100 research outputs found

    Microplastics could be marginally more hazardous than natural suspended solids - A meta-analysis

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    Microplastics (MP) are perceived as a threat to aquatic ecosystems but bear many similarities to suspended sediments which are often considered less harmful. It is, therefore pertinent to determine if and to what extent MP are different from other particles occurring in aquatic ecosystems in terms of their adverse effects. We applied meta-regressions to toxicity data extracted from the literature and harmonized the data to construct Species Sensitivity Distributions (SSDs) for both types of particles. The results were largely inconclusive due to high uncertainty but the central tendencies of our estimates still indicate that MP could be marginally more hazardous compared to suspended sediments. In part, the high uncertainty stems from the general lack of comparable experimental studies and dose-dependent point estimates. We therefore argue that until more comparable data is presented, risk assessors should act precautionary and treat MP in the 1–1000 µm size range as marginally more hazardous to aquatic organisms capable of ingesting such particles.publishedVersio

    Long-term effects of environmentally relevant doses of 2,2',4,4',5,5' hexachlorobiphenyl (PCB153) on neurobehavioural development, health and spontaneous behaviour in maternally exposed mice

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    Background: Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) are widespread in the environment, human food and breast milk. Seafood is known to contain nutrients beneficial for the normal development and function of the brain, but also contaminants such as PCBs which are neurotoxic. Exposure to non-coplanar PCBs during brain development can disrupt spontaneous behaviour in mice and lead to hyperactive behaviour. Humans are chronically exposed to the highest relative levels of organochlorines in early childhood during brain development, though usually at doses which do not give clinical symptoms of toxicity. This study aimed to elucidate the developmental and behavioural effects of 2,2’,4,4’,5,5’ hexachlorobiphenyl (PCB153) in mice, mimicking human exposure during gestation and lactation. Methods: Environmentally relevant doses of PCB153 were added to the experimental diets. Feed concentrations were approximately 0.5, 6.5, and 1500 μg PCB153/kg feed, representing a realistic and a worst case scenario of frequent consumption of contaminated fish. The study also investigated the effects of maternal nutrition, i.e. a standard rodent diet versus a high inclusion of salmon. Mice pups were examined for physical- and reflex development, sensorimotor function and spontaneous behaviour from five days after birth until weaning. A selection of pups were followed until 16 weeks of age and tested for open field behaviour and the acoustic startle response (ASR) with prepulse inhibition (PPI). Blood thyroid hormones and liver enzymes, blood lipids and PCB153 content in fat were examined at 16 weeks. Statistical analyses modelled the three way interactions of diet, PCB exposure and litter size on behaviour, using generalized linear models (GLM) and linear mixed effect models (LME). The litter was used as a random variable. Non-parametric tests were used for pair wise comparisons of biochemical analyses. Results: Litter size consistently influenced pup development and behaviour. Few lasting PCB153 related changes were observed, but results indicated effects on synchronization of physical development. Perinatal PCB153 exposure appeared to reduce habituation and cause aggression in males, though not statistically significant. Conclusions: Litter size and maternal diet influenced physical development and function more than PCB153 in perinatally exposed mouse pups and supports the developmental importance of maternal care and the social environment

    Kartlegging av mikroplastkilder i urbant miljø fra land til sjø – kilder, mengder og spredning

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    Studien har kartlagt og undersøkt mengdene, spredningen og kildene til mikroplast (<1mm) i bymiljøet i Bergen, Norge. Mikroplastkonsentrasjonene ble undersøkt i syv ulike miljøområder og identifisert med Pyr-GCMS og ATR-FTIR ved NORCE Plastlab. Avløpsslam, og slam fra biogassanlegget er oppkonsentrert slam, og hadde som forventet de høyeste mengdene mikroplast. I trafikkerte gater hadde sandfangskummer og kostemasser det høyeste innholdet av både dekkpartikler og andre plastpolymerer. Dekkpartikler dominerte, men også PVC bidro betydelig, og begge økte signifikant med trafikkmengde. Resultatene indikerte at høy kostefrekvens reduserer plastkonsentrasjonen i kostemasser. Vi fant at tiltak rundt kunstgressbaner effektivt begrenser spredning av granulat, og det var ingen signifikant økning i granulatmengden rundt banen, i gaten eller sandfang ved idrettsbanen etter ett års bruk. Ved lekeplasser fant vi både mikro- og makroplast fra fallunderlagene i miljøet rundt. Vi fant også plast i luften og i alle fjellprøvene. Prosjektresultatene kan brukes av kommunen som et kunnskapsgrunnlag for å prioritere tiltak og evaluere effekten av disse.Kartlegging av mikroplastkilder i urbant miljø fra land til sjø – kilder, mengder og spredningpublishedVersio

    Cerebral gene expression and neurobehavioural development after perinatal exposure to an environmentally relevant polybrominated diphenylether (BDE47)

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    Nutrients in seafood are known to be beneficial for brain development. Effects of maternal exposure to 2,2′,4,4′ tetrabromo diphenylether (BDE47) was investigated, alongside the potential ameliorating impact of seafood nutrients, through assessment of neurobehaviour and gene expression in brain and liver. Developing mice were exposed during gestation and lactation via dams dosed through casein- or salmon-based feed, spiked with BDE47. Two concentrations were used: a low level (6 μg/kg feed) representing an environmentally realistic concentration and a high level (1,900 μg/kg feed) representing a BDE47 intake much higher than expected from frequents consumption of contaminated seafood. Experimental groups were similar with respect to reproductive success, growth and physical development. Minor, transient changes in neurobehavioural metrics were observed in groups given the highest dose of BDE47. No significant differences in behaviour or development were seen on postnatal day 18 among maternally exposed offspring. Cerebral gene expression investigated by microarray analyses and validated by RT-qPCR showed low fold changes for all genes, despite dose-dependent accumulation of BDE47 in brain tissue. The gene for glutamate ammonia ligase was upregulated compared to control in the casein-based high BDE47diet, suggesting potential impacts on downstream synaptic transmission. The study supported a previously observed regulation of Igfbp2 in brain with BDE47 exposure. Genes for hepatic metabolic enzymes were not influenced by BDE47. Potential neurotoxic effects and neurobehavioural aberrations after perinatal exposure to high levels of BDE47 were not readily observed in mice pups with the present experimental exposure regimes and methods of analysis

    Moving forward in microplastic research: A Norwegian perspective

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    Given the increasing attention on the occurrence of microplastics in the environment, and the potential envi-ronmental threats they pose, there is a need for researchers to move quickly from basic understanding to applied science that supports decision makers in finding feasible mitigation measures and solutions. At the same time, they must provide sufficient, accurate and clear information to the media, public and other relevant groups (e.g., NGOs). Key requirements include systematic and coordinated research efforts to enable evidence-based decision making and to develop efficient policy measures on all scales (national, regional and global). To achieve this, collaboration between key actors is essential and should include researchers from multiple disciplines, policy-makers, authorities, civil and industry organizations, and the public. This further requires clear and informative communication processes, and open and continuous dialogues between all actors. Cross-discipline dialogues between researchers should focus on scientific quality and harmonization, defining and accurately communi-cating the state of knowledge, and prioritization of topics that are critical for both research and policy, with the common goal to establish and update action plans for holistic benefit. In Norway, cross-sectoral collaboration has been fundamental in supporting the national strategy to address plastic pollution. Researchers, stakeholders and the environmental authorities have come together to exchange knowledge, identify knowledge gaps, and set targeted and feasible measures to tackle one of the most challenging aspects of plastic pollution: microplastic. In this article, we present a Norwegian perspective on the state of knowledge on microplastic research efforts. Norway’s involvement in international efforts to combat plastic pollution aims at serving as an example of how key actors can collaborate synergistically to share knowledge, address shortcomings, and outline ways forward to address environmental challenges.publishedVersio

    Microplastics; occurrence, levels and implications for environment and human health related to food. Opinion of the Steering Committee of the Norwegian Scientific Committee for Food and Environment

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    Report from the Norwegian Scientific Committee for Food Safety (VKM) 2019:16. Microplastics; occurrence, levels and implications for environment and human health related to food. Opinion of the Steering Committee of the Norwegian Scientific Committee for Food and Environment. Source at https://www.vkm.no/. The steering committee of VKM has self-initiated a mandate for an opinion on microplastics based on recently published international and/or national reports complemented with literature from December 2016 to February 2019. The mandate requested a summary of the state of knowledge on the presence of microplastics in the environment and the implications for the ecosystem, terrestrial and aquatic organisms, food production and human health. An overview of main national and international ongoing initiatives was also requested, and highlighting of data gaps where specific Norwegian data was needed

    Preliminær undersøkelse av mikroplast i sandfang

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    Plast produseres i stadig økende volumer på verdensbasis, og plastforurensning er nå påvist over hele kloden og i alle habitat man har undersøkt. Det er estimert at 80% av plasten som renner ut i havet stammer fra land. Avrenning fra overflater i urbane strøk antas å være en betydelig kilde til plast i havet, og ettersom overflatevann ofte dreneres gjennom sandfangskummer, vil plast i sandfangskummer kunne reflektere plastkilder på overflaten og gi en pekepinn om mengder og typer plast som slippes til avløp fra overflater og veier. Sand fra sandfang er tidligere blitt undersøkt for PCB og tungmetaller for å hindre spredning av miljøgifter. Med tanke på muligheter for skadelige effekter av plastforurensning og innholdet av persistente miljøgifter i plast, er det derfor grunnlag for å undersøke mengdene plast og plastbundne miljøgifter i sandfangskummer, og eventuelt innføre tiltak for også å hindre spredning av plast gjennom avløp. Oppdraget er utført av Uni Research Miljø ved Marte Haave på oppdrag fra Bergen Kommune Vann- og avløpsetaten, og er utført som en første undersøkelse av forekomst av plast i sandfang. Hensikten med prosjektet var å finne ut om plast i sandfang er en relevant problemstilling som må undersøkes videre
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