1,461 research outputs found

    Formation of carbohydrate-functionalised polystyrene and glass slides and their analysis by MALDI-TOF MS

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    Glycans functionalised with hydrophobic trityl groups were synthesised and adsorbed onto polystyrene and glass slides in an array format. The adsorbed glycans could be analysed directly on these minimally conducting surfaces by MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry analysis after aluminium tape was attached to the underside of the slides. Furthermore, the trityl group appeared to act as an internal matrix and no additional matrix was necessary for the MS analysis. Thus, trityl groups can be used as simple hydrophobic, noncovalently linked anchors for ligands on surfaces and at the same time facilitate the in situ mass spectrometric analysis of such ligands

    Light-induced magnetization reversal of high-anisotropy TbCo alloy films

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    Magnetization reversal using circularly polarized light provides a new way to control magnetization without any external magnetic field and has the potential to revolutionize magnetic data storage. However, in order to reach ultra-high density data storage, high anisotropy media providing thermal stability are needed. Here, we evidence all-optical magnetization switching for different TbxCo1-x ferrimagnetic alloy composition and demonstrate all-optical switching for films with anisotropy fields reaching 6 T corresponding to anisotropy constants of 3x106 ergs/cm3. Optical magnetization switching is observed only for alloys which compensation temperature can be reached through sample heating

    Cloning of the Complete Gene for Carcinoembryonic Antigen

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    Carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) is a widely used tumor marker, especially in the surveillance of colonic cancer patients. Although CEA is also present in some normal tissues, it is apparently expressed at higher levels in tumorous tissues than in corresponding normal tissues. As a first step toward analyzing the regulation of expression of CEA at the transcriptional level, we have isolated and characterized a cosmid clone (cosCEA1), which contains the entire coding region of the CEA gene. A close correlation exists between the exon and deduced immunoglobulin-like domain borders. We have determined a cluster of transcriptional starts for CEA and the closely related nonspecific cross-reacting antigen (NCA) gene and have sequenced their putative promoters. Regions of sequence homology are found as far as approximately 500 nucleotides upstream from the translational starts of these genes, but farther upstream they diverge completely. In both cases we were unable to find classic TATA or CAAT boxes at their expected positions. To characterize the CEA and NCA promoters, we carried out transient transfection assays with promoter-indicator gene constructs in the CEA-producing adenocarcinoma cell line SW403, as well as in nonproducing HeLa cells. A CEA gene promoter construct, containing approximately 400 nucleotides upstream from the translational start, showed nine times higher activity in the SW403 than in the HeLa cell line. This indicates that cis-acting sequences which convey cell type-specific expression of the CEA gene are contained within this region

    Cross-species analysis of genetically engineered mouse models of MAPK-driven colorectal cancer identifies hallmarks of the human disease

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    Effective treatment options for advanced colorectal cancer (CRC) are limited, survival rates are poor and this disease continues to be a leading cause of cancer-related deaths worldwide. Despite being a highly heterogeneous disease, a large subset of individuals with sporadic CRC typically harbor relatively few established ‘driver’ lesions. Here, we describe a collection of genetically engineered mouse models (GEMMs) of sporadic CRC that combine lesions frequently altered in human patients, including well-characterized tumor suppressors and activators of MAPK signaling. Primary tumors from these models were profiled, and individual GEMM tumors segregated into groups based on their genotypes. Unique allelic and genotypic expression signatures were generated from these GEMMs and applied to clinically annotated human CRC patient samples. We provide evidence that a Kras signature derived from these GEMMs is capable of distinguishing human tumors harboring KRAS mutation, and tracks with poor prognosis in two independent human patient cohorts. Furthermore, the analysis of a panel of human CRC cell lines suggests that high expression of the GEMM Kras signature correlates with sensitivity to targeted pathway inhibitors. Together, these findings implicate GEMMs as powerful preclinical tools with the capacity to recapitulate relevant human disease biology, and support the use of genetic signatures generated in these models to facilitate future drug discovery and validation efforts

    High throughput transcriptome analysis of lipid metabolism in Syrian hamster liver in absence of an annotated genome

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    Background: Whole transcriptome analyses are an essential tool for understanding disease mechanisms. Approaches based on next-generation sequencing provide fast and affordable data but rely on the availability of annotated genomes. However, there are many areas in biomedical research that require non-standard animal models for which genome information is not available. This includes the Syrian hamster Mesocricetus auratus as an important model for dyslipidaemia because it mirrors many aspects of human disease and pharmacological responses. We show that complementary use of two independent next generation sequencing technologies combined with mapping to multiple genome databases allows unambiguous transcript annotation and quantitative transcript imaging. We refer to this approach as ``triple match sequencing{''} (TMS). Results: Contigs assembled from a normalized Roche 454 hamster liver library comprising 1.2 million long reads were used to identify 10'800 unique transcripts based on homology to RefSeq database entries from human, mouse, and rat. For mRNA quantification we mapped 82 million SAGE tags (SOLiD) from the same RNA source to the annotated hamster liver transcriptome contigs. We compared the liver transcriptome of hamster with equivalent data from human, rat, minipig, and cynomolgus monkeys to highlight differential gene expression with focus on lipid metabolism. We identify a cluster of five genes functionally related to HDL metabolism that is expressed in human, cynomolgus, minipig, and hamster but lacking in rat as a non-responder species for lipid lowering drugs. Conclusions: The TMS approach is suited for fast and inexpensive transcript profiling in cells or tissues of species where a fully annotated genome is not available. The continuously growing number of well annotated reference genomes will further empower reliable transcript identification and thereby raise the utility of the method for any species of interest

    Participação dos professores na escola

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    Na proximidade do século XXI, a Escola Portuguesa vive momentos de incerteza, de preocupação e desafio face ao futuro. Estamos perante uma sociedade que não se compadece com uma escola parada no tempo, mas, sim, exige uma escola activa, dinâmica e aberta ao meio. Pretende-se uma escola que desenvolva uma cultura de participação1, que saiba partilhar a educação com a família (principal entidade, responsável pela educação), com os trabalhadores não docentes, com a comunidade envolvente e assim todos possam contribuir para o desenvolvimento pleno e harmonioso da personalidade dos indivíduos, tornando-os cidadãos mais responsáveis e livres na sociedade. É este tipo de escola que é preconizada pela Lei de Bases (Lei nº46 / 86, de 14 de Outubro) e que exige uma mudança do Sistema Tradicional de Ensino. Por isso, a escola de hoje exige novas posturas, novas responsabilidades de todos os que nela intervêm e contribuem para uma melhoria do ensino, quer sejam professores, pais ou outros. Mas, o papel do professor, como principal impulsionador e dinamizador, é e será determinante para o sucesso de qualquer reforma do sistema educativo. O professor assume o papel primordial de dinamizador de participação e de mobilização de todos os outros intervenientes, no sentido de os levar a darem o seu contributo e a assumirem a sua cota parte de responsabilidade na educação, para que a escola possa realizar os seus objectivos. A escola é um local onde se trocam experiências, onde todos os que aí participam vivem um pouco ou grande parte da sua vida. Por isso, é imprescindível que cada um se sinta parte integrante dela. Assim, abordaremos a escola como um espaço de interacção, bem como as formas de participação dos seus intervenientes. Porque compreender a acção dos que fazem a escola leva-nos a conhecer os estatutos de cada membro e os papéis a eles associados, as normas organizacionais que orientam a interacção e o contributo de cada um para a prossecução das actividades. É na conjugação destes factores que se definem as formas de cada um estar na escola

    Lateral line morphology, sensory perception and collective behaviour in African cichlid fish

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    The lateral line system of fishes provides cues for collective behaviour, such as shoaling, but it remains unclear how anatomical lateral line variation leads to behavioural differences among species. Here we studied associations between lateral line morphology and collective behaviour using two morphologically divergent species and their second-generation hybrids. We identify collective behaviours associated with variation in canal and superficial lateral line morphology, with closer proximities to neighbouring fish associated with larger canal pore sizes and fewer superficial neuromasts. A mechanistic understanding of the observed associations was provided by hydrodynamic modelling of an artificial lateral line sensor, which showed that simulated canal-based neuromasts were less susceptible to saturation during unidirectional movement than simulated superficial neuromasts, while increasing the canal pore size of the simulated lateral line sensor elevated sensitivity to vortices shed by neighbouring fish. Our results propose a mechanism behind lateral line flow sensing during collective behaviour in fishes

    A unique bacteriohopanetetrol stereoisomer of marine anammox

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    Anaerobic ammonium oxidation (anammox) is a major process of bioavailable nitrogen removal from marine systems. Previously, a bacteriohopanetetrol (BHT) isomer, with unknown stereochemistry, eluting later than BHT using high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), was detected in ‘Ca. Scalindua profunda’ and proposed as a biomarker for anammox in marine paleo-environments. However, the utility of this BHT isomer as an anammox biomarker is hindered by the fact that four other, non-anammox bacteria are also known to produce a late-eluting BHT stereoisomer. The stereochemistry in Acetobacter pasteurianus, Komagataeibacter xylinus and Frankia sp. was known to be 17β, 21β(H), 22R, 32R, 33R, 34R (BHT-34R). The stereochemistry of the late-eluting BHT in Methylocella palustris was unknown. To determine if marine anammox bacteria produce a unique BHT isomer, we studied the BHT distributions and stereochemistry of known BHT isomer producers and of previously unscreened marine (‘Ca. Scalindua brodeae’) and freshwater (‘Ca. Brocadia sp.’) anammox bacteria using HPLC and gas chromatographic (GC) analysis of acetylated BHTs and ultra high performance liquid chromatography (UHPLC)-high resolution mass spectrometry (HRMS) analysis of non-acetylated BHTs. The 34R stereochemistry was confirmed for the BHT isomers in Ca. Brocadia sp. and Methylocella palustris. However, ‘Ca. Scalindua sp.’ synthesise a stereochemically distinct BHT isomer, with still unconfirmed stereochemistry (BHT-x). Only GC analysis of acetylated BHT and UHPLC analysis of non-acetylated BHT distinguished between late-eluting BHT isomers. Acetylated BHT-x and BHT-34R co-elute by HPLC. As BHT-x is currently only known to be produced by ‘Ca. Scalindua spp.’, it may be a biomarker for marine anammox

    17α-hydroxylase deficiency diagnosed in early infancy caused by a novel mutation of the CYP17A1 Gene

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    Mutations of the CYP17A1 gene cause 17α-hydroxylase deficiency (17OHD) resulting in 46,XY disorder of sex development, hypertension, hypokalemia and absent pubertal development. It is a rare, autosomal recessive form of congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH).We report on a neonate with prenatally determined 46,XY karyotype. At 20 weeks of gestation, lack of development of male external genitalia was noticed. A phenotypically female child was born at 41 weeks of gestation.Postnatal ultrasound revealed testes in both labia majora, an absence of uterus and normal adrenal glands. Steroid hormone analysis in serum revealed low basal levels of cortisol, testosterone and androstenedione in the presence of massively elevated corticosterone at the age of 2 weeks. The urinary steroid profile from spot urine showed excessive excretion of 17-desoxysteroids, decreased glucocorticoid metabolites and absent C19 steroids, thus proving 17OHD. Molecular analysis identified a novel mutation of the CYP17A1 gene: c.896T>A (p.I299N) in exon 5. Substitution with hydrocortisone was started. The child is raised as a girl and is developing well so far.Herein, we report the unusually early diagnosis of a newborn with the rare CAH form of 17OHD allowing an early start of treatment
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