3,508 research outputs found

    Internship at Be One Solutions

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    Included in this document is the report of my internship undertaken in the fulfilment of my Master of Cybersecurity and Informatic Forensics degree from the Polytechnic Institute of Leiria, at Be One Solutions. During the internship, I identified several issues regarding security protocols and procedures at the company, more specifically in regards to credential management. After identifying the issues, I started researching enterprise level solutions for credential management, for which the requirements had been established beforehand with the IT manager. After comparing a set of solutions based on the features they provided and the price quoted, it was possible to conclude that all solutions were unsuitable due to either unreasonable pricing or previous security issues. Since the solutions analysed were deemed unsuitable, I started working on a Proof of Concept (PoC) for a custom solution that would be able to integrate with the project structure already present in the company’s in house project management solution. It started with defining the concept of the solutions in regards to how the encryption process would be performed, then the designing of the data structure in order to integrate with the project management solution, an afterwards came the development process of said solution

    Rescuing emotional intelligence from the curse of fragmentation: Towards an integrative framework

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    A evolução das publicações sobre Inteligência Emocional (IE) mostra um interesse crescente neste tópico, tanto na literatura científica, como popular. No entanto, a ausência de uma abordagem consensual de conceptualização e medição traduz-se em três pressupostos que prejudicam a construção do conhecimento. O primeiro é o de que as abordagens existentes são mutuamente exclusivas; o segundo assenta na ideia de que é inevitável este tipo de constructo ser demasiado inclusivo; e o último assume que a IE é redundante face a outras variáveis na predição de resultados importantes para os indivíduos e as organizações. O presente trabalho desafia estas suposições (a) propondo uma estrutura integrativa que inclui as principais abordagens de estudo da IE numa estrutura multicamadas; (b) propondo e testando empiricamente os componentes-chave que medem os aspectos essenciais da IE; e finalmente (c) usando modelos não-lineares para testar empiricamente o valor acrescentado da IE enquanto mediadora entre a personalidade e resultados relevantes, como o sucesso académico, empenhamento no trabalho e comprometimento organizacional. Os resultados indicam que é possível encontrar um modelo válido de componentes-chave para conceptualizar a IE de uma forma parcimoniosa (estudos 1 e 2) e que, além de estar significativamente relacionada com a saúde numa revisão meta-analítica (estudo 3), a IE prediz o sucesso académico (estudo 4), o empenhamento no trabalho e o comprometimento organizacional (estudo 5) acima da personalidade. Globalmente, o presente trabalho destaca a necessidade de construir conhecimento convergente neste campo de pesquisa e explorar modelos não-lineares para melhor compreender a sua natureza e dinâmica.The evolution of publications on Emotional Intelligence (EI) shows an increasing interest in this topic, both in the popular and scientific literatures. However, the absence of a consensual conceptualization and measurement approach translates into three assumptions that are hampering knowledge building. The first is that the extant approaches are mutually exclusive; the second is based on the idea that over inclusiveness is inevitable in this sort of constructs; and the last assumes that EI is redundant with other variables in the prediction of important outcomes for individuals and organizations. The present work challenges these issues by (a) proposing an integrative framework that includes the main approaches to the study of EI in a multi-layer structure; (b) proposing and empirically testing the core components that measure the essential aspects of EI; and finally (c) using nonlinear models to empirically test the added value of EI as a mediator between personality and relevant outcomes such as academic success, work engagement and organizational commitment. Results indicate that it is possible to find a valid core components model to conceptualize EI in a more parsimonious way (studies 1 and 2); and that besides being significantly associated with health in a meta-analytic review (study 3), EI predicts academic success (study 4), work engagement and organizational commitment (study 5) over and above personality. Overall, the present work highlights the need to build convergent knowledge in this research field and to explore nonlinear models to better grasp its nature and dynamics

    Melhoria contínua dos processos logísticos de uma empresa automóvel

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    Currently, companies increasingly compete for their place in the market. To remain competitive, they are constantly looking for productivity and continuous improvement, using the lean philosophy and digitalization. It is estimated that when a product reaches the final consumer, about one third of its total costs are logistical. It is therefore crucial to improve logistics processes. This project was developed in the continuous improvement department of a company in the automotive industry, in cooperation with the logistics department, with the main objectives of analysing and improving the company's logistics processes and digitizing the documents used. Hence, the project focused on logistics continuous improvement, being divided in four initiatives/use cases: productivity improvement project, ergonomics, follow-up of improvement actions in logistics processes and the transition of work standards in paper format to digital format in a commercial computer application. Using different internal and external methodologies (VAVE, PDCA, standardized work, ergonomics, BPM) it was possible to develop several improvements in the existing processes and propose new solutions, based on the simplification and improvement of files and structures previously used, as well as visual management. Regarding the productivity improvement project, this was split in three parts: improvement of the action simulation process, implementation of the proposed actions themselves (raw materials, finished goods and transportation) and the creation of a dashboard for the presentation of results from productivity actions. The ergonomics initiative focused on improving the process for logistical ergonomic studies and the creation of a dashboard to analyse the results obtained through these studies. Regarding the follow-up of improvement actions in logistics processes, a transition was made from a Deming cycle on paper, to a digital format, and a dashboard was also created which allows the analysis of actions by different categories. The strand of work standards was focused on the transition to a new digital application (mlean®), as well as training and monitoring the employees on its use. The objectives of this project were achieved, and the company recognized that this work added value to its processes. Finally, several improvement opportunities were identified for future consideration.Atualmente, as empresas competem cada vez mais pelo seu lugar no mercado. Para se manterem competitivas, procuram, constantemente, a produtividade e a melhoria contínua, recorrendo para tal à filosofia lean e à digitalização. Estima-se que, quando um produto chega ao consumidor final, cerca de um terço dos seus custos totais são logísticos. É, assim, fulcral, melhorar os processos logísticos. O presente projeto foi desenvolvido no departamento de melhoria contínua de uma empresa da indústria automóvel, em cooperação com o departamento logístico, tendo como principais objetivos a análise e melhoria dos processos logísticos da empresa e a digitalização dos documentos utilizados. O projeto focou-se, portanto, na melhoria contínua no âmbito da logística, dividindo-se em quatro iniciativas/casos de uso: projeto de melhoria da produtividade, ergonomia, seguimento de ações de melhoria em processos logísticos e a transição de standards de trabalho em papel para o formato digital numa aplicação informática comercial. Com recurso a distintas metodologias internas e externas (VAVE, PDCA, standardized work, ergonomia, BPM) foi possível desenvolver diversas melhorias nos processos já existentes e propor novas soluções, tendo por base a simplificação e melhoria de ficheiros e estruturas previamente utilizados, bem como a gestão visual. Relativamente ao projeto de melhoria de produtividade, este dividiu-se em três partes: melhoria do processo de simulação de ações, implementação das ações em si propostas (matéria-prima, produto acabado e transportes) e a criação de um dashboard para a apresentação de resultados provenientes das ações de produtividade. A iniciativa de ergonomia focou-se na melhoria do processo subjacente aos estudos ergonómicos logísticos e à criação de um dashboard para análise de resultados obtidos através dos estudos ergonómicos desenvolvidos. No que toca ao seguimento de ações de melhoria em processos logísticos, foi feita a transição de um ciclo de Deming em papel, para o formato digital, sendo ainda criado um dashboard que permite analisar as ações por diferentes categorias. Já a vertente de standards de trabalho foi focada na transição para uma nova aplicação digital (mlean®), bem como na formação e acompanhamento dos colaboradores. Os objetivos do projeto foram atingidos, com o reconhecimento da empresa de que o trabalho desenvolvido adicionou valor aos seus processos. Por fim, foram identificadas várias oportunidades de melhoria para consideração futura.Mestrado em Engenharia e Gestão Industria

    Cyberbullying and crowdsourcing: the case of the Boston Marathon

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    Emergindo como promessa da inteligência colectiva colocada em prática, o crowdsourcing revela o poder das massas trabalhando em direcção a um objectivo comum. No caso da Maratona de Boston a investigação amadora crowdsourcing demonstrou que na demanda de resultados o caminho percorrido pode ser sinuoso e levar a efeitos imprevisíveis como a prática de cyberbullying. Supondo terem encontrado os autores dos atentados, os investigadores crowdsourcing divulgaram rapidamente todas as informações de que dispunham acerca dos alegados bombistas, sem confirmarem a sua veracidade, difamando e denegrindo a imagem dessas pessoas. Está-se então a falar sobre a possibilidade da utilização de toda a potência do crowdsourcing direccionado para o cyberbullying. Propõe-se assim reflectir sobre o poder da Internet e dos movimentos crowdsourcing, suas potencialidades e riscos associados com base neste caso em particular.Emerging as the promise of the power of collective intelligence put into practice, crowdsourcing reveals the power of the masses working towards a common goal. In the case of the Boston Marathon unprofessional crowdsourcing research demonstrated that in the demand for results the path can be winding and lead to unpredictable effects as cyberbullying. Assuming they have found the perpetrators of the attacks crowdsourcing researchers reported promptly all information they had about the alleged bombers, without confirming its veracity, vilifying and denigrating the image of these people. It is then up talking about the possibility use of the full power of crowdsourcing targeted at cyberbullying. It is thus proposed reflect upon the power of the Internet and crowdsourcing movement, and its potentialities associated risks based on this particular case

    Time-varying Markov models of school enrolment

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    This study uses Markov models to develop a general quantitative approach to aid the modelling of school enrolment. The performance of the stationary 1970s to limitations Markov project of the chain model, widely used during the 1960s and school enrolment, has thrown into relief traditional model. Only a few studies early the have thoroughly tested the model over a period of time to determine whether it is really valid for predictive purposes. The present study starts by testing the stationary Markov model using data over a twelve year period for a subsystem of the Portuguese educational system, the model being applied to the whole country and to each district into which the country is administratively divided. Several least squares estimation procedures are performed to produce estimates of the transition probabilities. As expected this model proves to be inappropriate, generating biased and non-efficient estimates for the transition probabilities. Assuming that the non-stationarity of the transition probabilities is due to causal factors, linear behavioural relationships are included in the model. An extended Markov model with time varying transition probabilities is developed and applied to the same Portuguese educational subsystem. Seventeen explanatory variables, divided into supply-side factors and demand-side factors, are used, and stepwise regression and pooled cross-section time-series regression are performed to produce estimates of the time-varying transition probabilities principal components analysis is also applied on supply factors and demand factors and new sets of explanatory variables are used. The results show that the patterns of the time-varying transition probability estimates describe reasonably well the patterns of the corresponding observed point estimates. This suggests that it is appropriate to include a causal structure in the model. Having established the causal relationship influencing the time-varying transition probabilities, an analysis of these relationships suggests both policy implications of this work and areas for future research