154 research outputs found

    Insulin-like growth factor I sensitization rejuvenates sleep patterns in old mice

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    Sleep disturbances are common during aging. Compared to young animals, old mice show altered sleep structure, with changes in both slow and fast electrocorticographic (ECoG) activity and fewer transitions between sleep and wake stages. Insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I), which is involved in adaptive changes during aging, was previously shown to increase ECoG activity in young mice and monkeys. Furthermore, IGF-I shapes sleep architecture by modulating the activity of mouse orexin neurons in the lateral hypothalamus (LH). We now report that both ECoG activation and excitation of orexin neurons by systemic IGF-I are abrogated in old mice. Moreover, orthodromical responses of LH neurons are facilitated by either systemic or local IGF-I in young mice, but not in old ones. As orexin neurons of old mice show dysregulated IGF-I receptor (IGF-IR) expression, suggesting disturbed IGF-I sensitivity, we treated old mice with AIK3a305, a novel IGF-IR sensitizer, and observed restored responses to IGF-I and rejuvenation of sleep patterns. Thus, disturbed sleep structure in aging mice may be related to impaired IGF-I signaling onto orexin neurons, reflecting a broader loss of IGF-I activity in the aged mouse brain.This work was funded by a grant from Ciberned and is part of the project SAF2016-76462 funded by MCIN/AEI/https://doi.org/10.13039/501100011033. J.A. ZegarraValdivia acknowledges the fnancial support of the National Council of Science, Technology and Technological Innovation (CONCYTEC, Perú) through the National Fund for Scientifc and Technological Development (FONDECYT, Perú). J. Fernandes received a post-doc fellowship from Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP: # 2017/14742–0; # 2019/03368–5)

    Development of an In Vitro Model for the Multi-Parametric Quantification of the Cellular Interactions between Candida Yeasts and Phagocytes

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    We developed a new in vitro model for a multi-parameter characterization of the time course interaction of Candida fungal cells with J774 murine macrophages and human neutrophils, based on the use of combined microscopy, fluorometry, flow cytometry and viability assays. Using fluorochromes specific to phagocytes and yeasts, we could accurately quantify various parameters simultaneously in a single infection experiment: at the individual cell level, we measured the association of phagocytes to fungal cells and phagocyte survival, and monitored in parallel the overall phagocytosis process by measuring the part of ingested fungal cells among the total fungal biomass that changed over time. Candida albicans, C. glabrata, and C. lusitaniae were used as a proof of concept: they exhibited species-specific differences in their association rate with phagocytes. The fungal biomass uptaken by the phagocytes differed significantly according to the Candida species. The measure of the survival of fungal and immune cells during the interaction showed that C. albicans was the more aggressive yeast in vitro, destroying the vast majority of the phagocytes within five hours. All three species of Candida were able to survive and to escape macrophage phagocytosis either by the intraphagocytic yeast-to-hyphae transition (C. albicans) and the fungal cell multiplication until phagocytes burst (C. glabrata, C. lusitaniae), or by the avoidance of phagocytosis (C. lusitaniae). We demonstrated that our model was sensitive enough to quantify small variations of the parameters of the interaction. The method has been conceived to be amenable to the high-throughput screening of mutants in order to unravel the molecular mechanisms involved in the interaction between yeasts and host phagocytes

    First joint observations of space weather events over Mexico

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    Abstract. The Mexican Space Weather Service (SCiESMEX in Spanish) and National Space Weather Laboratory (LANCE in Spanish) were organized in 2014 and in 2016, respectively, to provide space weather monitoring and alerts, as well as scientific research in Mexico. In this work, we presenttheresultsofthefirstjointobservationsoftwoevents (22 June and 29 September 2015) with our local network of instruments and their related products. This network includes the MEXART radio telescope (solar flare and radio burst), the Compact Astronomical Low-frequency, Low-cost Instrument for Spectroscopy in Transportable Observatories (CALLISTO)attheMEXARTstation(solarradioburst),the Mexico City Cosmic Ray Observatory (cosmic ray fluxes), GPS receiver networks (ionospheric disturbances), and the Teoloyucan Geomagnetic Observatory (geomagnetic field). The observations show that we detected significant space weather effects over the Mexican territory: geomagnetic and ionospheric disturbances (22 June 2015), variations in cosmicrayfluxes,andalsoradiocommunications’interferences (29September2015).Theeffectsoftheseperturbationswere registered,forthefirsttime,usingspaceweatherproductsby SCiESMEX:totalelectroncontent(TEC)maps,regionalgeomagneticindexKmex,radiospectrographsoflowfrequency, and cosmic ray fluxes. These results prove the importance of monitoring space weather phenomena in the region and the need to strengthening the instrumentation network

    VizieR Online Data Catalog: Highly Accreting Quasars: SDSS Low z Catalog (Negrete+, 2018)

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    Table 4: contains 103 spectra with an erroneous z identification. The redshift values are given by: the SDSS database (erroneous values), Shen et al. (2011, Cat. J/ApJS/194/45) and Hewett & Wilde (2010, Cat. J/MNRAS/405/2302) (correct values). Table 5: Contains the data described in the Table 2, which are the measurements of the individual spectral fits and derived computations. A detailed description of this table is in Sec. 4.2. (2 data files)

    Small but crucial : the novel small heat shock protein Hsp21 mediates stress adaptation and virulence in Candida albicans

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    Highly accreting quasars: a tool for cosmology?

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    Highly accreting quasars are possible cosmological probes, as their Eddington ratio is expected to saturate toward values of order unity. We present preliminary estimates of redshift- independent source luminosities and the Hubble diagram for quasars in the redshift range 0.1 <~ z <~ 2.6

    Genetics and complement in atypical HUS

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    Central to the pathogenesis of atypical hemolytic uremic syndrome (aHUS) is over-activation of the alternative pathway of complement. Following the initial discovery of mutations in the complement regulatory protein, factor H, mutations have been described in factor I, membrane cofactor protein and thrombomodulin, which also result in decreased complement regulation. Autoantibodies to factor H have also been reported to impair complement regulation in aHUS. More recently, gain of function mutations in the complement components C3 and Factor B have been seen. This review focuses on the genetic causes of aHUS, their functional consequences, and clinical effect

    Environmental design solutions for existing concrete flat roofs in low-cost housing to improve passive cooling in western Mexico

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    The development of real estate in Mexico has largely ruled out the comfort of users that focused on economic matters and made it difficult to make substantial progress in adopting measures to improve indoor environmental quality. Current research projects in Mexico found that roof construction in low-cost housing struggles to meet the requirements of the indoor climate. Passive cooling strategies are techniques to control heat gain and heat dissipation in buildings to maximise the comfort and health of building users while minimising energy use. Passive cooling systems recognize climate conditions and utilise renewable sources of energy such as the sun and wind to provide cooling and ventilation. Therefore, this study aims to develop a green and sustainable solution for existing concrete flat roofs with no major interventions and investments to save energy. The design of a passive device was tested to assess its effectiveness to protect flat roofs from shortwave radiation and to allow for heat dissipation in Mexican buildings. The study used a quantitative approach based on experiments and simulation tests to evaluate design efficiency. The results showed that a perforated device with an opening percentage of 88% and a cavity of 0.05m between the roof and the device provided effective protection. Also, the device with blinds of 45° showed lower operative temperatures within a range of mean values between 0.8°C and 0.9°C compared to a roof with a full shade cover in the hot and humid season. However, the perforated device with blinds of 90° in black colour delivered the best performance compared to other models and recorded a mean value of 1.13°C in the hot sub-humid season. The results revealed the efficiency of the proposed device that can be observed within different geometric configurations, surface properties as well as the use of the nocturnal radiative cooling potential in blocking solar radiation in Mexican buildings