113 research outputs found

    Exhaust Energy Recovery with Variable Geometry Turbine to Reduce Fuel Consumption for Microcars

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    The objective proposed by EU to reduce by about 4%/year CO2 emission of internal combustion engines for the next years up to 2030, requires to increase the engine efficiency and accordingly improving the technology. In this framework, hybrid powertrains can have the possibility of a deep market penetration since they may recover energy during brake, allow the engine to operate in better efficiency conditions and with less transients, Moreover, they can recover a large amount of energy lost through the exhaust and use it to reduce fuel consumption. This paper concerns the modification of a conventional two in-line cylinders Diesel engine (440 cm3) adding a variable geometry turbine (VGT) coupled with a generator. The turbine is used to recover exhaust gas energy that otherwise would be lost. The generator, connected to the turbo shaft, converts mechanical energy into electrical energy and is used to charge the vehicle battery or the auxiliaries. The aim of this work is reducing fuel consumption by replacing the alternator with a kind of electric turbo-compounding system to drive vehicle auxiliaries. If the selected turbine recovers enough energy to power auxiliaries, the alternator, which usually has low efficiency, can be removed. Along these lines, fuel consumption savings can be achieved. At a later stage, a microcar has been tested on WLTC (Class 1) driving cycle. The results show fuel consumption reduction of 6 to 9%, depending on VGT size. Indeed, four different VGT sizes have been analyzed to choose the optimal configuration that reflects a compromise between energy recovery and fuel consumption reductions

    Towards a More Inclusive Learning Environment: The Importance of Providing Captions That Are Suited to Learners' Language Proficiency in the UDL Classroom

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    Captions have been found to benefit diverse learners, supporting comprehension, memory for content, vocabulary acquisition, and literacy. Captions may, thus, be one feature of universally designed learning (UDL) environments [1, 4]. The primary aim of this study was to examine whether captions are always useful, or whether their utility depends on individual differences, specifically proficiency in the language of the audio. To study this, we presented non-native speakers of English with an audio-visual recording of an unscripted seminar-style lesson in English retrieved from a University website. We assessed English language proficiency with an objective test. To test comprehension, we administered a ten-item comprehension test on the content of the lecture. Our secondary aim was to compare the effects of different types of captions on viewer comprehension. We, therefore, created three viewing conditions: video with no captions (NC), video with premade captions (downloaded from the university website) (UC) and video with automatically generated captions (AC). Our results showed an overall strong effect of proficiency on lecture comprehension, as expected. Interestingly, we also found that whether captions helped or not depended on proficiency and caption type. The captions provided by the University website benefited our learners only if their English language proficiency was high enough. When their proficiency was lower, however, the captions provided by the university were detrimental and performance was worse than having no captions. For the lower proficiency levels, automatic captions (AC) provided the best advantage. We attribute this finding to pre-existing characteristics of the captions provided by the university website. Taken together, these findings caution institutions with a commitment to UDL against thinking that one type of caption suits all. The study highlights the need for testing captioning systems with diverse learners, under different conditions, to better understand what factors are beneficial for whom and when

    Bacterial Communities in the Embryo of Maize Landraces:Relation with Susceptibility to Fusarium Ear Rot

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    Locally adapted maize accessions (landraces) represent an untapped resource of nutritional and resistance traits for breeding, including the shaping of distinct microbiota. Our study focused on five different maize landraces and a reference commercial hybrid, showing different susceptibility to fusarium ear rot, and whether this trait could be related to particular compositions of the bacterial microbiota in the embryo, using different approaches. Our cultivation-independent approach utilized the metabarcoding of a portion of the 16S rRNA gene to study bacterial populations in these samples. Multivariate statistical analyses indicated that the microbiota of the embryos of the accessions grouped in two different clusters: one comprising three landraces and the hybrid, one including the remaining two landraces, which showed a lower susceptibility to fusarium ear rot in field. The main discriminant between these clusters was the frequency of Firmicutes, higher in the second cluster, and this abundance was confirmed by quantification through digital PCR. The cultivation-dependent approach allowed the isolation of 70 bacterial strains, mostly Firmicutes. In vivo assays allowed the identification of five candidate biocontrol strains against fusarium ear rot. Our data revealed novel insights into the role of the maize embryo microbiota and set the stage for further studies aimed at integrating this knowledge into plant breeding programs

    Импульсный плазмохимический синтез углеродсодержащих композитов на основе TiO2

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    Полупроводниковый фотокатализ – одна из самых привлекательных и востребованных технологий, которая основана на сборе солнечной энергии для использования в энергетике и окружающей среде. Показано, что диоксид титана (TiO2) является ведущим полупроводниковым фотокатализатором для разложения загрязняющих веществ. Он обладает низкой фотокаталитической активностью при активации видимым светом, из-за его внутренней ширины запрещенной зоны. Разработаны различные стратегии повышения эффективности TiO2 в области видимого света. Среди них модификация TiO2 углеродистыми наноматериалами – весьма эффективный путь для значительного повышения фотокаталитической активности. Цель работы - Получение углеродосодержащего нанокомпозита на основе диоксида титана с улучшенными фотокаталитическими свойствами.Semiconductor photocatalysis is one of the most attractive and sought after technologies, which is based on the collection of solar energy for use in energy and the environment. It is shown that titanium dioxide (TiO2) is the leading semiconductor photocatalyst for the decomposition of pollutants. It has low photocatalytic activity when activated by visible light, because of its internal band gap. Various strategies have been developed to increase the efficiency of TiO2 in the visible light region. Among them, the modification of TiO2 by carbon nanomaterials is a very effective way for a significant increase in the photocatalytic activity. The aim of the research is synthesis of carbon-based nanocomposite based on titanium dioxide with improved photocatalytic properties

    Characteristics of Patients Experiencing a Flare of Generalized Pustular Psoriasis: A Multicenter Observational Study

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    Background: Generalized pustular psoriasis (GPP) is a rare, severe inflammatory skin disease characterized by recurrent episodes of flares. Characteristics of patients experiencing a flare are hardly described in a real-life setting. The aim of the study is to investigate the clinical characteristics of patients experiencing a flare of GPP. Methods: Multicenter retrospective observational study on consecutive patients experiencing a flare of GPP between 2018 and 2022. Disease severity and quality of life were assessed by Generalized Pustular Psoriasis Area, Body Surface Area (BSA), and Severity Index (GPPASI), and Dermatology life quality index (DLQI) questionnaire, respectively. Visual analogue scale (VAS) of itch and pain, triggers, complications, comorbidities, pharmacological therapies, and outcome were collected. Results: A total of 66 patients, 45 (68.2%) females, mean age 58.1 ± 14.9 years, were included. The GPPASI, BSA, and DLQI were 22.9 ± 13.5 (mean ± standard deviation), 47.9 ± 29.1, and 21.0 ± 5.0, respectively. The VAS of itch and pain were 6.2 ± 3.3 and 6.2 ± 3.0, respectively. Fever (>38 ◦C) and leukocytosis (WBC > 12 × 109/L) were found in 26 (39.4%) and 39 (59.1%) patients, respectively. Precipitating triggers were identified in 24 (36.3%) and included infections (15.9%), drugs (10.6%), stressful life events (7.6%), and corticosteroids withdrawal (3.0%). Fourteen (21.2%) patients were hospitalized because of complications including infections in 9 (13.6%)leading to death in one case and hepatitis in 3 (4.5%). Conclusions: GPP flares can be severe and cause severe pain and itch with significant impact on the quality of life. In about one-third of patients the flare may have a persistent course and, with complications, lead to hospitalization

    "My Life during the Lockdown": Emotional Experiences of European Adolescents during the COVID-19 Crisis

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    This study investigates, using an online self-report questionnaire, adolescents' emotional reactions during the lockdown in a sample of 2105 secondary school students (aged 14-19) in Italy, Romania, and Croatia. We used a self-reported online questionnaire (answers on a 5-point scale or binary), composed of 73 questions investigating the opinions, feelings, and emotions of teenagers, along with sociodemographic information and measures of the exposure to lockdown. The survey was conducted online through a web platform in Italy (between 27 April and 15 June 2020), Romania, and Croatia (3 June and 2 July 2020). Students aged >14 years, living in a small flat, and not spending time outside were more likely to report anger, sadness, boredom/emptiness, and anxiety. Boys were significantly less likely than girls to report all measured emotional reactions. Those who lost someone from COVID-19 were more than twice as likely to experience anger compared to those who did not. Our findings may help identifying adolescents more likely to report negative emotional reactions during the COVID-19 pandemic and inform public health strategies for improving mental health among adolescents during/after the COVID-19 crisis

    Mechanisms of congenital heart disease caused by NAA15 haploinsufficiency

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    Rationale: NAA15 is a component of the N-terminal (Nt) acetyltransferase complex, NatA. The mechanism by which NAA15 haploinsufficiency causes congenital heart disease (CHD) remains unknown. To better understand molecular processes by which NAA15 haploinsufficiency perturbs cardiac development, we introduced NAA15 variants into human induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) and assessed the consequences of these mutations on RNA and protein expression. Objective: We aim to understand the role of NAA15 haploinsufficiency in cardiac development by investigating proteomic effects on NatA complex activity, and identifying proteins dependent upon a full amount of NAA15. Methods and Results: We introduced heterozygous LoF, compound heterozygous and missense residues (R276W) in iPS cells using CRISPR/Cas9. Haploinsufficient NAA15 iPS cells differentiate into cardiomyocytes, unlike NAA15-null iPS cells, presumably due to altered composition of NatA. Mass spectrometry (MS) analyses reveal ~80% of identified iPS cell NatA targeted proteins displayed partial or complete Nt-acetylation. Between null and haploinsufficient NAA15 cells Nt-acetylation levels of 32 and 9 NatA-specific targeted proteins were reduced, respectively. Similar acetylation loss in few proteins occurred in NAA15 R276W iPSCs. In addition, steady-state protein levels of 562 proteins were altered in both null and haploinsufficient NAA15 cells; eighteen were ribosomal-associated proteins. At least four proteins were encoded by genes known to cause autosomal dominant CHD. Conclusions: These studies define a set of human proteins that requires a full NAA15 complement for normal synthesis and development. A 50% reduction in the amount of NAA15 alters levels of at least 562 proteins and Nt-acetylation of only 9 proteins. One or more modulated proteins are likely responsible for NAA15-haploinsufficiency mediated CHD. Additionally, genetically engineered iPS cells provide a platform for evaluating the consequences of amino acid sequence variants of unknown significance on NAA15 function

    Long-Term Drug Survival and Effectiveness of Secukinumab in Patients with Moderate to Severe Chronic Plaque Psoriasis: 42-Month Results from the SUPREME 2.0 Study

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    Purpose: SUPREME, a phase IIIb study conducted in Italy, demonstrated safety and high efficacy of secukinumab for up to 72 weeks in patients with moderate-to-severe plaque-type psoriasis. SUPREME 2.0 study aimed to provide real-world data on the long-term drug survival and effectiveness of secukinumab beyond 72 weeks. Patients and Methods: SUPREME 2.0 is a retrospective observational chart review study conducted in patients previously enrolled in SUPREME study. After the end of the SUPREME study, eligible patients continued treatment as per clinical practice, and their effectiveness and drug survival data were retrieved from medical charts. Results: Of the 415 patients enrolled in the SUPREME study, 297 were included in SUPREME 2.0; of which, 210 (70.7%) continued secukinumab treatment throughout the 42-month observation period. Patients in the biologic-naïve cohort had higher drug survival than those in the biologic-experienced cohort (74.9% vs 61.7%), while HLA-Cw6–positive and HLA-Cw6–negative patients showed similar drug survival (69.3% and 71.9%). After 42 months, Psoriasis Area and Severity Index (PASI) 90 was achieved by 79.6% of patients overall; with a similar proportion of biologic-naïve and biologic-experienced patients achieving PASI90 (79.8% and 79.1%). The mean absolute PASI score reduced from 21.94 to 1.38 in the overall population, 21.90 to 1.24 in biologic-naïve and 22.03 to 1.77 in biologic-experienced patients after 42 months. The decrease in the absolute PASI score was comparable between HLACw6–positive and HLA–Cw6-negative patients. The baseline Dermatology Life Quality Index scores also decreased in the overall patients (10.5 to 2.32) and across all study sub-groups after 42 months. Safety was consistent with the known profile of secukinumab, with no new findings. Conclusion: In this real-world cohort study, secukinumab showed consistently high long-term drug survival and effectiveness with a favourable safety profile

    Comparative effectiveness of tildrakizumab 200 mg versus tildrakizumab 100 mg in psoriatic patients with high disease burden or above 90 kg of body weight: a 16-week multicenter retrospective study - IL PSO (Italian landscape psoriasis)

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    Purpose: Tildrakizumab is a selective inhibitor of IL-23 approved for the treatment of moderate-to-severe plaque psoriasis in two dosages. We conducted a 16-week multicenter retrospective study to compare the effectiveness and safety of tildrakizumab 200 mg versus tildrakizumab 100 mg in patients with a high disease burden or high body weight. Materials and methods: Our retrospective study included 134 patients treated with tildrakizumab 200 mg and 364 patients treated with tildrakizumab 100 mg from 28 Italian Dermatology Units affected by moderate-to-severe plaque psoriasis. The patients had a body weight above 90 kg or a high disease burden (Psoriasis Area and Severity Index [PASI] ≥ 16 or the involvement of difficult-to-treat areas). We evaluated the effectiveness of tildrakizumab at the week-16 visit in terms of PASI90, PASI100 and absolute PASI ≤ 2. Results: After 16 weeks of treatment with tildrakizumab 200 mg, PASI90 was reached by 57.5% of patients and PASI100 by 39.6% of patients. At the same time point, 34.3% and 24.2% of patients treated with tildrakizumab 100 mg achieved PASI90 and PASI100, respectively. Conclusions: Our data suggest that tildrakizumab 200 mg has better effectiveness than tildrakizumab 100 mg in patients with a body weight ≥ 90 kg and a high disease burden

    Long-Term Drug Survival and Effectiveness of Secukinumab in Patients with Moderate to Severe Chronic Plaque Psoriasis: 42-Month Results from the SUPREME 2.0 Study

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    Purpose: SUPREME, a phase IIIb study conducted in Italy, demonstrated safety and high efficacy of secukinumab for up to 72 weeks in patients with moderate-to-severe plaque-type psoriasis. SUPREME 2.0 study aimed to provide real-world data on the long-term drug survival and effectiveness of secukinumab beyond 72 weeks.Patients and Methods: SUPREME 2.0 is a retrospective observational chart review study conducted in patients previously enrolled in SUPREME study. After the end of the SUPREME study, eligible patients continued treatment as per clinical practice, and their effectiveness and drug survival data were retrieved from medical charts.Results: Of the 415 patients enrolled in the SUPREME study, 297 were included in SUPREME 2.0; of which, 210 (70.7%) continued secukinumab treatment throughout the 42-month observation period. Patients in the biologic-naive cohort had higher drug survival than those in the biologic-experienced cohort (74.9% vs 61.7%), while HLA-Cw6-positive and HLA-Cw6-negative patients showed similar drug survival (69.3% and 71.9%). After 42 months, Psoriasis Area and Severity Index (PASI) 90 was achieved by 79.6% of patients overall; with a similar proportion of biologic-naive and biologic-experienced patients achieving PASI90 (79.8% and 79.1%). The mean absolute PASI score reduced from 21.94 to 1.38 in the overall population, 21.90 to 1.24 in biologic-naive and 22.03 to 1.77 in biologic-experienced patients after 42 months. The decrease in the absolute PASI score was comparable between HLA-Cw6-positive and HLA-Cw6-negative patients. The baseline Dermatology Life Quality Index scores also decreased in the overall patients (10.5 to 2.32) and across all study sub-groups after 42 months. Safety was consistent with the known profile of secukinumab, with no new findings. Conclusion: In this real-world cohort study, secukinumab showed consistently high long-term drug survival and effectiveness with a favourable safety profile