1,825 research outputs found

    Lithium and Lactation

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    Continuous Positive Airway Pressure Treatment in Patients with Alzheimer's Disease: A Systematic Review

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    Background: Epidemiological studies have suggested a pathophysiological relationship between obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS) and Alzheimer's disease (AD). The aim of this study is to evaluate the treatment of obstructive sleep apnea with continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) in AD and its relationship with neurocognitive function improvement. Methods: Systematic review conducted following PRISMA's statements. Relevant studies were searched in MEDLINE, PEDro, SCOPUS, PsycINFO, Web of Science, CINAHL and SportDicus. Original studies in which CPAP treatment was developel in AD patients have been included. Results: 5 studies, 3 RCTs (Randomized controlled trials) and 2 pilot studies. In all RCTs the CPAP intervention was six weeks; 3 weeks of therapeutic CPAP vs. 3 weeks placebo CPAP (pCPAP) followed by 3 weeks tCPAP in patients with AD and OSA. The two pilot studies conducted a follow-up in which the impact on cognitive impairment was measured. Conclusions: CPAP treatment in AD patients decreases excessive daytime sleepiness and improves sleep quality. There are indications that cognitive deterioration function measured with the Mini Mental Scale decreases or evolves to a lesser extent in Alzheimer's patients treated with CPAP. Caregivers observe stabilization in disease progression with integration of CPAP. More research is needed on the topic presented

    La mujer y el trabajo: evolución histórico jurídica

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    The figure of women at work has always been less present than that of men, since it has been considered the weaker sex. Throughout history, progress has been made in this matter, since in past times women limited themselves to carrying out housework and taking care of their children. Traditionally, it was the man who was responsible for supporting the family, and therefore it was unthinkable that the woman enter the world of work, since her job was that. It is amazing that despite the constant struggle for centuries ago, today women continue to fight for the rights, which are enshrined in our supreme norm, the Spanish Constitution. Well, formal equality between women and men has been achieved, but despite this, in practice there are still obvious situations of inequality between the sexes. Therefore, women continue in constant struggle to ensure that the rights regulated in the Constitution, and in the laws, have been effective. There are many achievements so far, but there are still many barriers that prevent the full advancement of women in many sectors, but more specifically in the workplace or in politics.La figura de la mujer en el trabajo, siempre ha estado menos presente que la del hombre, pues se ha considerado el sexo débil. A lo largo de la historia se ha conseguido avanzar en este asunto, en épocas pasadas la mujer se limitaba a realizar las laborales del hogar y ocuparse del cuidado de sus hijos. Tradicionalmente, era el hombre quien se encargaba de sustentar a la familia, y por tanto, era impensable que la mujer entrara en el mundo laboral, puesto que su labor era aquella. Resulta asombroso que, a pesar de la constante lucha desde siglos atrás, en la actualidad, la mujer siga luchando por los derechos que se encuentran consagrados en nuestra norma suprema, la Constitución española. Son muchos los logros alcanzados hasta el momento, pero siguen existiendo muchas barreras que impiden el avance completo de la mujer en muchos sectores, pero más concretamente en el ámbito laboral o en la política

    Abordagens para a conceitualização da botânica: um estudo com estudantes de Engenharia Agronômica

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    This research paper explores new conceptual, methodological and multidisciplinary challenges to prepare students for the development of skills that help to build new concepts or to transform the existing ones. The objective of this research has been to explore the students’ approaches concerning the construction of botanical conceptualization. This case study was carried out in the course of Agricultural Systematic Botany, of the sophomore year of the Agricultural Engineering degree. The authors developed a didactic proposal to enhance the students’ conceptual learning processes. For this purpose, they observed the lessons, and administered an exploratory questionnaire in three moments, with the idea of posing an open question about an initial key concept to know the perception of Botany. The trigger question was: What is botany? The results showed a progression in the construction of the concept from the first instance to the third. In the first moment, it was seen that students have previous non-school knowledge with a slight degree of complexity and precision, which was the starting point to consider the evolution and transformation of the same idea along the study. In the second moment, they included some key theoretical concepts. Finally, they showed more complete and complex definitions, with more solid and multidisciplinary constructs.El presente artículo de investigación explora nuevos desafíos conceptuales, metodológicos y pluridisciplinarios para preparar a los estudiantes en el desarrollo de diversas habilidades que faciliten la construcción de nuevos conceptos o la transformación de los ya existentes. El objetivo de esta investigación ha sido explorar los acercamientos de los estudiantes con relación a la construcción de la conceptualización botánica. Este estudio de caso exploratorio se llevó a cabo en el curso de Botánica Sistemática Agrícola, del primer año de la carrera de Ingeniería Agronómica. Se desarrolló una propuesta didáctica para potenciar y andamiar los procesos de aprendizaje conceptual de los estudiantes; para su estudio se observaron clases y se administró un cuestionario exploratorio en tres momentos, que consistió en plantear una pregunta abierta sobre un concepto clave inicial para conocer la percepción del estudiante al respecto. La pregunta fue: ¿Qué es la botánica? Los resultados muestran el grado de avance desde la primera instancia hasta la tercera. En el primer momento, se pudo apreciar que los estudiantes tenían conocimientos previos no escolarizados con un grado leve de complejidad y precisión, que fue el punto de partida para considerar la complejización y transformación de estos en el presente estudio. En el segundo momento, se observó la inclusión de algunos conceptos teóricos claves; y, finalmente, en el tercer momento se mostraron conceptos más completos y complejos, con constructos más sólidos y pluridisciplinarios.Este artigo de pesquisa explora novos desafios conceituais, metodológicos e multidisciplinares para preparar os estudantes no desenvolvimento de diversas habilidades que facilitem a construção de novos conceitos ou a transformação dos já existentes. O objetivo desta pesquisa tem sido explorar as abordagens dos estudantes para a construção da conceituação botânica. Este estudo de caso exploratório foi realizado no curso de Botânica Sistemática Agrícola, no primeiro ano do curso de Engenharia Agronômica. Uma proposta didática foi desenvolvida para aprimorar e delinear os processos de aprendizagem conceitual dos alunos; para este estudo, as aulas foram observadas e um questionário exploratório foi aplicado em três momentos, que consistiu em colocar uma pergunta aberta sobre um conceito chave inicial para descobrir a percepção do aluno a respeito dele. A pergunta era: O que é botânica? Os resultados mostram o grau de progresso desde a primeira instância até a terceira. Em primeiro lugar, pôde ser visto que os estudantes tinham conhecimentos anteriores não estudados com um leve grau de complexidade e precisão, que foi o ponto de partida para considerar a complexificação e transformação destes conhecimentos no presente estudo. No segundo momento, foi observada a inclusão de alguns conceitos teóricos chave; e, finalmente, no terceiro momento, foram mostrados conceitos mais completos e complexos, com construções mais sólidas e multidisciplinares

    Effects of minor compounds from virgin olive oil on inflammatory response in human leukocytes

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    Mediterranean diet protects against cardiovascular diseases such as atherosclerosis, now considered an inflammatory disorder. Virgin olive oil is one of the most important foods in this diet, leading to the suggestion that health benefits of Mediterranean diet are achieved at least partially due to the consumption of virgin olive oil. Extra virgin olive oil (EVOO) is the highest quality oil based on its chemical and sensorial properties. Our aim was to evaluate the anti-inflammatory effects of minor compounds found in the unsaponifibale fraction of EVOO on activated human monocytes and neutrophils. For this purpose, we isolated monocytes and neutrophils from blood samples of healthy volunteers. We also isolated the unsaponifiable fraction (UF) from EVOO. Cells were incubated with UF at different concentrations and the pro-inflammatory stimulus LPS. Afterwards, RNA was obtained from cells and then converted into cDNA. The relative gene expression of pro-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory markers was assessed by qRT-PCR. We found that UF from EVOO reduced relative gene expression of pro-inflammatory markers in a dose-dependent manner both in human monocytes and neutrophils. In contrast, UF from EVOO increased relative gene expression of anti-inflammatory markers in these cells. These findings unveil a role of UF from EVOO in the benefits from consumption of EVOO in disorders related to inflammation

    Utilización de una mutación activadora de glucoquinasa para la obtención de 'super-islotes' pancreáticos

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    Motivación: La glucokinasa (GK) de mamíferos, es una hexokinasas. Las mutaciones en esta proteína, se pueden clasificar dentro de dos grupos: i) inactivadoras, que conllevan a diabetes tipo MODY (maturity onset diabetes of the young) y ii) activadoras que producen una hipoglucemia neonatal severa, cuyo único tratamiento es la pancreatectomía subtotal. Una de esas mutaciones es la V91L, la cual es el objetivo de este trabajo. Los pacientes con esta mutación se caracterizan por islotes pancreáticos de mayor tamaño, con una mayor proliferación y apoptosis. Además, de una mayor sensibilidad a la glucosa. El objetivo de este trabajo es introducir la mutación V91L en islotes pancreáticos con el fin de conseguir islotes que proliferan y tienen una mejor respuesta secretora de insulina. Estos islotes se podrían utilizar posteriormente en la terapia celular de la diabetes. Métodos: Se ha utilizado un sistema de expresión de tres plásmidos (eGFP, GCK, V91L) para generar tres vectores recombinantes de lentivirus, que contienen un gen marcador GFP. Pare ello se insertó en el vector viral el gen que codifica para la isoforma pancreática humana de la glucoquinasa, en sus dos variantes, la glucoquinasa normal y la mutada (V91L). Posteriormente, se procedió a transfectar células en cultivo (A293T) con dichos plásmidos cuya transección se comprobó por inmunofluorescencia y wester blotting. Sucesivamente, se procedió a la formación de unidades víricas, y se realizó la titulación de los mismos por citometría de flujo. A continuación, se procede a infectar celulas con los virus obtenidos y posteriormente infectar islotes pancráticos de ratón.Resultados: Se ha conseguido una óptima transefección de los respectivos plásmidos, así como, una óptima titulación vírica tras la infección de células A293T (entre 50-90%).Conclusiones: La introducción de dicha mutación espontánea (V91L), mediante el uso de vectores virales (lentivirus), en islotes pancreáticos tiene como fin aumentar la proliferación de las células β y la secreción de insulina, y así, al ser trasplantados a pacientes con diabetes, puedan restituir los niveles de glucosa y restituir el control de la glucemia sin necesidad de un suministro externo de insulina

    Interconnection of Critical Raw Materials and Circular Economy - Myths or Reality

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    Critical and strategic raw materials play a key role in renewable energy technologies, e-mobility, defence, and space. However, how much focus is there on the circular economy in these solutions, infrastructure and assets containing critical raw materials? And does greater circularity lead to lower criticality? The criticality of raw materials and circular economy may not typically be mentioned in the same sentence, but they should. Circular economy presents a concept to keep materials in use whenever possible, recycle the materials, use recycled materials and residues to prevent waste generation and the lossof valuable elements. This working paper of critical raw materials (CRMs) and circular economy (CE) summarizes the current understanding aboutthe interconnections of CRMs and CE. Currently, demand for using recycled materials is increasing, and the demand to extend the lifecycle of the materials based on durability and repairability will play a role in the CE transition. Use for recycled critical and strategic raw materials will likely be forced in the future. Also, traceability would support circularity of critical raw materials, and it is closely linked to digital applications such as material and product passports. This working paper aims to increase knowledge about critical and strategic raw materials in the circular economy

    Interconnection of Critical Raw Materials and Circular Economy - Myths or Reality

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    Critical and strategic raw materials play a key role in renewable energy technologies, e-mobility, defence, and space. However, how much focus is there on the circular economy in these solutions, infrastructure and assets containing critical raw materials? And does greater circularity lead to lower criticality? The criticality of raw materials and circular economy may not typically be mentioned in the same sentence, but they should. Circular economy presents a concept to keep materials in use whenever possible, recycle the materials, use recycled materials and residues to prevent waste generation and the lossof valuable elements. This working paper of critical raw materials (CRMs) and circular economy (CE) summarizes the current understanding aboutthe interconnections of CRMs and CE. Currently, demand for using recycled materials is increasing, and the demand to extend the lifecycle of the materials based on durability and repairability will play a role in the CE transition. Use for recycled critical and strategic raw materials will likely be forced in the future. Also, traceability would support circularity of critical raw materials, and it is closely linked to digital applications such as material and product passports. This working paper aims to increase knowledge about critical and strategic raw materials in the circular economy

    Treatment with the synthetic PPARG ligand pioglitazone ameliorates early ovarian alterations induced by dehydroepiandrosterone in prepubertal rats

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    Background: Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma (PPARG) is a nuclear factor that may act on the early development of ovarian follicles and on follicular steroidogenesis. However, the exact mechanism of PPARG action remains unknown. We have previously found that androgen excess alters early ovarian function and the PPARG system. The aim of the present study was to evaluate whether PPARG activation (using the synthetic ligand pioglitazone (PGZ)) ameliorates the alterations in early ovarian function induced by androgen excess. Methods: Female prepubertal rats were treated with equine chorionic gonadotropin (eCG) to induce folliculogenesis, together with dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) to induce hyperandrogenism and/or PGZ to evaluate PPARG activation. We assessed i) very early ovarian folliculogenesis, ii) PPARG activation, iii) ovarian steroidogenic enzymes, iv) the estradiol/testosterone ratio, v) the ovarian inflammatory status and vi) oxidative stress. Results: PGZ prevented the inactivation of ovarian PPARG induced by androgen excess by increasing PPARG itself and the gene expression of PPARG-coactivator 1 alpha (PGC1A), and by decreasing the gene expression of nuclear co-repressor (NCOR). PGZ also prevented the altered ovarian steroidogenesis, pro-inflammatory status and oxidative stress induced by androgen excess. Conclusions: Our findings suggest that PPARG activation plays important roles in modulating early ovarian function, and highlight the importance of understanding the role(s) of PPARG activation in the ovary, and the possible involvement in the treatment of ovarian pathologies, and/or the impact in regulating/improving fertility.Fil: Velez, Leandro Martin. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Houssay. Centro de Estudios Farmacológicos y Botánicos. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Medicina. Centro de Estudios Farmacológicos y Botánicos; ArgentinaFil: Abruzzese, Giselle Adriana. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Houssay. Centro de Estudios Farmacológicos y Botánicos. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Medicina. Centro de Estudios Farmacológicos y Botánicos; ArgentinaFil: Heber, María Florencia. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Houssay. Centro de Estudios Farmacológicos y Botánicos. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Medicina. Centro de Estudios Farmacológicos y Botánicos; ArgentinaFil: Ferreira, Silvana Rocio. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Houssay. Centro de Estudios Farmacológicos y Botánicos. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Medicina. Centro de Estudios Farmacológicos y Botánicos; ArgentinaFil: Motta, Alicia Beatriz. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Houssay. Centro de Estudios Farmacológicos y Botánicos. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Medicina. Centro de Estudios Farmacológicos y Botánicos; Argentin

    Interconnection of Critical Raw Materials and Circular Economy - Myths or Reality

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    Critical and strategic raw materials play a key role in renewable energy technologies, e-mobility, defence, and space. However, how much focus is there on the circular economy in these solutions, infrastructure and assets containing critical raw materials? And does greater circularity lead to lower criticality? The criticality of raw materials and circular economy may not typically be mentioned in the same sentence, but they should. Circular economy presents a concept to keep materials in use whenever possible, recycle the materials, use recycled materials and residues to prevent waste generation and the lossof valuable elements. This working paper of critical raw materials (CRMs) and circular economy (CE) summarizes the current understanding aboutthe interconnections of CRMs and CE. Currently, demand for using recycled materials is increasing, and the demand to extend the lifecycle of the materials based on durability and repairability will play a role in the CE transition. Use for recycled critical and strategic raw materials will likely be forced in the future. Also, traceability would support circularity of critical raw materials, and it is closely linked to digital applications such as material and product passports. This working paper aims to increase knowledge about critical and strategic raw materials in the circular economy