31 research outputs found

    Exploring Adolescents’ Attitudes Toward Mental Health Apps: Concurrent Mixed Methods Study

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    Background: Adolescence is a critical time in which many psychological disorders develop. Mental health promotion is important, especially during this period. In recent years, an increasing number of mobile apps geared toward mental health promotion and preventing mental illness have been developed specifically for adolescents, with the goal of strengthening their mental health and well-being. Objective: This study aims to explore adolescents’ attitudes toward mental health apps, as well as the perceived usefulness of mental health apps. Methods: In this mixed methods study, a total of 183 adolescents (mean age 15.62, SD 3.21 years) answered a cross-sectional questionnaire, with 10 questions (eg, “What do you think about mental health apps in general?”). To complement the quantitative findings, individual interviews were conducted with 9 adolescents, during which they could elaborate on their opinions about mental health apps. Results: A total of 30% (56/183) of the adolescents in the quantitative study had used a mental health app. Over half of the respondents (77/126, 61.1%) reported that they would use a mental health app if they had a mental health problem as well as that they thought mental health apps were somewhat or very useful (114/183, 62.3%). Availability was the most frequently reported advantage of mental health apps (107/183, 58.8%). Possible associated costs of mental health apps were the most frequently mentioned barrier to their use (87/183, 47.5%). Findings from the interviews also pointed to the importance of the availability of mental health apps as well as their credibility and potential to provide adolescents with autonomy when seeking mental health advice and help. Conclusions: Overall, the results indicate that adolescents have a positive attitude toward and an interest in mental health apps. However, adolescents are also more or less unaware of such apps, which might be one reason why they are often not used. The findings of this study have important implications for future research on mental health apps and for developers of mental health apps that target young people. The insights gained from this study can inform the development of more effective mental health apps that better meet the needs and preferences of adolescents

    Kunnskapsoppsumering og klassifisering av tiltaket: Circle of Security (COS) International – Parenting (COS-P) (2.utg.)

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    Source at https://ungsinn.no/post_tiltak_arkiv/circle-of-security-cos-international-parenting-cos-p-2-utg/.BACKGROUND: Circle of security (COS) is a group of attachment-based parental guidance interventions designed to promote sensitive and affective communication with the child, increasing the child’s sense of security and self-understanding. This article describes the Circle of Security (COS) International – Parenting (COS-P), which is a preventive intervention targeting groups of families. The intervention is developed to be provided to parents of children with no known risk of developing attachment issues. Implementation of the intervention in Norway is organized by Tilknytningspsykologene in co-operation with Circle of Security International in USA. METHODS: This review is based on systematic literature search in the databases Embase, Medline, Psykinfo, NORART, Cochrane, Cristin, NORA, SCOPUS and SweMed. International databases on evidence have also been searched, as well as information about the intervention from the Norwegian provider. Literature searches and other information obtained were reviewed to identify Nordic impact studies, international systematic reviews and other Norwegian studies of the intervention. RESULTS: The results in this paper consist of assessments of the intervention’s description, available studies and quality of implementation. COS-P is considered to be satisfactorily described with a good theoretical foundation. However, there are only one Nordic study where the effect of the intervention has been investigated, which find no significant difference in effect between a group receiving COS-P in addition to ordinary treatment (TAU) and another group receiving only TAU. This means that it is unclear whether COS-P actually has an effect in relation to promoting secure attachment. CONCLUSION: COS-P is classified at evidence level 2 – Theoretically-based interventions.BAKGRUNN: Circle of Security (COS), eller Trygghetssirkelen pĂ„ norsk, er en gruppe intervensjoner utviklet for Ă„ fremme god tilknytning mellom foreldre og barn. Intervensjonene retter seg primĂŠrt mot foreldrenes evne til Ă„ forstĂ„ barnets grunnleggende behov for trygghet, tilhĂžrighet og autonomi slik at barnets trygghetsfĂžlelse og selvforstĂ„else Ăžker. Denne kunnskapsoppsummeringen beskriver Circle of Security – International Parenting (COS-P), som er en forebyggende gruppeintervensjon rettet mot foreldre. Tiltaket er utviklet for Ă„ tilbys familier uten kjent risiko for utvikling av tilknytningsproblematikk. I Norge driftes tiltaket av Tilknytningspsykologene i samarbeid med Circle of Security International i USA. METODE: Denne kunnskapsoppsummeringen bygger pĂ„ et systematisk litteratursĂžk i databasene Embase, Medline og Psykinfo, NORART, Cochrane, Cristin, NORA, SCOPUS, CINAHL og SweMed. Det er ogsĂ„ sĂžkt i internasjonale kunnskapsdatabaser om evidens samt innhentet informasjon om tiltaket fra tiltakseier. LitteratursĂžk og annen innhentet informasjon ble gjennomgĂ„tt for Ă„ identifisere nordiske effektstudier, internasjonale oppsummeringsstudier og eventuelt andre norske studier om tiltaket. RESULTATER: Resultatene bestĂ„r av en vurdering av tiltakets beskrivelse, foreliggende studier og implementeringskvalitet. COS-VG vurderes som et godt beskrevet tiltak med en god teoretisk forankring. Det finnes en nordisk effektstudie av tiltaket, hvor det ikke ble funnet noen signifikant forskjell i effekt mellom en gruppe som mottok COS-P i tillegg til vanlig behandling (TAU) og en annen gruppe som mottok kun TAU. Det er dermed usikker hvilken virkning tiltaket faktisk har med tanke pĂ„ Ă„ kunne fremme trygg tilknytning. KONKLUSJON: COS-P klassifiseres pĂ„ evidensnivĂ„ 2 – Teoretisk begrunnet tiltak

    Kunnskapsoppsummering og klassifisering av tiltaket: VIP-Makkerskap (1. utg.)

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    Bakgrunn: VIP Makkerskap er et helsefremmende og universalforebyggende tiltak, som er utviklet for Ă„ sikre en bedre overgang fra ungdomsskolen til Vg1, og fra barne- til ungdomsskolen, for en bedre skolestart og for Ă„ fremme et godt lĂŠringsmiljĂž. VIP Makkerskap er utviklet og eiet av Vestre Viken HF/VIP psykisk helse i skolen, med finansiering fra Helsedirektoratet over tilskuddsordningen «Psykisk helse i skolen». Metode: Denne kunnskapsoppsummeringen bygger pĂ„ et systematisk litteratursĂžk i databasene Embase, Medline og Psykinfo, NORART, Cochrane, Cristin, NORA, SCOPUS og SweMed. Det er ogsĂ„ sĂžkt i internasjonale kunnskapsdatabaser om evidens samt innhentet informasjon om tiltaket fra tiltakseier. LitteratursĂžk og annen innhentet informasjon ble gjennomgĂ„tt for Ă„ identifisere nordiske effektstudier, internasjonale oppsummeringsstudier og eventuelt andre norske studier om tiltaket. Resultater: Resultatene bestĂ„r av en vurdering av tiltakets beskrivelse, foreliggende effektstudier, forskningsmetodisk kvalitet og implementeringskvalitet. VIP Makkerskap vurderes som godt beskrevet med et bredt faglig fundament, men det har en noe uklar teoretisk referanseramme. Tiltaket tilbyr noe implementeringsstĂžtte i form av informasjonsmĂžter og tilbud om 3-timers opplĂŠring, men ingen prosedyrer for Ă„ sikre eller mĂ„le implementeringens kvalitet. Det er gjennomfĂžrt en norsk effektstudie, presentert i to artikler, der kvasieksperimentelt design benyttes. Funnene indikerer en signifikant bedring for skoler med VIP Makkerskap pĂ„ ett utfallsmĂ„l, sosialt klassemiljĂž, sammenlignet med kontrollskoler som ikke gjennomfĂžrte programmet. Effekten var liten, og fordi VIP Makkerskap ved noen skoler ble innfĂžrt fĂžr baseline og avhengighet (nesting) i data ikke ble tatt hensyn til i analysene, er funnene noe usikre. Det ble ogsĂ„ funnet korttidseffekter for lykke og depresjon-/angstsymptomer for elever uten eller med lav sosial angst ved baseline, men ingen effekter for elever med hĂžy sosial angst, og det ble ikke funnet signifikante effekter etter 6 mĂ„neder. NĂ„r det gjelder ensomhet var det ingen kort- eller langtidseffekter. Det er behov for flere effektstudier av hĂžy kvalitet som kan gi mer valide effektestimater pĂ„ relevante utfallsmĂ„l bĂ„de pĂ„ videregĂ„ende skole og i ungdomsskolen. I tillegg bĂžr det teoretiske rasjonale for tiltaket bli tydeligere og mer spisset, og begrunnes ut fra primĂŠrlitteratur og implementeringsstrategien bĂžr videreutvikles. Konklusjon: VIP Makkerskap klassifiseres pĂ„ evidensnivĂ„ 3 – tiltak med noe dokumentasjon pĂ„ effekt

    Kunnskapsoppsummering og klassifisering av tiltaket: VIP Snakk om det (2. utg.)

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    Bakgrunn: VIP Snakk om det (tidligere VIP-programmet) er et psykoedukativt program som retter seg mot elever i videregĂ„ende skoler i alderen 16 og 17 Ă„r. Programmet gir informasjon om psykisk helse og psykiske lidelser samt veiledning i hvordan man hĂ„ndterer slike vansker. LĂŠrere og helsepersonell fĂ„r opplĂŠring i programmet og hvordan man oppdager problemer hos elevene tidlig for Ă„ kunne sette i verk hjelpetiltak gjennom helsesystemet. Metode: Denne kunnskapsoppsummeringen bygger pĂ„ et systematisk litteratursĂžk i databasene Embase, Medline og Psykinfo, NORART, Cochrane, Cristin, NORA, SCOPUS og SweMed. Det er ogsĂ„ sĂžkt i internasjonale kunnskapsdatabaser samt innhentet informasjon om tiltaket fra tiltakseier. LitteratursĂžk og annen innhentet informasjon ble gjennomgĂ„tt for Ă„ identifisere nordiske effektstudier, internasjonale oppsummeringsstudier og eventuelt andre norske studier om tiltaket. Resultater: VIP Snakk om det er evaluert i et kvasieksperimentelt design med test og kontrollgruppe, der data ble innhentet fĂžr intervensjonen, rett etter og 6, 12 og 24 mĂ„neder etter. Effektene som gjelder kunnskap om psykiske lidelser er moderate, bĂ„de rett etter deltakelse i programmet og i etterundersĂžkelsen. Det er en svakhet at effektene ikke er konsistent rapportert for alle mĂ„letidspunkter. Psykiske problemer er bare rapportert for tidsrommet rett etter intervensjonen til ett Ă„r etter. PĂ„ grunn av valgt design og spĂžrreskjema er det vanskelig Ă„ sammenlikne effektene med andre resultater i feltet. I tillegg mĂ„les angstsymptomer med en skala som har fem spĂžrsmĂ„l og uavklart validitet. Konklusjon: VIP Snakk om det klassifiseres pĂ„ evidensnivĂ„ 3 – Tiltak med noe dokumentasjon pĂ„ effekt

    A Universal Mental Health–Promoting Mobile App for Adolescents: Protocol for a Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial

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    Background: In times of increasing mental health problems among young people, strengthening efforts to improve mental health through mental health promotion and prevention becomes increasingly important. Effective measures that support young people in coping with negative thoughts, feelings, and stress are essential, not just for the individual but also for society. Objective: The aim of this paper is to provide a description of a cluster randomized controlled trial that will be conducted to examine the effectiveness of Opp, a universal mental health–promoting mobile app for adolescents aged 13 to 19 years that provides information and exercises to better cope with stress, negative thoughts, and negative feelings. The protocol was developed in accordance with the SPIRIT checklist. Methods: An effectiveness study will be conducted with 3 measurement points: preintervention (T1), 2 weeks after the intervention (T2), and about 1 month after the intervention (T3). Adolescents will be recruited from middle and high schools in Norway and randomly assigned to the intervention or control groups. Randomization will be conducted on the school level. Opp can be downloaded from the Google Play or App Store but is password protected with a 4-digit code, which will be removed after study completion. Participants in the intervention group will receive a text message with the code to unlock the app. The participants in the intervention group can use Opp without limits on length or time of use. Objective data on how long or how often the participants use the app will not be collected. However, the second and third questionnaires for the intervention group contain app-specific questions on, for example, the use of the app. Results: Recruitment and data collection started in August and September 2022. So far, 381 adolescents have answered the first questionnaire. Data collection was expected to end in December 2022 but has had to be prolonged to approximately June 2023. The results of the study will be available in 2023 at the earliest. Conclusions: This project will contribute unique knowledge to the field, as there are few studies that have examined the effects of universal health-promoting mobile apps for adolescents. However, several limitations have to be taken into account when interpreting the results, such as randomization on the school level, the short time frame in which the study was conducted, and the lack of objective data to monitor the use of the app

    Kunnskapsoppsummering og klassifisering av tiltaket: Circle of Security Virginia - Familiemodellen (COS-VF, 2. utg.)

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    Source at https://ungsinn.no/post_tiltak_arkiv/circle-of-security-virginia-familiemodellen-cos-vf-2-utg/.BAKGRUNN - Circle of security (COS), eller Trygghetssirkelen pĂ„ norsk, er en gruppe intervensjoner utviklet for Ă„ fremme god tilknytning mellom foreldre og barn. Intervensjonene retter seg primĂŠrt mot foreldrenes evne til Ă„ forstĂ„ barnets grunnleggende behov for trygghet, tilhĂžrighet og autonomi slik at barnets trygghetsfĂžlelse og selvforstĂ„else Ăžker. Denne artikkelen beskriver Circle of Security (COS) Virginia – Familiemodellen (COS-VF), som er en terapeutisk intervensjon rettet mot enkelt-familier. Tiltaket kan brukes nĂ„r barn har utviklet, eller er i risiko for Ă„ utvikle, tilknytningsproblematikk. Tiltaket driftes av Regionsenter for barn og unges psykiske helse Øst og SĂžr (RBUP Øst og SĂžr). METODE - Denne kunnskapsoppsummeringen bygger pĂ„ et systematisk litteratursĂžk i databasene Embase, Medline og Psykinfo, NORART, Cochrane, Cristin, NORA, SCOPUS og SweMed. Det er ogsĂ„ sĂžkt i internasjonale kunnskapsdatabaser om evidens, samt innhentet informasjon om tiltaket fra tiltakseier. LitteratursĂžk og annen innhentet informasjon ble gjennomgĂ„tt for Ă„ identifisere nordiske effektstudier, internasjonale oppsummeringsstudier og eventuelt andre norske studier om tiltaket. RESULTATER - Resultatene bestĂ„r av en vurdering av tiltakets beskrivelse, foreliggende studier og implementeringskvalitet. COS-VF vurderes som et tilfredsstillende beskrevet tiltak med en god teoretisk forankring. Det finnes derimot ingen nordiske studier eller internasjonale kunnskapsoppsummeringer der effektene av tiltaket er undersĂžkt. Dette innebĂŠrer at det er usikkert hvilken virkning tiltaket faktisk har med tanke pĂ„ Ă„ kunne forbedre samspillsmĂžnstre og fremme trygg tilknytning. Tiltaket har en god implementeringsstrategi som sannsynliggjĂžr at tiltaket tilbys slik det er tenkt i tjenestene. KONKLUSJON - COS-VF klassifiseres pĂ„ evidensnivĂ„ 2 – Teoretisk begrunnede tiltak

    Cross-cultural adaption and psychometric investigation of the German version of the Evidence Based Practice Attitude Scale (EBPAS-36D)

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    Background: The implementation of evidence-based practice (EBP) in mental health care confers many benefits to patients, and research into factors facilitating the implementation of EBP is needed. As an important factor affecting the implementation of EBP, service providers’ attitudes toward EBP emerged. The Evidence-Based Practice Attitude Scale (EBPAS-36) is an instrument with good psychometric characteristics that measures positive and ambivalent attitudes toward EBP. However, a German version is missing. The present study therefore aims to provide a validated German translation of the EBPAS-36. Methods: The scale was translated and back-translated as recommended by standard procedures. German psychotherapists were recruited to participate in an online survey. They provided demographic and professional information, completed the EBPAS-36, the Implementation Climate Scale (ICS) and the Intention Scale for Providers (ISP). Standard item and reliability analyses were conducted. Construct validity was evaluated with exploratory (EFA) and confirmatory factor analyses (CFA) in two subsamples (random split). Convergent validity was tested by predicting a high positive correlation of the EBPAS-36D with two scores of attitudes of the ISP and an interest in EBP score. It was tested whether the EBPAS-36D predicts the intention to use EBP. Results: N = 599 psychotherapists participated in the study. The item analyses showed a mean item difficulty of pi = 0.64, a mean inter-item correlation of r = 0.18, and a mean item-total correlation of ritc = 0.40. The internal consistency was very good for the total scale (α = 0.89) and ranged from adequate to very good for the subscales (0.65–0.89), indicating high reliability. The original factor structure showed an acceptable model fit (RMSEA = 0.064 (90% CI = 0.059–0.068); SRMR = 0.0922; AIC = 1400.77), confirming the 12-factor structure of the EBPAS-36. However, a second-order factor structure derived by the EFA had an even better model fit (RMSEA = 0.057 (90% CI = 0.052–0.062); SRMR = 0.0822; AIC = 1274.56). When the EBPAS-36D was entered in a hierarchical regression model with the criterion Intention to use EBP, the EBPAS-36D contributed significantly to the prediction (Change in R2 = 0.28, p < 0.001) over and above gender, age and participants’ report of ever having worked in a university context. Conclusions: The present study confirms good psychometric properties and validity of a German version of the EBPAS-36 in a sample of psychotherapists

    The prevalence of potentially traumatic events in the seventh survey of the population-based TromsĂž study (TromsĂž 7)

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    Aims: Potentially traumatic events (PTEs) can have detrimental consequences for an individual’s physical and mental health. Exposure to PTEs is therefore increasingly assessed in population-based studies. Consistent with this trend, the most recent wave of the longitudinal population-based TromsĂž study (TromsĂž 7) in Northern Norway included a list of PTEs. The aim of the present study was to describe the prevalence of PTEs in the sample and examine demographic correlates of reported PTE exposure in this group. Methods: In TromsĂž 7, a total of 21,083 participants aged â©Ÿ40 years (52.5% female, mean age 57.3 years) were asked about exposure to nine PTEs that occurred in childhood, in adulthood and in the previous year. Differences between demographic groups in exposure to PTEs were examined using chi-square tests and logistic regression analyses. Results: Overall, 67% of the participants reported at least one PTE across the three time intervals. A life-threatening illness or serious accident of a loved one (36.8%) or of the respondent (24.0%) and bullying (21.5%) were the most frequently reported PTEs. Female sex, younger age, indigenous or immigrant ethnicity and higher education were associated with an increased likelihood of reporting at least one PTE. Group differences with respect to specific PTEs were observed. Conclusions: The experience of PTEs is common among the participants in the TromsĂž 7 study. The current study lays the foundation for further research into the associations between PTEs and physical and mental health within the TromsĂž study

    Psychological tests for expectant parents and young children in the Nordic countries: A review of the evidence

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    The aim of this article is to review the psychometric properties of the psychological tests that are being used in the Nordic countries during pregnancy and the child's first two years of life. A systematic literature search was performed for 33 identified tests routinely used in health care, using specific review databases as well as PsycInfo, Embase and Medline. The trained authors conducted an overall assessment of quality for each test which was then verified by the editors. A total of 12% of the tests were rated at Level 1 'Low level of quality', 61% at Level 2 'Some evidence of Quality', 15% at level 3 'Good level of Quality' and 12% at Level 4 'High level of quality'. This indicates that the evidence for the psychometric properties is insufficient for many tests used in the Nordic countries for this purpos