22 research outputs found

    Lectura crítica de un manifiesto feminista populista

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    In this article we propose a critical interpretation of the Manifesto for 99% Feminism, which, taking up the slogan of the Occupy movement, calls for the creation of a global alliance between the various feminisms of the March 8th strikes and the marches against Trump in America. We are interested in discussing the routes proposed by the authors of this text -Cinzia Arruzza, Tithi Bhattacharya and Nancy Fraser- to create a hegemonic bloc that will be able to confront and transform the policies of neoliberal capitalism. At the same time, we wish to draw attention to the risks involved in a political proposal that expresses a populist feminism, which operates with abstract antagonisms that reproduce historical oblivion and epistemic hierarchies between the Global North and South and polarize current feminisms.En el presente artículo proponemos una lectura crítica del Manifiesto para un Feminismo del 99%, el cual, retomando la consigna del movimiento Occupy, hace un llamado para construir una alianza global entre los diversos feminismos de las huelgas del 8 de marzo y las marchas contra Trump en Estados Unidos. Nos interesa discutir los caminos que proponen las autoras de este texto -Cinzia Arruzza, Tithi Bhattacharya y Nancy Fraser- para crear un bloque hegemónico que pueda enfrentar y transformar las políticas del capitalismo neoliberal. Al mismo tiempo, queremos llamar la atención sobre los riesgos que implica una propuesta política que articula un feminismo populista, el cual opera con antagonismos abstractos que reproducen olvidos históricos y jerarquías epistémicas entre el Norte y el Sur global y polarizan a los feminismos actuales

    Leitura crítica de um manifesto feminista populista

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    No presente artigo, propomos uma leitura crítica do Feminismo para os 99% - um manifesto que, retomando o slogan do movimento Occupy, faz um chamado para construir uma aliança global entre os diversos feminismos das greves de 8 de março e das marchas contra Trump nos Estados Unidos. Interessa-nos discutir os caminhos que as autoras desse texto, Cinzia Arruzza, Tithi Bhattacharya e Nancy Fraser, propõem para criar um bloco hegemônico que possa enfrentar e transformar as políticas do capitalismo neoliberal. Ao mesmo tempo, queremos chamar atenção sobre os riscos implicados numa proposta política que articula um feminismo populista operando com antagonismos abstratos que reproduzem esquecimentos históricos e hierarquias epistêmicas entre o norte e o sul global e polarizam com os feminismos atuais.In this article we propose a critical reading of Feminism for the 99% - a manifesto, which, taking the slogan of the Occupy movement up, calls for a global alliance between the various feminisms of the march 8 strikes and the marches against Trump in the United States. We are interested in discussing the ways that the authors of this text, Cinzia Arruzza, Tithi Bhattacharya and Nancy Fraser, propose to create a hegemonic bloc able to confront and transform the policies of neoliberal capitalism. At the same time, we aim to draw attention to the risks involved in a political proposal that articulates a populist feminism operating with abstract antagonisms, which reproduce historical forgetfulness and epistemic hierarchies between North and South and polarize current feminisms

    Dynamics of queer urbanity in Berlin

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    Ante el panorama creciente de restricciones y vigilancia de las manifestaciones de urbanidad y, al mismo tiempo, de la regulación y disciplina de la planificación urbana formal, el presente trabajo contextualiza las dinámicas de constitución de urbanidad por parte de los colectivos LGBTQ en Berlín a lo largo del tiempo, como referencia de la constitución de nuevas estéticas de existencia y representación frente a una cultura material y urbana restrictiva y condicionada por las políticas cisheteropatriarcales. A partir de esta referencia historiográfica berlinesa, constituida desde el método fenomenológico-hermenéutico, consideramos que las acciones innovadoras de los grupos disidentes deben ser continuas en la efímera apropiación de la ciudad, como movimiento de resistencia a los estados de permanencia y conservadurismo.In view of the growing panorama of restrictions and policing of urbanity manifestations and, at the same time, the regulation and discipline of formal urban planning, this paper contextualizes the dynamics of urbanity constitution by LGBTQ groups in Berlin over time, as a reference of constitution of new aesthetics of existence and representation, in the face of restrictive material and urban culture, conditioned by cis-heteropatriarchal policies. Because of said Berlin historiographical reference, made up from the phenomenological-hermeneutical method, we finally conclude that innovative action of dissident groups must be continuous in the ephemeral appropriation of the city, as a movement of resistance to the states of permanence and conservatism

    Tejiendo redes translocales en el tránsito hacia México : Paul Westheim

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    Revisión de las investigaciones sobre el crítico e historiador de arte alemán Paul Westheim (1886-1963) y propuesta de una nueva lectura de su trabajo intelectual bajo la óptica de las redes del exilio. Para lograr lo anterior se reconstruyen las redes sociales que él conformó en su lugar de origen, especialmente aquellas que articuló en su ruta hacia el exilio en México.Review of the research made on German art critic and historian Paul Westheim (1886-1963) in order to propose a new reading of his intellectual work from the perspective of exile networks. To this end, social networks created in his place of origin are reconstructed, particularly those formed while in transit toward Mexico

    Intersektionalität und Gender Studies in Lateinamerika

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    In Lateinamerika existiert bis heute keine tiefgreifende Auseinandersetzung mit dem Intersektionalitätskonzept, und es gibt wenig Interesse an der in den internationalen Kreisen der Gender Studies mittlerweile globalen Rezeption des Themas. Wie ist zu erklären, dass in Lateinamerika trotz der ansonsten intensiven Zirkulation internationaler Paradigmen und Ideen gerade dieses Konzept nicht diskutiert wird? Um sich einer Antwort auf diese Frage anzunähern, wird im Folgenden untersucht, auf welche Art und Weise bestimmte Konzepte durch ihre globale Zirkulation einen hegemonialen Charakter angenommen haben. Auf dieser Grundlage wird versucht zu klären, warum einige Konzepte eine grundlegende referentielle Bedeutung für Debatten diverser Kontexte bekommen haben und andere gänzlich außen vor bleiben.Until today in Latin America there has not been a deep involvement with and discussion of the concept of intersectionality and there is a general lack of interest in the present global reception of the subject in the international circles of the gender studies. How can we explain that, in spite of the otherwise intense circulation of international paradigms and ideas in Latin America, it is precisely this concept that is not discussed? To come closer to an answer to this question we will continue to research in which way different concepts have attained a hegemonic character through their global circulation. Based on this, we will try to explain why some concepts have attained a basic referential meaning for debates in different contexts while others remain out of them