277 research outputs found

    The Polyphonic Garment - The garment that respond to the userÂŽs dynamic needs, shape and stages of life

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    UtgÄngspunkten i detta arbete Àr mÀnniskans förÀnderliga kropp och behov. MÄlet Àr att formge klÀder som svarar till de behov kroppen och sinnet i olika livssituationer stÀller oss inför. Tanken Àr att finna lösningar pÄ hur man kan göra en kollektion som fungerar i olika livsskeden och som kan leva med sin dynamiska anvÀndare/subjekt. Med hÀnsyn till estetik, formgivning, modularitet och material kan val göras som bidrar till att klÀderna tÀcker mÄnga behov i olika situationer i livet. Syftet Àr att formge en kollektion som, över lÄng tid, sÄvÀl stöder som höjer vardagen. Fokus Àr ocksÄ anvÀndarens emotionella tillknytning till plaggen, vilket antas resultera i lÄnglivade förhÄllanden till klÀder som följer sin anvÀndare i de flesta livsskeden. Arbetet bestÄr av en teoretisk och en praktisk del. Till den teoretiska delen hör litteraturstudier och fokuserande gruppintervju för att öka förstÄelsen för vilka utmÀrkande egenskaper som förvÀntas av ett optimalt klÀdesplagg. Den praktiska delen bestÄr av en polyfonisk, det vill sÀga en flerstÀmmig, kollektion som bekrÀftas av den teoretiska delen. Kollektionen bestÄr av plagg som kan modifieras med hjÀlp av persedlar, detaljer och moduler, för att svara pÄ funktionella och estetiska behov i var sÀrskild stund.The starting point for this thesis is mans changing body and needs. The goal is to design clothing that responds to the needs of the body and mind in different situations we face. The idea is to find solutions on how to make a collection that works in different stages of life and can live with its dynamic user/subject. In terms of aesthetic, design, modularity and material choices can be made, to contribute to clothing that serves many purposes in various situations of life. The aim is to design a collection that, over a long period of time, supports as well as enhances everyday life. Focus is also the user's emotional ties to the garments, which is assumed to result in long-lasting relationship to clothing that follows their user in most stages of life. The work consists of a theoretical part and a practical part. The theoretical part includes literature studies and focusing group interview in order to increase understanding of the distinctive features expected of an optimal garment. The practical part consists of a polyphonic collection, a collection with several voices, which is confirmed by the theoretical part. The collection consists of garments that can be modified by using kits, parts and modules, to respond to the functional and aesthetic needs of each particular moment

    Why is Mortality Low among the Swedish-Speaking Minority in Finland?

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    Life expectancy has been substantially longer among the Swedish-speaking Finnsthan in the rest of the population. The relative mortality difference appears to beparticularly marked among the middle-aged. This study examines the possible reasonsfor this mortality difference.The mortality advantage of the Swedish-speaking Finns is connected with their morefavorable geographic location and socioeconomic position. For women these factorsexplain all of the mortality difference but among men two-thirds of the original difference,a 20% excess mortality of the Finnish-speaking majority, persists after adjustingfor the structural differences. In men, the main part of the mortality differenceresults from factors responsible for excess mortality of the Finnish-speaking populationfrom cardiovascular diseases and non-natural causes of death. A similar mortalitycontrast is seen in women as well, but it is compensated by other causes of deathwhich are more common among Swedish-speaking than among Finnish-speakingwomen

    Coronavirus and the stock market: science cannot predict the outcome, but does it matter?

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    During the pandemic, not worrying too much about the stock market might be the best investors can do, write Nicolas Martelin and Jamie Nes

    Migration and Intra-Urban Residential Mobility in the Helsinki Metropolitan Area

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    This paper was contributed to IIASA's workshop on "Dynamics of Metropolitan Areas" in Rotterdam, June 1984. It contains an assessment of migration process in the Helsinki region and examines in particular age-dependent mobility of life-cycle type. As such it also provides a background to the study on housing dynamics in the Helsinki region

    Is There a Bubble in the Art Market?

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    The record-breaking prices observed in the art market over the last three years raise the question of whether we are experiencing a speculative bubble. Given the difficulty to determine the fundamental value of artworks, we apply a right-tailed unit root test with forward recursive regressions (SADF test) to detect explosive behaviors directly in the time series of four different art market segments (“Impressionist and Modern”, “Post-war and Contemporary”, “American”, and “Latin American”) for the period from 1970 to 2013. We identify two historical speculative bubbles and find an explosive movement in today’s “Post-war and Contemporary” and “American” fine art market segments

    Socioeconomic position in childhood and adult cardiovascular mortality in 1971-98 in Finland - register-based follow-up study of a large sample from the 1950 census

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    The purpose of the study was to analyse the relative importance of socioeconomic conditions in childhood and adulthood as predictors of cardiovascular mortality in adulthood. The study is based on a 10% sample of the 1950 Finnish census, linked individually to information from the censuses of 1970-95 and to deaths during 1971-98. Subjects aged 7-13 years living with their parents in 1950 were included. Parents occupational class in 1950 and the subjects own occupational class in 1970 were used as measures of socioeconomic position in childhood and adulthood. The main statistical method used was the Cox proportional hazards model. Socioeconomic conditions in childhood and adulthood were independent predictors of adult cardiovascular mortality in both sexes and of non-cardiovascular mortality among men. The effect of parents occupational class on mortality was systematic and graded. The results suggest that the impact of living conditions in childhood on adult mortality is not restricted to the effects of absolute poverty and undernutrition

    Regulation of the Human Xanthine Oxidoreductase Gene

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    Eroja iÀkkÀiden toimintakyvyssÀ

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    Kaiju HaanpÀÀn tuotannon keskeiset aiheet ja niiden merkitys

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    Tutkimuksen tarkoitus on esitellÀ taitelija HaanpÀÀn tuotantoa hÀnen uransa alusta vuoteen 2003 asti ja analysoida hÀnen tyyliÀÀn, aiheitaan ja niiden merkityksiÀ. Tutkimus on toteutettu syvÀhaastatteluna pohjautuen vuosina 2000-2002 tehtyihin haastatteluihin. Kaiju HaanpÀÀ (s. 20.1.1948) on vihtilÀinen taitelija, taiteen maisteri sekÀ Vihdin ja Espoon kuvataidekoulujen entinen rehtori (nyk. elÀkkeellÀ). Valtaosa Kaiju HaanpÀÀn teoksista on tekstiilikollaaseja. HÀn kokoaa kuvan erilaisista muotoonleikatuista kankaanpalasista, jotka hÀn sitten ompelee koneellisesti tukevalle alustakankaalle. Teoksia elÀvöittÀvÀt erilaiset kÀsin kiinnitettÀvÀt koristenauhat, paljetit ja helmet. Teosten koko vaihtelee huomattavasti kabinettikoon ja yli kolmemetristen seinÀvaatteiden vÀlillÀ. Kaiju HaanpÀÀn teoksia leimaa aihevalintojen voimakas symbolismi. TÀrkeimmÀt yksittÀiset aiheet ovat nainen ja tÀmÀn eri tunnetilat. HaanpÀÀ kÀyttÀÀ usein vÀlittÀjÀsymbolia, jotakin elÀintÀ, feminiinisen tunnetilan havainnollistamiseen. TyypillisiÀ elÀinsymboleita hÀnen taiteessaan ovat linnut, kalat, liskot ja hevosolennot, kuten yksisarviset ja pegasokset. Kaiju HaanpÀÀ lainaa ja varioi myös mielellÀÀn vanhoja mestariteoksia, niin maalauksia kuin veistoksiakin. Teoksissa on lÀhes poikkeuksetta pÀÀaiheen primÀÀrin merkityksen kyseenalaistavia tai kumoavia sekundaarisia symboleita tai jokin muu pÀÀaiheen kanssa ristiriidassa oleva kuvallinen elementti, jotka tuovat pÀÀllepÀin katsoen viattomaan tai turvalliseen aiheeseen syvempiÀ merkityksiÀ ja haastavat katsojan pohtimaan teoksen todellista sanomaa. Vaikka HaanpÀÀ kÀsittelee paljon myös synkkiÀ tunteita, on hÀnen teoksissaan vallitsevana positiivinen perussÀv
