1,599 research outputs found

    MAHTM: A Multi-Agent Framework for Hierarchical Transactive Microgrids

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    Integrating variable renewable energy into the grid has posed challenges to system operators in achieving optimal trade-offs among energy availability, cost affordability, and pollution controllability. This paper proposes a multi-agent reinforcement learning framework for managing energy transactions in microgrids. The framework addresses the challenges above: it seeks to optimize the usage of available resources by minimizing the carbon footprint while benefiting all stakeholders. The proposed architecture consists of three layers of agents, each pursuing different objectives. The first layer, comprised of prosumers and consumers, minimizes the total energy cost. The other two layers control the energy price to decrease the carbon impact while balancing the consumption and production of both renewable and conventional energy. This framework also takes into account fluctuations in energy demand and supply.Comment: ICLR 2023 Workshop: Tackling Climate Change with Machine Learnin

    Disfagia orofaringeoaren erizain interbentzio eraginkorrak iktusa jasan duen pertsona batean

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    MARKO TEORIKOA ETA JUSTIFIKAZIOA Iktus akutuak, gaur egun, lehenengo mailako osasun-arazo publikoa dira. Zenbatesten da urtero 130 mila pertsona inguru jasaten dutela iktus bat Espainian. Biztanleria talde horretatik, %40-a gaitasun murrizpen nabari batekin geratzen delarik. Datuen arabera, iktusa, beraz, desgaitasun kausa nagusia da helduetan. Kapazitate galera horien artean, disfagia dugu, zein %65-eko agerpena duen. Hortaz, iktus kasuek, kostu sanitario handia suposatzen dute, ez soilik gertakizun momentuan, baita hura jasan ostean pazienteetan ematen diren ondorioengatik. Estimatzen da, iktusak eta bere ondorioen zainketak, gastu sanitarioen %3-4-a kontsumitzen dutela Espainian. Horregatik, ezinbestekoa da iktusa jasan duten pazienteengan disfagia konplikazioaren berehalako identifikazioa burutzea eta erizain zainketa egokiak eskaintzea. HELBURUA Iktusa jasan ostean, disfagia orofaringeoa garatu duten pertsonengan interbentzio eraginkorrak definitzea. METODOLOGIA Artikuluak eskuratzeko hainbat datu base aztertu dira, horien artean: The cochrane library, PubMed, CUIDEN, Science Direct, UpToDate, Scielo eta Dialnet. Horrez gain, eskuzko bilaketa bat burutu da Journal of Neuroscience Nursing aldizkarian. Aukeratutako artikuluak, 2005-2016 urte tartekoak izan dira, gasteleraz edo ingelesez hizkuntzatakoak eta solik onartu dira disfagiari eta honen maneiuari buruzko informazioa zekarten artikuluak. Bestetik, baztertu egin dira ebidentzia baxuko artikuluak, ahozko elikadura ez zen beste elikadurei buruz edota iktusaren eraginez eman daitezken beste desgaitasunei buruzko informazioa eskaintzen zuten artikuluak. EMAITZAK ETA EZTABAIDAK Literaturaren berrikusketa kritiko honen emaitzak osatzeko 17 lan erabili dira. Aukeratutako lan hauen ikerketa diseinuari dagokionez, kuantitatibo esperimental bat, kuantitatibo deskriptibo bat, adituen batzorde bat, zortzi berrikusketa bibliografiko, berrikusketa sistematikoa hiru eta hiru gida erabili direla esan beharra dago. Lan honetan planteatutako helburua jarraituz, disfagiaren maneiu egokia burutzeko, ezinbestekoa da detekzio azkar bat burutzea eta zainketa egokiak eskaintzea konplikazioak saihesteko. Horren ondorioz, emaitzen atal honetan, alde batetik, disfagia orofaringerako orokorrak diren interbentzioak deskribatu dira, eta bestetik, fase desberdinei eragiten dion disfagiaren asaldurei zuzendutako interbentzio espezifikoak planteatu dira. ONDORIOAK Burututako errebisio bibliografiko honetan ikusi da asaldura espezifikoei zuzendutako interbentzioak deskribatzen dituzten ikerketak oso eskasak direla. Beraz, planteatzen da diseinu egokia eta lagin adierazgarriak dituzten ikerketa kuantitatibo gehiago burutzea. HITZ GAKOAK Ingelesez erabilitakoak: Stroke, dysphagia, deglution disorders eta nursing care. Gazteleraz erabilitakoak: Ictus, disfagia eta cuidados de enfermería

    Disfagia orofaringeoaren erizain interbentzio eraginkorrak iktusa jasan duen pertsona batean

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    MARKO TEORIKOA ETA JUSTIFIKAZIOA Iktus akutuak, gaur egun, lehenengo mailako osasun-arazo publikoa dira. Zenbatesten da urtero 130 mila pertsona inguru jasaten dutela iktus bat Espainian. Biztanleria talde horretatik, %40-a gaitasun murrizpen nabari batekin geratzen delarik. Datuen arabera, iktusa, beraz, desgaitasun kausa nagusia da helduetan. Kapazitate galera horien artean, disfagia dugu, zein %65-eko agerpena duen. Hortaz, iktus kasuek, kostu sanitario handia suposatzen dute, ez soilik gertakizun momentuan, baita hura jasan ostean pazienteetan ematen diren ondorioengatik. Estimatzen da, iktusak eta bere ondorioen zainketak, gastu sanitarioen %3-4-a kontsumitzen dutela Espainian. Horregatik, ezinbestekoa da iktusa jasan duten pazienteengan disfagia konplikazioaren berehalako identifikazioa burutzea eta erizain zainketa egokiak eskaintzea. HELBURUA Iktusa jasan ostean, disfagia orofaringeoa garatu duten pertsonengan interbentzio eraginkorrak definitzea. METODOLOGIA Artikuluak eskuratzeko hainbat datu base aztertu dira, horien artean: The cochrane library, PubMed, CUIDEN, Science Direct, UpToDate, Scielo eta Dialnet. Horrez gain, eskuzko bilaketa bat burutu da Journal of Neuroscience Nursing aldizkarian. Aukeratutako artikuluak, 2005-2016 urte tartekoak izan dira, gasteleraz edo ingelesez hizkuntzatakoak eta solik onartu dira disfagiari eta honen maneiuari buruzko informazioa zekarten artikuluak. Bestetik, baztertu egin dira ebidentzia baxuko artikuluak, ahozko elikadura ez zen beste elikadurei buruz edota iktusaren eraginez eman daitezken beste desgaitasunei buruzko informazioa eskaintzen zuten artikuluak. EMAITZAK ETA EZTABAIDAK Literaturaren berrikusketa kritiko honen emaitzak osatzeko 17 lan erabili dira. Aukeratutako lan hauen ikerketa diseinuari dagokionez, kuantitatibo esperimental bat, kuantitatibo deskriptibo bat, adituen batzorde bat, zortzi berrikusketa bibliografiko, berrikusketa sistematikoa hiru eta hiru gida erabili direla esan beharra dago. Lan honetan planteatutako helburua jarraituz, disfagiaren maneiu egokia burutzeko, ezinbestekoa da detekzio azkar bat burutzea eta zainketa egokiak eskaintzea konplikazioak saihesteko. Horren ondorioz, emaitzen atal honetan, alde batetik, disfagia orofaringerako orokorrak diren interbentzioak deskribatu dira, eta bestetik, fase desberdinei eragiten dion disfagiaren asaldurei zuzendutako interbentzio espezifikoak planteatu dira. ONDORIOAK Burututako errebisio bibliografiko honetan ikusi da asaldura espezifikoei zuzendutako interbentzioak deskribatzen dituzten ikerketak oso eskasak direla. Beraz, planteatzen da diseinu egokia eta lagin adierazgarriak dituzten ikerketa kuantitatibo gehiago burutzea. HITZ GAKOAK Ingelesez erabilitakoak: Stroke, dysphagia, deglution disorders eta nursing care. Gazteleraz erabilitakoak: Ictus, disfagia eta cuidados de enfermería

    Diversity of the cell-wall associated genomic island of the archaeon Haloquadratum walsbyi

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    Background: Haloquadratum walsbyi represents up to 80 % of cells in NaCl-saturated brines worldwide, but is notoriously difficult to maintain under laboratory conditions. In order to establish the extent of genetic diversity in a natural population of this microbe, we screened a H. walsbyi enriched metagenomic fosmid library and recovered seven novel version of its cell-wall associated genomic island. The fosmid inserts were sequenced and analysed. Results: The novel cell-wall associated islands delineated two major clades within H. walsbyi. The islands predominantly contained genes putatively involved in biosynthesis of surface layer, genes encoding cell surface glycoproteins and genes involved in envelope formation. We further found that these genes are maintained in the population and that the diversity of this region arises through homologous recombination but also through the action of mobile genetic elements, including viruses. Conclusions: The population of H. walsbyi in the studied saltern brine is composed of numerous clonal lineages that differ in surface structures including the cell wall. This type of variation probably reflects a number of mechanisms that minimize the infection rate of predating virusesAll authors were supported by project MICROGEN (Programa CONSOLIDER-INGENIO 2010 CSD2009-00006) from the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación.FR-V and AMBC received support from MEDIMAX BFPU2013- 48007-P from the Spanish Ministerio de Economía y CompetitividadMaCuMBA Project 311975 of the European Commission FP7ACOMP/2014/024, AORG 2014/032 and PROMETEO II/2014/012. LP received support from Ministry for School and Sports of the Republic of Slovenia under Slovenian Research Agency program P1-0198

    Draft Genome Sequence of Alteromonas Macleodii Strain MIT1002, Isolated from an Enrichment Culture of the Marine Cyanobacterium Prochlorococcus

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    Alteromonas spp. are heterotrophic gammaproteobacteria commonly found in marine environments. We present here the draft genome sequence of Alteromonas macleodii MIT1002, which was isolated from an enrichment culture of the marine cyanobacterium Prochlorococcus NATL2A. This genome contains a mixture of features previously seen only within either the “surface” or “deep” Alteromonas ecotype.Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation (Grant GBMF495)National Science Foundation (U.S.) (Grant OCE-1356460)National Science Foundation (U.S.). Center for Microbial Oceanography Research and Education (Grant DBO-0424599)Simons Foundation (Grant 337262

    Computing Efficient Financial Strategies: An Extended Compromise Programming Approach

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    This paper proposes a mathematical model to plan the financial strategy of a large company. The model links the philosophy of new behavioural economics with the multiple criteria decision making paradigm. Within this theoretical approach, the proposed model is supported by more realistic behavioral hypotheses. After formulating the initial multi-objective programming model, it has, due to its underlying computational difficulties, to be transformed into an easily computable extended compromise programming model. The functional and empirical potential of the model is illustrated with the help of a case study concerning a “stock market quoted” Spanish company operating in the energy sector. This paper shows how such an approach can open up new prospects for research linking economic problems with applied mathematic

    NRF2 and primary cilia: An emerging partnership

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    When not dividing, many cell types target their centrosome to the plasma membrane, where it nucleates assembly of a primary cilium, an antenna-like signaling structure consisting of nine concentric microtubule pairs surrounded by membrane. Primary cilia play important pathophysiological roles in many tissues, their dysfunction being associated with cancer and ciliopathies, a diverse group of congenital human diseases. Several recent studies have unveiled functional connections between primary cilia and NRF2 (nuclear factor erythroid 2-related factor 2), the master transcription factor orchestrating cytoprotective responses to oxidative and other cellular stresses. These NRF2-cilia relationships are reciprocal: primary cilia, by promoting autophagy, downregulate NRF2 activity. In turn, NRF2 transcriptionally regulates genes involved in ciliogenesis and Hedgehog (Hh) signaling, a cilia-dependent pathway with major roles in embryogenesis, stem cell function and tumorigenesis. Nevertheless, while we found that NRF2 stimulates ciliogenesis and Hh signaling, a more recent study reported that NRF2 negatively affects these processes. Herein, we review the available evidence linking NRF2 to primary cilia, suggest possible explanations to reconcile seemingly contradictory data, and discuss what the emerging interplay between primary cilia and NRF2 may mean for human health and disease.This work was funded by European Regional Development Fund (ERDF/FEDER)-cofunded grants from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO) to F.R.G.G. (SAF2015-66568-R and RYC2013-14887). A.M.H. was supported by a FEDER-cofunded predoctoral contract from the Community of Madrid governmen

    Uso de estatinas é associado à menor mortalidade de causa cardiovascular em pacientes em diálise candidatos ao transplante renal

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    Objetivo: avaliar a associação entre variáveis clínicas, laboratoriais, achados de cinecoronariografia e uso de medicamentos com mortalidade de causa cardiovascular (CV) em pacientes em diálise candidatos ao transplante renal. Métodos: Foi realizado estudo longitudinal observacional em 103 candidatos ao TR de dois centros. Verificou-se a associação entre a ocorrência de óbito cardiovascular e variáveis clínicas. Variáveis que apresentaram associação com a variável desfecho ao nível de p<0,1 foram selecionadas para a análise de Cox. Idade e presença de diabetes melito foram forçadas no modelo. Resultados: foram rastreados 128 pacientes, dos quais, 20 foram excluídos por se recusarem a participar do estudo e 3 por óbito antes do início do estudo. Dos 105 pacientes restantes, dois foram excluídos por falha de registro dos desfechos, portanto 103 foram incluídos em análise longitudinal. Análise univariada não identificou variável clínica que se associou a ocorrência de óbito de causa cardiovascular, entretanto, a modalidade de diálise e uso de estatina foram selecionadas para análise múltipla, pois se associaram ao desfecho ao nível de p<0,1. Análise de Cox para avaliar a associação entre variáveis clínicas e a ocorrência de óbito CV em diálise identificou apenas uso de estatina como preditor de menor risco de óbito CV (HR: 0,106; IC95%: 0,013-0,852; p=0,035). Conclusão: nos pacientes em diálise candidatos ao TR apenas o uso de estatina apresentou associação inversa, estatisticamente significante, com a ocorrência de óbito de causa cardiovascular

    La percepción subjetiva del esfuerzo para el control de la carga de entrenamiento en una temporada en un equipo de balonmano

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    The aim of this research is to study the applicability of the Rate of Perceived Exertion (RPE) from a double perspective. Firstly, RPE helps coaches monitor training load over a season in team sports. Secondly RPE is used as an ad hoc tool for daily monitoring of planned training by the coaching staff. Heart rate reserve (HRR) was used to regulate the internal load of each session. Thirteen players from a Top Division Handball team participated in the research carried out over a complete season. The results showed RPE is a good indicator of training load in team sports and RPE is also a valid procedure to compare load values planned by coaches (RPEp) with actual values (RPEg) (rxy = .792; p < .01). It can be concluded that RPE and HRR (rxy = .839; p < .01) together are reliable, non-invasive measures for monitoring training load and they also help determine the physical fitness of players throughout the season

    Metagenomic islands of hyperhalophiles: the case of Salinibacter ruber

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Saturated brines are extreme environments of low diversity. <it>Salinibacter ruber </it>is the only bacterium that inhabits this environment in significant numbers. In order to establish the extent of genetic diversity in natural populations of this microbe, the genomic sequence of reference strain DSM 13855 was compared to metagenomic fragments recovered from climax saltern crystallizers and obtained with 454 sequencing technology. This kind of analysis reveals the presence of metagenomic islands, i.e. highly variable regions among the different lineages in the population.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Three regions of the sequenced isolate were scarcely represented in the metagenome thus appearing to vary among co-occurring <it>S. ruber </it>cells. These metagenomic islands showed evidence of extensive genomic corruption with atypically low GC content, low coding density, high numbers of pseudogenes and short hypothetical proteins. A detailed analysis of island gene content showed that the genes in metagenomic island 1 code for cell surface polysaccharides. The strain-specific genes of metagenomic island 2 were found to be involved in biosynthesis of cell wall polysaccharide components. Finally, metagenomic island 3 was rich in DNA related enzymes.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The genomic organisation of <it>S. ruber </it>variable genomic regions showed a number of convergences with genomic islands of marine microbes studied, being largely involved in variable cell surface traits. This variation at the level of cell envelopes in an environment devoid of grazing pressure probably reflects a global strategy of bacteria to escape phage predation.</p