fat Diet

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    The present study examined the influence of inulin on fecal microbiota, cardiometabolic risk factors, eicosanoids, and oxidative stress in rats on a high-fat (HF) diet. Thirty-six male Wistar-Kyoto rats were divided into three dietary groups: standard diet, HF diet, and HF diet + Inulin diet. After 10 weeks, the HF + Inulin diet promoted high dominance of a few bacterial genera including Blautia and Olsenella in feces while reducing richness, diversity, and rarity compared to the HF diet. These changes in fecal microbiota were accompanied by an increased amount of propionic acid in feces. The HF + Inulin diet decreased cardiometabolic risk factors, decreased the amount of the eicosanoids 11(12)-EET and 15-HETrE in the liver, and decreased oxidative stress in blood compared to the HF diet. In conclusion, increasing consumption of inulin may be a useful nutritional strategy to protect against the onset of obesity and its associated metabolic abnormalities by means of modulation of gut microbiota