81 research outputs found

    The Karkonosze House at the Lower Silesian Crafts and Industry Exhibition in 1905. The Search for a Regional Form of Architecture around 1900

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    The development of tourism in the Karkonosze Mountains in the last quarter of the nineteenth century caused that the mountain villages turned into fashionable holiday resorts. The need to provide accommodation for more and more summer holidaymakers resulted in increased construction activity. Most of the new buildings did not fit into the natural and cultural landscape of the mountains, which caused increasing discontent among enthusiasts and experts of the Karkonosze Mountains. Attempts to solve this unfavourable situation were made by Jelenia Góra craftsmen, who proposed to create a model Karkonosze House, which as a cheap and aesthetic solution could be replicated by middle-aged townsmen willing to establish their own summer resort in the mountains. Designed by the Jelenia Góra company, the Albert Brothers, the house was presented at the Lower Silesian Exhibition of Crafts and Industry in Zgorzelec (Görlitz) in 1905 and gained great recognition

    No hay paz sin guerra. Decoraciones de la fachada del Salón Conmemorativo de Alta Lusacia

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    The Upperlusatian Commemoration Hall with Emperor-Friedrich-Museum was erected in 1898-1904, according to a design by Hugo Behr, to commemorate the two Emperors who died in 1888 - Wilhelm I and his son, Friedrich III and to the Unification of Germany more broadly. The central hall and buildig’s elevations were equipped with numerous sculptural decorations that created a coherent iconographic program. In this article they were analized and interpreted two decoration cycles devoted to the topic of war and peace placed on the façade.El Salón Conmemorativo de Alta Lusacia, en el que se encuentra el Museo del Emperador Federico fue inaugurado entre 1898-1904. Ambos edificios se diseñaron a partir de los proyectos de Hugo Behr, y conmemoran a dos emperadores: Guillermo I y su hijo Federico III, además de la unificación de Alemania. La parte central de la fachada está decorada con numerosos bajorrelieves esculpidos que forman un diseño iconográfico coherente. En este artículo se analizan e interpretan dos de los ciclos de estas decoraciones, relacionados con el tema de la guerra y la paz

    Dietary recommendations for bariatric surgery patients

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    Otyłość i choroby z nią związane należą do najistotniejszych problemów współczesnego świata. Głównymi przyczynami występowania otyłości są nadmierna podaż energii i niedostateczna aktywność fizyczna. Terapia otyłości polega na zmianie stylu życia — przede wszystkim stosowaniu diety ubogoenergetycznej i wykonywaniu codziennych ćwiczeń fizycznych o umiarkowanej intensywności oraz farmakoterapii. W przypadku osób z BMI ≥ 40 kg/m2 leczenie zachowawcze jest bezskuteczne, a jedyną alternatywą staje się zabieg bariatryczny. Obecnie leczenie chirurgiczne jest najskuteczniejszą metodą walki z otyłością olbrzymią, jednak trwały ubytek masy ciała można osiągnąć tylko wtedy, gdy pacjent stosuje się do zaleceń dietetycznych zarówno we wczesnym, jak i późnym okresie pooperacyjnym. Modyfikacja sposobu żywienia niezależnie od rodzaju zastosowanego zabiegu polega w szczególności na obniżeniu wartości kalorycznej diety oraz zmianie konsystencji, rodzaju i wielkości spożywanych posiłków. (Forum Zaburzeń Metabolicznych 2010, tom 1, nr 4, 201–209)Obesity and diseases connected with it are becoming one of the most relevant problems in the contemporary world. The main reason of obesity occurence is excessive supply of energy and insufficient physical activity. The obesity therapy consists of change in lifestyle, primarily in introduction of low energy diet and everyday physical exercises with moderate intensity and pharmatherapy. In case of people with BMI ≥ 40 kg/m2 preventive treatment is useless and the only alternative is bariatrical treatment. Nowadays surgical therapy is the most effective method in gigantic obesity overcoming, however permanent body mass loss can be achieved only when the patient follows dietary orders, as well as in early and late postoperative period. The modification of diet regardless of application treatment type mainly consists of calorific value reduction diet and consistency change, type and size of consumed meals. (Forum Zaburzen Metabolicznych 2010, vol. 1, no 4, 201–209

    Tardigrada in Svalbard lichens : diversity, densities and habitat heterogeneity

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    Tardigrades in lichens have been poorly studied with few papers published on their ecology and diversity so far. The aims of our study are to determine the (1) influence of habitat heterogeneity on the densities and species diversity of tardigrade communities in lichens as well as the (2) effect of nutrient enrichment by seabirds on tardigrade densities in lichens. Forty-five lichen samples were collected from Spitsbergen, Nordaustlandet, Prins Karls Forland, Danskøya, Fuglesongen, Phippsøya and Parrøya in the Svalbard archipelago. In 26 samples, 23 taxa of Tardigrada (17 identified to species level) were found. Twelve samples consisted of more than one lichen species per sample (with up to five species). Tardigrade densities and taxa diversity were not correlated with the number of lichen species in a single sample. Moreover, the densities of tardigrades was not significantly higher in lichens collected from areas enriched with nutrients by seabirds in comparison to those not enriched. The incorporation of previously published data on the tardigrades of Spitsbergen into the analysis showed that tardigrade densities was significantly higher in moss than it was in lichen samples. We propose that one of the most important factors influencing tardigrade densities is the cortex layer, which is a barrier for food sources, such as live photosynthetic algal cells in lichens. Finally, the new records of Tardigrada and the first and new records of lichens in Svalbard archipelago are presented

    Macrobiotus polypiformis sp. nov., a new tardigrade (Macrobiotidae; hufelandi group) from the Ecuadorian Pacific coast, with remarks on the claw abnormalities in eutardigrades

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    From a moss sample collected in the Manabí Province in Ecuador, we extracted 96 specimens of a new species of eutardigrade. No eggs were found. In order to obtain eggs, an in vitro culture was prepared. In total, 136 specimens (including ten simplex), one exuvia and 44 eggs (including two with embryos) of the new species were obtained. In addition to the traditional taxonomic description with morphometrics, light and scanning microscopy imaging, we also provide nucleotide sequences of three nuclear (18S rRNA, 28S rRNA, ITS-2) and one mitochondrial (COI) DNA fragments of the new species. Macrobiotus polypiformis sp. nov. belongs to the hufelandi group and is most similar to Ma. paulinae Stec, Smolak, Kaczmarek & Michalczyk, 2015, but differs from it mainly by the lack of dorso-lateral patches of granulation on the cuticle, egg processes with longer and more numerous filaments and in some morphometric characters of both eggs and adults. Moreover, we provide a short discussion on the modifications/abnormalities of the claws in eutardigrades and the possible consequences on the taxonomic status of Mesobiotus armatus (Pilato & Binda, 1996), suggesting its consideration as species inquirenda (with uncertain taxonomic status)

    The use of contraception for patients after bariatric surgery

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    Obesity in women of reproductive age is a serious concern regarding reproductive health. In many cases of infertility in obese women, reduction of body weight may lead to spontaneous pregnancy, without the need for more specific methods of treatment. Bariatric surgery is safe and is the most effective method for body weight reduction in obese and very obese patients. In practice there are two bariatric techniques; gastric banding, which leads to weight loss through intake restriction, and gastric bypass, leads to weight loss through food malabsorption. Gastric bypass surgery (the more frequently performed procedure), in most cases, leads to changes in eating habits and may result in vomiting, diarrhea and rapid body mass reduction. There are reliable data describing the continuous increase in the number of women who are trying to conceive, or are already pregnant, following bariatric surgery. Most medical specialists advise women to avoid pregnancy within 12–18 months after bariatric surgery. This allows for time to recover sufficiency from the decreased absorption of nutrients caused by the bariatric surgery. During this period there is a need for the use of reliable contraception. As there is a risk for malabsorption of hormones taken orally, the combined and progestogen-only pills are contraindicated, and displaced by non-oral hormonal contraception or non-hormonal methods, including intrauterine devices and condoms

    Pre-pregnancy nutrition and provision of antenatal care in patients after bariatric surgery

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    Otyłość jest jednym z czynników, który może uniemożliwiać lub utrudniać zajście w ciążę i szczęśliwe macierzyństwo. Wyniki klasycznych metod odchudzania zwykle są niezadowalające i dlatego bardzo otyłe kobiety bezskutecznie pragnące mieć potomstwo coraz częściej decydują się na zabiegi bariatryczne. O ile redukcja masy ciała u zoperowanych kobiet jest zjawiskiem pożądanym, to ograniczenie pr zyswajania niektórych składników, w tym również mikroele - mentów, w okresie przedciążowym, a także w czasie ciąży, może niekorzystnie wpływać na jej przebieg i rozwój płodu. Dlatego właśnie pacjentki po operacjach bariatrycznych wymagają specyficznej suplementacji diety i to zarówno w zakresie makro-, jak i mikroelementów. Sądząc, że dotychczas problem niedoborów żywieniowych u kobiet po operacjach bariatrycznych dość powszechnie pozostaje w gestii samych pacjentek i ich lekarzy ginekologów, w opracowaniu tym podano najważniejsze informacje przydatne ogółowi lekarzy, a przede wszystkim lekarzom opiekującym się kobietami w ciąży.Obesity of women in the reproductive age is impor tant concern for the reproductive medicine. In many cases of infer tility in obese women, the reduction of body weight may lead to spontaneously achieved (without more specific methods of treatment) pregnancy. Bariatric surgery is safe and most effective method for body weight reduction in obese and very obese patients. There are very reliable data describing the continuous increase the number of women after bariatric surgery who are tr ying to conceive (or they are already pregnant). The diet of women after bariatric surgery should cover insufficiency of proteins and microelements related to decreased absorption of nutrients caused by the bariatric surgery. In such circumstances, there is a need for appropriate co-operation between patients, medical doctors and dietitians. Hopefully this work (presenting substantial infor mation about supplementation of the diet for women who are planning pregnancy) will help to achieve the best standard of this co-operation

    Neutrophil-lymphocyte ratio and platelet-lymphocyte ratio as predictors of coronary microcirculatory disease occurrence and outcome in patients with chronic coronary syndrome and no significant coronary artery stenosis

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    Introduction: Index of microcirculatory resistance assessment is an invasive method of measuring coronary microcirculation function. Association between impaired microcirculatory function and higher rate of cardiovascular events was proven. Neutrophil-lymphocyte ratio and platelet-lymphocyte ratio seem to be a promising parameters to predict coronary microcirculatory disease in patients with chronic coronary syndrome. The aim: To determine neutrophil-lymphocyte ratio and platelet-lymphocyte ratio levels in patients with coronary microcirculatory disease and potential association with clinical outcome. Material and methods: 82 consecutive patients with mean age of 67 years, 67% male, were tested for presence of coronary microcirculatory disease using index of microcirculatory resistance. Neutrophil-lymphocyte ratio and platelet-lymphocyte ratio were calculated based on admission full blood count. Follow-up with major adverse cardiac and cardiovascular events registration was performed (median 24 months). Results: The study showed significantly higher neutrophil-lymphocyte ratio and platelet-lymphocyte ratio in patients with coronary microcirculatory disease compared to control group (3.58±2.61 vs 2.54±1.09 and 164±87.9 vs 124±36.6 respectively). Higher level of platelet-lymphocyte ratio in patients with coronary microcirculatory disease results in worse MACCE-free survival. Optimal cut-off values of neutrophil-lymphocyte ratio and platelet-lymphocyte ratio to detect coronary microcirculatory disease were 3.2 and 181.3, respectively. Conclusions: Higher neutrophil-lymphocyte ratio and platelet-lymphocyte ratio are associated with increased index of microcirculatory resistance value. Platelet-lymphocyte ratio may be used as a predictor of worse outcome in patients with coronary microcirculatory disease

    Zamki i pałace Śląska : dziedzictwo - tożsamość - arystokracja

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    Prezentowana książka jest wynikiem obrad konferencyjnych, które miały miejsce w dniach 19-20 marca 2012 roku. Konferencja naukowa „Zamki i pałace Śląska”, której organizatorami byli: Muzeum Zamkowe w Pszczynie, Zakład Historii Sztuki Uniwersytetu Śląskiego w Katowicach oraz działające w tymże Zakładzie Studenckie Koło Naukowe Historyków Sztuki,Paweł Ziegler - Wprowadzenie ; Marta Ostrowska-Bies - Nie tylko Paulinum : historia współpracy architekta Karla Grossera i jego zleceniodawcy, Oscara Caro ; Wioletta Wrona-Gaj - Arystokrata a siedziba rodowa. Wpływ zainteresowań i pozycji przedstawicieli rodu Hochbergów i Schaffgotschów na kształtowanie architektury rezydencjonalnej ; Hanna Górska - Dwory i pałace o drewnianej konstrukcji szkieletowej na Śląsku ; Aneta Borowik - Forma architektoniczna Pałacu Młodzieży im. prof. Aleksandra Kamińskiego w Katowicach oraz materiały źródłowe do konkursu z 1948 roku ; Magdalena Marzec - Formy neorenesansu francuskiego w nieistniejącym już Małym Wersalu w Świerklańcu ; Maria Pallado - O stylu neomauretańskim na przykładzie sali mauretańskiej pałacu w Krowiarkach ; Justyna Dziembała, Sabina Rotowska - Pałac Goldsteinów wczoraj i dziś. Historia i prace konserwatorskie obiektu ; Daria Rzepiela - Przeszłość w przyszłości – teoretyczne rozważania projektowe dotyczące Pałacu w Dobrej ; Agata Stronciwilk, Miłosz Markiewicz - Mit – manipulacja : tożsamość. Portrety historyzujące z Pałacu w Pławniowicach i Domu Kawalera w Świerklańcu ; Helena Jadwiszczok-Molencka - Medialny obraz powojennych losów fundacji Tiele-Wincklerów w Miechowicach.Agnieszka Uziębł

    Raman-based spectrophenotyping of the most important cells of the immune system

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    INTRODUCTION: Human peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) are a heterogeneous population of cells that includes T and B lymphocytes. The total number of lymphocytes and their percentage in the blood can be a marker for the diagnosis of several human diseases. Currently, cytometric methods are widely used to distinguish subtypes of leukocytes and quantify their number. These techniques use cell immunophenotyping, which is limited by the number of fluorochrome-labeled antibodies that can be applied simultaneously. OBJECTIVE: B and T lymphocytes were isolated from peripheral blood obtained from healthy human donors. METHODS: The immunomagnetic negative selection was used for the enrichment of B and T cells fractions, and their purity was assessed by flow cytometry. Isolated cells were fixed with 0.5% glutaraldehyde and measured using confocal Raman imaging. K-means cluster analysis, principal component analysis and partial least squares discriminant methods were applied for the identification of spectroscopic markers to distinguish B and T cells. HPLC was the reference method for identifying carotene in T cells. RESULTS: Reliable discrimination between T and B lymphocytes based on their spectral profile has been demonstrated using label-free Raman imaging and chemometric analysis. The presence of carotene in T lymphocytes (in addition to the previously reported in plasma) was confirmed and for the first time unequivocally identified as β-carotene. In addition, the molecular features of the lymphocytes nuclei were found to support the discriminant analysis. It has been shown that although the presence of carotenoids in T cells depends on individual donor variability, the reliable differentiation between lymphocytes is possible based on Raman spectra collected from individual cells. CONCLUSIONS: This proves the potential of Raman spectroscopy in clinical diagnostics to automatically differentiate between cells that are an important component of our immune system