396 research outputs found

    Programa de intervención en liderazgo transformacional relacionado con el work engagement

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    Màster Universitari en Psicologia del Treball, de les Organitzacions i en Recursos Humans (Pla de 2014) (A distància). Codi: SBE013. Curs acadèmic: 2022/2023.El presente proyecto tiene como principal objetivo incrementar el nivel de work engagement y mitigar la rotación laboral voluntaria mediante la puesta en marcha de una intervención en liderazgo transformacional. Dicho estilo ha sido escogido entre los nuevos roles de liderazgo puesto que se encuentra vinculado de manera positiva con el work engagement y este, a su vez, se ve afectado de manera negativa con la rotación laboral voluntaria. Además, se caracteriza por su capacidad de afrontar cambios, su apuesta por el aprendizaje continuo y su forma de reinventarse continuamente mediante la innovación. Así pues, este trabajo plantea un caso hipotético centrado en una empresa perteneciente al sector de la distribución dado que, desde que aconteció la pandemia, y con los cambios que esta supuso para el sector servicios, se han incrementado notablemente las bajas de los empleados y, en casos menores, el nivel de rotación laboral. De tal forma, apoyándonos en los estudios previos en Psicología de la Salud Ocupacional y en los estilos de liderazgo, se pretende poner en funcionamiento una intervención basada en liderazgo transformacional que tendrá una duración de 2 meses y que constará de 7 sesiones. De esta forma, cada sesión programada se focalizará en una de las cinco dimensiones que caracterizan este tipo de liderazgo: la influencia idealizada, la motivación inspiracional, la estimulación intelectual y la consideración individualizada de los seguidores.The main objective of this project is to increase the level of work engagement and mitigate voluntary job turnover by implementing a positive intervention in transformational leadership. This style has been chosen among the new leadership roles since it is positively linked to work engagement and this, in turn, is negatively affected by voluntary job rotation. In addition, it is characterized by its ability to face changes, its commitment to continuous learning and its way of continually reinventing itself through innovation. Therefore, this work presents a hypothetical case focused on a company belonging to the distribution sector given that, since the pandemic occurred, and with the changes that it brought about for the service sector, the number of casualties of employees has increased notably. employees and, in minor cases, the level of labor turnover. In this way, based on previous studies in Occupational Health Psychology and leadership styles, it is intended to implement a positive intervention based on transformational leadership that will last 2 months and will consist of 7 sessions. In this way, each scheduled session will focus on one of the five dimensions that characterize this type of leadership: idealized influence, inspirational motivation, intellectual stimulation, and individual consideration of followers

    Violence sexuelle et confrontation épistémique : le jugement de l'affaire de « la Meute » en Espagne

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    International audienceUn cas de violence sexuelle a choqué l’Espagne entière ces dernières années. C’est durant les festivités de San Firmin 2016 qu’une adolescente était brutalement agressée par un groupe de cinq hommes. Jugés au printemps 2018, la sentence de neuf ans de prison a semblé à une grande partie de l’opinion publique incroyablement légère, compte tenue de la gravité des faits et du degré de mobilisation de l’opinion. Une peine qui découle de ce que l’examen des faits avérés débouche sur un constat d’abus sexuel, et non d’agression sexuelle. Cette distinction, qu’un nouveau projet de loi doit éliminer, repose sur la mise en œuvre ou non de violence, menace ou contrainte au moment du viol. L’appréciation ou non de la violence constitue ainsi l’un des premiers enjeux épistémiques de cette sentence qui, dans sa façon de considérer la violence, dit bien à quel point sont confrontés de nos jours l’épistèmé traditionnelle androcentrée et les nouveaux savoirs formés depuis le XX siècle.La sentence entière recèle des points de confrontation épistémique entre ces deux savoirs. Ils concernent la violence ; les processus psychologiques confrontés par la victime pendant et après l’agression, ainsi que leur imaginaire ; l’imaginaire du viol ; l’imaginaire des séquelles laissées par un viol. Néanmoins, ils émergent davantage de l’argumentaire produit par l’un des juges, Ricardo Gonzalez, en désaccord avec ses collègues, pour étayer son argumentaire, favorable à une absolution des détenus. Celle-ci leur permet d’ailleurs de présenter un recours dont le procès doit se tenir à l’automne 2018.Il s’agit dans ce travail de recenser ces points de confrontation épistémique et de les soupeser afin de mettre en avant les issues bien différentes sur lesquelles peuvent sans doute déboucher la mise en œuvre de l’une ou de l’autre, dans le but de mesurer le chemin restant à parcourir pour une meilleure intégration des nouveaux savoirs à l’ensemble du processus judiciaire

    Violence sexuelle et confrontation épistémique : le jugement de l'affaire de « la Meute » en Espagne

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    Un cas de violence sexuelle a choqué l’Espagne ces dernières années. C’est durant les festivités de San Firmin 2016 qu’une adolescente était brutalement agressée par un groupe de cinq hommes. Jugés au printemps 2018, la sentence de neuf ans de prison a semblé à une grande partie de l’opinion publique incroyablement légère, compte tenue de la gravité des faits. Une peine qui découle de ce que l’examen des faits avérés débouche sur un constat d’abus sexuel, et non d’agression sexuelle. Cette distinction, qu’un nouveau projet de loi doit éliminer, repose sur la mise en œuvre ou non de violence, menace ou contrainte au moment du viol. L’appréciation ou non de la violence constitue ainsi l’un des premiers enjeux épistémiques de cette sentence qui, dans sa façon de considérer la violence, dit à quel point sont confrontés de nos jours l’épistèmé traditionnelle androcentrée et les nouveaux savoirs formés depuis le XX siècle. La sentence recèle des points de confrontation épistémique entre ces deux savoirs. Ils concernent la violence ; les processus psychologiques confrontés par la victime pendant et après l’agression, ainsi que leur imaginaire ; l’imaginaire du viol ; l’imaginaire des séquelles laissées par un viol. Néanmoins, ils émergent davantage de l’argumentaire produit par l’un des juges, Ricardo Gonzalez, en désaccord avec ses collègues, pour étayer son argumentaire, favorable à une absolution des détenus. Celle-ci leur permet d’ailleurs de présenter un recours dont le procès doit se tenir à l’automne 2018. Il s’agit dans ce travail de recenser ces points de confrontation épistémique et de les soupeser afin de mettre en avant les issues bien différentes sur lesquelles peuvent sans doute déboucher la mise en œuvre de l’une ou de l’autre, dans le but de mesurer le chemin restant à parcourir pour une meilleure intégration des nouveaux savoirs à l’ensemble du processus judiciaire


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    The prebiotics are natural or synthetic organic substances that favour the growth of beneficial microorganisms in the gastro-intestinal tract, thus maintaining the animals healthy and productive and subsequently increasing the production performances. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of prebiotic products (Actigen and Biotronic Top3) on the main production and consumption indices of broilers. The study was conducted on a 75 broiler chicken Ross-308 hybrids divided in three groups, over a period of 42 days. Group 1(E) received combined feeds with the Actigen prebiotic for 42 days as follows: 0.08% in the starter phase (1-14 days), 0.04% in the grower phase (14-35 days) and 0.02% in the finisher phase (35-42 days). The broilers in group 2(E) were administered feeds containing prebiotic Biotronic Top3 (0.1%) for the whole duration of the study. The broilers in the control group were fed the base feed only. The broilers from all groups were weighed at the beginning and every following week; their average body weight, daily weight gain, feed consumption and feed conversion ratio (FCR) were determined. The use of the Actigen in experimental group 1(E) led to a body mass increase of 11.26%, to an 11.54% higher daily weight gain and to the reduction of the FCR by 2.31% compared to the control group. In Group 2(E) receiving Biotronic Top3, an increase was recorded for the body mass (9.25%) and daily weight gain (9.49%), the FCR being the same as the one recorded in the control group. These results confirm the favourable influence of prebiotics on the production performances of broiler chickens

    Phosphate-activated cyclin-dependent kinase stabilizes G1 cyclin to trigger cell cycle entry

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    G1 cyclins, in association with a cyclin-dependent kinase (CDK), are universal activators of the transcriptional G1-S machinery during entry into the cell cycle. Regulation of cyclin degradation is crucial for coordinating progression through the cell cycle, but the mechanisms that modulate cyclin stability to control cell cycle entry are still unknown. Here, we show that a lack of phosphate downregulates Cln3 cyclin and leads to G1 arrest in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The stability of Cln3 protein is diminished in strains with low activity of Pho85, a phosphate-sensing CDK. Cln3 is an in vitro substrate of Pho85, and both proteins interact in vivo. More interestingly, cells that carry a CLN3 allele encoding aspartic acid substitutions at the sites of Pho85 phosphorylation maintain high levels of Cln3 independently of Pho85 activity. Moreover, these cells do not properly arrest in G1 in the absence of phosphate and they die prematurely. Finally, the activity of Pho85 is essential for accumulating Cln3 and for reentering the cell cycle after phosphate refeeding. Taken together, our data indicate that Cln3 is a molecular target of the Pho85 kinase that is required to modulate cell cycle entry in response to environmental changes in nutrient availability. © 2013, American Society for Microbiology.S. Hernández received a postgraduate Junior Faculty fellowship from the UIC and l'Obra Social la Caixa. This work was supported by grants from Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación of the Spanish government (BFU 2009-09278)Peer Reviewe

    Assessment of trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole susceptibility testing methods for fastidious Haemophilus spp.

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    Objectives: To compare the determinants of trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole resistance with established susceptibility values for fastidious Haemophilus spp., to provide recommendations for optimal trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole measurement. Methods: We collected 50 strains each of Haemophilus influenzae and Haemophilus parainfluenzae at Bellvitge University Hospital. Trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole susceptibility was tested by microdilution, E-test and disc diffusion using both Mueller-Hinton fastidious (MH-F) medium and Haemophilus test medium (HTM) following EUCAST and CLSI criteria, respectively. Mutations in folA, folP and additional determinants of resistance were identified in whole-genome-sequenced isolates. Results: Strains presented generally higher rates of trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole resistance when grown on HTM than on MH-F, independent of the methodology used (average MIC 2.6-fold higher in H. influenzae and 1.2-fold higher in H. parainfluenzae). The main resistance-related determinants were as follows: I95L and F154S/V in folA; 3- and 15-bp insertions and substitutions in folP; acquisition of sul genes; and FolA overproduction potentially linked to mutations in -35 and -10 promoter motifs. Of note, 2 of 19 H. influenzae strains (10.5%) and 9 of 33 H. parainfluenzae strains (27.3%) with mutations and assigned as resistant by microdilution were inaccurately considered susceptible by disc diffusion. This misinterpretation was resolved by raising the clinical resistance breakpoint of the EUCAST guidelines to ≤30 mm. Conclusions: Given the routine use of disc diffusion, a significant number of strains could potentially be miscategorized as susceptible to trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole despite having resistance-related mutations. A simple modification to the current clinical resistance breakpoint given by the EUCAST guideline for MH-F ensures correct interpretation and correlation with the reference standard method of microdilution

    Growth of Acinetobacter baumannii in Pellicle Enhanced the Expression of Potential Virulence Factors

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    BACKGROUND: Interestingly, Acinetobacter baumannii presents an enhanced capacity to form biofilms (also named pellicles) at the air-liquid interface as compared to the other Acinetobacter species. This characteristic questions the contribution of this phenotype to an increased risk of clinical infections by this pathogen. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: By a proteomic approach using 2-D gel electrophoresis-LC-MS/MS mass spectrometry, we compared the membrane protein patterns of A. baumannii 77, a pellicle-forming clinical isolate, grown in planktonic and in sessile modes. We identified 52 proteins with a differential expression, including 32 up-regulated and 20 down-regulated in the pellicle state. Several proteins, differentially expressed during pellicle development, were of particular interest. We determined the over-expression of four siderophore iron uptake systems including the acinetobactin and enterobactin receptors and confirmed that the development of this type of biofilm is promoted by ferric ions. Two over-expressed proteins, CarO and an OprD-homologue, putative carbapenem-resistance associated porins, would be involved in the transport of specific compounds, like ornithine, a biosynthesis precursor of a siderophore from the hydroxamate family. We evidenced the overexpression of a lipase and a transporter of LCFA that may be involved in the recycling of lipids inside the pellicle matrix. Finally, we demonstrated both by proteomic and by AFM studies that this particular type of biofilm required multiple pili systems to maintain this cohesive structure at the air-liquid interface; two of these systems have never been described in A. baumannii. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Our study demonstrated that several proteins, overexpressed at a late state of pellicle development, could be potentially involved in virulence processes. Therefore, regarding the number of potential virulence factors that are over-expressed in this growth mode, the pellicle-forming clinical isolates should be kept under survey

    Detection of the Hmw adhesins in clinical Haemophilus influenzae isolates from bacteraemic patients and association with biofilm formation

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    Background: Non-typeable Haemophilus influenzae (NTHi) forms part of the normal nasopharyngeal microbiota in humans, but it is also an opportunistic pathogen causing respiratory infections and bacteraemia. Recently, high molecular weight (HMW1) proteins have been identified as a key factor for cell invasion, a feature implicated in persistence during chronic infection(a). Our aims were to identify the different allelic variants of the HMW adhesin and, given the characteristics of these surface proteins on bacterial adhesion capacity, the second objective was to check if their presence could be related to biofilm formation. Materials/Methods: A collection of 89 strains isolated from patients with bacteraemia from Spain and Portugal in the 2013-2014 period were used in this study. Strains were genotyped by PFGE (SmaI) and analyzed with the FingerPrinting software (BioRad). The allelic variants of the hmw gene (Hi375 and Hi86-028NP) encoding the high molecular weight adhesins Hmw1/Hmw2 were identified by PCR amplification. Biofilm formation was performed in a static biofilm assay with crystal violet staining. Statistical analysis was performed using the GraphPad Prism 5 software. Results: Forty-eight NTHi isolates (54%) were positive for the hmw gene. Only the allelic variants of the Hi375 strain could be identified, among them, one strain (1/48, 2%) had hmw-1A, 33 (69%) had hmw-2A and 14 (29%) had both allelic variants, hmw-1A and hmw-2A. Biofilm formation showed great diversity among the studied strains with OD¬570 values ranging between 0.06 and 1.4. Forty-three strains (48.3%) were classified as high biofilm formers and the remaining 46 strains (51.7%) were low biofilm formers. An inverse relationship was found between the presence of hmw genes and in vitro biofilm formation. The invasive NTHi clinical isolates presented high genetic diversity by PFGE, with no strain clustering observed linked to the presence of hmw genes or to biofilm formation. Conclusion: The allelic variants of the H. influenzae strain 375, especially the hmw-2A gene, were more commonly found among invasive NTHi clinical isolates, which despite having an important role on intracellular invasion, were not linked to in vitro biofilm formation. (a)Mell, JC et al. (2016). PLoS Pathogens 12: e1005576.N/

    Standardisation of canine meningioma grading: Inter‐observer agreement and recommendations for reproducible histopathologic criteria

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    The human grading system is currently applied to canine meningioma, although it has not been validated in dogs. The present study focused on standardising the human grading system applied to canine meningioma. Four veterinary neuropathologists graded 186 canine meningiomas as follows: Grade I tumour, with 50% of the tumour; (6) Report necrosis, small cells, hypercellularity and macronucleoli, even when focal; (7) Report anaplasia if multifocal