2,623 research outputs found

    Not truly partnerless: Non-residential partnerships and retreat from marriage in Spain

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    In Spain, nearly two-thirds of women aged 20-34 have not yet entered their first union. However, almost half of them have a stable partner in a different household. Hence, the drop in marriage rates and low prevalence of cohabitation cannot be rightly interpreted as a decline in partnership formation, but rather as a postponement of co-residential unions. This paper examines the prevalence and determinants of non-residential stable partnerships among young adults (women aged 20-34), in relation to cohabitation and marriage, using a multinomial logit model of current partnership type. The analysis is based on data from the 1999 Spanish Fertility Survey.cohabitation, LAT, partnerships, Spain, union formation

    Integración morfológica y canalización cráneo-vertebro-maxilar en el síndrome de Down

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    El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar las relaciones existentes entre diferentes estructuras cráneo-cérvico-faciales en personas con síndrome de Down (SD). Para ello, sobre imágenes de CBCT obtenidas de individuos con SD y de un grupo control, analizamos 29 dimensiones agrupadas en tres bloques: atlanto-axiales, cráneo-cervicales y cefalométricas. No encontramos ninguna relación entre los bloques de mediciones en el SD, mientras que en el grupo control existía una correlación estadísticamente significativa entre todos los pares de bloques. Este hallazgo confirma que en el SD la integración morfológica cráneo-cérvicomaxilar es muy pobre, reforzando la hipótesis de que la sobrecarga génica potencia el proceso de canalizació

    Ideals and norms related to fatherhood in Europe: A comparative perspective from the European Social Survey

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    Objective: This study explores cross-country similarities and differences in individuals' perceptions of the ideal age and pathways to become a father, focusing on five European countries: Germany, Poland, Spain, Sweden, and the UK. Background: Empirical research analyzing family-related social norms and individuals' preferences is still scarce when compared to the abundant literature on family behavior, and especially so when focusing on men rather than women. This study attempts to mitigate this gap in the literature by focusing on ideals and norms related to fatherhood. Method: Using European Social Survey data from the most recent available round (2018/2019), descriptive and multivariate regression analyses are performed to examine: (a) the ideal age to become a father; and (b) approval of men's decision to never have children, to have a child outside marriage, and to keep working full-time when having small children. Results: Findings confirm signs of convergence across countries regarding the “normalization” of postponed fatherhood, as well as increased detachment from traditional attitudes. Differences between "forerunner" and "laggard" countries with regard to family-related norms and family change are visibly narrowing. However, the ideal age for fatherhood and the approval of non-traditional life course trajectories also reflect different incentives and possibilities for the establishment of new family models provided by the gender culture and the welfare regime in each country. Conclusion: Examining social norms regarding male reproductive decisions and the exercise of fatherhood from a comparative perspective is important for understanding men’s choices and the normative social framework potentially constraining them

    Formación transversal de traductores especializados:una experiencia didáctica interdisciplinar de traducción económica y técnica

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    The recent changes in the translation market call for a review of the teaching and learning methods used to train new professionals. The rigid traditional division of specialized translation into fields of knowledge does not correspond to market needs, which often involve working with texts that combine content from different disciplines. In this paper, we present an interdisciplinary didactic experience carried out during two consecutive academic years in which students and teachers of two specialized translation modules cooperated in an economic and technical translation project. Specifically, a research article on economic growth and human capital that combined economic content with statistical analysis methods was chosen as the source text. The design of the project required considering the competencies and learning outcomes planned for each module in order to enhance the establishment of connections between specialties. In addition, it was necessary to consider a variety of aspects related to the planning and development of the different project phases, because not all students were enrolled in both modules. For evaluation, a rubric was constructed with five criteria that were adjusted to the requirements of specialized translation and the translated genre. For each criterion, five levels of achievement were defined, four associated with the levels of evaluation of research articles, and a fifth one aimed at rewarding excellence. Both the academic results of students and their evaluation of the learning experience suggest that the method used could be a good option for meeting their interdisciplinary training needs and enhancing their motivation and involvement in learning. For the above reasons, the relevance of including modules based on the development of cross-curricular translation projects in future translation and interpreting curricula should be assessed

    Guided Inquiry and Project-Based Learning in the field of specialised translation: a description of two learning experiences

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    In recent years, university offices for learning and teaching have encouraged their teaching staff to innovate and become teachers as well as to adapt assessment methods to the European Higher Education Area (EHEA). The need to adjust the learning-teaching process to the EHEA has indeed prevented us from further postponing a discussion that has been acknowledged as necessary for years: why are our students failing to learn as they should or as we would like them to? As teachers, we usually put the blame on our students and neglect the fact that we might be using the wrong approach. In this article, we present the design of two learning experiences implemented in two specialised translation courses taught in the fourth year of the Degree in Translation and Interpreting at the University of Vigo, in Spain, and we discuss the implementation of constructivism-based tasks and techniques in the classroom. Particularly, we focus on Guided Inquiry (GI) in the Business Translation course and on Project-Based Learning (PBL) and peer review in the Scientific and Technical Translation course. The work closes with a discussion of the main results, in terms of both students' performances and their reactions to the new learning experiences

    Protocolo de intervención fisioterápica tras artroplastia total de rodilla. A propósito de un caso.

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    Tratamiento fisioterápico realizado a paciente intervenida de artroplastia total de rodilla.<br /

    Servicio WhatsApp en la Biblioteca de la Universidad de Cantabria

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    Comunicación presentada en las I Jornadas de Bibliotecas G9 sobre buenas prácticas en atención a espacios y usuarios, organizada por el Servicio de Bibliotecas de la UEx en Jarandilla de la Vera (Cáceres) los días 29 y 30 de septiembre de 2016Se presenta el servicio de WhatsApp de la Biblioteca de la Universidad de Cantabria.WhatsApp service of the Library of the University of Cantabria is presented

    “Am I an old person? Where does it say that?” Conception and social attributions to old age related to self-perception of the older people in the 21st century: from senefficiency to elder pride

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    Las personas mayores, como grupo poblacional, son objeto de estereotipos y prejuicios hacia la vejez que derivan en situaciones de discriminación y edadismo. El presente estudio cualitativo indaga en la concepción y las atribuciones sociales a la vejez en las sociedades posindustriales, centrándose en el caso de Alemania y España. Para ello, a través de las técnicas de la entrevista y el grupo focal, se recaba la perspectiva tanto de expertos en el tema como de las propias personas mayores. El análisis evidencia la imprecisión del concepto vejez y las connotaciones negativas asociadas al mismo, así como un rechazo a autoidentificarse como persona mayor. Se concluye la necesidad de una reconceptualización de la vejez que refleje su significado actual.Older people, as a population group, are subject to stereotypes and prejudices towards old age that lead to situations of discrimination and ageism. This qualitative study investigates the conception and social attributions of old age in post-industrial societies, focusing on the case of Germany and Spain. For this purpose, through the techniques of the interview and the focus group, the perspective of both experts in the field and elderly themselves is collected. The analysis shows the imprecision of old ageconcept and the negative connotations associated with it, as well as a refusal to self-identify as an elderly person. The need for a reconceptualization of old age that reflects its current meaning is concluded

    Implantación internacional de los minoristas de moda Multicanal: capacidades dinámicas e incrustación en los mercados.

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    Para estudiar la actividad internacional de las empresas minoristas de moda proponemos un marco que analiza las diferentes dimensiones de 'incrustación' en los mercados exteriores con las capacidades dinámicas. Partiendo de nueve entrevistas en profundidad a directivos de empresas del sector, obtenemos que cada dimensión de incrustación se apoya en diferentes capacidades dinámicas. La social requiere capacidades de construcción de marca que interactúen con las capacidades de gestión del canal y de gestión del conocimiento; la relacional está respaldada por las capacidades de gestión de los canales, mientras que la territorial lo está también por las capacidades de gestión de los canales. To study the international activity of fashion retail firms we propose a combined embeddedness-dynamic capabilities framework. We collect data through nine in-depth interviews related to international fashion retail companies. Our findings show each dimension of embeddedness is supported by different dynamic capabilities. Societal embeddedness requires brand building capabilities that interact with the capabilities of channel management and knowledge management. Network embeddedness is supported by channel management capabilities, while also territorial embeddedness is supported by the channel management capabilities

    Transforming rural education in Colombia through family participation: The case of school as a learning community

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    Purpose: This article studies the impact of the implementation of learning communities in a rural context of Colombia, specifically concerning the improvements related to learning and social cohesion. Design/methodology/approach: This longitudinal case study analyses the process and the impacts of the transformation of a school in 2015 and the subsequent years of 2016 and 2017. The data analysed include standardized external tests, a documentary analysis of the school and interviews with students, family members and the schoolteacher. Findings: The results obtained indicate academic improvement within the school with results that exceed the national average of Colombia. The results also report how violence has been reduced by 80%. All of these outcomes were motivated by the participation of the community in the school. Practical implications: The conclusions drawn are relevant as they show a success case that overcame the difficulties related to the lack of accessibility and quality of rural education in Colombia