59 research outputs found

    El papel de la información y del conocimiento en la competitividad

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    En el contexto de creciente globalización, la lucha por la competencia asume un papel destacable en todos los países, las empresas e incluso en el ámbito regional y supranacional. La competencia de las economías es mensurada y refleja la competencia de las empresas. El soporte macroeconómico es fundamental pero no es suficiente para convertir al país o región en competitiva. En el ámbito internacional, son fundamentalmente las empresas que compiten, aunque sin poder de responsabilizar otras instituciones públicas y privadas, en particular las administraciones central, regional y local. Estamos viviendo en la llamada sociedad de la información y del conocimiento en que más que la cantidad, sobresale la calidad de la información, tal como la rapidez en su acceso y su gestión con el fin de obtener las ambicionadas ventajas competitivas. En la era de la economía del conocimiento, el elemento básico es la capacidad de interpretar creativamente la información disponible, es convertir rápidamente el conocimiento, el saber y el aprender, en saber hacer. Esta capacidad es la fuente de la ventaja competitiva. Así, los medios empresariales son más o menos dinámicos de acuerdo con el hecho de que ofrezcan o no condiciones favorables a la innovación, oferta de bienes, de conocimiento, entorno innovador, demanda de bienes, etc.In the context of increasing globalization, the fight for competition plays a prominent role in all countries, companies and even the regional and supranational level. The competition of economies is measured and reflects the competition of enterprises. The macroeconomic support is essential but not sufficient to turn the country or region competitive. At the international level, are essentially competing companies, without being able to hold other public and private institutions, including central, regional and local administrations. We are living in the so-called information society and knowledge that rather than quantity, stands the quality of information, as the speed of access and management in order to obtain the coveted competitive advantage. In the era of knowledge economy, the basic element is the ability to creatively interpret the available information, that is rapidly turning knowledge, knowledge and learning expertise. This ability is the source of competitive advantage. Thus, the business community are more or less dynamic in accordance with the fact that they offer favorable to innovation, supply of goods, knowledge, innovative environment, demand for real conditions, etc

    Consumo de sustancias adictivas, tabaco, alcohol y marihuana, en los estudiantes del Norte de Portugal

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    Introduction: The consumption of addictive substances is a public health problem likely to precipitate other risk behaviours in youngsters, including physical aggression. Aim: To evaluate the consumption of tobacco, alcohol and marijuana in a student population of a city in the north of Portugal. Methods: A quantitative study, descriptive and cross-sectional. The study involved 1.066 young students, from a city in the north of Portugal, enrolled in nine high school and higher education institutions, with an average age of seventeen years. A self-administered questionnaire was applied in paper and digital format. Results: Results showed that the consumption of addictive substances began in early adolescence, that the current consumption of alcoholic beverages is high and the consumption of tobacco, alcohol and marijuana is often interrelated. Conclusions: The consumption of addictive substances is influenced by individual and contextual factors affecting these research results. Thus, it is crucial to plan an intervention strategy encompassing social, educational and health policies appealing for young students’ adherence.Introdução: O consumo de substâncias aditivas é um problema de saúde pública e potencia outros comportamentos de risco, entre os quais o envolvimento em agressões físicas, nos jovens. Objetivo: Avaliar o consumo de substâncias aditivas (tabaco, álcool y marijuana) numa população estudantil de uma cidade do Norte de Portugal. Métodos: Estudo quantitativo, descritivo e transversal. O estudo envolveu 1.066 jovens, de uma cidade da região Norte de Portugal, que estudavam em nove instituições de ensino secundário e uma de ensino superior e idade média de 17 anos. Utilizou-se um questionário, de auto preenchimento e fornecido em suporte papel e digital. Resultados: Verificou-se que o consumo de substâncias aditivas se iniciou em idades precoces da adolescência, que o consumo atual de bebidas alcoólicas é elevado e o consumo de tabaco, álcool e marijuana se potenciam entre si. Conclusões: O consumo de substâncias aditivas tem como base fatores individuais e contextuais que influenciam os resultados desta investigação, considerando-se importante que a intervenção com jovens deve incluir uma estratégia de aproximação concertada de políticas sociais, educativas e de saúde apelativas da adesão pelos jovens estudantes.Introducción: El consumo de sustancias causantes de dependencia es un problema de salud pública y potencia otros comportamientos de riesgo, entre los cuales, la agresión física, en los jóvenes. Objetivo: Evaluar el consumo de sustancias adictivas (tabaco, alcohol y marihuana) en una población estudiantil de una ciudad del Norte de Portugal. Métodos: Estudio cuantitativo, descriptivo y transversal. La muestra estuvo compuesta por 1.066 adolescentes, de una región del norte de Portugal, que estudiaban en nueve centros de enseñanza secundaria y universitaria de esa región y con una edad media de 17 años. Los participantes respondieron a un cuestionario tipo test en soporte papel y digital. Resultados: Se deduce que el consumo de sustancias que causan dependencia tiene lugar a edades precoces de la adolescencia, que el consumo actual de bebidas alcohólicas se ha elevado y que el consumo de tabaco, alcohol y marihuana se potencian entre sí. Conclusiones: Como el consumo de estas sustancias tiene como base factores individuales y de contexto, y afecta a los resultados de esta investigación, se considera que la intervención con los jóvenes debe incluir una estrategia concertada de políticas sociales, educativas y de salud y que simultáneamente apelen a la adhesión de los jóvenes estudiantes

    Comparison of the dietary fiber content of carob (Ceratonia siliqua L.) flour as related to seed presence and roasting effects

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    Carob fruit originates from the carob tree, a leguminous evergreen tree (Ceratonia siliqua L.) cultivated in the Mediterranean area, namely in Portugal, with high relevance in production and low prices. Carob pods contain various relevant nutrients that include proteins, carbohydrates and fiber, as well as phytochemicals such as polyphenols, conferring great potential for carob pods to be used as functional ingredient. This study focused on extracting, by a thermal-enzymatic process and characterizing, by HPLC, the dietary fiber (DF) content for carob powders with and without seed at different roasting temperatures. An initial nutritional evaluation on carob powders (CPs) indicated that seed presence led to higher content in macronutrients. The CPs processed at 150 ºC showed significantly higher content in neutral sugars (NS). As for the determination of DF content, results indicated that the main fiber fraction present in all samples was insoluble dietary fiber (IDF) corresponding to 98.4 % of total fiber content. The uronic acid content was significantly higher in IDF, for both roasting temperatures. The Klason lignin was higher for CPs processed at 150 ºC and represented, in all cases, 50 % of total IDF. The DF were also evaluated for antioxidant activity and phenolic content. The total phenolic content (TPC), determined by Folin-Ciocalteau, was twice on IDF as high at 150 ºC than 80 ºC, probably due to the formation of certain Maillard reaction products (MRPs), or certain phenolics that may degrade during roasting. The free phenolic content was significantly affected by the roasting temperatures and seed presence. The antioxidant activity is correlated with TPC, increasing in IDF when the flour was roasted at 150 ºC. These findings could put in the best light the utilization of DF in food industry according to the requirement of the final product and can also incline the interest of consumers towards the less utilized carob flours.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Consumo de substâncias aditivas, tabaco, álcool y marijuana, em estudantes do Norte de Portugal

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    Introduction: The consumption of addictive substances is a public health problem likely to precipitate other risk behaviours in youngsters, including physical aggression. Aim: To evaluate the consumption of tobacco, alcohol and marijuana in a student population of a city in the north of Portugal.Methods: A quantitative study, descriptive and cross-sectional. The study involved 1.066 young students, from a city in the north of Portugal, enrolled in nine high school and higher education institutions, with an average age of seventeen years. A self-administered questionnaire was applied in paper and digital format. Results: Results showed that the consumption of addictive substances began in early adolescence, that the current consumption of alcoholic beverages is high and the consumption of tobacco, alcohol and marijuana is often interrelated. Conclusions: The consumption of addictive substances is influenced by individual and contextual factors affecting these research results. Thus, it is crucial to plan an intervention strategy encompassing social, educational and health policies appealing for young students’ adherence.Introducción: El consumo de sustancias causantes de dependencia es un problema de salud pública y potencia otros comportamientos de riesgo, entre los cuales, la agresión física, en los jóvenes. Objetivo: Evaluar el consumo de sustancias adictivas (tabaco, alcohol y marihuana) en una población estudiantil de una ciudad del Norte de Portugal.Métodos: Estudio cuantitativo, descriptivo y transversal. La muestra estuvo compuesta por 1.066 adolescentes, de una región del norte de Portugal, que estudiaban en nueve centros de enseñanza secundaria y universitaria de esa región y con una edad media de 17 años. Los participantes respondieron a un cuestionario tipo test en soporte papel y digital. Resultados: Se deduce que el consumo de sustancias que causan dependencia tiene lugar a edades precoces de la adolescencia, que el consumo actual de bebidas alcohólicas se ha elevado y que el consumo de tabaco, alcohol y marihuana se potencian entre sí. Conclusiones: Como el consumo de estas sustancias tiene como base factores individuales y de contexto, y afecta a los resultados de esta investigación, se considera que la intervención con los jóvenes debe incluir una estrategia concertada de políticas sociales, educativas y de salud y que simultáneamente apelen a la adhesión de los jóvenes estudiantes.  Introdução: O consumo de substâncias aditivas é um problema de saúde pública e potencia outros comportamentos de risco, entre os quais o envolvimento em agressões físicas, nos jovens. Objetivo: Avaliar o consumo de substâncias aditivas (tabaco, álcool y marijuana) numa população estudantil de uma cidade do Norte de Portugal.Métodos: Estudo quantitativo, descritivo e transversal. O estudo envolveu 1.066 jovens, de uma cidade da região Norte de Portugal, que estudavam em nove instituições de ensino secundário e uma de ensino superior e idade média de 17 anos. Utilizou-se um questionário, de auto preenchimento e fornecido em suporte papel e digital. Resultados: Verificou-se que o consumo de substâncias aditivas se iniciou em idades precoces da adolescência, que o consumo atual de bebidas alcoólicas é elevado e o consumo de tabaco, álcool e marijuana se potenciam entre si. Conclusões: O consumo de substâncias aditivas tem como base fatores individuais e contextuais que influenciam os resultados desta investigação, considerando-se importante que a intervenção com jovens deve incluir uma estratégia de aproximação concertada de políticas sociais, educativas e de saúde apelativas da adesão pelos jovens estudantes. &nbsp

    Interrelationships between knowledge management and organizational memory

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    Por se tratar de um recurso de fundamental importância para a criação de vantagens competitivas sustentáveis para as organizações, o conhecimento e sua gestão, representam um campo onde pesquisas e estudos devem ser desenvolvidos e aprofundados de maneira contínua, de modo a gerar benefícios a todos os agentes implicados como organizações, funcionários, colaboradores, parceiros, clientes, governos e cidadãos. Apesar de sua posição estratégica, considerável conhecimento organizacional é perdido devido à deficiente criação, obtenção, gestão e conservação da memória organizacional. Para alcançar o sucesso organizacional, a gestão do conhecimento e a memória organizacional devem manter o mesmo passo, dado que se compreende que a memória organizacional é conhecimento interno e externo explicitado, para o seu uso e reutilização. O objetivo do estudo é destacar as semelhanças e completudes entre ambos conceitos para as organizações entendam a importância de coordená-los de maneira conjunta e, assim, obterem os resultados desejados. Para tanto, este estudo realizou um levantamento das publicações na área da ciência da informação, ciência que estuda os temas abordados. Por meio deste levantamento, verificou-se a seguinte premissa: não é possível implantar a plena gestão do conhecimento em uma organização sem uma coordenação adequada com a sua memória organizacional.Because it is a resource of fundamental importance for the creation of sustainable competitive advantages for organizations, knowledge and its management represent a field where research and studies must be developed and deepened in a continuous way, in order to generate benefits for all agents involved such as organizations, employees, collaborators, partners, customers, governments and citizens. Despite its strategic position, considerable organizational knowledge is lost due to the deficient creation, acquisition, management and conservation of organizational memory. To achieve organizational success, knowledge management and organizational memory must keep the same step, since it is understood that organizational memory is explicit internal and external knowledge, for its use and reuse. The aim of the study is to highlight the similarities and completeness between both concepts for organizations to understand the importance of coordinating them jointly and thus obtaining the desired results. To this end, this study carried out a survey of publications in the area of ​​Information Science, a science that studies the topics covered. Through this survey, the following premise was verified: it is not possible to implement the full management of knowledge in an organization without adequate coordination with its organizational memory.Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educació

    Unplanned nursing home admission among discharged polymedicated older inpatients: a single-centre, registry-based study in Switzerland.

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    OBJECTIVE To investigate patient characteristics and the available health and drug data associated with unplanned nursing home admission following an acute hospital admission or readmission. DESIGN A population-based hospital registry study. SETTING A public hospital in southern Switzerland (Valais Hospital). PARTICIPANTS We explored a population-based longitudinal dataset of 14 705 hospital admissions from 2015 to 2018. OUTCOME MEASURES Sociodemographic, health and drug data, and their interactions predicting the risk of unplanned nursing home admission. RESULTS The mean prevalence of unplanned nursing home admission after hospital discharge was 6.1% (n=903/N=14 705). Our predictive analysis revealed that the oldest adults (OR=1.07 for each additional year of age; 95% CI 1.05 to 1.08) presenting with impaired functional mobility (OR=3.22; 95% CI 2.67 to 3.87), dependency in the activities of daily living (OR=4.62; 95% CI 3.76 to 5.67), cognitive impairment (OR=3.75; 95% CI 3.06 to 4.59) and traumatic injuries (OR=1.58; 95% CI 1.25 to 2.01) had a higher probability of unplanned nursing home admission. The number of International Classification of Diseases, 10th version diagnoses had no significant impact on nursing home admissions, contrarily to the number of prescribed drugs (OR=1.17; 95% CI 1.15 to 1.19). Antiemetics/antinauseants (OR=2.53; 95% CI 1.21 to 5.30), digestives (OR=1.78; 95% CI 1.09 to 2.90), psycholeptics (OR=1.76; 95% CI 1.60 to 1.93), antiepileptics (OR=1.49; 95% CI 1.25 to 1.79) and anti-Parkinson's drugs (OR=1.40; 95% CI 1.12 to 1.75) were strongly linked to unplanned nursing home admission. CONCLUSIONS Numerous risk factors for unplanned nursing home admission were identified. To prevent the adverse health outcomes that precipitate acute hospitalisations and unplanned nursing home admissions, ambulatory care providers should consider these risk factors in their care planning for older adults before they reach a state requiring hospitalisation

    Problem based learning: a teaching strategy for teaching in information and documentation sciences

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    El presente artículo de investigación se enfoca en la búsqueda de estrategias pedagógicas para el aprendizaje de contenidos, competencias y habilidades en el Área científica de la información y documentación. Su objetivo principal es facilitar la adquisición de habilidades prácticas que promuevan la inserción laboral de los egresados. El estudio se centra en la convergencia entre la gestión del conocimiento y el aprendizaje activo, específicamente en el enfoque del Aprendizaje Basado en Problemas (ABP). La pregunta de investigación que se plantea es: ¿Cómo puede contribuir el ABP a una práctica pedagógica óptima en la enseñanza de ciencias de la información y documentación? Para alcanzar los objetivos propuestos, se lleva a cabo una metodología exploratoria-descriptiva, utilizando el análisis de datos según el enfoque de Bardin (2014). Los resultados principales resaltan que la aplicación del ABP en el campo de la información y documentación favorece la adquisición de habilidades prácticas y facilita la inserción laboral de los egresados. Además, se proporciona una base sólida para una práctica pedagógica óptima en el ámbito de las ciencias de la iInformación y documentación, al fomentar el desarrollo de competencias relevantes para el ejercicio profesional.The research focuses on the search for pedagogical strategies to apply in the learning of contents and the acquisition of competences and abilities in the scientific area of information and documentation. The purpose is to facilitate the acquisition of practical skills of its graduates that favor their labor insertion. It focuses on the confluence between knowledge management and learning through active teaching and more specifically on problem-based learning. It is intended to answer the following question: How can Problem Based Learning contribute to optimal pedagogical practice in the teaching of information and documentation sciences? The following objectives have been formulated: firstly, to define and identify conceptual elements and criteria for the use of Problem Based Learning; secondly, to analyze the presence of the Problem Based Learning foundations in a current study plan, as is the case under study, and thirdly, to verify its operability in terms of student satisfaction with active teaching models. An exploratory-descriptive methodology is used, using Bardin's analysis for data analysis. The main results highlight that the application of problem-based learning in the field of information and documentation favors the acquisition of practical skills and promotes the job placement of graduates. In addition, they provide a solid foundation for optimal pedagogical practice in the field of iation and documentation sciences, fostering the development of relevant skills for professional practice.Dossier: Prácticas pedagógicas y estrategias didácticas en la enseñanza de las ciencias de la información: nuevos saberes y abordajesFacultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educació

    Levels of Physical Activity, Obesity and Related Factors in Young Adults Aged 18–30 During 2009–2017

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    The objective of this study was to analyze the temporal trend of physical activity and body mass index in young adults aged 18–30 in Spain and to ascertain their relationship with sociodemographic and psychosocial variables in the period of 2009–2017. Methods: A descriptive study with a sample of 10,061 young adults aged 18–30 years was performed. The data were obtained from the European Health Survey in Spain in 2009 and 2014 and the National Health Survey in 2011/2012 and 2017. The chi-square test was used for qualitative variables, and multiple linear regression analysis was performed for physical activity. Results: Sedentary levels had decreased in 2017 as compared to 2011/2012 (p < 0.001); smokers were more sedentary than non-smokers (p < 0.001); men were more active than women (p < 0.001); and the year with the highest physical activity was 2014. Body mass index in the total sample increased from 2009 to 2017 (p < 0.01), showing a significant increase in obesity in women (p < 0.05) and no difference in men (p ≥ 0.05). Conclusions: In the period 2011/2012–2017, the sedentary lifestyle of young adults was reduced and physical activity was increased, with men being more active than women

    Photonic Seismology

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    International Photonics and OptoElectronics Meetings 2019, OFDA, 11/11/2019-14/11/2019, Wuhan, ChinaOne of the greatest outstanding challenges in seismology is the sparsity of instrumentation across the Earth, particularly in the oceans. In this work we show that optical fiberbased distributed acoustic sensors (DAS) can represent a low-cost solution (basically inexistent so far) for monitoring seismicity in remote areas of the ocean. This solution can retrofit existing telecommunication optical fiber cables lying in the ocean and transform them (with no basic change in the cable itself) into powerful seismic sensing arrays. With a single optoelectronic unit in the end of the cable (onshore), a full span of 50-100 km can be monitored, with thousands of measuring points interrogated.Commission of the European Communities JointMinisterio de Economía y CompetitividadMinisterio de Ciencia, Innovación y UniversidadesComunidad de Madri

    A estenose vaginal e o uso do dilatador após a braquiterapia pélvica

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    Highlights Social and gynecological conditions interfere with the presence of vaginal stenosis and the use of vaginal dilators after pelvic brachytherapy. Around 25% are not sexually active and do not adhere to the use of a vaginal dilator after pelvic brachytherapy. Around 50% adhered to the use of a vaginal dilator after pelvic brachytherapy. Health education after brachytherapy contributes to adherence to the use of vaginal dilators. Introduction: To prevent vaginal stenosis, the use of a vaginal dilator is recommended.  Objective:  To analyze sociodemographic data, gynecological conditions and the use of vaginal dilator after pelvic brachytherapy. Materials and Methods: Cross-sectional, retrospective study, period 2016-2020, collected between October/2020 and February /2021, from records of women with gynecological cancer treated with brachytherapy at the Centro de Pesquisa Oncológicas (Brazil). The variables included sociodemographic data and gynecological conditions in following the treatment. In the analysis, descriptive statistics, chi-squaretest, Fisher's exact test and Mann-Whitney test were applied. Results: 519 patients records were included in the investigation; the analyzes showed significant associations between the topography and staging (p&lt;0.001), education (p=0.004) and age (p&lt;0.001); the comparison between the distribution of the ionizing radiation dose showed a difference with the continued sexual relationship category (p=0.006); the comparison between the proportions of continued sexual relationship and using a vaginal dilator was significant (p&lt;0.001); 49.10% (131) adhered to the use of vaginal dilator; 24.50% (127) are not sexually active and do not adhere to the use of the dilator. Discussion: It is evident that social and gynecological conditions interfere with the presence of vaginal stenosis and the use of a vaginal dilator after pelvic brachytherapy.   Conclusions: The adherence found in the use of dilator affirms the contributions and the need for health education by nurses and physicaltherapists during and following the treatment. How to cite this article: Rosa, Luciana Martins da; Hames, Maria Eduarda; Dias, Mirella; Kalinke, Luciana Puchalski; Oliveira, Claudia Manuela Siqueira de; Arzuaga-Salazar, María Angélica. Vaginal stenosis and dilator use after pelvic brachytherapy. Revista Cuidarte. 2024;15(2):e3309.  https://doi.org/10.15649/cuidarte.3309Introducción: Para prevenir la estenosis vaginal se recomienda el uso de un dilatador vaginal. Objetivo: Analizar datos sociodemográficos,  condiciones ginecológicas y el uso de dilatadores vaginales después de la braquiterapia pélvica. Materiales y Métodos:  Estudio transversal, retrospectivo, período 2016-2020, recolectado entre octubre/2020 y febrero /2021, en historias clínicas de mujeres con cáncer ginecológico tratadas con braquiterapia en el Centro de Investigaciones  Oncológicas (Brasil). Las variables cubrieron datos sociodemográficos y condiciones ginecológicas posteriores al tratamiento. En el análisis se aplicó estadística descriptiva, prueba de chi-cuadrado, prueba exacta de Fisher y prueba de Mann-Whitney. Resultados: Se incluyeron en la investigación 519 historias clínicas; los análisis mostraron asociaciones significativas entre topografía y puesta en escena (p&lt;0,001), educación (p=0,004) y edad (p&lt;0,001); la comparación entre la distribución de la dosis de radiación ionizante mostró diferencia con la categoría que mantenía relaciones sexuales (p=0,006); la comparación entre las proporciones de mantener relaciones sexuales y utilizar dilatador vaginal fue significativa (p&lt;0,001); el 49,10% (131) adhirieron al uso del dilatador vaginal; El 24,50% (127) no mantuvo relaciones sexuales y no adhirió al uso del dilatador. Discusión: Es claro que las condiciones sociales y ginecológicas afectan la presencia de estenosis vaginal y el uso del dilatador vaginal después de la braquiterapia pélvica. Conclusiones: La adherencia encontrada en el uso del dilatador confirma los aportes y la necesidad de educación en salud por parte de enfermeros y fisioterapeutas durante y después del tratamiento. Como citar este artículo: Rosa, Luciana Martins da; Hames, Maria Eduarda; Dias, Mirella; Kalinke, Luciana Puchalski; Oliveira, Claudia Manuela Siqueira de; Arzuaga-Salazar, María Angélica. A estenose vaginal e o uso do dilatador após a braquiterapia pélvica. Revista Cuidarte. 2024;15(2):e3309. https://doi.org/10.15649/cuidarte.3309Highlights Condições sociais e ginecológicas interferem na presença de estenose vaginal e no uso do dilatador vaginal após braquiterapia pélvica. Cerca de 25% não são sexualmente ativas e não aderem ao uso de dilatador vaginal após braquiterapia pélvica. Cerca de 50% aderiram ao uso do dilatador vaginal após a braquiterapia pélvica. A educação em saúde após a braquiterapia contribui para a adesão ao uso de dilatadores vaginais. Introdução: Para prevenir a estenose vaginal é recomendado o uso de dilatador vaginal. Objetivo: Analisar dados sociodemográficos, condições ginecológicas e o uso do dilatador vaginal após a braquiterapia pélvica. Materiais e Métodos:   Estudo transversal, retrospectivo, período 2016-2020, coletado entre outubro/2020 e fevereiro/2021, em prontuários de mulheres com câncer ginecológico tratadas com braquiterapia no Centro de Pesquisas Oncológicas (Brasil). As variáveis abrangeram dados sociodemográficos e condições ginecológicas no seguimento do tratamento. Na análise aplicou-se estatística descritiva, teste de qui-quadrado, Exato de Fisher e de Mann-Whitney.   Resultados: 519 prontuários foram incluídos na investigação; as análises mostraram associações significativas entre topografia e estadiamento (p&lt;0,001), escolaridade (p=0,004) e idade (p&lt;0,001); a comparação entre a distribuição da dose de radiação ionizante mostrou diferença com a categoria manutenção da relação sexual (p=0,006); a comparação entre as proporções da manutenção da relação sexual e uso do dilatador vaginal foi significativa (p&lt;0,001); 49,10% (131) aderiram ao uso do dilatador vaginal; 24,50% (127) não mantiveram a relação sexual e não aderiram ao uso do dilatador.  Discussão:  Evidencia-se que as condições sociais e ginecológicas interferem na presença da estenose vaginal e no uso do dilatador vaginal após a braquiterapia pélvica. Conclusões: A adesão encontrada no uso do dilatador afirma as contribuições e a necessidade de educação em saúde por enfermeiros e fisioterapeutas durante e no seguimento do tratamento. Como citar este artigo: Rosa, Luciana Martins da; Hames, Maria Eduarda; Dias, Mirella; Kalinke, Luciana Puchalski; Oliveira, Claudia Manuela Siqueira de; Arzuaga-Salazar, María Angélica. A estenose vaginal e o uso do dilatador após a braquiterapia pélvica. Revista Cuidarte. 2024;15(2):e3309. https://doi.org/10.15649/cuidarte.330