199 research outputs found

    A quantitative research about attitudes of pre-service teachers on inclusive education

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    In this paper we propose to characterize the inclusive philosophy in Thailand as well as to present and discuss results from a quantitative research carried out within the teacher pre-service context, viewed as one of the components that should be addressed by school systems that seek to be inclusive.This research was carried out within the Erasmus Mundus Action 2 Swap and Transfer - Mobility Lot 12- staff modalit

    Inclusive education in Thailand: perspectives from future teachers

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    Este artigo apresenta os resultados de uma investigação levada a cabo e na Tailândia sobre as perspetivas de futuros professores. Seguindo uma metodologia quantitativa, os dados foram recolhidos através de um questionário junto de 221 estudantes universitários que frequentavam cursos de formação de professores numa universidade na Tailândia, em 2015. Os resultados descritivos e inferenciais mostram que: 1) mais de metade dos futuros professores que participaram neste estudo têm uma atitude positiva em relação à inclusão na classe regular; 2) Os futuros professores têm atitudes mais positivas relativamente aos benefícios da inclusão para as famílias e para a comunidade do que para os alunos e professores. Adicionalmente, as atitudes em relação à inclusão foram influenciados pela severidade das necessidades educativas especiais, ou seja, as atitudes são mais positivas à medida que a severidade diminui; 3) Existe uma atitude muito positiva em relação à ideia de que as pessoas com necessidades especiais têm o direito de serem incluídas na comunidade tailandesa. Neste artigo são discutidas as implicações desses resultados para educação dos alunos com necessidades educativas especiais na Tailândia.ERASMUS Mundusinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Water loss and morphological modifications in leaves during acclimatization of cork oak micropropagated plantlets

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    This study characterises some aspects of foliar anatomy of cork oak micropropagated plantlets, and rates of water loss by different types of leaves during the acclimatization period. Water loss from leaves of in vitro cultured plantlets was much higher than that of acclimatized plants or seedlings. Leaves from in vitro plantlets lost 53% of their water within the first 30 min under water stress conditions, while leaves from acclimatized plants lost 14%. Leaves of in vitro grown plants presented open stomata and collapsed guard cells, while acclimatized leaves presented closed stomata. Shade-leaf structure was observed in transverse sections of in vitro leaves, with large intercellular air spaces and a low mesophyll cell density, but with a differentiated palisade cell layer. Leaves from acclimatized plants showed a sun-leaf structure with small intercellular air spaces, high cell density and two or three palisade cell layers. During acclimatization leaf thickness increased, as well as cell compactness and differentiation. Stomatal density, stomatal aperture and guard cell protuberance decreased during the acclimatization period, while trichome density increased

    The word processor as effective technological aid for students with specific learning disabilities

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    Segundo Higgins e Boone (1996), existe evidência de que a Tecnologia pode ter um impacto positivo junto de alunos com dificuldades de aprendizagem específicas. Assim, neste artigo iremos considerar a existência de uma relação triangular, com influências mútuas, que tem como vértices o aluno com dificuldades de aprendizagem específicas, as práticas eficazes proporcionadas pelo professor e as Tecnologias. Faremos uma breve abordagem ao conceito de dificuldades de aprendizagem específicas e reveremos a investigação relacionada com o uso do processador de texto na área das dificuldades específicas na escrita. According to Higgins and Boone (1996), available research shows that Technology may have a positive impact in the education of students with specific learning. This paper will consider the existence of a triangular relationship, with mutual fluencies, between students with specific learning disabilities in writing, effective-based practices, and technologies. Thus, we will present the concept of students with specific learning disabilities, and review research related to the benefits derived from the use of the Word processor, by these students

    Reading curriculum-based measurement: screening Portuguese students at risk for dyslexia

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    This poster presentation will present results from a study developed within the rst level of support, primary prevention, which was focused on identifying and preventing academic problems from occurring in those students enrolled in a school setting. How progress measurement was used in reading comprehension as a universal school screening system for third-grade Portuguese students will be analyzed. Results for level and growth in both groups of students at risk and not at risk and the risk factors presented in the study participants will also be presented and discussed

    Leaf nutrient variation in mature carob (Ceratonia siliqua) trees in response to irrigation and fertilization

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    Seasonal variations in leaf nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium concentrations were studied in a mature carob (Ceratonia siliqua L. cv ‘‘Mulata’’) orchard subjected to a 4-year irrigation and fertilization experiment. Three irrigation regimes (0, 50 and 100%), based on the evaporation values obtained from a class A pan, were tested in combination with two nitrogen (N) supply regimes in which 21 kg ha-1 year-1 (low-N) and 63 kg ha-1 year-1 (high-N) were supplied as ammonium nitrate. Leaf nitrogen concentration increased throughout the experiment, independently of treatments. There were no significant differences in leaf N concentration between trees in the high-N and low-N treatments. Irrigation regimes had no effect on leaf mineral concentration but influenced the amount of leaves shed and slightly modified the pattern of leaf shedding that occurred during the summer drought period. Nutritional balances between N and P and N and K were both closely and significantly correlated. Potassium was translocated from leaves to fruits during spring, independently of treatments. Severe water stress periods occurring during spring or autumn induced shedding of leaves leading to nutrient mobilization. Nutrient retranslocation during these drought periods may represent an adaptive mechanism. Nitrogen retranslocation was higher for trees in the high-N treatments than for trees in the low-N treatments, whereas phosphorus retranslocation was independent of the irrigation and fertilization treatments

    Screening Portuguese students at risk for dyslexia with curriculum-based measurement-Maze

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    In Portugal the field of Specific Learning Disabilities is characterized by a lack of a technically adequate system of school-wide screening and progress monitoring (Martins, 2006). Emphasis on the need of this system has increased as a result of national research (i.e., Mourão, 2011; Patrão, 2010) within the context of a Multi-level Prevention System. Additionally, Portuguese educational theorists who teach, research, conduct clinics, and write about specific learning disabilities, also documented this need (Martins, 2006).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Integrating Ecological Principles for Addressing Plant Production Security and Move beyond the Dichotomy ‘Good or Bad’ for Nitrogen Inputs Choice

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    Mankind’s strong dependence on nitrogen (N) began when we started farming and, ever since, we have depended on nitrogen in the soil for plant production. More than a century has passed since the discovery of N as an element until the advent of synthetic fertilizers. Today, after a century of Haber–Bosch innovation, many other endeavors and challenges can be launched to understand how the effects of N in the environment can be perceived as ‘good’ or ‘bad’. All this knowledge evolution was truly dependent on the scientific advances, both technological and methodological, and particularly on the approaches at the micro and macro level. As with nearly everything in our lives (e.g., events, people, food, decisions, world history), we tend to use the dichotomy ‘good or bad’ to categorize, and scientific advances are no exception. The integration of scientific and technological advances allows us to move beyond this simple dichotomy ‘good or bad’ and to make choices. Here, we review the main marks in understanding plant nutrition throughout time, with special emphasis on N, from the Greeks to the most recent trends in the 21st century. Since improving plant N use efficiency is a main avenue to meet several Sustainable Developmental Goals (e.g., SDG2 zero hunger, SDG12 responsible production and consumption, SDG15 life on land), the European Green Deal, and The Farm to Fork strategy, we propose that the ecological principles must be integrated in agro-ecosystem management. During the last 40 years, our research group has contributed to: (i) the clarification of the so-called dichotomy of choices when it comes to the environmental effects of N; and (ii) fetching natural solutions for N manmade problems. This was based on the knowledge that life is a continuous symbiotic interplay between mutualism and parasitism depending on environmental conditions and that there is a need for feeding people, assuring food quality and diminishing environmental impacts. We argue that, as a society, we have the scientific and technological means to learn from nature and to apply the ecological rules in agro-ecosystems. However, this is a choice we must make as individuals and as a society.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Dificuldades de aprendizagem específicas centradas na leitura: a monitorização com base no currículo no contexto do modelo de atendimento à diversidade, como forma de identificar alunos em risco

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    Esta comunicação tem por finalidade apresentar resultados de um estudo a decorrer no ano lectivo 2010/2011 num Agrupamento de Escolas, em Portugal. Considerando que cerca de 80% dos alunos com dificuldades de aprendizagem específicas (DAE) não progride adequadamente na leitura (Shaywitz, 2008), pretende-se conhecer o nível de leitura dos alunos do 3ºano, identificar alunos em risco de desenvolverem DAE na leitura e conhecer também o seu nível de leitura

    For a better understanding of specific reading disabilities in reading

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    Este artigo tem por objetivo contribuir para a clarificação da definição de dificuldades de aprendizagem específicas (DAE) em geral e na leitura, em particular. Adicionalmente, são apresentados resultados de um estudo quantitativo e é delineada, a partir destes resultados, uma forma de atuação face aos problemas na leitura, onde se inserem as DAE, que toma o nome de Modelo Educativo Preventivo.This paper aims to contribute to the clarification of the definition of specific learning disabilities (SLD) in general and in reading, in particular. Additionally, results of a quantitative study are outlined and, based on these results, a way of acting against the problems in reading, including SLD, which is called Preventive Educational Model.Este trabalho foi financiado pela Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) com uma bolsa PROTEC, com a referência SFRH/PROTEC/67381/2010.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
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