229 research outputs found

    Kilómetros: experiencias de jóvenes colombianos nacidos en lugares distintos a Bogotá y que estudian en Bogotá

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    La siguiente propuesta, es resultado del análisis de la realidad generacional que ha dado la opción a varios preadultos de transformar sus vidas por medio de viajes que desembocan en grandes ciudades y cuyo objetivo es pensar un futuro más allá de las costumbres. ¿De qué manera un proceso de migración, común en nuestro país, resulta ser una experiencia tan enriquecedora como frustrante, y presenta retos que enfrentan al “yo” con la aceptación de nuevas dinámicas distintas a las de nacimiento? una experiencia que encara miedos y debilidades, con el único resultado de preparar al individuo como parte sensible de la sociedad

    Kilómetros: experiencias de jóvenes colombianos nacidos en lugares distintos a Bogotá y que estudian en Bogotá

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    La siguiente propuesta, es resultado del análisis de la realidad generacional que ha dado la opción a varios preadultos de transformar sus vidas por medio de viajes que desembocan en grandes ciudades y cuyo objetivo es pensar un futuro más allá de las costumbres. ¿De qué manera un proceso de migración, común en nuestro país, resulta ser una experiencia tan enriquecedora como frustrante, y presenta retos que enfrentan al “yo” con la aceptación de nuevas dinámicas distintas a las de nacimiento? una experiencia que encara miedos y debilidades, con el único resultado de preparar al individuo como parte sensible de la sociedad

    Plan estratégico del sistema de ciencia y tecnología

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    Las economías desarrolladas han basado su crecimiento en la generación y explotación del conocimiento. La competitividad alcanzada por la diferenciación en el costo y la eficiencia en el proceso no resulta suficiente para lograr un crecimiento sostenible, es por ello que la generación de conocimiento sobre la base de la innovación es la piedra angular sobre la cual los países deben construir sus modelos de desarrollo y en tal sentido, los sistemas de ciencia y tecnología o de innovación son los instrumentos a partir de los cuales se puede alcanzar estos objetivos. En el Perú, lamentablemente la ciencia y tecnología no ha contado con una verdadera política de Estado que promueva su desarrollo, lo cual se ha visto reflejado en los bajos niveles de inversión pública y privada en el sistema, lo que ha repercutido en su débil institucionalidad, productividad y en el poco alineamiento entre el Estado, la Academia y la Empresa. Sin embargo, el actual contexto económico ha puesto en evidencia sobre todo para economías como la peruana la necesidad de replantear su modelo económico sobre la base de una oferta productiva más diversificada y de mayor valor agregado. En este contexto el presente plan estratégico busca con un horizonte de diez años plantear las estrategias y acciones necesarias para fortalecer el Sistema de Ciencia y Tecnología con el fin de que contribuya efectivamente con la diversificación productiva del país así como con el mejoramiento de las condiciones de vida de la población. Para ello resulta necesario: (a) priorizar los sectores sobre los cuales se tiene ventajas competitivas, (b) desarrollar y atraer recursos humanos altamente capacitados, (c) modernizar la infraestructura y equipamiento científico, (d) implementar un atractivo sistema de incentivos, (e) mejorar la gobernanza del sistema y (f) lograr una verdadera articulación del Estado con la Academia y la Empresa a través de la implementación del modelo de Triple Hélix. Con el fin de lograr lo anterior, el Estado debe asumir un rol más protagónico no solo a través del incremento de los fondos asignados sino también a través de la reestructuración del sistema con el fin de asegurar su institucionalidad dotando para ello de mayores competencias al ente rector a través de la creación de un Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología y propiciando la participación del sector privado en los órganos directivos de los centros de investigación públicosThroughout time, developed economies have based their growth on the generation and exploitation of knowledge. The competitiveness reached by the differentiaton between costs and efficiency is no longer enough to reach a sustainable growth. Therefore, the generation of knowledge based on innovation is the cornerstone upon which countries must build their development models. In this way, science and technology as well as innovation systems will be the means to reach these objectives. Unfortunately, State policies in Peru have not promoted science and technology, which, in turn, would also promote the development of the country. This lack of interest in the country can be observed in the limited public and private investment in the system; consequently, this has also had an impact in the low levels of institutionalization, productivity, and the alignment among the State, the Academy, and the Enterprise. However, the current economic context has shed light on developing economies like the Peruvian, causing them to reconsider their current economic system for one based on diversified productive supply and higher added value. In this context, the following strategic plan seeks, in a ten-year-term, to frame the necessary strategies and actions to strengthen the Science and Technology System in order to effectively contribute with the country’s productive diversification and, consequently, the improvement of the population’s life conditions. In order to reach these objectives, it will be necessary: (a) to prioritize those areas that have competitive advantage, (b) to train and attract high qualified staff, (c) to modernize the infrastructure and scientific equipment, (d) to implement an attractive financial system of incentives, (e) to improve the management of the system, and (f) to achieve true communication among the State, the Academy, and the Enterprise through the implementation of a Triple Helix model. In order to get the previously mentioned objectives, the State must play a leading roll not only by raising the budget, but also by restructuring the system ensuring higher institutionalism. This will provide more competences to the government through the creation of a Science and Technology Ministry and encouraging the participation of the private sector in the governing bodies of the public investigation centersTesi

    Perspectiva del cliente sobre una empresa textil de Guanajuato. Segundo pilar del Balanced Scorecard

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    El objetivo de este trabajo es integrar el Balanced Scorecard (BSC) a través de un acercamiento práctico desde la perspectiva del cliente en una empresa del sector textil en la región sur del Estado de Guanajuato. El diseño de esta investigación es de tipo no experimental y de corte transversal, bajo el enfoque del estudio de caso. Los principales resultados fueron: la generación de una propuesta de valor añadido al cliente; propuesta de mejoras en la calidad, en el diseño del producto, en la imagen y en la relación con el cliente.  La descripción exhaustiva de la situación del “Corporativo Z” condujo a la correcta toma de decisiones con facilidad y sencillez. Todo ello para alcanzar los objetivos de la alta dirección que son: llevar a la empresa por el camino de la mejora continua e incrementar la rentabilidad.

    Taxonomic variations in the gut microbiome of gout patients with and without tophi might have a functional impact on urate metabolism

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    Objective: To evaluate the taxonomic composition of the gut microbiome in gout patients with and without tophi formation, and predict bacterial functions that might have an impact on urate metabolism. Methods: Hypervariable V3–V4 regions of the bacterial 16S rRNA gene from fecal samples of gout patients with and without tophi (n=33 and n=25, respectively) were sequenced and compared to fecal samples from 53 healthy controls. We explored predictive functional profles using bioinformatics in order to identify diferences in taxonomy and metabolic pathways. Results: We identifed a microbiome characterized by the lowest richness and a higher abundance of Phascolarctobacterium, Bacteroides, Akkermansia, and Ruminococcus_gnavus_group genera in patients with gout without tophi when compared to controls. The Proteobacteria phylum and the Escherichia-Shigella genus were more abundant in patients with tophaceous gout than in controls. Fold change analysis detected nine genera enriched in healthy controls compared to gout groups (Bifdobacterium, Butyricicoccus, Oscillobacter, Ruminococcaceae_UCG_010, Lachnospiraceae_ND2007_group, Haemophilus, Ruminococcus_1, Clostridium_sensu_stricto_1, and Ruminococcaceae_ UGC_013). We found that the core microbiota of both gout groups shared Bacteroides caccae, Bacteroides stercoris ATCC 43183, and Bacteroides coprocola DSM 17136. These bacteria might perform functions linked to one-carbon metabo‑ lism, nucleotide binding, amino acid biosynthesis, and purine biosynthesis. Finally, we observed diferences in key bacterial enzymes involved in urate synthesis, degradation, and elimination. Conclusion: Our fndings revealed that taxonomic variations in the gut microbiome of gout patients with and with‑ out tophi might have a functional impact on urate metabolism. Keywords: Gout, Gut microbiota, Uric acid metabolis

    Microglial activation induced by the alarmin S100B is regulated by poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase-1

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    Brain injury resulting from stroke or trauma can be exacerbated by the release of proinflammatory cytokines, proteases, and reactive oxygen species by activated microglia. The microglial activation resulting from brain injury is mediated in part by alarmins, which are signaling molecules released from damaged cells. The nuclear enzyme poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase-1 (PARP-1) has been shown to regulate microglial activation after brain injury, and here we show that signaling effects of the alarmin S100B are regulated by PARP-1. S100B is a protein localized predominantly to astrocytes. Exogenous S100B added to primary microglial cultures induced a rapid change in microglial morphology, upregulation of IL-1β, TNFα, and iNOS gene expression, and release of matrix metalloproteinase 9 and nitric oxide. Most, though not all of these effects were attenuated in PARP-1(-/-) microglia and in wild-type microglia treated with the PARP inhibitor, veliparib. Microglial activation and gene expression changes induced by S100B injected directly into brain were likewise attenuated by PARP-1 inhibition. The anti-inflammatory effects of PARP-1 inhibitors in acutely injured brain may thus be mediated in part through effects on S100B signaling pathways. GLIA 2016;64:1869-1878

    Convergent trends and spatiotemporal patterns of Aedes-borne arboviruses in Mexico and Central America

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    Background Aedes-borne arboviruses cause both seasonal epidemics and emerging outbreaks with a significant impact on global health. These viruses share mosquito vector species, often infecting the same host population within overlapping geographic regions. Thus, comparative analyses of the virus evolutionary and epidemiological dynamics across spatial and temporal scales could reveal convergent trends. Methodology/Principal findings Focusing on Mexico as a case study, we generated novel chikungunya and dengue (CHIKV, DENV-1 and DENV-2) virus genomes from an epidemiological surveillance-derived historical sample collection, and analysed them together with longitudinally-collected genome and epidemiological data from the Americas. Aedes-borne arboviruses endemically circulating within the country were found to be introduced multiple times from lineages predominantly sampled from the Caribbean and Central America. For CHIKV, at least thirteen introductions were inferred over a year, with six of these leading to persistent transmission chains. For both DENV-1 and DENV-2, at least seven introductions were inferred over a decade. Conclusions/Significance Our results suggest that CHIKV, DENV-1 and DENV-2 in Mexico share evolutionary and epidemiological trajectories. The southwest region of the country was determined to be the most likely location for viral introductions from abroad, with a subsequent spread into the Pacific coast towards the north of Mexico. Virus diffusion patterns observed across the country are likely driven by multiple factors, including mobility linked to human migration from Central towards North America. Considering Mexico’s geographic positioning displaying a high human mobility across borders, our results prompt the need to better understand the role of anthropogenic factors in the transmission dynamics of Aedes-borne arboviruses, particularly linked to land-based human migration

    DNMT3L Is a Regulator of X Chromosome Compaction and Post-Meiotic Gene Transcription

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    Previous studies on the epigenetic regulator DNA methyltransferase 3-Like (DNMT3L), have demonstrated it is an essential regulator of paternal imprinting and early male meiosis. Dnmt3L is also a paternal effect gene, i.e., wild type offspring of heterozygous mutant sires display abnormal phenotypes suggesting the inheritance of aberrant epigenetic marks on the paternal chromosomes. In order to reveal the mechanisms underlying these paternal effects, we have assessed X chromosome meiotic compaction, XY chromosome aneuploidy rates and global transcription in meiotic and haploid germ cells from male mice heterozygous for Dnmt3L. XY bodies from Dnmt3L heterozygous males were significantly longer than those from wild types, and were associated with a three-fold increase in XY bearing sperm. Loss of a Dnmt3L allele resulted in deregulated expression of a large number of both X-linked and autosomal genes within meiotic cells, but more prominently in haploid germ cells. Data demonstrate that similar to embryonic stem cells, DNMT3L is involved in an auto-regulatory loop in germ cells wherein the loss of a Dnmt3L allele resulted in increased transcription from the remaining wild type allele. In contrast, however, within round spermatids, this auto-regulatory loop incorporated the alternative non-coding alternative transcripts. Consistent with the mRNA data, we have localized DNMT3L within spermatids and sperm and shown that the loss of a Dnmt3L allele results in a decreased DNMT3L content within sperm. These data demonstrate previously unrecognised roles for DNMT3L in late meiosis and in the transcriptional regulation of meiotic and post-meiotic germ cells. These data provide a potential mechanism for some cases of human Klinefelter's and Turner's syndromes