1,337 research outputs found

    A 'novel' approach to leadership development : using women's literary fiction to explore contemporary women's leadership issues : a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Masters of Business Studies in Management at Massey University, Albany, New Zealand

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    The central aim of this thesis is to investigate how women’s literary fiction can be harnessed for the purpose of exploring contemporary women’s leadership issues. This thesis argues that literary fiction is a valuable source of interdisciplinary and ‘artful’ consciousness-raising material for proactively addressing at the interpersonal level a wide range of critical concerns related to women’s leadership experiences. Having identified a significant ‘gap’ in the extant literature – the underutilisation of women’s novels, short-stories and plays in leadership studies – this thesis adopts an interdisciplinary approach to demonstrate how literary works can be used to examine women’s contemporary leadership issues. For this research project I adopted an interpretive qualitative research paradigm informed by critical leadership studies and a multiplicity of feminist perspectives. I developed a systematic method for long listing and short listing appropriate texts and analysed selected works in response to a five-point conceptual framework of critical concerns arising from a review of the women and leadership literature. I also kept a reflective blog to track the iterative nature of the research process and to record my learning during this study. The findings demonstrate that women’s literary fiction offers a rich repository of thought-provoking illustrations of women’s leadership concerns, including gender binaries, power-play, socially constructed perceptions and gendered expectations, and women’s diverse range experiences as both leaders and followers. The extended analysis provides a number of in-depth examples and reflective questions, revealing myriad opportunities for critical theorising, illustrative analysis and critical reflection. Subsequently, this thesis argues that fictional stories are a viable and potentially transformative ‘artful’ intervention for addressing complex leadership issues concerned with gender within the context of women’s leadership development programmes. My recommendations for future studies include a focus on ethical leadership, the evaluation of participant ‘book club’ interventions and an extension of the reading lists to include more culturally relevant New Zealand authors. To my knowledge, there are no studies that utilise women’s literary fiction for the purpose of exploring contemporary women’s leadership concerns and questions. Consequently, my thesis makes an original contribution to the leadership and humanities field, as well as providing an innovative and creative product that can be used for critical and interdisciplinary approaches to women’s leadership development

    An Investigation, Development, and Application of Lighting Design for Virtual Reality using Unreal Engine

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    Humanity has used lighting for millennia to chase away encroaching darkness, to increase the power of narrative, and to enhance the appeal and mood in crafted en-vironments. Theater, cinema, and architecture, among other ïŹelds, have developed, applied, and reïŹned concepts of using light as a directed tool, but the relatively young ïŹeld of virtual reality has not yet developed rigorous conventions. This thesis doc-ument describes work in investigating, developing, and applying designs for lighting conventions in virtual reality. Traditional artwork, photography, cinema, video-game, and environment lighting are considered and used to extrapolate concepts for lighting within virtual-reality applications. The developed concepts are used to design and light an immersive visual narrative implemented as a virtual-reality experience within Unreal Engine 4

    Helping first year engineering students Get Set for success in their studies

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    The increasing diversity of the student population in higher education gives rise to issues relating to the ability to engage all students in productive and fulfilling learning experiences. With diversity comes an acknowledgement of the variety of learning spaces occupied by incoming students, and the need to ensure that those spaces become places of learning. The strategy proposed in this study to transform space into place is an online pre-test of first year engineering students, the Get Set quiz. This quiz enables commencing engineering students to self-test their readiness to study their chosen courses by measuring and providing individualised feedback on a number of cognitive and non-cognitive factors shown to be significant predictors of academic success. The best time for such self-assessment is prior to the commencement of their studies. Get Set helps set the scene for establishing place, by giving students the confidence that they have made an informed career choice, and/or by linking them with appropriate support mechanisms if necessary. Students are directed to support both on campus and online to help develop an individual study plan to address any knowledge and skills gaps. This proactive approach to independent learning improves students' self-awareness and helps them self-reflect on their approaches to learning, better preparing them for their studies

    De l’activitĂ© virtuelle Ă  l’activitĂ© rĂ©elle : ressources et empĂȘchements Ă  la crĂ©ativitĂ© de cadres formĂ©s au management d’équipe avec un serious gaming

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    This thesis speaks about the creativity and conformity in serious gaming and the link with real work situations of executives. To explore this link, we conducted a training program using an army helicopter flight simulator that had been redesigned to train executives in teamwork. The study was conducted over two years in 16 game sessions with 44 volunteer participants from the same company. The research analyzed the gap between prescribed and real work. In English, contrary to French, there are two words for games: "play" and "game". Winnicott (1971) is inclined more towards spontaneously developed games (play), rather than on games organized and defined according to precise rules (game). He considers "play" to be a transitional space. This transitional space is a third area, a paradoxical space, because it is situated between the interior and exterior of the player. It is a space of development where creativity is dominant. Understanding what takes place in this intermediate space is essential to explore the relationship between serious gaming and real work: a space in which group dynamics can enhance or inhibit individual creativity. From observation and analyses of game sessions and associated interviews, we identified several instances of creativity during the game and afterwards at work, including: reorganization of the work, exchanging roles, negotiating the length of games, and virtual empowerment leading to real-world decision-making. Then, we analyzed what prevented the executives from entering this intermediate area and from "play" with the equipment: the "pursuit of excellence", the temporal pressure, the corporate culture, equipment limitations, self-consciousness, and competitiveness. Furthermore, most participants were concerned that their competence as managers was being evaluated and they self-evaluated their skills. Afterwards, we analyzed the contention that lack of deliberation before executing the game prescriptions. Our research demonstrates that suspension of reflection allows freeing itself from possible value conflicts and guilt when the prescriptions lead to performing "dirty work" (that is, to commit morally or ethically questionable acts). At a minimum, we observe that executives see themselves acting in situ and become aware of the impact of their transmitters' role in communication with the team. Executives use this experience to revitalize their thinking about professional practice, which thus becomes a tool to gain a different view of their managers’ role.Cette thĂšse s’intĂ©resse aux activitĂ©s crĂ©atrices et de conformisation sollicitĂ©es dans des dispositifs de serious gaming et Ă  leur impact sur les situations rĂ©elles de travail des cadres. Pour explorer cet impact, nous sommes intervenus dans un programme de formation utilisant un simulateur d’hĂ©licoptĂšre de l’armĂ©e qui a Ă©tĂ© adaptĂ© pour former des cadres au management d’équipe. La recherche a durĂ© deux ans et nous avons observĂ© 16 sessions de jeu, rencontrĂ© 44 cadres de la mĂȘme entreprise, tous volontaires. La recherche a analysĂ© l’écart entre le travail prescrit et rĂ©el. En anglais, contrairement au français, deux mots dĂ©finissent le mot jeu : « play » et « game ». Winnicott (1971) s’appuie sur le jeu en train de s’élaborer spontanĂ©ment (play), plutĂŽt que sur le jeu organisĂ© et dĂ©fini selon des rĂšgles prĂ©cises (game). Ce « play » est considĂ©rĂ© par Winnicott, comme un espace transitionnel : espace de dĂ©veloppement oĂč la crĂ©ativitĂ© est prĂ©pondĂ©rante. La comprĂ©hension de ce qui se joue dans cet espace intermĂ©diaire est essentielle pour explorer la relation entre le « jeu sĂ©rieux » et le travail rĂ©el. Nos observations et analyses des sessions de jeu et des entretiens nous conduisent Ă  souligner le peu d’inventivitĂ©, de crĂ©ativitĂ© Ă  la fois pendant l’activitĂ© du jeu et ensuite dans le travail rĂ©el. La rĂ©organisation du travail, le changement de rĂŽles, la renormalisation du temps et le sentiment de dĂ©cisions sont rares. Ceci nous a amenĂ©s Ă  analyser ce qui a empĂȘchĂ© les cadres d’entrer dans cette aire intermĂ©diaire oĂč la crĂ©ativitĂ© est sollicitĂ©e. Ces empĂȘchements concernent la quĂȘte du « bien faire », la pression temporelle, la culture d’entreprise, les contraintes matĂ©rielles et la compĂ©titivitĂ©. De plus, une autre activitĂ© vient empĂȘcher celle du jeu : la plupart des cadres se sont sentis Ă©valuĂ©s, et s’auto-Ă©valuent, en tant que managers. Notre recherche tend Ă  dĂ©montrer que le jeu suspend la rĂ©flexion, la dĂ©libĂ©ration entre pairs, ce qui favorise une conformisation aux prescriptions. La suspension de la rĂ©flexion permettrait, notamment, de s’affranchir d’éventuels conflits de valeurs et de culpabilitĂ© quand les prescriptions supposent de faire du « sale boulot » (c’est-Ă -dire de commettre des actes que la morale ou l’éthique peuvent rĂ©prouver). Enfin, nous interrogeons l’impact de cette expĂ©rience dans l’environnement virtuel du dispositif de formation sur les pratiques des managers en situations rĂ©elles : le transfert des apprentissages dans l’expĂ©rience du jeu opĂšre par la mĂ©diation de la rĂ©flexivitĂ© suscitĂ©e par le changement de place dans la communication au sein de l’équipe (rĂ©cepteur et non plus Ă©metteur de consignes) et par les affects Ă©prouvĂ©s lors de l’exercice simulĂ©. L’éprouvĂ© devient alors un instrument de travail pour rĂ©Ă©valuer la maniĂšre dont ils tiennent leur rĂŽle de manager et les activitĂ©s associĂ©es

    Experimental study of multiple-channel automotive underbody diffusers

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    Underbody diffusers are used widely in race car applications because they can significantly improve the cornering capacity of the vehicle through the generation of a downforce. They are also likely to have a wider role in reducing the drag in road vehicles as it becomes increasingly important to reduce emissions of carbon dioxide. This paper reports on a wind tunnel investigation, using a simplified bluff body model, into the effect of splitting a simple plane diffuser into multiple channels. Tests are reported for a range of diffuser geometries suitable for road and race car applications. The results for the lift, the drag, and the incremental changes to the lift-to-drag ratio are reported and discussed in terms of the underbody pressures. While broadly similar trends to the single-channel plane diffuser are seen in the multiplechannel diffuser configurations, it was found that the effect of increasing the number of channels depended on the flow regimes present in the plane diffuser. At angles just above the plane diffuser optimum, where the flow is partially separated, the multiple-channel configurations give large improvements in the downforce with minimal increase in the drag, significantly extending the performance envelope. The pressure maps indicate that the gains occur through improved diffuser pumping and pressure recovery in both the inner and the outer channels

    Spiritual Attitudes and Values in Young Children

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    Research has shown that spirituality is an important function of a child’s social, emotional, and personal development. Nevertheless, minimal research exists on spiritual attitudes and values in young children. This study examined children’s development and spirituality using a modified version of the Attitudes and Values Questionnaire (AVQ). The Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER) developed the AVQ with the dimensions of Conscience, Compassion, Social Growth, Emotional Growth, Service to Others, Commitment to God, and Commitment to Jesus. Commitment to God and Commitment to Jesus were optional dimensions later added by ACER to focus specifically on Christian principles. Following permission from ACER to adapt the AVQ for younger children, the questionnaire was modified using the Flesch-Kincaid Readability Scale to allow for better question comprehension among the young participants, ages 5–14. Researchers contacted family members and various Christian schools in their home states across the eastern United States and asked if they would be willing to administer the modified AVQ to their students. The intention was to expand upon knowledge about young children’s attitudes and values related to Christian spirituality. Specifically, the researchers were trying to find if there may be relationships among children’s view of self, view of others, and spirituality. Correlations were run in order to determine if different dimensions, particularly the social growth dimensions and the Christian dimensions, were significantly related. A correlation chart compared all variables and the results indicated that there were strong correlations among the dimensions

    Reputation Schemes for Pervasive Social Networks with Anonymity

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    The Effect of Stress on the Job Satisfaction and Productivity of Construction Professionals in the Ghanaian Construction Industry

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    The economic conditions prevailing in Ghana currently is making it increasingly difficult than ever for workers to cope with job challenges. Most often stress starts from the house and continues at the workplace and all workers feel the added pressure. This is because most employees experience stress as the demands made on them do not match the resources available to meet their needs, thereby negatively affect productivity. This paper seeks to study professionals in the Ghanaian construction industry and determine if they are undergoing any form of stress. If so, to determine if they are adopting the right strategies to solve their stress challenges. The survey method included a structured questionnaire and semi structured interviews and site visits. Questionnaires were sent to 180 construction professionals selected through simple random sampling as they are knowledgeable and qualified enough as respondents for the study. 115 were returned and used for the analysis. The research findings indicate that 62% of the respondents believe their job satisfaction and productivity will increase if stress is reduced. It is recommended that the workload of the construction professionals must match their abilities and resources whilst unrealistic targets must be avoided. The construction professionals must make effective stress management an ongoing process. Keywords: Stress, Job satisfaction, Productivity, Construction professionals, Ghan
