1,203 research outputs found

    O imaginário de Rachel de Queiroz e Isabel Allende: a construção imagética das personagens protagonistas de Memorial de Maria Moura e La casa de los espiritus

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    II Jornadas Latino-Americanas de Linguagens e Cultura. Em comemoração aos 100 anos de nascimento de Roa Bastos e 50 anos da morte de Guimarães RosaDuas das maiores representantes da literatura de autoria feminina da América Latina são Rachel de Queiroz e Isabel Allende, sobretudo, pelo sucesso de público e crítica de suas obras Memorial de Maria Moura e La casa de los espiritus. Neste estudo, pretendemos investigar comparativamente a representação imaginária das protagonistas dessas obras, Maria Moura e Clara, procurando investigar semelhanças e diferenças na construção da imagem da mulher nos contextos patriarcais representados nas obrasPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Literatura Comparada Programa de Pós-Graduação Interdisciplinar em Estudos Latino-Americanos Curso de Graduação em Letras – Artes e Mediação Cultura

    Horizontalização dos direitos fundamentais por meio da adequada Ratio decidendi pela argumentação Alexyana

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    The present study is based on the assumption that applied legal sciences must always seek the fundamental human rights consecration and effectiveness, not only by the Magna Carta's legislative hierarchy in favor of the constitutionalization of private rights, but mainly by the citizen’s improvements effects of social pacification that this applications of such rights generates. Thus, the assumption of the fundamental rights applicability in private relations through the so-called horizontal effectiveness, therefore immediately joining this flow, initially the text presents the theme, in a conceptual way, guided by the rich national doctrine. Also, since this is the object of destination we understand that it is necessary to discuss, even briefly, about the construction of fundamental rights. Subsequently, also through the methodology of bibliographic and descriptive research, this study suggests that the applicability of such rights in the private sphere, either mediate or immediate, when properly grounded through a recognized theory of legal argumentation achieve greater legitimacy in their application. For the accomplishment of the research and elaboration of this article, the deductive approach method was used, based on bibliographic and documentary research techniques, with the consultation on doctrines, legislation and jurisprudence on the theme, adopting the theoretical framework of Rober Alexy was adopted as a way to better adapt the ratio decidendi that law applies.O presente estudo parte do pressuposto de que as ciências jurídicas aplicadas devem sempre buscar a consagração e eficácia dos direitos humanos fundamentais, não só pela hierarquia legislativa da Carta Magna em prol da constitucionalização dos direitos privados, mas principalmente, pelo efeito de pacificação social e melhoria da vida dos cidadãos que a aplicação de tais direitos gera. Assim, já partido do pressuposto da aplicabilidade dos direitos fundamentais nas relações privadas por meio da denominada eficácia horizontal, portanto filiando-se de imediato a tal corrente, inicialmente o texto apresenta o tema, de forma conceitual, pautado pela rica doutrina nacional. Também, entendemos como necessário discorrer, mesmo que brevemente, sobre a construção dos diretos fundamentais, já que é este o objeto de destinação. Posteriormente, também através da metodologia de pesquisa bibliográfica e descritiva, o estudo sugere que a aplicabilidade de tais direitos na esfera privada, seja de forma mediata ou imediata, alcançam maior legitimidade em sua aplicação, quando devidamente fundamentados através de uma reconhecida teoria da argumentação jurídica. Para tal finalidade adotou-se o referencial teórico de Rober Alexy, como forma de melhor adequar a ratio decidendi que aplica o direito

    Fifty years of the CERN Proton Synchrotron : Volume 2

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    This report sums up in two volumes the first 50 years of operation of the CERN Proton Synchrotron. After an introduction on the genesis of the machine, and a description of its magnet and powering systems, the first volume focuses on some of the many innovations in accelerator physics and instrumentation that it has pioneered, such as transition crossing, RF gymnastics, extractions, phase space tomography, or transverse emittance measurement by wire scanners. The second volume describes the other machines in the PS complex: the proton linear accelerators, the PS Booster, the LEP pre-injector, the heavy-ion linac and accumulator, and the antiproton rings.Comment: 58 pages, published as CERN Yellow Report https://cds.cern.ch/record/1597087?ln=e


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    O artigo explora o rule of rescue como um critério para decisões de incorporação de tecnologias em sistemas de saúde. O conceito de rule of rescue é importante na decisão de incorporação de medicamentos órfãos, destinados a doenças raras, casos em que o exame da custo-efetividade das drogas nos parâmetros mais restritos da medicina baseada em evidências, determina a sua rejeição. Propõem-se duas questões: em primeiro lugar, se o rule of rescue exerceu impacto na doutrina produzida no campo do direito sanitário no Brasil, a partir de uma revisão bibliográfica das fontes. Em segundo lugar, investiga-se se a rule of rescue exerceu influência nas recomendações de incorporação de medicamentos pela Conitec, sobretudo no campo das doenças raras, no período compreendido entre 2012 e 2018. Na primeira parte do trabalho, é apresentado o processo institucional de incorporação de medicamentos no Brasil e o tema da incorporação dos medicamentos órfãos. Na segunda parte, parte-se para as questões propostas. A metodologia empregada para avaliar o impacto doutrinário do princípio é a da revisão bibliográfica, focando nos periódicos especializados em direito sanitário no Brasil. Com relação ao segundo problema, buscou-se identificar as recomendações da Conitec que envolviam doenças raras, e, nesses relatórios, foram identificados, no tópico da discussão, a fundamentação da conclusão pela incorporação ou não, buscando identificar a presença do rule of rescue. As conclusões indicam que os fundamentos da incorporação e da não incorporação não levam em consideração nenhuma forma de rule of rescue, o que sinaliza para uma possibilidade de aperfeiçoamento desse processo

    Big Data Management Challenges, Approaches, Tools and their limitations

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    International audienceBig Data is the buzzword everyone talks about. Independently of the application domain, today there is a consensus about the V's characterizing Big Data: Volume, Variety, and Velocity. By focusing on Data Management issues and past experiences in the area of databases systems, this chapter examines the main challenges involved in the three V's of Big Data. Then it reviews the main characteristics of existing solutions for addressing each of the V's (e.g., NoSQL, parallel RDBMS, stream data management systems and complex event processing systems). Finally, it provides a classification of different functions offered by NewSQL systems and discusses their benefits and limitations for processing Big Data

    Treatment of Persistent Large Gastrocutaneous Fistulas After Bariatric Surgery. Preliminary Experience with Endoscopic Kehr's T-Tube Placement

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    Purpose Post-bariatric surgery gastrocutaneous fistula is a chronic leak with an incidence of 1.7 to 4.0% and no standardized management. A large gastrocutaneous fistula (LGCF) is not indicated for treatment with pigtail drains. We aimed to evaluate results of a novel treatment using endoscopic Kehr's T-tube placement.Methods Only patients with a postoperative LGCF duration of >10 days and a flow rate of > 50 cc by external drainage after revisional surgery for sepsis were included. Endoscopic placement of Kehr's T-tube was performed. Patients had been reoperated with wash and drainage for severe sepsis after initial bariatric surgery in which no fistula had been discovered. Patients not reoperated, or with a fistula requiring intraoperative Kehr's T-tube placement, or a pigtail drain were excluded. Primary outcomes were endoscopic characteristics and results (LGCF closure rate, Kehr T-tube retention time, etc.).Results The study group included 12 women, 2 men; body mass index 43.1 +/- 4.5 kg/m(2). Interventions were SG (7), RYGB (2), OAGB (4), and SADI-S (1). Endoscopic assessment was carried out after a mean of 33.2 +/- 44.3 days after the bariatric procedure. The mean fistula orifice diameter was 2.0 +/- 0.9 cm. Kehr's T-tube was positioned at a mean 51.5 +/- 54.8 days after the bariatric procedure. T-tube tolerance was excellent. Mean additional days: hospitalization, 34.4 +/- 27.0; T-tube retention, 86.4 +/- 73.1; fistula healing, 139.9 +/- 111.5,LGCF closure rate, 92.9%. Complications: 1 pulmonary embolism, 2 T-tube migrations,1 drain-path bleed, 1 skin abscess. No mortality.Conclusions Endoscopic Kehr's T-tube placement was successful in closing persistent post-bariatric surgery LGCF in 92.9% of patients

    Clinical Manifestations and Case Management of Ebola Haemorrhagic Fever caused by a newly identified virus strain, Bundibugyo, Uganda, 2007-2008

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    A confirmed Ebola haemorrhagic fever (EHF) outbreak in Bundibugyo, Uganda, November 2007-February 2008, was caused by a putative new species (Bundibugyo ebolavirus). It included 93 putative cases, 56 laboratory-confirmed cases, and 37 deaths (CFR = 25%). Study objectives are to describe clinical manifestations and case management for 26 hospitalised laboratory-confirmed EHF patients. Clinical findings are congruous with previously reported EHF infections. The most frequently experienced symptoms were non-bloody diarrhoea (81%), severe headache (81%), and asthenia (77%). Seven patients reported or were observed with haemorrhagic symptoms, six of whom died. Ebola care remains difficult due to the resource-poor setting of outbreaks and the infection-control procedures required. However, quality data collection is essential to evaluate case definitions and therapeutic interventions, and needs improvement in future epidemics. Organizations usually involved in EHF case management have a particular responsibility in this respect

    The REINFORCE Project: Inviting Citizen Scientists to analyse KM3NeT data

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    Large research infrastructures have opened new observational windows, allowing us to study the structure of matter up to the entire Universe. However, society hardly observes these developments through education and outreach activities. This induces a gap between frontier science and society that may create misconceptions about the content, context, and mission of public funded science. In this context, the main goal of the European Union’s Horizon 2020 "Science with and for Society" REINFORCE project (REsearch INfrastructure FOR Citizens in Europe) is to minimize the knowledge gap between large research infrastructures and society through Citizen Science. A series of activities is being developed on the Zooniverse platform, in four main fields of frontier physics involving large research infrastructures: gravitational waves with the VIRGO interferometer, particle physics with the ATLAS detector at LHC, neutrinos with the KM3NeT telescope, and cosmic rays at the interface of geoscience and archeology. Using real and simulated data, Citizen Scientists will help building a better understanding of the impact of the environment on these very high precision detectors as well as creating new knowledge. This poster describes REINFORCE, with a special emphasis on the Deep Sea Hunter demonstrator involving the KM3NeT neutrino telescope, in order to show practical examples of Citizen Science activities that will be proposed through the project.Article signat per 297 autors/es: M.Ageron, S. Aiello, A. Albert, M. Alshamsi, S. Alves Garre, Z. Aly, A. Ambrosone, F. Ameli, M. Andre, G. Androulakis, M. Anghinolfi, M. Anguita, G. Anton, M. Ardid, S. Ardid, W. Assal, J. Aublin, C. Bagatelas, B. Baret, S. Basegmez du Pree, M. Bendahman, F. Benfenati, E. Berbee, A. M. van den Berg, V. Bertin, S. Beurthey, V. van Beveren, S. Biagi, M. Billault, M. Bissinger, M. Boettcher, M. Bou Cabo, J. Boumaaza, M. Bouta, C. Boutonnet, G. Bouvet, M. Bouwhuis, C. Bozza, H.Brânzas, R. Bruijn, J. Brunner, R. Bruno, E. Buis, R. Buompane, J. Busto, B. Caiffi, L. Caillat, D. Calvo, S. Campion, A. Capone, H. Carduner, V. Carretero, P. Castaldi, S. Celli;, R. Cereseto, M. Chabab, C. Champion, N. Chau, A. Chen, S. Cherubini, V. Chiarella, T. Chiarusi, M. Circella, R. Cocimano, J. A. B. Coelho, A. Coleiro, M. Colomer Molla, S. Colonges, R. Coniglione, A. Cosquer, P. Coyle, M. Cresta, A. Creuso, A. Cruz, G. Cuttone, A. D’Amico, R. Dallier, B. De Martino, M. De Palma, I. Di Palma, A. F. Díaz, D. Diego- Tortosa, C. Distefano, A. Domi, C. Donzaud, D. Dornic, M. Dörr, D. Drouhin, T. Eberl, A. Eddyamoui, T. van Eeden, D. van Eijk, I. El Bojaddaini, H. Eljarrari, D. Elsaesser, A. Enzenhöfer, V. Espinosa, P. Fermani, G. Ferrara, M. D. Filipovic, F. Filippini, J. Fransen, L. A. Fusco, D. Gajanana, T. Gal, J. García Méndez, A. Garcia Soto, E. Garçon, F. Garufi, C. Gatius, N. Geißelbrecht, L. Gialanella, E. Giorgio, S. R. Gozzini, R. Gracia, K. Graf, G. Grella, D. Guderian, C. Guidi, B. Guillon, M. Gutiérrez, J. Haefner, S. Hallmann, H. Hamdaoui, H. van Haren, A. Heijboer, A. Hekalo, L. Hennig, S. Henry, J. J. Hernández-Rey, J. Hofestädt, F. Huang,W. Idrissi Ibnsalih, A. Ilioni, G. Illuminati, C.W. James, D. Janezashvili, P. Jansweijer, M. de Jong, P. de Jong, B. J. Jung, M. Kadler, P. Kalaczynski, O. Kalekin,U. F. Katz, F. Kayzel, P.Keller, N. R. Khan Chowdhury, G. Kistauri, F. van der Knaap, P. Kooijman, A. Kouchner, M. Kreter, V. Kulikovskiy, M. Labalme, P. Lagier, R. Lahmann, P. Lamare, M. Lamoureux, G. Larosa, C. Lastoria, J. Laurence, A. Lazo, R. Le Breton, E. Le Guirriec, S. Le Stum, G. Lehaut, O. Leonardi, F. Leone, E. Leonora, C. Lerouvillois, J. Lesrel, N. Lessing, G. Levi, M. Lincetto, M. Lindsey Clark, T. Lipreau, C. LLorens Alvarez, A. Lonardo, F. Longhitano, D. Lopez-Coto, N. Lumb, L. Maderer, J. Majumdar, J. Manczak, A. Margiotta, A. Marinelli, A. Marini, C. Markou, L. Martin, J. A. Martínez-Mora, A. Martini, F. Marzaioli, S. Mastroianni, K.W. Melis, G. Miele, P. Migliozzi, E. Migneco, P. Mijakowski, L. S. Miranda, C. M. Mollo, M. Mongelli, A. Moussa, R. Muller, P. Musico, M. Musumeci, L. Nauta, S. Navas, C. A. Nicolau, B. Nkosi, B. Ó Fearraigh, M. O’Sullivan, A. Orlando, G. Ottonello, S. Ottonello, J. Palacios González5, G. Papalashvili, R. Papaleo, C. Pastore, A. M. Paun, G. E. Pavalas, G. Pellegrini, C. Pellegrino, M. Perrin-Terrin, V. Pestel, P. Piattelli, C. Pieterse, O. Pisanti, C. Poirè, V. Popa, T. Pradier, F. Pratolongo, I. Probst, G. Pühlhofer, S. Pulvirenti, G. Quéméner, N. Randazzo, A. Rapicavoli, S. Razzaque, D. Real, S. Reck, G. Riccobene, L. Rigalleau, A. Romanov, A. Rovelli, J. Royon, F. Salesa Greus, D. F. E. Samtleben, A. Sánchez Losa, M. Sanguineti, A. Santangelo, D. Santonocito, P. Sapienza, J. Schmelling, J. Schnabel, M. F. Schneider, J. Schumann, H. M. Schutte, J. Seneca, I. Sgura, R. Shanidze, A. Sharma, A. Sinopoulou, B. Spisso, M. Spurio, D. Stavropoulos, J. Steijger, S. M. Stellacci, M. Taiuti, F. Tatone, Y. Tayalati, E. Tenllado, D. Tézier, T. Thakore, S. Theraube, H. Thiersen, P. Timmer, S. Tingay, S. Tsagkli, V. Tsourapis, E. Tzamariudaki, D. Tzanetatos, C. Valieri, V. Van Elewyck, G. Vasileiadis, F. Versari, S. Viola, D. Vivolo, G. de Wasseige, J.Wilms, R.Wojaczynski, E. deWolf, T. Yousfi, S. Zavatarelli, A. Zegarelli, D. Zito, J. D. Zornoza, J. Zúñiga, N. ZywuckaPostprint (published version

    Extranuclear Halpha-emitting complexes in low-z (U)LIRGs: Precursors of tidal dwarf galaxies?

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    (Abridged)This paper characterizes the physical and kinematic properties of external massive star-forming regions in a sample of (U)LIRGs. We use high angular resolution ACS images from the HST B and I bands, as well as Halpha-line emission maps obtained with IFS. We find 31 external Halpha-emitting (young star-forming) complexes in 11 (U)LIRGs. These complexes have in general similar sizes, luminosities, and metallicities to extragalactic giant HII regions and TDG candidates found in less luminous mergers and compact groups of galaxies. We assess the mass content and the likelihood of survival as TDGs of the 22 complexes with simple structures in the HST images based on their photometric, structural, and kinematic properties. The dynamical tracers used (radius-sigma and luminosity-sigma diagrams) indicate that most of the complexes might be self-gravitating entities. The resistance to forces from the parent galaxy is studied by considering the tidal mass of the candidate and its relative velocity with respect to the parent galaxy. After combining the results of previous studies of TDG searches in ULIRGs a total of 9 complexes satisfy most of the applied criteria and thus show a high-medium or high likelihood of survival, their total mass likely being compatible with that of dwarf galaxies. They are defined as TDG candidates. We propose that they probably formed more often during the early phases of the interaction. Combining all data for complexes with IFS data where a significant fraction of the system is covered, we infer a TDG production rate of 0.3 candidates with the highest probabilities of survival per system for the (U)LIRGs class. This rate, though, might decrease to 0.1 after the systems in (U)LIRGs have evolved for 10 Gyr, for long-lived TDGs, which would imply that no more than 5-10 % of the overall dwarf population could be of tidal origin.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A, 21 pages, 8 figures. Typo corrected (article 1111.0468
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