1,035 research outputs found

    Fitting Parton Distribution Data with Multiplicative Normalization Uncertainties

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    We consider the generic problem of performing a global fit to many independent data sets each with a different overall multiplicative normalization uncertainty. We show that the methods in common use to treat multiplicative uncertainties lead to systematic biases. We develop a method which is unbiased, based on a self--consistent iterative procedure. We demonstrate the use of this method by applying it to the determination of parton distribution functions with the NNPDF methodology, which uses a Monte Carlo method for uncertainty estimation.Comment: 33 pages, 5 figures: published versio

    Model of C-Axis Resistivity of High-\Tc Cuprates

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    We propose a simple model which accounts for the major features and systematics of experiments on the cc-axis resistivity, ρc\rho_c, for \lsco, \ybco and \bsco . We argue that the cc-axis resistivity can be separated into contributions from in-plane dephasing and the cc-axis ``barrier'' scattering processes, with the low temperature semiconductor-like behavior of ρc\rho_c arising from the suppression of the in-plane density of states measured by in-plane magnetic Knight shift experiments. We report on predictions for ρc\rho_c in impurity-doped \ybco materials.Comment: 10 pages + figures, also see March Meeting J13.1

    Dynamics of Fermionic Four-Wave Mixing

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    We study the dynamics of a beam of fermions diffracted off a density grating formed by fermionic atoms in the limit of a large grating. An exact description of the system in terms of particle-hole operators is developed. We use a combination of analytical and numerical methods to quantitatively explore the Raman-Nath and the Bragg regimes of diffraction. We discuss the limits in diffraction efficiency resulting from the dephasing of the grating due the distribution of energy states occupied by the fermions. We propose several methods to overcome these limits, including the novel technique of ``atom echoes''.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figure

    Magneto-Coulomb drag: interplay of electron--electron interactions and Landau quantization

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    We use the Kubo formalism to calculate the transresistivity ρ21\rho_{21} for carriers in coupled quantum wells in a large perpendicular magnetic field BB. We find that ρ21\rho_{21} is enhanced by approximately 50--100 times over that of the B=0 case in the interplateau regions of the integer quantum Hall effect. The presence of both electron--electron interactions and Landau quantization results in (i) a twin-peaked structure of ρ21(B)\rho_{21}(B) in the inter-plateau regions at low temperatures, and, (ii) for the chemical potential at the center of a Landau level band, a peaked temperature dependence of ρ21(T)/T2\rho_{21}(T)/T^2.Comment: 4 pages, RevTeX, 4 PS figures in text using eps

    Coulomb Drag in Coherent Mesoscopic Systems

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    We present a theory for Coulomb drag between two mesoscopic systems. Our formalism expresses the drag in terms of scattering matrices and wave functions, and its range of validity covers both ballistic and disordered systems. The consequences can be worked out either by analytic means, such as the random matrix theory, or by numerical simulations. We show that Coulomb drag is sensitive to localized states, which usual transport measurements do not probe. For chaotic 2D-systems we find a vanishing average drag, with a nonzero variance. Disordered 1D-wires show a finite drag, with a large variance, giving rise to a possible sign change of the induced current.Comment: 4 pages including 2 figures. Minor changes. Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. Let

    Magnetotunneling spectroscopy of mesoscopic correlations in two-dimensional electron systems

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    An approach to experimentally exploring electronic correlation functions in mesoscopic regimes is proposed. The idea is to monitor the mesoscopic fluctuations of a tunneling current flowing between the two layers of a semiconductor double-quantum-well structure. From the dependence of these fluctuations on external parameters, such as in-plane or perpendicular magnetic fields, external bias voltages, etc., the temporal and spatial dependence of various prominent correlation functions of mesoscopic physics can be determined. Due to the absence of spatially localized external probes, the method provides a way to explore the interplay of interaction and localization effects in two-dimensional systems within a relatively unperturbed environment. We describe the theoretical background of the approach and quantitatively discuss the behavior of the current fluctuations in diffusive and ergodic regimes. The influence of both various interaction mechanisms and localization effects on the current is discussed. Finally a proposal is made on how, at least in principle, the method may be used to experimentally determine the relevant critical exponents of localization-delocalization transitions.Comment: 15 pages, 3 figures include

    Biomaterials from beer manufacture waste for bone growth scaffolds

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    Agricultural wastes are a source of renewable raw materials (RRM), with structures that can be tailored for the use envisaged. Here, they have proved to be good replacement candidates for use as biomaterials for the growth of osteoblasts in bone replacement therapies. Their preparation is more cost effective than that of materials presently in use with the added bonus of converting a low-cost waste into a value-added product. Due to their origin these solids are ecomaterials. In this study, several techniques, including X-ray diffraction (XRD), chemical analysis, mercury intrusion porosimetry (MIP), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and bioassays, were used to compare the biocompatibility and cell growth of scaffolds produced from beer bagasse, a waste material from beer production, with a control sample used in bone and dental regenerative processes

    Frictional drag between quantum wells mediated by phonon exchange

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    We use the Kubo formalism to evaluate the contribution of acoustic phonon exchange to the frictional drag between nearby two-dimensional electron systems. In the case of free phonons, we find a divergent drag rate (τD−1\tau_{D}^{-1}). However, τD−1\tau_{D}^{-1} becomes finite when phonon scattering from either lattice imperfections or electronic excitations is accounted for. In the case of GaAs quantum wells, we find that for a phonon mean free path ℓph\ell_{ph} smaller than a critical value, imperfection scattering dominates and the drag rate varies as ln(ℓph/d)ln (\ell_{ph}/d) over many orders of magnitude of the layer separation dd. When ℓph\ell_{ph} exceeds the critical value, the drag rate is dominated by coupling through an electron-phonon collective mode localized in the vicinity of the electron layers. We argue that the coupled electron-phonon mode may be observable for realistic parameters. Our theory is in good agreement with experimental results for the temperature, density, and dd-dependence of the drag rate.Comment: 45 pages, LaTeX, 8 postscript file figure

    Sustainable Materials and Biorefinery Chemicals from Agriwastes

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    This is an open access chapter distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License.-- et al.Countries with economies based on agriculture generate vast amounts of low or null value wastes which may even represent an environmental hazard. In our group, agricultural industrial wastes have been converted into value added liquid substances and materials with several aims: decreasing pollution, giving added value to wastes and working in a sustainable manner in which the wastes of an industry can be used as the raw materials of the same or others, as the “cradle to cradle” philosophy states [1]. Sub-products from the agricultural food industry are being employed as renewable low cost raw materials in the preparation of Ecomaterials, designed for use in a number of industrial processes of great interest. Given their origin, these materials may compete with conventional ones since with this process a sustainable cycle is closed, in which the residues of one industry are used as raw materials in the same or other industries [2]. With regards to the composition of the residues produced from agriculture, the pH of soil is of great importance, since plants can only absorb the minerals that are dissolved in water and pH is mandatory for the physical, chemical and biological properties of soil and the main cause of many agronomic questions related to nutrient assimilation [3-5]. Variations of pH modify the solubility of most elements necessary for the development of crops and also influence the microbian activity of soil, which will affect the transformation of elements that are liberated to the soil and can be assimilated to form crops or not [3]. For example at pH lower than 6 or higher than 8 bacterian activities are lowered, the oxidation of nitrogen to nitrate is reduced and the amount of nitrogen available for plant food is decreased. However Al, Fe and manganese are more soluble at low pHs, reaching even toxic concentrations. Potassium and sulphur are easily adsorbed at pH higher than 6, calcium and magnesium between 7 and 8.5 and iron at pH lower than 6. For alkaline pH in soil, the availability of H2PO4-can be reduced through precipitation of phosphorous containing salts withcations such as calcium Ca2+ or magnesium Mg2+. However when soils have acid pH other compounds with HPO42-and iron (Fe2+), aluminium (Al3+) and manganese (Mn2+) can form, with increased solubility. The main factors that influence soil pH are the mineral composition and how it meteorizes, the decomposition of organic matter, how nutrients are partitioned among the solution and aggregates and of course the pluviometryof the zone and atmospheric contamination.Lower pHs are found in places with high pluviometry, with high organic matter decomposition, young soils developed on acid substrates, and places with high atmospheric contamination (acid rain). Depending on the species, crops can benefit from calcareous soils with high calcium carbonate content such as alfalfa, but other plants prefer soils with acid pH such as potatoes, coffee or tobacco. It is clear that different seasons will produce plants with a varying composition depending on the atmospheric conditions and therefore the materials derived from them need to be characterised and analysed to determine their possible uses.Given its multidisciplinary approach, this work is being carried out through the collaboration among national (Institute of Materials Science of Madrid (ICMM, CSIC), Institute of Catalysis (ICP, CSIC), Centre of Molecular Biology Severo Ochoa (UAM-CSIC), Polytechnic University of Madrid (UPM), University at distance (UNED), University Complutense of Madrid (UPM) and international (University of Sheffield and University of Ghent) research groups, in addition to various industries interested in the transformation of their residues and or sub-products into “value added materials”, with whom various research projects have been and are being sponsored by the MICINN and CDTI.Peer Reviewe

    Cross Section Ratios between different CM energies at the LHC: opportunities for precision measurements and BSM sensitivity

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    The staged increase of the LHC beam energy provides a new class of interesting observables, namely ratios and double ratios of cross sections of various hard processes. The large degree of correlation of theoretical systematics in the cross section calculations at different energies leads to highly precise predictions for such ratios. We present in this letter few examples of such ratios, and discuss their possible implications, both in terms of opportunities for precision measurements and in terms of sensitivity to Beyond the Standard Model dynamics.Comment: 19 pages, 9 figure
