1,497 research outputs found

    Identifying the differences in survivorship and growth in offspring of large and small females in the pipefish species Syngnathus scovelli

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    While maternal investment in many fish species is well studied, the effect of maternal investment on offspring quality in the sex-role-reversed pipefish Syngnathus scovelli has not yet been determined. Previous studies in other species of pipefish have looked at egg size and components of an egg’s makeup as indicators of offspring quality and have found conflicting results. In this study, we compared growth and survivorship of offspring from females of different sizes by mating a controlled sized male with a large or small female and measuring growth every ten days. Using the number of eggs transferred by each female to her mate as a predictor of female reproductive success, we found that in a single mating there is no difference in the number of eggs or surviving offspring at birth for the two female size categories. The size at birth of the offspring were not significantly different but showed a trend towards larger females having longer offspring at birth. Growth and survivorship of offspring of large and small females was also compared when offspring are put into resource limited environments by having three levels of feeding for offspring from each brood. The results showed that offspring of both female categories had decreased growth and survivorship in the lowest food treatment and had similar growth and survivorship in the control. However, the experiment showed an unexpected result in the low feeding treatment where the offspring of small females grew more and had a higher survivorship than offspring of large females in the same feeding treatment. We hypothesize that the increased growth in offspring of small females when food is limited is a result of increased female provisioning from the smaller females who are compensating for their lower mating successes compared to larger females. These results may indicate that size of maternal female is not a definite indicator of offspring fitness and there are many interactions and environmental conditions that need to be taken into account in order to predict the future fitness of offspring in Gulf pipefish

    The Evolution of Family Law: Changing the Rules or Changing the Game

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    If a lawyer of the early 20th. Century woke up from his hibernation in these days, he would find a lot of new words he would not understand (internet, wifi, microwave, and so on). However, when reading, or talking, about family and family Law, he would probably feel more comfortable and think to himself: "I do know this", (being "this", words like marriage, husband, wife, spouses, son, daughter, parents and so on). But after a short period of time he would realize that being these words the same ones that he knew, their current meaning would be completely different..

    Informe – Prueba de Habilidades Prácticas

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    En el informe siguiente se abordarán el desarrollo de dos escenarios en los cuales aplicaremos los conceptos aprendidos como configuraciones básicas, seguridad para los switches y routers, con estos escenarios aprenderemos a tener habilidades y destreza para resolver problemas futuros en Networking.In the following report, the development of two scenarios will be addressed in which we will apply the concepts learned such as basic configurations, security for switches and routers, with these scenarios we will learn to have skills and abilities to solve future problems in Networking

    El concepto de surveillance : Aspectos éticos desde las ciencias de la información y la comunicación

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    Se analiza la problemática generada en torno al uso que presenta el concepto de surveillance para la ORC, desde la perspectiva ética que incluye dos visiones complementarias aportadas por las Ciencias de la Información y las Ciencias de la Comunicación. Se plantea el problema acudiendo a las definiciones generales y específicas del término, para luego analizarlo desde el punto de vista ético que incluye las visiones de los dos campos del conocimiento mencionados. Finalmente se reflexiona sobre los imperativos éticos que incluyen ambas visones, concluyendo en la necesidad de mayor divulgación y jerarquización del problema plantead

    Radiocarbon reservoir ages and hardwater effect for the northeastern coastal waters of Argentina.

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    Accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS) radiocarbon dates were obtained for 18 mollusk shells collected alive along the Buenos Aires province coast, Argentina, over the period AD 1914–1935. Reservoir ages were estimated for all samples on the basis of the tree-ring calibration curve for the Southern Hemisphere (SHCal04, McCormac et al. 2004) and the marine ΔR values calculated as the difference between the conventional 14C age and the age deduced from the marine, mixedlayer model calculation (Marine04, Hughen et al. 2004). For most coastal locations, a great ΔR scatter was observed, ranging from 191 to 2482 yr, which is explained by the input of varying content of dissolved carbonate by rivers and groundwater (“hardwater effect”) and indicates a serious limitation for shell-based 14C chronologies. Within the interior of Bahía Blanca estuary, ΔR values ranged from –40 to 50 ± 46 as a consequence of the local geological particularities of the environment. This suggests that, with some restrictions, the marine calibration curve with standard parameters (ΔR = 0) could be used at this location.Fil: Gomez, Eduardo Alberto. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Bahía Blanca. Instituto Argentino de Oceanografía. Universidad Nacional del Sur. Instituto Argentino de Oceanografía; ArgentinaFil: Borel, Claudia Marcela. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Aguirre, Marina Laura. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Martinez, Daniel Emilio. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Instituto de Geología de Costas y del Cuaternario. Provincia de Buenos Aires. Gobernación. Comisión de Investigaciones Científicas. Instituto de Geología de Costas y del Cuaternario; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentin

    Drag-free and attitude control for the GOCE satellite

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    The paper concerns Drag-Free and Attitude Control of the European satellite Gravity field and steady-state Ocean Circulation Explorer (GOCE) during the science phase. Design has followed Embedded Model Control, where a spacecraft/environment discrete-time model becomes the realtime control core and is interfaced to actuators and sensors via tuneable feedback laws. Drag-free control implies cancelling non-gravitational forces and all torques, leaving the satellite to free fall subject only to gravity. In addition, for reasons of science, the spacecraft must be carefully aligned to the local orbital frame, retrieved from range and rate of a Global Positioning System receiver. Accurate drag-free and attitude control requires proportional and low-noise thrusting, which in turn raises the problem of propellant saving. Six-axis drag-free control is driven by accurate acceleration measurements provided by the mission payload. Their angular components must be combined with the star-tracker attitude so as to compensate accelerometer drift. Simulated results are presented and discusse

    Solución de dos escenarios presentes en entornos corporativos bajo el uso de tecnología CISCO

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    Con el presente trabajo se busca generar una solución a los escenarios planteados para el trabajo de diplomado CISCO, dado como opción de grado para obtener el título de Ingeniero de Sistemas, implementando la estrategia de aprendizaje basada en escenarios mediante la utilización de la plataforma CISCO donde se desarrollaran los ejercicios generando el enrutamiento de las redes haciendo uso del simulador Packet Tracer mediante el empleo de comandos para realizar la respectiva configuración de las subredes e interfaz de los dispositivos a enlazar verificando la conmutación entre los host de extremo a extremo donde se evidencia de forma electrónica la interconexión de las subredes solicitadas en los dispositivos empleados.With the present work, we seek to generate a solution to the scenarios proposed for the CISCO diploma work, given as a degree option to obtain the title of Systems Engineer, implementing the learning strategy based on scenarios through the use of the CISCO platform where The exercises will be developed generating the routing of the networks using the Packet Tracer simulator by using commands to carry out the respective configuration of the subnets and interface of the devices to be linked, verifying the switching between the hosts from end to end where it is evidence of electronically the interconnection of the requested subnets in the devices used

    Advances in Numerical Data Visualization of Flow around a Square Cylinder

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    In this work, we present a grid study oriented to capture 3D flow simulations around smooth and wrinkled cylinders that could have practical applications in various engineering areas. The study considers three Reynolds numbers, namely, a benchmark Re = 2.14 × 104 and two orders of magnitude above and below it. The main contributions of the paper relate to the optimization of the computational mesh for the spanwise direction of the wind flow that results from the computational mathematical framework employed, in addition to a novel visualization technique that unfolds features in the recording data that could otherwise be hidden when using traditional plots. We compare our benchmark results with those reported by other authors to conclude that the intermediate resolution grids employed with the widest spanwise provide acceptable results. Furthermore, the new visualization technique offers significant advantages compared to traditional pressure maps, regarding clarity for observing and interpreting local flow disturbances, making variations with Re clearer, and by enabling the detection of asymmetries