57 research outputs found

    Development and treatment of giant lithiasis of ileocecal urinary reservoir in the patient with interstitial cystitis treated by cystectomy: a case report

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    Cilj: Cilj ovoga rada je prikazati pacijenta s intersticijskim cistitisom u kojega je došlo do stvaranja kamenaca u novoformiranom urinskom spremniku. Prikaz slučaja: Pacijent star 48 godina obrađivan je zbog recidivnih infekcija mokraćnog sustava. Prethodno mu je zbog intersticijskog cistitisa, koji je znatno utjecao na njegovu kvalitetu života, učinjena cistektomija uz oblikovanje urinskog spremnika (Mainz-pouch I). Urološkom obradom pronađena su u području urinskoga spremnika dva velika kamenca dimenzija 77 × 74 mm te 76 × 62 mm uz obostranu hidronefrozu. Kako bi se riješio uzrok rekurentnih urinarnih infekcija, učinjena mu je otvorenim pristupom ekstrakcija oba kamenca. Poslijeoperacijski tijek bio je uredan te je pacijent nastavio s provođenjem intermitentne samokateterizacije uz značajno poboljšanu kvalitetu života. Zaključak: U pacijenata s teškim oblikom intersticijskog cistitisa u obzir dolazi učiniti cistektomiju s urinarnom derivacijom. Pojava kamenaca u urinskome spremniku u takvih pacijenata nije česta, a liječenje ovisi o veličini litijaze (otvoreni odnosno endoskopski pristup).Aim: The aim of this study is to present a patient with interstitial cystitis who has had a stone formation in a newly formed urinary reservoir. Case report: A 48-year-old patient was treated for recurrent urinary tract infections. Previously, due to interstitial cystitis, which significantly affected his quality of life, a cystectomy was performed with the formation of a urinary reservoir (Mainz-pouch I). Diagnostic evaluation revealed two large stones in the urinary reservoir whose dimensions were 77 × 74 mm and 76 × 62 mm with bilateral hydronephrosis. To resolve the cause of recurrent urinary infections, extraction of both stones was done by open access. The postoperative course was uneventful and the patient continued with the implementation of intermittent self-catheterization with a significantly improved quality of life. Conclusion: In patients with severe interstitial cystitis, cystectomy with urinary diversion must be considered. The occurrence of calculus in the urine reservoir is not common in such patients and treatment depends on the size of calculi (open or endoscopic approach)

    Die Rolle von Biogas fĂĽr eine sichere Gasversorgung in Deutschland: Stand der Biogasnutzung und Empfehlungen fĂĽr ihren verbesserten Beitrag zur Versorgungssicherheit nach dem russischen Ăśberfall auf die Ukraine

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    Infolge gestiegener Agrarpreise ist kurz- und mittelfristig mit einem Rückgang der Biogaserzeugung zu rechnen, da Biogassubstrate zurzeit verstärkt als Futtermittel nachgefragt bzw. Flächen zur Erzeugung von Futter- und Nahrungsmitteln umgewidmet werden. Um diesen Rückgang zumindest teilweise auszugleichen und den Vorrang der Ernährungssicherheit auch längerfristig zu gewährleisten, sollte Biogas verstärkt aus biogenen Abfällen bzw. Nebenprodukten sowie aus Anbaubiomasse erzeugt werden, die nicht in Konkurrenz zur Erzeugung von Nahrungs- und Futtermitteln steht. Um den Beitrag von Biogas zur Energieversorgungssicherheit zu sichern, wird ein Sofortprogramm zur Mobilisierung biogenen Nebenprodukten, Abfällen und Anbaubiomasse ohne zusätzlichen Flächenbedarf im Umfang von 30 TWh empfohlen. Dies kann zeitnah durch geeignete Anreize im EEG umgesetzt werden. Daneben sollte im Hinblick auf die wichtige Rolle von Gas für eine bedarfsgerechte Stromerzeugung die Flexibilisierung von Biogasanlagen durch höhere Anreize und verschärfte Flexibilitätsanforderungen im EEG beschleunigt werden. Eine weitergehende Ausweitung der Biogaserzeugung ist kurzfristig nur durch starke Einschränkungen von Nachhaltigkeitsanforderungen und noch höheren staatlichen Anreizen möglich, was nicht im Verhältnis zu den dadurch realisierbaren Biogasmengen steht

    Stellungnahme zum EEG 2017

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    Mit dem EEG 2017 wurde die zukünftige Förderung von Biomasseanlagen, zusammen mit Photovoltaikund Windkraftanlagen, auf ein Ausschreibungsverfahren umgestellt. Im Gegensatz zu Wind- und Photovoltaik-Anlagen, können sich bei der Förderung der Stromerzeugung aus Biomasse jedoch auch Bestandsanlagen für einen zweiten Förderzeitraum bewerben. Um einen Förderanspruch für weitere 10 Jahre zu erwerben, müssen die Anlagen verschiedenste Voraussetzungen erfüllen. Dazu gehören unter anderem Vorgaben zur Flexibilisierung und zum Substrateinsatz in Biogasanlagen (sinkender Maisdeckel). Im September 2017 wurde die erste Ausschreibungsrunde für Bioenergieanlagen durchgeführt. Unter anderem aufgrund der langen durchschnittlichen Vergütungs-Restlaufzeit der meisten Bioenergieanlagen war das Interesse noch verhalten. Das Ausschreibungsvolumen betrug ca. 122 MWel installierte Leistung. Von 33 Geboten mit einem Volumen von rund 41 MWel erhielten 24 Gebote mit einem Volumen von rund 28 MWel einen Zuschlag. Obwohl das Volumen in der ersten Ausschreibungsrunde nicht ausgeschöpft wurde, lassen sich aus den ersten Erfahrungen bereits Änderungsvorschläge zur Verbesserung des Ausschreibungsdesigns ableiten. Ziel sollte sein, den Wettbewerb innerhalb der Ausschreibungen für Biomasseanlagen zu erhöhen und Perspektiven für die Entwicklung des Anlagenbestandes aufzuzeigen. Die Änderungsvorschläge werden nachfolgend kurz dargestellt

    Assessment of PI3K/mTOR/AKT Pathway Elements to Serve as Biomarkers and Therapeutic Targets in Penile Cancer

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    The PI3K/mTOR/AKT pathway might represent an intriguing option for treatment of penile cancer (PeCa). We aimed to assess whether members of this pathway might serve as biomarkers and targets for systemic therapy. Tissue of primary cancer from treatment-naïve PeCa patients was used for tissue microarray analysis. Immunohistochemical staining was performed with antibodies against AKT, pAKT, mTOR, pmTOR, pS6, pPRAS, p4EBP1, S6K1 and pp70S6K. Protein expression was correlated with clinicopathological characteristics as well as overall survival (OS), disease-specific survival (DSS), recurrence-free survival (RFS) and metastasis-free survival (MFS). AKT inhibition was tested in two primarily established, treatment-naïve PeCa cell lines by treatment with capivasertib and analysis of cell viability and chemotaxis. A total of 76 patients surgically treated for invasive PeCa were included. Higher expression of AKT was significantly more prevalent in high-grade tumors and predictive of DSS and OS in the Kaplan–Meier analysis, and an independent predictor of worse OS and DSS in the multivariate regression analysis. Treatment with pan-AKT inhibitor capivasertib in PeCa cell lines induced a significant downregulation of both total AKT and pAKT as well as decreased cell viability and chemotaxis. Selected protein candidates of the mTOR/AKT signaling pathway demonstrate association with histological and survival parameters of PeCa patients, whereas AKT appears to be the most promising one

    Value of c-MET and Associated Signaling Elements for Predicting Outcomes and Targeted Therapy in Penile Cancer

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    Whereas the lack of biomarkers in penile cancer (PeCa) impedes the development of efficacious treatment protocols, preliminary evidence suggests that c-MET and associated signaling elements may be dysregulated in this disorder. In the following study, we investigated whether c-MET and associated key molecular elements may have prognostic and therapeutic utility in PeCa. Formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tumor tissue from therapy-naïve patients with invasive PeCa was used for tissue microarray (TMA) analysis. Immunohistochemical staining was performed to determine the expression of the proteins c-MET, PPARg, β-catenin, snail, survivin, and n-MYC. In total, 94 PeCa patients with available tumor tissue were included. The median age was 64.9 years. High-grade tumors were present in 23.4%, and high-risk HPV was detected in 25.5%. The median follow-up was 32.5 months. High expression of snail was associated with HPV-positive tumors. Expression of β-catenin was inversely associated with grading. In both univariate COX regression analysis and the log-rank test, an increased expression of PPARg and c-MET was predictive of inferior disease-specific survival (DSS). Moreover, in multivariate analysis, a higher expression of c-MET was independently associated with worse DSS. Blocking c-MET with cabozantinib and tivantinib induced a significant decrease in viability in the primary PeCa cell line UKF-PeC3 isolated from the tumor tissue as well as in cisplatin- and osimertinib-resistant sublines. Strikingly, a higher sensitivity to tivantinib could be detected in the latter, pointing to the promising option of utilizing this agent in the second-line treatment setting

    Smart Force Optimization: Determining optimal component configurations for flexible biogas plants based using a modified exhaustive search method

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    <p><strong>Abstract</strong></p><p>German energy transition is reshaping the power market and price turbulence in 2021 and 2022 may be a flavor of price volatility in the future. Electricity price volatility is the major market signal for flexible biogas plants and the basic prerequisite for additional revenues. To operate in line with power price signals, flexible biogas plants need to configure the main components related to revenues and cost.</p><p>This study aims at optimal component configurations for the combined heat and power unit (CHPU), the gas-storage (GS) and if applicable heat storage (HS). Additional revenues for electricity have to exceed the costs for main components at most. Two cases are distinguished: solely power-price driven operation (PPO) and cogeneration-led operation (CLO), and investigated for power prices of 2020, 2021, and 2022.</p><p>Additional revenues by flexible operation increase as price volatility rise from 2020 to 2022. Interestingly, the choice for a certain CHPU capacity, determining the annual runtime and thus the expected service life has a vital importance. Independent of power market signals, power quotients (PQ) of at least PQ = 4 avoid a reinvestment for the CHPU within 20 years of investigation</p><p>As another main result, the slope of the optimality region for the CHPU capacity almost flattens for 2022 and capacities above PQ = 4. Thus, high price volatilities will allow plant operators to amortise even larger CHPU, which might stimulate higher installations of renewable peak load by flexible biogas plants.</p><p>Considering the day-ahead market can give clear recommendations for optimal component configurations for flexible biogas plants, for different assumptions of price volatility. Optimisation was computed with the innovative smart-force-approach (SFO), a modified exhaustive search method.</p><p> </p><p><strong>Smart Force Optimization (SFO)</strong></p><p>SFO in a nutshell:<br>The innovative aspect about the sfo approach is the combination of a data base for storing all possible schedules<br>and their corresponding constraints in advance and the subsequently selection of those schedules which are in compliance<br>with individual constraints for a defined biogas plant set up by a SQL-query. This significantly reduced amount of schedules<br>can than be used for a rather simple brute force optimization, which otherwise would not be an appropriate approach  for the basic population.<br>An comprehensive description of the method an a demonstration for a generic biogas plant is given in the following scientific paper:<br>"Smart Force Optimisation – a modified exhaustive search method for flexible biogas plants under practical constraints".<br>The manuscript was recently submitted, the final doi of the publication will be added here after the manuscript will be accepted,a preprint version is available in the sub directory <i>/paper</i>.</p><p> </p><p><strong>Configuration</strong><br>The SFO is an open source optimization approach to generate schedules for price driven operation of flexible biogas plants,<br>considering typical constraints like gas storage, maximum number of strokes per day, daily runtime and also heat supply obligations.<br>It was developed and tested under python 3.7.14 and uses the following external packages (no supplied as part of the python core):  </p><ul><li>pandas</li><li>numpy</li><li>matplotlib</li></ul><p> </p><p><strong>Repository structure</strong></p><p> </p><p>root</p><p>├─ concept  - contain figures and the data base structure as well as the SFO-icon</p><p>├─ csv      - contains raw data for default heat load profiles (HLP) and power price profiles (PPP)</p><p>├─ db       - this folder will contain the databases of the schedules</p><p>├─ licence  - contain the licence</p><p>├─ png      - contain template figures for the illustration of the diffrent plant classes </p><p>├─ pub      - contain the [publication](pub/optimal_config_flexible_biogas.pdf) and the workflows</p><p>│    â”śâ”€ component costs  - component costs    </p><p>│    â”śâ”€ figures          - figures   </p><p>│    â”śâ”€ manuscript    - preprint of the manuscript    </p><p>│    â”śâ”€ python           - 3d_array_plotter, cost_curves, invest_assesment, main-py, supplemental_functions    </p><p>│    â””─ results           - results collection with two subdirectories for the SFO_results.db and plots of schedules</p><p>│</p><p>└─ py       - contain the python modules for the SFO core libraray</p><p> </p><p><br><strong>Copyright and licnece</strong><br>The smart-force-optimization (SFO) is licencend under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Public License.<br>The lincence is part of this package and is referring to <a href="https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/legalcode">creativecommons.org</a>.  </p><p> </p><p><strong>Contact information</strong><br>The author can be reached via [email protected].</p&gt

    Die Rolle von Biogas fĂĽr ein klimaneutrales, 100 % erneuerbares Stromsystem 2035

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    Die Bundesregierung verfolgt das ambitionierte Ziel einer Beschleunigung des Ausbaus der erneuerbaren Energien auf 80 % bis 2030 bzw. einer nahezu vollständig erneuerbaren Stromversorgung 2035. Im Zuge der avisierten Elektrifizierung anderer Sektoren wie Wärme und Mobilität im Rahmen der Sektorenkopplung nimmt die Bedeutung des Stromsektors weiter zu. Angesichts der aktuellen geopolitischen Umwälzungen und den sich abzeichnenden Knappheiten für fossiles Gas wird in einer Kurzstudie evaluiert, welchen Platz Biogas in einem langfristig zukunftsfähigen Energiesystem einnehmen kann

    Advanced SQL-Database for bioenergy technologies - A catalogue for bio-resources, conversion technologies, energy carriers, and supply applications

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    Bioenergy is a crucial element of the future energy system with wide range of applications in electricity, heat and transport. A major challenge for the analysis and optimisation of the bioenergy system is the degree of diversity and complexity compared to wind or solar energy. A coherent database for studying the role of bioenergy in the energy system needs to cover the different entities such as bio-resources, conversion procedures and process chains. Since there is no comprehensive data collection for bioenergy so far, we develop a SQLite database by merging several existing datasets and additional information. The resulting Bio-Energy Technology Database (BET.db) provides a consistent set of 141 feedstocks as well as energy carriers, 259 conversion technologies, and 134 energy supply concepts. The proof of concept within a bioenergy system modelling a wide range of technologies for the electricity, heat and transport sectors using the BENOPT model has been successful. By providing a one-stop-shop solution for techno-economic information about on the bioenergy nexus, this blind spot can be avoided for further investigations. The current stage of development is an intermediate prototype that will be developed into a more versatile and interactive web application later on
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