96 research outputs found


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    The paper presents a sophisticated interactive tool supporting the decision-making of loading parties and vehicle operators – Methodology for the verification of load distribution in a container. The methodology allows us to standardize procedures used by loading parties, and ensures safe loading and transport of container units. Using a spreadsheet (table editor), it offers a simple, quick, affordable and universally applicable solution. The procedures featured in the Methodology are generalised and allow verifying load distribution in any ISO series 1 storage container. The procedures presented are generally algebraically described and accompanied by a calculation flow diagram. Safe handling and transport of a container unit is ensured by keeping the deviation of the actual centre of gravity from the optimum centre of gravity in acceptable limits. A model example of loading of one of the most commonly used containers – ISO 1 C – is also part of the Methodology.container, methodology, decisions, distribution, centre of gravity pallet unit.

    Design to Eliminate of Shape Defects of Stamping from Thin Sheet

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    Import 02/11/2016REJZEK,M. Návrh eliminace tvarových vad výlisku z tenkého plechu: diplomová práce. Ostrava: VŠB-Technická univerzita Ostrava, Fakulta strojní, Katedra mechanické technologie, 2016, 57 s. Vedoucí práce: Hrubý, J. Diplomová práce se zabývá vadami výlisku z tenkého plechu ze sliny AMS 5599. V úvodní části diplomové práce je provedena analýza současné technologie stříhání s podrobným popisem jednotlivých nástrojů. Další část diplomové práce byla realizována na pracovišti společnosti Honeywell. Kde jsem měřil rozměry součásti v průběhu celého výrobního procesu. Měření potvrdilo předpoklad, že největší deformace je způsobená děrováním. Výsledky měření také prokázala, že na deformaci výlisku má vliv i technologie soustružení, protože deformuje stěnu výlisku. Na základě získaných dat byla navrhnuta opatření k eliminaci tvarových změn tenkostěnného výlisku.REJZEK, M. Design to Eliminate of shape Defects of Stamping from Thin sheet: Diploma thesis. Ostrava: VŠB-Technical University Ostrava, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Department of Mechanical Technology, 2016, 57 p. Thesis supervisor: Hrubý, J. The thesis deals with defects of shape of sheet metal part from a thin sheet of alloy AMS 5599. In the introductory part of the thesis is an analysis of the current shearing technology with detailed descriptions of all tools. Another part of the thesis was implemented in the workplace at Honeywell company. I measured the dimensions of the components during the manufacturing process in the workplace. Measurements confirmed the assumption that the greatest deformation is caused by punching. The measurement results also showed that the deformation of the sheet metal part is caused by turning technologies that deforms the wall of the sheet metal part. In the last part of the thesis, I suggested some type of measures to eliminate change of the shape of the sheet metal wall from thin sheet based on data obtained from the measurement.345 - Katedra mechanické technologievýborn

    Embedding STPA into a highly successful risk management software application

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    Since the introduction of STPA to a broader audience through the book Engineering a Safer World and the first MIT STAMP Workshop in 2012, the interest in this method of hazard analysis has been ever increasing. During the time of introduction to now, STPA has not only been applied to many different domains, has also been constantly developed and extended. We consider the availability of a professional, state-of-the art software application supporting STPA as a crucial agitator for further evolvement and expansion of STPA. Although some software tools are currently available, we are of the opinion that none fully meets the needs for a productive application of STPA outside of the context of research projects and case studies. Furthermore, we believe enterprises demand not only a professionally developed and highly streamlined software application, but also associated support, such as a proper user manual and instructions, along with regular updates and upgrades. The decision to effectively use STPA requires an investment into more than new software, thorough training of staff and a process supporting lessons learned are crucial. This investment will pay for itself through the additional insights that will be uncovered through the STPA methodology, along with the efficiencies and effectiveness enhanced through the software tool, the investment will pay off double! Stiki - Information Security, headquartered in Reykjavík, Iceland and the Safety-Critical Systems Research Lab at the Zurich University of Applied Sciences in Switzerland have successfully applied for an EU grant to develop a software solution satisfying the above mentioned characteristics. The software solution being developed will share the same framework as the software toolkit Risk Management Studio, developed by Stiki and available on the global market since 2005. The objectives are to allow enterprises to use STPA as standalone methodology through the software, and integrated into an enhanced enterprise risk management framework, enabling efficient risk identification and management. The joint development project bases on the software prototype SAHRA, which extends the UML/SysML case tool Enterprise Architect with the ability to perform STPA and on research projects conducted by both partners in the past. The development work commenced in October 2016 and spans over a total of 30 calendar months. With the poster presented we would not only like to outline the project and its end-result, but also motivate stakeholders interested in participating in this project for example by testing and providing feedback of beta-versions of the application

    SAHRA - an integrated software tool for STPA

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    SAHRA (STPA based Hazard and Risk Analysis) as a software tool for STAMP/STPA improves the analysis workflow by not only supporting the complete STPA process but by also offering a unique way to capture Step 1 and 2 using the visual style of mind maps. SAHRA is seamlessly integrated into the widely used UML solution Sparx Systems Enterprise Architect (EA). This integration enables synergies between design of a system and its safety analysis and thus allows to use STPA in the paradigm of safety-guided design

    Towards a modeling language for Systems-Theoretic Process Analysis (STPA) : Proposal for a domain specific language (DSL) for model driven Systems-Theoretic Process Analysis (STPA) based on UML

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    Dieser Artikel schlägt eine modellbasierte domänen-spezifische Sprache zur Modellierung von Sicherheitsanalyse nach der STAMP/STPA Methode vor. Im Dokument werden die einzelnen Modellierungskonstrukte detailliert beschrieben, sowie deren Zusammenhänge definiert.The article proposes a model-based domain-specific language for the STAMP/STPA safety analysis technique. The document describes the modeling artefacts and their relationships in detail

    Flux through Trehalose Synthase Flows from Trehalose to the Alpha Anomer of Maltose in Mycobacteria

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    SummaryTrehalose synthase (TreS) was thought to catalyze flux from maltose to trehalose, a precursor of essential trehalose mycolates in mycobacterial cell walls. However, we now show, using a genetic approach, that TreS is not required for trehalose biosynthesis in Mycobacterium smegmatis, whereas two alternative trehalose-biosynthetic pathways (OtsAB and TreYZ) are crucial. Consistent with this direction of flux, trehalose levels in Mycobacterium tuberculosis decreased when TreS was overexpressed. In addition, TreS was shown to interconvert the α anomer of maltose and trehalose using 1H and 19F-nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopies using its normal substrates and deoxyfluoromaltose analogs, with the nonenzymatic mutarotation of α/β-maltose being slow. Therefore, flux through TreS in mycobacteria flows from trehalose to α-maltose, which is the appropriate anomer for maltose kinase of the GlgE α-glucan pathway, which in turn contributes to intracellular and/or capsular polysaccharide biosynthesis

    Discovery of an RmlC/D fusion protein in the microalga <i>Prymnesium parvum</i> and its implications for NDP-β-L-rhamnose biosynthesis in microalgae

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    The 6-deoxy sugar L-rhamnose (L-Rha) is found widely in plant and microbial polysaccharides and natural products. The importance of this and related compounds in host–pathogen interactions often means that L-Rha plays an essential role in many organisms. L-Rha is most commonly biosynthesized as the activated sugar nucleotide uridine 5-diphospho-L-rhamnose (UDP-L-Rha) or thymidine 5-diphospho-L-rhamnose (TDP-L-Rha). Enzymes involved in the biosynthesis of these sugar nucleotides have been studied in some detail in bacteria and plants, but the activated form of L-Rha and the corresponding biosynthetic enzymes have yet to be explored in algae. Here, using sugar-nucleotide profiling in two representative algae, Euglena gracilis and the toxin-producing microalga Prymnesium parvum, we show that levels of UDP- and TDP-activated L-Rha differ significantly between these two algal species. Using bioinformatics and biochemical methods, we identified and characterized a fusion of the RmlC and RmlD proteins, two bacteria-like enzymes involved in TDP-L-Rha biosynthesis, from P. parvum. Using this new sequence and also others, we explored L-Rha biosynthesis among algae, finding that although most algae contain sequences orthologous to plant-like L-Rha biosynthesis machineries, instances of the RmlC-RmlD fusion protein identified here exist across the Haptophyta and Gymnodiniaceae families of microalgae. On the basis of these findings, we propose potential routes for the evolution of nucleoside diphosphate -L-Rha (NDP-L-Rha) pathways among algae

    The transcriptome of Euglena gracilis reveals unexpected metabolic capabilities for carbohydrate and natural product biochemistry

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    Euglena gracilis is a highly complex alga belonging to the green plant line that shows characteristics of both plants and animals, while in evolutionary terms it is most closely related to the protozoan parasites Trypanosoma and Leishmania. This well-studied organism has long been known as a rich source of vitamins A, C and E, as well as amino acids that are essential for the human diet. Here we present de novo transcriptome sequencing and preliminary analysis, providing a basis for the molecular and functional genomics studies that will be required to direct metabolic engineering efforts aimed at enhancing the quality and quantity of high value products from E. gracilis. The transcriptome contains over 30?000 protein-encoding genes, supporting metabolic pathways for lipids, amino acids, carbohydrates and vitamins, along with capabilities for polyketide and non-ribosomal peptide biosynthesis. The metabolic and environmental robustness of Euglena is supported by a substantial capacity for responding to biotic and abiotic stress: it has the capacity to deploy three separate pathways for vitamin C (ascorbate) production, as well as producing vitamin E (?-tocopherol) and, in addition to glutathione, the redox-active thiols nor-trypanothione and ovothiol

    Exploring the glycans of <i>Euglena gracilis</i>

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    Euglena gracilis is an alga of great biotechnological interest and extensive metabolic capacity, able to make high levels of bioactive compounds, such as polyunsaturated fatty acids, vitamins and β-glucan. Previous work has shown that Euglena expresses a wide range of carbohydrate-active enzymes, suggesting an unexpectedly high capacity for the synthesis of complex carbohydrates for a single-celled organism. Here, we present an analysis of some of the carbohydrates synthesised by Euglena gracilis. Analysis of the sugar nucleotide pool showed that there are the substrates necessary for synthesis of complex polysaccharides, including the unusual sugar galactofuranose. Lectin- and antibody-based profiling of whole cells and extracted carbohydrates revealed a complex galactan, xylan and aminosugar based surface. Protein N-glycan profiling, however, indicated that just simple high mannose-type glycans are present and that they are partially modified with putative aminoethylphosphonate moieties. Together, these data indicate that Euglena possesses a complex glycan surface, unrelated to plant cell walls, while its protein glycosylation is simple. Taken together, these findings suggest that Euglena gracilis may lend itself to the production of pharmaceutical glycoproteins

    Analysis of Two New Arabinosyltransferases Belonging to the Carbohydrate-Active Enzyme (CAZY) Glycosyl Transferase Family1 Provides Insights into Disease Resistance and Sugar Donor Specificity

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    Glycosylation of small molecules is critical for numerous biological processes in plants, including hormone homeostasis, neutralization of xenobiotics, and synthesis and storage of specialized metabolites. Glycosylation of plant natural products is usually carried out by uridine diphosphate-dependent glycosyltransferases (UGTs). Triterpene glycosides (saponins) are a large family of plant natural products that determine important agronomic traits such as disease resistance and flavor and have numerous pharmaceutical applications. Most characterised plant natural product UGTs are glucosyltransferases, and little is known about enzymes that add other sugars. Here we report the discovery and characterization of AsAAT1 (UGT99D1), which is required for biosynthesis of the antifungal saponin avenacin A-1 in oat. This enzyme adds L-arabinose to the triterpene scaffold at the C-3 position, a modification critical for disease resistance. The only previously reported plant natural product arabinosyltransferase is a flavonoid arabinosyltransferase from Arabidopsis. We show that AsAAT1 has high specificity for UDP-β-L-arabinopyranose, identify two amino acids required for sugar donor specificity, and through targeted mutagenesis convert AsAAT1 into a glucosyltransferase. We further identify a second arabinosyltransferase potentially implicated in the biosynthesis of saponins that determine bitterness in soybean. Our investigations suggest independent evolution of UDP-arabinose sugar donor specificity in arabinosyltransferases in monocots and eudicots