261 research outputs found

    Origen y abundancia de residuos en playas de las Islas Baleares

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    The abundance, nature and possible sources of litter on 32 beaches on the Balearic Islands (Mediterranean Sea) were investigated in 2005. Mean summer abundances in the Balearics reached approximately 36 items m-1, with a corresponding weight of 32±25 g m-1, which is comparable to the results of other studies in the Mediterranean. Multivariate analyses (principal component analysis and redundancy analysis) confirmed strong similarities between islands and a statistically significant seasonal evolution of litter composition and abundance. In summer (the high tourist season), debris contamination expressed as item abundance was double that in the low season and showed a heterogeneous nature associated with beach use. Cigarette butts were the most abundant item, accounting for up to 46% of the objects observed in the high tourist season. In contrast, plastics related to personal hygiene/medical items were predominant in wintertime (67%) and natural wood was the most important debris by weight (75%). In both seasons, litter characteristics suggested a strong relationship with local land-based origins. While beach users were the main source of summer debris, low tourist season litter was primarily attributed to drainage and outfall systems.En un estudio realizado durante el año 2005 se analizó la abundancia, naturaleza y posibles orígenes de los residuos presentes en 32 playas de las Islas Baleares (mar Mediterráneo). La abundancia media de objetos en verano fue de aproximadamente 36 objetos por metro lineal, con un peso correspondiente de 32±25 g por metro lineal, lo cual es comparable a otros estudios en el Mediterráneo. El estudio mediante análisis multivariantes (Análisis de Componentes Principales y Análisis de Redundancia) confirma importantes similitudes entre islas, además de una evolución estacional estadísticamente significante en la composición y abundancia de los residuos. La contaminación durante el verano, expresada en términos de abundancia de objetos en la playa, duplica el valor registrado en invierno. Además, los objetos hallados durante esta época son de naturaleza heterogénea lo que se asocia con los vertidos realizados por los usuarios de las playas. De lo recogido en verano, las colillas son el residuo más abundante, alcanzando un 46% de los objetos observados. Por el contrario, los plásticos, y en particular los relacionados con el aseo personal y las medicinas son el tipo de objeto más común en invierno (67%) y las maderas representan el tipo de residuo más abundante en cuanto a peso (75%). En ambas estaciones, los residuos encontrados muestran una estrecha relación con fuentes de tipo local; mientras que los usuarios de las playas son el mayor foco de residuos en el verano, en invierno éstos se asocian con los sistemas de alcantarillado y emisario

    A kinetic study of the formation of smectic phases in novel liquid crystal ionogens

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    [EN] A multi-rate non-isothermal kinetic analysis of the isotropic-melt to liquid crystalline phase transition of novel liquid crystalline ionogenic copolymers, LCIs, the 10-(4-methoxyazobenzene-4'-oxy)decyl methacrylate]-co-2-(acrylamido-2-methyl-1-propanesulfonic acid)s, 10-MeOAzB/AMPS, copolymers, has been performed by means of calorimetric experiments. An analytical methodology which includes the study of the phase transition rate parameter, the determination of the activation energies by using Kissinger and Flynn-Wall-Ozawa models, and the study of the phase transition kinetics by the use of the Avrami theory, has been applied. The formation of the mesophases from the isotropic state occurred close to thermodynamic equilibrium. The results evidence the presence of several individual processes in the formation of liquid crystalline phases from the melt and a strong dependence of phase transition rates and activation energies with acid contents. A decrease in the phase transition rate, related to a decrease in the overall change of the transition entropy, has been observed. The final inhibition of the liquid crystal (LC) behaviour is ascribed to an exponential increase in the activation energy of the phase transition, promoted by strong acid aggregation. An optimum composition of the 10-MeOAzB/AMPS copolymers to achieve the dual characteristics of LCIs (ionogenic and liquid crystalline behaviour) requires acid concentrations capable of promoting structure-forming effects on the LC phases and the evolution of phase separated morphologies.The authors would like to acknowledge the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, through the Research Projects ENE2007-67584-C03, UPOVCE-3E-013, ENE2011-28735-C02-01, IT-2009-0074 and three FPI and FPU predoctoral grants, and the financial support of the Generalitat Valenciana, through the Grisolia and Forteza programs and the ACOMP/2011/189 program. The Vice-rectorate for Research of UPV is also thanked for additional support through the PAID 05-09-4331, PAID-05-11/2806, and PAID 06-11-2037 projects.Martinez-Felipe, A.; Badia, J.; Santonja Blasco, L.; Imrie, C.; Ribes Greus, MD. (2013). A kinetic study of the formation of smectic phases in novel liquid crystal ionogens. European Polymer Journal. 49(6):1553-1563. https://doi.org/10.116/j.eurpolymj.2013.01.021S1553156349

    Mitotane Targets Lipid Droplets to Induce Lipolysis in Adrenocortical Carcinoma

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    INTRODUCTION Adrenocortical carcinoma (ACC) is a rare aggressive cancer with low overall survival. Adjuvant mitotane improves survival but is limited by poor response rates and resistance. Mitotane's efficacy is attributed to the accumulation of toxic free cholesterol, predominantly through cholesterol storage inhibition. However, targeting this pathway has proven unsuccessful. We hypothesize that mitotane-induced free-cholesterol accumulation is also mediated through enhanced breakdown of lipid droplets. METHODOLOGY ATCC-H295R (mitotane-sensitive) and MUC-1 (mitotane-resistant) ACC cells were evaluated for lipid content using specific BODIPY dyes. Protein expression was evaluated by immunoblotting and flow cytometry. Cell viability was measured by quantifying propidium iodide-positive cells following mitotane treatment and pharmacological inhibitors of lipolysis. RESULTS H295R and MUC-1 cells demonstrated similar neutral lipid droplet numbers at baseline. However, evaluation of lipid machinery demonstrated distinct profiles in each model. Analysis of intracellular lipid droplet content showed H295R cells preferentially store cholesteryl esters, whereas MUC-1 cells store triacylglycerol. Decreased lipid droplets were associated with increased lipolysis in H295R and in MUC-1 at toxic mitotane concentrations. Pharmacological inhibition of lipolysis attenuated mitotane-induced toxicity in both models. CONCLUSION We highlight that lipid droplet breakdown and activation of lipolysis represent a putative additional mechanism for mitotane-induced cytotoxicity in ACC. Further understanding of cholesterol and lipids in ACC offers potential novel therapeutic exploitation, especially in mitotane-resistant disease

    Ionically conducting and photoresponsive liquid crystalline terpolymers: Towards multifunctional polymer electrolytes

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    [EN] We have prepared a series of new ionically conducting polymer electrolytes consisting of side-chain liquid crystal terpolymers with mesogenic azobenzenes, sulfonic acid groups and methyl methacrylate. The poly[10-(4-methoxyazobenzene -4'-oxy)decyl methacrylate] -co-poly[2-acrylamido-2-methyl-1-propanesulfonic acid]-copoly [methyl methacrylate]s, 10-MeOAzB/AMPS/MMA terpolymers, were synthesised by a one-pot conventional radical polymerisation. All samples were characterised by NMR, GPC/SEC, FT-IR, POM, XRD, DSC, UV-visible spectrophotometry and EIS. The terpolymers have light responsive properties, and exhibit liquid crystallinity over a wide range of compositions. Above a certain threshold of AMPS content, the 10-MeOAzB/AMPS/MMA terpolymers exhibit ionic conductivities in the 10(-8)-10(-4)S.cm(-1) range, with signs of decoupling of ionic mobility from segmental motions of the polymer.ARG and AMF thank the financial support of the Generalitat Valenciana, through the Grisolia and Forteza programs, and the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, through the Research Projects ENE2007-67584-C03 and UPOVCE-3E-013 and the awarding of two FPI and FPU pre-doctoral grants. AMF and NFKA would like to thank the Royal Academy of Engineering for the award of the Newton Research Collaboration Programme grant NRCP1516/4/61. AMF acknowledges the School of Engineering of the University of Aberdeen for financial support.Vanti, L.; Alauddin, SM.; Zaton, D.; Aripin, N.; Giaccinti-Baschetti, M.; Imrie, C.; Ribes-Greus, A.... (2018). Ionically conducting and photoresponsive liquid crystalline terpolymers: Towards multifunctional polymer electrolytes. European Polymer Journal. 109:124-132. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.eurpolymj.2018.08.033S12413210

    El punto de vista de los familiares de pacientes con trastorno bipolar.

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    Como consecuencia de la desinstitucionalización de los pacientes psiquiátricos, el papel de los cuidadores ha adquirido un interés relevante a lo largo de los últimos años. Con el objetivo de conocer el impacto de la enfermedad en los cuidadores, 88 familiares de pacientes diagnosticados de trastorno bipolar (DSM-IV) completaron un cuestionario autoadministrado que recogía información sobre variados aspectos clínicos, sociodemográficos, carga experimentada, actitudes y conocimientos acerca de la enfermedad, entre otras cuestiones. Encontramos que los familiares necesitaban con frecuencia ayuda psiquiátrica por el estrés generado por la enfermedad, ercibían afectación en los planos laboral, lúdico y económico, junto con la estigmatización social. Resultaban de gran ayuda en la cumplimentación terapéutica y la información recibida acerca de la enfermedad y los recursos destinados eran percibidos como insuficientes. También se obtuvo información de las parejas que describían afectación en las relaciones conyugales, sexuales y en la crianza. Es necesario, por tanto, identificar aquellos factores que contribuyen al estrés familiar. Intervenciones como los grupos psicoeducativos pueden mejorar el conocimiento de la enfermedad y mejorar las técnicas de afrontamiento

    Ionically conducting and photoresponsive liquid crystalline terpolymers : towards multifunctional polymer electrolytes

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    ARG and AMF thank the financial support of the Generalitat Valenciana, through the Grisolia and Forteza programs, and the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, through the Research Projects ENE2007-67584-C03 and UPOVCE-3E-013 and the awarding of two FPI and FPU pre-doctoral grants. AMF and NFKA would like to thank the Royal Academy of Engineering for the award of the Newton Research Collaboration Programme grant NRCP1516/4/61. AMF acknowledges the School of Engineering of the University of Aberdeen for financial support.Peer reviewedPostprin

    Characterization of Burkholderia rhizoxinica and B. endofungorum Isolated from Clinical Specimens

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    Eight isolates submitted to CDC from 1989 to 2006 from clinical specimens were initially identified as members of the genus Burkholderia based on preliminary cellular fatty acid analysis and/or 16S rRNA gene sequencing. With the recent descriptions of the new species B. rhizoxinica and B. endofungorum, which are considered endosymbiotic bacteria in Rhizopus microsporus fungi, we now identify seven of these clinical isolates as B. rhizoxinica and one as B. endofungorum based on biochemical testing, 16s rRNA, and DNA-DNA hybridization results. We also further characterize these isolates by assessing toxin production and/or by multiple locus sequence typing

    Gate and drain low frequency noise in HfO 2 NMOSFETs

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    Abstract. Gate and drain current noise investigations are performed on nMOS transistors with HfO 2 gate oxides. The drain noise magnitude allows extraction of the slow oxide trap density N t (E F ) ranging from 3 to 7 10 19 eV -1 cm -3 . These values are about 50 times higher than for SiO 2 dielectrics. The 1/f gate current noise component is a quadratic function of the gate leakage current. The gate noise parameter K GC is about 2 10 -17 m 2 , whereas, for SiO 2 dielectrics this gate noise figure of merit is about 10 -19 m 2