107 research outputs found

    Saccadic intrusions in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS)

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    The attempt to steadily fixate at a small visual object is continuously interrupted by a variety of fixational eye movements comprising, among others, a continuum of saccadic intrusions (SI) which ranges in size from microsaccades with amplitudes ≤0.25° to larger refixation saccades of up to about 2°. The size and frequency of SI varies considerably among individuals and is known to increase in neurodegenerative diseases such as neurodegenerative parkinsonism and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). However, studies of ALS disagree whether also the frequency of SI increases. We undertook an analysis of SI in 119 ALS patients and 47 age-matched healthy controls whose eye movements during fixation and tests of executive functions (e.g antisaccades) had been recorded by video-oculography according to standardised procedures. SI were categorised according to their spatio-temporal patterns as stair case, back-and-forth and square wave jerks (a subcategory of back-and-forth). The SI of patients and controls were qualitatively similar (same direction preferences, similar differences between patterns), but were enlarged in ALS. Notably however, no increase of SI frequency could be demonstrated. Yet, there were clear correlations with parameters such as eye blink rate or errors in a delayed saccade task that suggest an impairment of inhibitory mechanisms, in keeping with the notion of a frontal dysfunction in ALS. However, it remains unclear how the impairment of inhibitory mechanisms in ALS could selectively increase the amplitude of intrusions without changing their frequency of occurrence

    Ventral Striatal D2/3 Receptor Availability Is Associated with Impulsive Choice Behavior As Well As Limbic Corticostriatal Connectivity.

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    BACKGROUND: Low dopamine D2/3 receptor availability in the nucleus accumbens shell is associated with highly impulsive behavior in rats as measured by premature responses in a cued attentional task. However, it is unclear whether dopamine D2/3 receptor availability in the nucleus accumbens is equally linked to intolerance for delayed rewards, a related form of impulsivity. METHODS: We investigated the relationship between D2/3 receptor availability in the nucleus accumbens and impulsivity in a delay-discounting task where animals must choose between immediate, small-magnitude rewards and delayed, larger-magnitude rewards. Corticostriatal D2/3 receptor availability was measured in rats stratified for high and low impulsivity using in vivo [18F]fallypride positron emission tomography and ex vivo [3H]raclopride autoradiography. Resting-state functional connectivity in limbic corticostriatal networks was also assessed using fMRI. RESULTS: Delay-discounting task impulsivity was inversely related to D2/3 receptor availability in the nucleus accumbens core but not the dorsal striatum, with higher D2/3 binding in the nucleus accumbens shell of high-impulsive rats compared with low-impulsive rats. D2/3 receptor availability was associated with stronger connectivity between the cingulate cortex and hippocampus of high- vs low-impulsive rats. CONCLUSIONS: We conclude that delay-discounting task impulsivity is associated with low D2/3 receptor binding in the nucleus accumbens core. Thus, two related forms of waiting impulsivity-premature responding and delay intolerance in a delay-of-reward task-implicate an involvement of D2/3 receptor availability in the nucleus accumbens shell and core, respectively. This dissociation may be causal or consequential to enhanced functional connectivity of limbic brain circuitry and hold relevance for attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, drug addiction, and other psychiatric disorders

    Tip- and laser-based 3D nanofabrication in extended macroscopic working areas

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    The field of optical lithography is subject to intense research and has gained enormous improvement. However, the effort necessary for creating structures at the size of 20 nm and below is considerable using conventional technologies. This effort and the resulting financial requirements can only be tackled by few global companies and thus a paradigm change for the semiconductor industry is conceivable: custom design and solutions for specific applications will dominate future development (Fritze in: Panning EM, Liddle JA (eds) Novel patterning technologies. International society for optics and photonics. SPIE, Bellingham, 2021. https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2593229). For this reason, new aspects arise for future lithography, which is why enormous effort has been directed to the development of alternative fabrication technologies. Yet, the technologies emerging from this process, which are promising for coping with the current resolution and accuracy challenges, are only demonstrated as a proof-of-concept on a lab scale of several square micrometers. Such scale is not adequate for the requirements of modern lithography; therefore, there is the need for new and alternative cross-scale solutions to further advance the possibilities of unconventional nanotechnologies. Similar challenges arise because of the technical progress in various other fields, realizing new and unique functionalities based on nanoscale effects, e.g., in nanophotonics, quantum computing, energy harvesting, and life sciences. Experimental platforms for basic research in the field of scale-spanning nanomeasuring and nanofabrication are necessary for these tasks, which are available at the Technische Universität Ilmenau in the form of nanopositioning and nanomeasuring (NPM) machines. With this equipment, the limits of technical structurability are explored for high-performance tip-based and laser-based processes for enabling real 3D nanofabrication with the highest precision in an adequate working range of several thousand cubic millimeters

    Tracing the origin of Oriental beech stands across Western Europe and reporting hybridization with European beech : implications for assisted gene flow

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    The benefits and risks of human-aided translocation of individuals within the species range, assisted gene flow (AGF), depend on the genetic divergence, on the rate and direction of hybridization, and on the climate transfer distance between the host and donor populations. In this study, we explored the use of Oriental beech (Fagus sylvatica subsp. orientalis), growing from Iran to the Balkans, for AGF into European beech populations (F. sylvatica subsp. sylvatica) that increasingly suffer from climate warming. Using samples from natural populations of Oriental and European beech and microsatellite loci, we identified 5 distinct genetic clusters in Oriental beech with a divergence (FST) of 0.15 to 0.25 from European beech. Using this knowledge, we traced the origin of 11 Oriental beech stands in Western Europe established during the 20th century. In two stands of Greater Caucasus origin, we found evidence for extensive hybridization, with 18% and 41% of the offspring having hybrid status. Climate data revealed higher seasonality with warmer and drier summers across the native Oriental beech sites in comparison to the planting sites in Western Europe. Accordingly, we found that bud burst of Oriental beech occurred four days earlier than in European beech. Overall, our results suggest that AGF of Oriental beech could increase the genetic diversity of European beech stands and may foster introgression of variants adapted to expected future climatic conditions. Our study showcases the evaluation of the benefits and risks of AGF and call for similar studies on other native tree species