661 research outputs found
All-electron theory of the coupling between laser-induced coherent phonons in bismuth
Using first principles, all-electron calculations and dynamical simulations
we study the behavior of the A_1g and E_g coherent phonons induced in Bi by
intense laser pulses. We determine the potential landscapes in the laser heated
material and show that they exhibit phonon-softening, phonon-phonon coupling,
and anharmonicities. As a consequence the E_g mode modulates the A_1g
oscillations and higher harmonics of both modes appear, which explains recent
isotropic reflectivity measurements. Our results offer a unified description of
the different experimental observations performed so far on bismuth.Comment: 3 figure
Contract for work focusing on structure as a subject of a work
Contract for work focusing on structure as a subject of a work Abstract The topic of this rigorous thesis is the legal regulation of a contract for work with a focus on structure as the subject of a work. Its aim is not only to provide the reader with a description of the obligation with the raising of problematic issues in practice, but also to try to answer them with the help of relatively extensive judicial decisions in cases where the explicit legislation is completely absent or unclear. The rigorous thesis is divided into an introduction, twelve chapters and a conclusion. The individual chapters are designed to make the reader think critically about the legislation chosen by the legislator, not only from the point of view of the letter of the law, but directly in relation to specific practical examples. When reading it, the reader will get acquainted in particular with the essentials of the contract for work, the manner of performance of the work, the issue of ownership of the construction work, the client's rights from defective performance or securing the contractor's obligations. Special attention is paid to the definition of the structure as a subject of a work, additional work, fulfilment of the contractor's obligation, or conversely, its cancellation by withdrawal from the contract and the...Smlouva o dílo se zaměřením na stavbu jako předmět díla Abstrakt Tématem této rigorózní práce je právní úprava smlouvy o dílo se zaměřením na stavbu jako předmět díla. Jejím cílem je poskytnout čtenáři nejen popis závazku s nastolením v praxi problematických otázek, ale pokusit se tyto zodpovědět za pomocí poměrně rozsáhlé soudní judikatury v případech, kde výslovná právní úprava zcela absentuje nebo je výkladově nejasná. Rigorózní práce je rozvržena do úvodu, dvanácti kapitol a závěru. Jednotlivé kapitoly jsou koncipovány tak, aby přiměly čtenáře zamyslet se kriticky nad právní úpravou zvolenou zákonodárcem nejen z pohledu litery zákona, ale přímo ve vztahu ke konkrétním praktickým příkladům. Čtenář se při jejím čtení seznámí zejména s podstatnými náležitostmi smlouvy o dílo, způsobem provádění díla, problematikou vlastnického práva ke stavebnímu dílu, právy objednatele z vadného plnění nebo zajištěním povinností zhotovitele. Zvláštní pozornost je přitom věnována vymezení stavby jako předmětu díla, vícepracím, splnění závazku zhotovitele, či naopak jeho zrušení odstoupením od smlouvy a s tím související problematice vypořádání smluvních stran. Poukázáno je rovněž na ochranu práv objednatele využitím tzv. zádržného (pozastávky) nebo automatické slevy z ceny díla s ohledem na posun v právním hodnocení těchto...Katedra občanského právaDepartment of Civil LawFaculty of LawPrávnická fakult
Semantically Informed Multiview Surface Refinement
We present a method to jointly refine the geometry and semantic segmentation
of 3D surface meshes. Our method alternates between updating the shape and the
semantic labels. In the geometry refinement step, the mesh is deformed with
variational energy minimization, such that it simultaneously maximizes
photo-consistency and the compatibility of the semantic segmentations across a
set of calibrated images. Label-specific shape priors account for interactions
between the geometry and the semantic labels in 3D. In the semantic
segmentation step, the labels on the mesh are updated with MRF inference, such
that they are compatible with the semantic segmentations in the input images.
Also, this step includes prior assumptions about the surface shape of different
semantic classes. The priors induce a tight coupling, where semantic
information influences the shape update and vice versa. Specifically, we
introduce priors that favor (i) adaptive smoothing, depending on the class
label; (ii) straightness of class boundaries; and (iii) semantic labels that
are consistent with the surface orientation. The novel mesh-based
reconstruction is evaluated in a series of experiments with real and synthetic
data. We compare both to state-of-the-art, voxel-based semantic 3D
reconstruction, and to purely geometric mesh refinement, and demonstrate that
the proposed scheme yields improved 3D geometry as well as an improved semantic
Pecifics of modelling of essential service water circuits at Dukovany NPP with regard to changes in their hydraulics caused by fouling process
Systém technické vody důležité (TVD) slouží na jaderných blocích k odvodu tepla ze zaří-
zení a systémů důležitých z pohledu jaderné bezpečnosti při normálním provozu i v havarijních
stavech, kdy zajišťuje odvod zbytkového tepla. V souvislosti s projekty zvyšování výkonu
a prodlužování životnosti JE Dukovany provedli experti firmy TES s.r.o. v posledních letech
řadu bezpečnostních termo-hydraulických výpočtů systému TVD. Článek shrnuje zkušenosti
expertů firmy TES s.r.o. s modelováním okruhů TVD a s validací výpočtových modelů TVD
s ohledem specifika jejich modelování, mezi které patří také zanášení (fouling).The Essential Service Water (ESW) system is designed to remove heat from nuclear safety
related equipment and systems of nuclear power plants during normal plant operation as well
as during an accident when residual heat is removed from reactor via ESW. Experts from TES
s.r.o. Company performed a number of safety thermal-hydraulic calculations of the ESW system at Dukovany NPP in frame of power up-rating and LTO projects. The article summarizes
the experience of TES s.r.o. experts with modelling of ESW circuits and with validation of
ESW models with regard to the specifics of their modelling, which include also fouling process
Kombinovanje intenzivne (ras) i ekstezivne (ribnjak) akvakulture za proizvodnju mlađi smuđa (sander lucioperca)
Ovaj prilog daje kratak osvrt na naše rezultate u oblasti gajenja mlađi smuđa. Opisuju se sve faze gajenja, do dostizanja krajnje telesne težine ribe od 75g: 1) gajenje larvi i mlađi u ribnjaku, 2) izlov mlađi iz ribnjaka, 3) privikavanje mlađi na recirkulacioni sistem (RAS), 4) gajenje mlađi u RAS-u u trajanju od 90 dana, 5) nasađivanje mlađi iz RAS-a u ribnjake, 6) gajenje mlađi u jezerima u toku zime i proleća, 7) izlov mlađi iz ribnjaka i privikavanje na uslove RAS-a i 8) gajenje u RAS-u. Svaka faza gajenja je ocenjena istim parametrima proizvodnje: krajnjim TL (mm) i težina W (g), specifičnom stopom rasta (SGRW in %.d-1), stopom preživljavanja (S u %), stopom kanibalizma (C u %) i koeficijentom konverzije hrane (FCR) ukoliko se primenjuje vestačka hrana.
Iniciajalno gajenje u ribnjaku je dalo veoma dobre i obećavajuće rezultate kada je reč o specifičnoj stopi rasta (SGRW= 20.3 %.d-1) i prezivljavanja (27.4%). Veoma velika efikasnost kao što je visoka stopa preživljavanja (78.5%) se pokazala kod mlađi koja je posle ribnjaka privikavana na RAS. Kombinacija gajenja u ribnjaku i RAS sistemu obezbeđuje mlađ za stabilno i efikasno gajenje u RAS sistemu. Njega karakteriše visoka stopa preživljavanja (S = 88.7 – 97.5 %) i visoka stopa rasta (SGR = 1.8 - 4.2 %.d-1). Iako je naredna grupa mlađi gajena u uslovima ribnjaka u toku zimske sezone imala nižu stopu preživljavanja (65%), ovaj sistem može da omogući regulisanje proizvodnje mlađi u vremenu.
Rezultati ove studije su pokazali da kombinacija gajenja mlađi smuđa u ribnjacima i RAS sistemima može da proizvede visoko kvalitetnu mlađ sa mogućnošcu da se proizvodnja vremenski reguliše
Systematic investigation of a family of gradient-dependent functionals for solids
Eleven density functionals are compared with regard to their performance for
the lattice constants of solids. We consider standard functionals, such as the
local-density approximation and the Perdew-Burke-Ernzerhof (PBE)
generalized-gradient approximation (GGA), as well as variations of PBE GGA,
such as PBEsol and similar functionals, PBE-type functionals employing a
tighter Lieb-Oxford bound, and combinations thereof. Several of these
variations are proposed here for the first time. On a test set of 60 solids we
perform a system-by-system analysis for selected functionals and a full
statistical analysis for all of them. The impact of restoring the gradient
expansion and of tightening the Lieb-Oxford bound is discussed, and confronted
with previous results obtained from other codes, functionals or test sets. No
functional is uniformly good for all investigated systems, but surprisingly,
and pleasingly, the simplest possible modifications to PBE turn out to have the
most beneficial effect on its performance. The atomization energy of molecules
was also considered and on a testing set of six molecules, we found that the
PBE functional is clearly the best, the others leading to strong overbinding
Electronic structure investigation of the cubic inverse perovskite Sc3AlN
The electronic structure and chemical bonding of the recently discovered
inverse perovskite Sc3AlN, in comparison to ScN and Sc metal have been
investigated by bulk-sensitive soft x-ray emission spectroscopy. The measured
Sc L, N K, Al L1, and Al L2,3 emission spectra are compared with calculated
spectra using first principle density-functional theory including dipole
transition matrix elements. The main Sc 3d - N 2p and Sc 3d - Al 3p chemical
bond regions are identified at -4 eV and -1.4 eV below the Fermi level,
respectively. A strongly modified spectral shape of 3s states in the Al L2,3
emission from Sc3AlN in comparison to pure Al metal is found, which reflects
the Sc 3d - Al 3p hybridization observed in the Al L1 emission. The differences
between the electronic structure of Sc3AlN, ScN, and Sc metal are discussed in
relation to the change of the conductivity and elastic properties.Comment: 11 pages, 5 picture
Light-matter interaction at the transition between cavity and waveguide QED
Experiments based on cavity quantum electrodynamics (QED) are widely used to
study the interaction of a light field with a discrete frequency spectrum and
emitters. More recently, the field of waveguide QED has attracted interest due
to the strong interaction between propagating photons and emitters that can be
obtained in nanophotonic waveguides, where a continuum of frequency modes is
allowed. Both cavity and waveguide QED share the common goal of harnessing and
deepening the understanding of light-matter coupling. However, they often rely
on very different experimental set-ups and theoretical descriptions. Here, we
experimentally investigate the transition from cavity to waveguide QED with an
ensemble of cold atoms that is coupled to a fiber-ring resonator, which
contains a nanofiber section. By varying the length of the resonator from a few
meters to several tens of meters, we tailor the spectral density of modes of
the resonator while remaining in the strong coupling regime. We demonstrate
that for progressively longer resonators, the paradigmatic Rabi oscillations of
cavity QED gradually vanish, while non-Markovian features reminiscent of
waveguide QED appear
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