6 research outputs found

    Students’ engagement in social media in Cambodia

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    Social media sites are considered one of the most used tools on the Internet nowadays, particularly among the younger generations. The impact of such sites in different areas of society is clearly observed in some more than others, and education is one of these. The purpose of this study is to explore the present reality of Cambodian students and their connection with social media. A survey was carried out with 300 undergraduate students from two universities in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. It was found that students have a strong interaction with social media and the intensity of usage of social network platforms can be associated with different factors. However, regardless of the intensity of use, there is no evidence that it promotes an active participation online. It is suggested to explore further implications in the academic environment

    Students’ engagement in social media in Cambodia

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    Social media sites are considered one of the most used tools on the Internet nowadays, particularly among the younger generations. The impact of such sites in different areas of society is clearly observed in some more than others, and education is one of these. The purpose of this study is to explore the present reality of Cambodian students and their connection with social media. A survey was carried out with 300 undergraduate students from two universities in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. It was found that students have a strong interaction with social media and the intensity of usage of social network platforms can be associated with different factors. However, regardless of the intensity of use, there is no evidence that it promotes an active participation online. It is suggested to explore further implications in the academic environment

    As TIC como ferramentas de educação intercultural

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    Os fluxos migratórios dos últimos anos, cada vez mais heterogéneos em termos de nacionalidades de origem, têm vindo a alterar não só a composição demográfica de várias regiões de Portugal, como têm contribuído para a diversificação dos respetivos padrões socioculturais. As escolas, por razões óbvias, têmse tornado autênticos reservatórios multiculturais; e, enfrentam, por isso, múltiplos desafios ligados à integração dos alunos de nacionalidade ou ascendência estrangeira. Admite-se neste artigo que, as Tecnologias da Informação e Comunicação (TIC), como instrumento de trabalho e elemento constituinte do ambiente de aprendizagem escolar, têm permitido integrar saberes e competências que podem facilitar e promover a integração desses mesmos. Este trabalho, sobretudo de caráter empírico, pretende analisar o impacto que as TIC podem ter no sistema de ensino, em particular na integração de alunos estrangeiros nas escolas portuguesas.Migration flows in recent years, increasingly heterogeneous in terms of nationality of origin, have been changing not only the demographic composition of various regions of Portugal, as have contributed to the diversification of the respective social and cultural patterns. Schools, for obvious reasons, have become authentic multicultural reservoirs; and there for, face so many challenges related to integration of students of foreign nationality or descent. It is assumed in this article, that Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) as a working instrument and constituent element of the learning environment at schools, have allowed to integrate knowledge and skills that can facilitate and promote the integration of these same students. This work, mainly empirical, thus aims to analyze the impact that ICT can have on the education system, particularly the integration of foreign students in Portuguese schools. Key words: ICT, Internet, cultural integration, intercultural schoo

    O envolvimento dos alunos no Camboja com as mídias sociais

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    Os mídia sociais (ou redes sociais) são considerados uma das ferramentas atualmente mais utilizadas na Internet, em particular junto da geração mais jovem. O impacte dessas plataformas é bem visível em diversas áreas da sociedade, em umas mais do que outras, e a educação não é exceção. O objetivo deste estudo passa por explorar a realidade atual dos alunos no Camboja e a sua relação com as redes sociais. Foi realizado um questionário a 300 alunos pré-graduados de duas universidades em Phnom Penh, capital do Camboja. Os resultados mostram que os alunos têm uma interação intensa com os midia sociais e que a intensidade de utilização das plataformas das redes sociais pode estar associada a diferentes factores. Pese embora a intensidade de utilização, não há evidência de que esta promova uma partcipação online de forma ativa. Sugere-se futuras investigações que possam explorar outras implicações no contexto académico.Social media sites are considered one of the most used tools on the Internet nowadays, particularly among the younger generations. The impact of such sites in different areas of society is clearly observed in some more than others, and education is one of these. The purpose of this study is to explore the present reality of Cambodian students and their connection with social media. A survey was carried out with 300 undergraduate students from two universities in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. It was found that students have a strong interaction with social media and the intensity of usage of social network platforms can be associated with different factors. However, regardless of the intensity of use, there is no evidence that it promotes an active participation online. It is suggested to explore further implications in the academic environment

    Motivos para evadir da Escola Superior de Educação e Comunicação da Universidade do Algarve/Portugal, segundo os estudantes

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    Este artigo apresenta os fatores preditivos à evasão segundo os estudantes dos cursos Ciência da Comunicação, Design de Comunicação, Desporto, Educação Social, Educação Básica, Imagem Animada da Escola Superior de Educação e Comunicação (ESEC) da Universidade do Algarve/Portugal. O instrumento aplicado, entre setembro e dezembro de 2015, foi a “Escala de Motivos para Evasão do Ensino Superior − M-ES” cujo objetivo é avaliar os motivos potenciais que levam os estudantes a deixar o ensino superior. Os dados recolhidos foram transcritos para o programa SPSS (Statistical Package for the social Sciences) que mediu o impacto dos motivos listados na M-ES em 68 itens, com chave de resposta em Escala Likert de 5 pontos. Este estudo concluiu que a M-ES pode contribuir para o aprofundamento do conhecimento a respeito da evasão no ensino superior e amparar programas institucionais para redução da evasão.This article presents the predictive factors to avoidance according to the students of the courses of Communication Science, Communication Design, Sports, Social Education, Basic Education, Animated Image of the School of Education and Communication (ESEC) of the University of Algarve/PT. The instrument applied between September and December 2015 was the "Scale of Motives for Evasion of Higher Education − M-ES", whose objective is to evaluate the potential reasons that lead students to leave higher education. The collected data were transcribed into the SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences) program which measured the impact of the reasons listed in the M-ES in 68 items, with a 5-point Likert Scale response key. This study concluded that M-ES can contribute to the deepening of knowledge about avoidance in higher education and to support institutional programs to reduce evasion.Este artículo presenta los factores predictivos a la evasión según los estudiantes de los cursos de Ciencia de la Comunicación, Diseño de Comunicación, Deporte, Educación Social, Educación Básica, Imagen Animada de la Escuela Superior de Educación y Comunicación (ESEC) de la Universidad del Algarve/PT. El instrumento aplicado, entre septiembre y diciembre de 2015, fue la "Escala de Motivos para la Evasión de la Enseñanza Superior − M-ES" cuyo objetivo es evaluar los motivos potenciales que llevan a los estudiantes a dejar la enseñanza superior. Los datos recogidos se transcriben al programa SPSS (Statistical Packageforthe Social Sciences) que midió el impacto de los motivos enumerados en la M-ES en 68 ítems, con una clave de respuesta en Escala Likert de 5 puntos. Este estudio concluyó que la M-ES puede contribuir a la profundización del conocimiento sobre la evasión en la enseñanza superior y amparar programas institucionales para reducir la evasión