60 research outputs found

    New supersymmetric Wilson loops in ABJ(M) theories

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    We present two new families of Wilson loop operators in N= 6 supersymmetric Chern-Simons theory. The first one is defined for an arbitrary contour on the three dimensional space and it resembles the Zarembo's construction in N=4 SYM. The second one involves arbitrary curves on the two dimensional sphere. In both cases one can add certain scalar and fermionic couplings to the Wilson loop so it preserves at least two supercharges. Some previously known loops, notably the 1/2 BPS circle, belong to this class, but we point out more special cases which were not known before. They could provide further tests of the gauge/gravity correspondence in the ABJ(M) case and interesting observables, exactly computable by localizationComment: 9 pages, no figure. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:0912.3006 by other author

    Evaluation of filtering techniques to increase the reliability of meteo forecasts for ground-based telescopes

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    In this contribution we evaluate the impact of filtering techniques in enhancing the accuracy of forecasts of optical turbulence and atmospheric parameters critical for ground-based telescopes. These techniques make use of the data continuously provided by the telescope sensors and instruments to improve the performances of real-time forecasts which have an impact on the telescope operation. In previous works we have already shown how a mesoscale high-frequency forecast (Meso-NH and Astro-Meso-Nh models) can produce reliable predictions of different atmospheric parameters and the optical turbulence. The mesoscale forecast has an advantage on the global model in having a better implementation of the physical atmospheric processes, including turbulence, and produces an output with greater spatial resolution (up to 100m or beyond). Filtering techniques that make use of the real-time sensor data at the telescope may help in removing potential biases and trends which have an impact on short term mesoscale forecast and, as a consequence, may increase the accuracy of the final output. Given the complexity and cost of present and future top-class telescope installations, each improvement of forecasts of future observing conditions will definitely help in better allocating observing time, especially in queue-mode operation, and will definitely benefit the scientific community in medium-long term.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figure

    Combining roller crimpers and flaming for the termination of cover crops in herbicide-free no-till cropping systems

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    The termination of cover crops in conventional no-till systems is mostly conducted mechanically in combination with herbicides. Combining flaming and roller crimpers could be a viable solution to avoid using herbicides for cover crop termination in farming systems where herbicides are banned, or at least to reduce their use in an integrated management approach. This research tested the effects of flaming used in combination with three different types of roller crimpers to terminate a fall-sown cover crop mixture of winter pea and barley. The cover crop termination rate was visually assessed in terms of percentage of green cover provided by cover crop plants at different intervals from the termination date, and estimated using a log-logistic non-linear regression model with four parameters. Machine performance data are also reported. The results show that, irrespective of the roller type, flaming significantly boosted the effect of the roller crimpers. In fact, an economic threshold for cover crop suppression of 85% was reached only when the rollers were used in combination with flaming. Nevertheless, none of the methods were able to reach the 100% of cover crop suppression. In some case, the combined use of flaming and roller crimpers allowed reaching the 90% of cover crop devitalisation, which happened six weeks after the termination date. More importantly, the use of flaming in combination with rollers shortened the time needed to achieve the estimated levels of devitalisation, compared with the rollers used alone. We conclude that flaming is an effective tool to increase the effectiveness of roller crimpers. Nevertheless, further research is needed to identify solutions to overcome the barrier of the high operational costs of flaming, which is constraining its wider adoption by farmers. Future studies could focus, for instance, on the development of a new prototype of combined machine for crimping and flaming the cover crops simultaneously, which could potentially reduce the operational costs

    Autonomous mowing and turf-type bermudagrass as innovations for an environment-friendly floor management of a vineyard in coastal tuscany

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    The establishment of permanent cover crops is becoming a common practice in vineyard floor management. Turfgrass science may provide species and techniques with a high potential for improving the sustainability of vineyard floor management. Based on this assumption, an experiment was carried out during 2018 and 2019 at the Donna Olimpia Vineyard, Bolgheri, Italy. The trial aimed at comparing an innovative floor management system based on a turf-type cultivar of bermudagrass mown with an autonomous mower with a conventional floor management system. Ground cover percentage, energy consumption, CO2 emissions, grapevine water status, leaf nitrogen content, fruit yield and must composition have been assessed in order to perform the comparison. The innovative vineyard floor management produced an almost complete ground cover (98%) at the end of the second growing season, with the resident species reduced to a small percentage (4%). Resident species growing under-trellis were efficiently controlled without herbicide applications. A lower primary energy consumption and a reduction in CO2 emissions were observed for the innovative management system compared to the conventional management system. Grapevine water status, leaf chlorophyll content, soil–plant analyses development (SPAD), fruit yields and must composition were similar between the different soil management systems. Based on results obtained in this trial, turf-type bermudagrass and innovative mowing machines may contribute to enhance the sustainability of vineyard floor management

    The generalized cusp in ABJ(M) N = 6 Super Chern-Simons theories

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    We construct a generalized cusped Wilson loop operator in N = 6 super Chern-Simons-matter theories which is locally invariant under half of the supercharges. It depends on two parameters and interpolates smoothly between the 1/2 BPS line or circle and a pair of antiparallel lines, representing a natural generalization of the quark-antiquark potential in ABJ(M) theories. For particular choices of the parameters we obtain 1/6 BPS configurations that, mapped on S^2 by a conformal transformation, realize a three-dimensional analogue of the wedge DGRT Wilson loop of N = 4. The cusp couples, in addition to the gauge and scalar fields of the theory, also to the fermions in the bifundamental representation of the U(N)xU(M) gauge group and its expectation value is expressed as the holonomy of a suitable superconnection. We discuss the definition of these observables in terms of traces and the role of the boundary conditions of fermions along the loop. We perform a complete two-loop analysis, obtaining an explicit result for the generalized cusp at the second non-trivial order, from which we read off the interaction potential between heavy 1/2 BPS particles in the ABJ(M) model. Our results open the possibility to explore in the three-dimensional case the connection between localization properties and integrability, recently advocated in D = 4.Comment: 53 pages, 10 figures, added references, this is the version appeared on JHE

    An acoustic emission landslide early warning system for communities in low-income and middle-income countries

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    This is an Open Access Article. It is published by Springer under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 Unported Licence (CC BY). Full details of this licence are available at: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/Early warning systems for slope instability are needed to alert users of accelerating slope deformation behaviour, enable evacuation of vulnerable people, and conduct timely repair and maintenance of critical infrastructure. Communities exposed to landslide risk in low- and middle-income countries seldom currently instrument and monitor slopes to provide a warning of instability because existing techniques are complex and prohibitively expensive. Research and field trials have demonstrated conclusively that acoustic emission (AE) monitoring can be an effective approach to detect accelerating slope movements and to subsequently communicate warnings to users. The objective of this study was to develop and assess a simple, robust, low-cost AE monitoring system to warn of incipient landslides, which can be widely deployed and operated by communities globally to help protect vulnerable people. This paper describes a novel AE measurement sensor that has been designed and developed with the cost constrained to a few hundred dollars (US). Results are presented from physical model experiments that demonstrate performance of the AE system in measuring accelerating deformation behaviour, with quantifiable relationships between AE and displacement rates. Exceedance of a pre-determined trigger level of AE can be used to communicate an alarm to users in order to alert them of a slope failure. Use of this EWS approach by communities worldwide would reduce the number of fatalities caused by landslides

    Generalized cusp in AdS_4 x CP^3 and more one-loop results from semiclassical strings

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    We evaluate the exact one-loop partition function for fundamental strings whose world-surface ends on a cusp at the boundary of AdS_4 and has a "jump" in CP^3. This allows us to extract the stringy prediction for the ABJM generalized cusp anomalous dimension Gamma_{cusp}^{ABJM} (phi,theta) up to NLO in sigma-model perturbation theory. With a similar analysis, we present the exact partition functions for folded closed string solutions moving in the AdS_3 parts of AdS_4 x CP^3 and AdS_3 x S^3 x S^3 x S^1 backgrounds. Results are obtained applying to the string solutions relevant for the AdS_4/CFT_3 and AdS_3/CFT_2 correspondence the tools previously developed for their AdS_5 x S^5 counterparts.Comment: 48 pages, 2 figures, version 3, corrected misprints in formulas 2.12, B.86, C.33, added comment on verification of the light-like limi

    Medico-legal assessment of personal damage in older people: report from a multidisciplinary consensus conference

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    Ageing of the global population represents a challenge for national healthcare systems and healthcare professionals, including medico-legal experts, who assess personal damage in an increasing number of older people. Personal damage evaluation in older people is complex, and the scarcity of evidence is hindering the development of formal guidelines on the subject. The main objectives of the first multidisciplinary Consensus Conference on Medico-Legal Assessment of Personal Damage in Older People were to increase knowledge on the subject and establish standard procedures in this field. The conference, organized according to the guidelines issued by the Italian National Institute of Health (ISS), was held in Bologna (Italy) on June 8, 2019 with the support of national scientific societies, professional organizations, and stakeholders. The Scientific Technical Committee prepared 16 questions on 4 thematic areas: (1) differences in injury outcomes in older people compared to younger people and their relevance in personal damage assessment; (2) pre-existing status reconstruction and evaluation; (3) medico-legal examination procedures; (4) multidimensional assessment and scales. The Scientific Secretariat reviewed relevant literature and documents, rated their quality, and summarized evidence. During conference plenary public sessions, 4 pairs of experts reported on each thematic area. After the last session, a multidisciplinary Jury Panel (15 members) drafted the consensus statements. The present report describes Conference methods and results, including a summary of evidence supporting each statement, and areas requiring further investigation. The methodological recommendations issued during the Conference may be useful in several contexts of damage assessment, or to other medico-legal evaluation fields
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