1,142 research outputs found

    Significado de creatividad y talento: una propuesta etno-metodológica

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    Desde sus inicios, la psicóloga se ha preocupado por estudiar las características que definen a los sujetos como individuos únicos. El estudio de la personalidad, el coeficiente intelectual y las actitudes son sólo algunos ejemplos que muestran la necesidad de diferenciar a todos los sujetos y de buscar sus características comunes.La creatividad y el talento han ganado popularidad en los últimos años, debido a su creciente necesidad para enfrentar los rápidos cambios sociales, económicos y psicológicos que presenta la humanidad; producto de la globalización y los adelantos tecnológicos (Robinson & Aronica, 2013). El estudio científico de ambos temas ha tenido una constante crítica por parte de los investigadores, la cantidad de propuestas teóricas y términos utilizados para referirse a ambos fenómenos ha generado confusión a lo largo de la historia. Por ello, el objetivo de la presente investigación consistió en diseñar y validar dos cuestionarios, uno que mida el constructo creatividad y uno que mida el constructo talento, obteniendo indicadores desde el significado psicológico que sean culturalmente relevantes

    A new method for continuous measurements of oceanic and atmospheric N2O, CO and CO2: performance of off-axis integrated cavity output spectroscopy (OA-ICOS) coupled to non-dispersive infrared detection (NDIR)

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    A new system for continuous, highly-resolved oceanic and atmospheric measurements of N2O, CO and CO2 is described. The system is based upon off-axis integrated cavity output spectroscopy (OA-ICOS) and a non-dispersive infrared analyzer (NDIR) both coupled to a Weiss-type equilibrator. Performance of the combined setup was evaluated by testing its precision, accuracy, long-term stability, linearity and response time. Furthermore, the setup was tested during two oceanographic campaigns in the equatorial Atlantic Ocean in order to explore its potential for autonomous deployment onboard voluntary observing ships (VOS). Improved equilibrator response times for N2O (2.5 min) and CO (45 min) were achieved in comparison to response times from similar chamber designs used by previous studies. High stability of the OA-ICOS analyzer was demonstrated by low optimal integration times of 2 and 4 min for N2O and CO respectively, as well as detection limits of < 40 ppt and precision better than 0.3 ppb Hz−1/2. Results from a direct comparison of the method presented here and well-established discrete methods for oceanic N2O and CO2 measurements showed very good consistency. The favorable agreement between underway atmospheric N2O, CO and CO2 measurements and monthly means at Ascension Island (7.96°S 14.4°W) further suggests a reliable operation of the underway setup in the field. The potential of the system as an improved platform for measurements of trace gases was explored by using continuous N2O and CO2 data to characterize the development of the seasonal equatorial upwelling in the Atlantic Ocean during two RV/ Maria S. Merian cruises. A similar record of high-resolution CO measurements was simultaneously obtained offering for the first time the possibility of a comprehensive view on the distribution and emissions of these climate relevant gases on the area. The relatively simple underway N2O/CO/CO2 setup is suitable for long-term deployment on board of research and commercial vessels although potential sources of drift such as cavity temperature and further technical improvements towards automation still need to be addressed

    Effects of a High Salt Diet on Blood Pressure Dipping and the Implications on Hypertension

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    High blood pressure, also known as hypertension, is a major risk factor for cardiovascular disease. Salt intake has been shown to have a significant impact on BP, but the mechanisms by which it influences the blood pressure dipping pattern, and 24-h blood pressure remains controversial. This literature review aims to both summarize the current evidence on high salt diet induced hypertension and discuss the epidemiological aspects including socioeconomic issues in the United States and abroad. Our review indicates that a high salt diet is associated with a blunted nocturnal blood pressure dipping pattern, which is characterized by a reduced decrease in blood pressure during the nighttime hours. The mechanisms by which high salt intake affects blood pressure dipping patterns are not fully understood, but it is suggested that it may be related to changes in the sympathetic nervous system. Further, we looked at the association between major blood pressure and circadian rhythm regulatory centers in the brain, including the paraventricular nucleus (PVN), suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) and nucleus tractus solitarius (nTS). We also discuss the underlying social and economic issues in the United States and around the world. In conclusion, the evidence suggests that a high salt diet is associated with a blunted, non-dipping, or reverse dipping blood pressure pattern, which has been shown to increase the risk of cardiovascular disease. Further research is needed to better understand the underlying mechanisms by which high salt intake influences changes within the central nervous system

    La otra cara

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    El siguiente proyecto de producción final de la Licenciatura en Artes Plásticas con orientación en Pintura, pretende indagar en el bordado como metáfora, como acción poética, dándole una nueva significación que se despega de esa acción de índole doméstica. Por otra parte, tomar esa posibilidad que me da una pieza bordada de poder escudriñar dos caras, un delante y un detrás. La producción consiste en una serie de retratos bordados, y su conformación parte de fotografías que fueron plasmadas en telas de diferentes tamaños, dándole color con hilos.Facultad de Arte


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    El recurso "agua" es considerada como un factor estratégico para el desarrollo del país, por lo cual el gobierno mexicano identifico áreas de captación de agua, como lo es la cuenca Valle de Bravo-Amanalco que dentro de esta se encuentra el "(SA) Presa Corral de Piedra", cuyo objetivo es preservar las condiciones naturales que permitan la continuidad del ciclo hidrológico. Ante este tipo de políticas ambientales es necesario el análisis de su establecimiento, saber si cumplen con la función de protección, que llegue a integrar los factores sociales y económicos, a la par con el ambiente.El recurso "agua" es considerada como un factor estratégico para el desarrollo del país, por lo cual el gobierno mexicano identifico áreas de captación de agua, como lo es la cuenca Valle de Bravo-Amanalco que dentro de esta se encuentra el "(SA) Presa Corral de Piedra", cuyo objetivo es preservar las condiciones naturales que permitan la continuidad del ciclo hidrológico. Ante este tipo de políticas ambientales es necesario el análisis de su establecimiento, saber si cumplen con la función de protección, que llegue a integrar los factores sociales y económicos, a la par con el ambiente

    Social representations of the diet in patients with diabetes mellitus

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    The "diet" is part of the collective’s worldview, where culture shapes the webs of significance, giving way to a collective ideology internalised in each individual, which is fully accepted, assigned and assimilated by the collective. The diabetes mellitus is a condition whose importance lies in being one of the main causes of morbidity and mortality worldwide. This pathology is complex, but their struggle leads to the most basic and elemental: the "diet". Methodology: Explore the common sense in relation to "diet" in patients with diabetes mellitus, via the Theory of Social Representations (SR). Semi-structured surveys were applied to 100 patients in three units of the Mexican Institute of Social Security of the State of Mexico, to define on the basis of the diabetic patients to the "diet". Results: The term "diet" is a social construct, which builds and reinforces a social reality: poverty, inequality, and decontextualized biomedical control and public policies without social inclusive. Conclusion: The end of this research reveals the thin threads of marginalization and ignomia of our collective suffering from diabetes, expose a inequality and insecurity, perpetuating a "diet" desregionalizada inadequate, contextualized, and far from the truth


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    Introduction: The Pan American Health Organization in 2014 published strategic for the primary health care and healthy eating, for the prevention of malnutrition, including the restriction of advertising in foods with high-calorie schedule and kids channels. Television became the best choice for the promotion of these foods by the easy access that has in this group. Objective: To evaluate the degree of Association of the consumption of caloric food, broadcast television, and malnutrition through the theory of the consumption in school children of the school primary Miguel Hidalgo of the municipality of Temamatla, Mexico State. Method: Study transversal, descriptive, quantitative; shows statistics stratified by clusters of 140 schoolchildren. Instrument: "TV and consumption", Cronbach's Alpha of 0.789; data processed by the IBM SPSS Statistics 20 statistical package. Results: The direct relationship between consumption of caloric foods and the use of broadcast through the Association of P Pearson, with a contention between: 0.35, and greater than 0.05, playing: Association with positive linearity. Conclusions: Broadcast television keeps, a positive association with regard to consumption, preference and choice of food energy, promoted through advertising campaigns, based on the use of games, dreams, fantasies and characters from fashionable to establish long-term relationships between the school and the brand, which is part of an ephemeral happiness, conditioning perpetual stages of malnutrition.Introduction: The Pan American Health Organization in 2014 published strategic for the primary health care and healthy eating, for the prevention of malnutrition, including the restriction of advertising in foods with high-calorie schedule and kids channels. Television became the best choice for the promotion of these foods by the easy access that has in this group. Objective: To evaluate the degree of Association of the consumption of caloric food, broadcast television, and malnutrition through the theory of the consumption in school children of the school primary Miguel Hidalgo of the municipality of Temamatla, Mexico State. Method: Study transversal, descriptive, quantitative; shows statistics stratified by clusters of 140 schoolchildren. Instrument: "TV and consumption", Cronbach's Alpha of 0.789; data processed by the IBM SPSS Statistics 20 statistical package. Results: The direct relationship between consumption of caloric foods and the use of broadcast through the Association of P Pearson, with a contention between: 0.35, and greater than 0.05, playing: Association with positive linearity. Conclusions: Broadcast television keeps, a positive association with regard to consumption, preference and choice of food energy, promoted through advertising campaigns, based on the use of games, dreams, fantasies and characters from fashionable to establish long-term relationships between the school and the brand, which is part of an ephemeral happiness, conditioning perpetual stages of malnutrition

    Comparative analysis between: municipal risk atlas of Tenancingo, State of Mexico and standardization policies of the Secretariat of Rural, Territorial and Urban Development

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    In Mexico, as a result of the earthquake of 1985, several initiatives emerged in order to create a government department, the Ministry of the Interior, which takes care to technical aspects of disaster and prevention. It also exist the National Civil Protection System (SINAPROC) and the National Center for Disaster Prevention (CENAPRED). Therefore, the current legislation, the Mexican government supports the development of tools for better land management, including the municipal risk atlas, whose objective is to identify different types of risk associated with natural hazards and also against threats, implement prevention measures, vulnerability reduction and mitigation. For this reason, the “Basis for the Standardization in the Elaboration of Risks Atlas and Geographic Data Catalog to Represent the Risk 2014”, made by the Secretariat of Rural, Territorial and Urban Development (SEDATU), and the municipal risk atlas of Tenancingo, State of Mexico are reviewed.En México, a partir del sismo de 1985, surgieron diversas iniciativas para crear una institución gubernamental que atendiera los aspectos técnicos de la prevención de desastres; fue así que surgió la Secretaría de Gobernación. Además, se cuenta con el Sistema Nacional de Protección Civil (SINAPROC), el Centro Nacional de Prevención de Desastres (CENAPRED). Derivado de las legislaciones en vigor actualmente, el gobierno mexicano apoya en la elaboración de instrumentos para un mejor ordenamiento territorial, entre ellos se tiene los atlas de riesgo municipales, cuyo objetivo es identificar los distintos tipos de riesgo asociado a peligros naturales y, a su vez, implementar medidas de prevención, reducción de la vulnerabilidad y mitigación ante las amenazas. Se hace una revisión de la estructura del contenido que maneja las “Bases para la Estandarización en la Elaboración de Atlas de Riesgos y Catálogo de Datos Geográficos para Representar el Riesgo 2014”, elaboradas por la Secretaría de Desarrollo Agrario, Territorial y Urbano (SEDATU). Seguido de un análisis exhaustivo del atlas de riesgo municipal de Tenancingo, Estado de México