3,649 research outputs found

    Procreation and Cooperation. On Futurist Reproduction Postulates

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    Artykuł stanowi próbę analizy futurystycznego dyskursu pronatalistycznego na podstawie manifestów programowych oraz artystycznych realizacji. Postulaty reprodukcyjne, na szeroką skalę obecne w wystąpieniach polskich futurystów, sytuowane zwykle w obszarze typowego dla lat dwudziestych witalizmu, ukazane zostają w perspektywie biopolitycznej, eksponującej miejsce przecięcia tego, co biologiczne z horyzontem politycznym i społecznym. Autorka próbuje prześledzić zwłaszcza polityczne uwikłania „projektu populacyjnego” polskich futurystów, który wykazuje liczne paradoksy, sytuując się pomiędzy pronatalistyczną retoryką właściwą nacjonalistycznym dyskursom (z jednej strony, tym propagowanym przez F.T. Marinettiego, z drugiej natomiast, konstruowanym w Polsce bezpośrednio po odzyskaniu niepodległości), a myśleniem w kategoriach wspólnoty, rozpoczynającej się od materialnych funkcji ciała. W tym drugim kontekście, reprodukcyjne postulaty są nie tylko atakiem na burżuazyjną moralność, ale ściśle wiążą się z futurystyczną krytyką wszelkich instytucji społecznych i aparatu państwa z jego biopolitycznymi dyspozycjami

    Sobre mulheres: palavras e ações

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    This review presents an analysis of the work Empoderadas – mulheres eternas corpo a corpo, by Palmério Dória. This book had a key power – women’s empire. The result is a smooth flowing and interesting text, which contributed to explain the significance of women’s political activism in different social fields. There is a dialogical dynamic that allows the reader to know the interaction of women with the same objectives regardless of the geographical borders separating them.Esta resenha apresenta uma análise da obra Empoderadas – mulheres eternas corpo a corpo, de Palmério Dória. O livro possui um poder capital: o império das mulheres. O resultado é um texto fluido e interessante que contribui para explicar a importância do ativismo político feminino nos diferentes campos sociais. Há uma dinâmica dialógica que possibilita conhecer a interação de mulheres com os mesmos objetivos independentemente das fronteiras geográficas que as distanciam

    Estrutura de um novo conceito de parapente motorizado

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    O presente trabalho tem como objetivo o estudo estrutural de um novo paramotor elétrico/motor elétrico auxilifar, chamado Start-E, com o propósito deste ser aprovado pela circular 34864 Ultra Leves Motorizados, como paramotor, para mais tarde ser comercializado como tal. Para esse estudo foram realizados vários ensaios práticos. Os ensaios práticos foram realizados num protótipo. Este foi testado com cargas reais a fim de perceber se obedece aos requisitos estipulados pela circular 34864ULM, nomeadamente o fator de carga mínima até ao qual a estrutura não apresenta deformação (3.5g). O protótipo tolerou uma carga correspondente ao fator de carga de 6g após a qual se observou uma deformação plástica. Quando se aumentou o fator de carga para 9g, este sofreu uma micro rutura. Para além destes ensaios, também foi iniciado um estudo não conclusivo de análise numérica a uma nova estrutura. Através dos resultados obtidos nos ensaios práicos, verificou-se que o primeiro protótipo do Start-E cumpre com sucesso os requisitos da circular estudados, podendo vir a ser considerado uma aeronave ultra leve motorizado.The aim of this work is to study the structure of a new electric paramotor /auxiliary electric motor, called Start-E, with the purpose of this being approved by circular 34864 Ultra Lightweight Motorized, as paramotor, so that later it may be marketed as such. For this study were performed several experimental tests. The experimental tests were carried out on a prototype. This has been tested with real loads in order to see if it meets the requirements set forth by circular 34864ULM, in particular the fator of minimum load at which the structure has demonstrate no plastic deformation (3.5g). The prototype has tolerated a load corresponding to the load fator of 6g after which there was a plastic deformation. When the load factor for 9g, this suffered a micro break. In addition to these tests, a study was initiated not conclusive of numerical analysis to a new structure Using the results obtained in these tests, it was found that the first prototype of the Start-E successfully meets the requirements of the circular studied, it may be considered an aircraft ultra light motorized


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    Glacier naled evolution and relation to the subglacial drainage system based on water chemistry and GPR surveys (Werenskioldbreen, SW Svalbard)

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    Glacier naledi are extrusive ice masses that appear in front of glaciers as a consequence of refreezing of meltwater seepage during the accumulation season. These structures provide a unique opportunity to understand subglacial drainage activity during the accumulation season; however, only few detailed studies have previously focused on their characteristics. Here, we investigated glacier-derived naled assemblages in the proglacial zone of the polythermal glacier Werenskioldbreen (27.4 km2) in SW Svalbard. We determined the spatial distribution of naledi using ground penetrating radar surveys. The main subglacial drainage pattern was related to a channel under the medial moraine, and three sources are linked to a distributed subglacial drainage network. The relation between atmospherically-corrected (Ca2+ + Mg2+) and (SO4 2-) in sub-naled waters was closely related to sulphide oxidation coupled with carbonate dissolution (r = 0.99; slope = 1.6). This is consistent with the local lithology, which is dominated by schist containing carbonates. We also found high carbonate saturation indices in pale white ice layers within the naled. We conclude that sulphide oxidation coupled with carbonate dissolution is the dominant chemical weathering process in the subglacial drainage system of Werenskioldbreen during the accumulation season

    Figures du travail. Introduction

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    Using marine isoscapes to infer movements of oceanic migrants: the case of Bulwer's petrel (Bulweria bulwerii) in the Atlantic Ocean

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    Studying the movements of oceanic migrants has been elusive until the advent of several tracking devices, such as the light-level geolocators. Stable isotope analysis (SIA) offers a complementary approach to infer areas used year-round, but its suitability in oceanic environments remains almost unexplored. To evaluate SIA as a tool for inferring movements of oceanic migrants, we sampled an oceanic seabird, the Bulwer's petrel, Bulweria bulwerii, in four breeding colonies spread along its Atlantic distribution. We first studied the species moulting pattern from 29 corpses collected in the colonies. Secondly, based on this moult knowledge, we selected three feathers from tracked birds to infer their breeding and non-breeding grounds using SIA: the 1st primary (P1), the 8th secondary (S8) and the 6th rectrix (R6) feathers. Birds migrated to two main non-breeding areas, the Central or the South Atlantic Ocean. P1 showed similar isotopic values among petrels from different breeding colonies, suggesting this feather is replaced early in the non-breeding period in a common area used by most birds, the Central Atlantic. S8 and R6 feathers correctly assigned 92% and 81%, respectively, of the birds to their non-breeding areas, suggesting they were replaced late in season, when birds were settled in their main non-breeding grounds. Our results showed that the isotopic baseline levels of the Central and South Atlantic are propagated through the food web until reaching top predators, suggesting these ratios can be used to infer the movement of long-distance migrants among oceanic water masses

    Uso da termografia infravermelho na identificação de pododermatite em frango de corte

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    International trade in broiler feet, mainly to Asian markets, has demanded better quality control. The objective of this research was to study the suitability of using chicken footpad surface temperature to determine early lesions of pododermatitis. The project was conducted in two houses A1 and A2) in a commercial farm during one production flock. A1 had reused litter of wood shavings and rice hulls, and A2 had a new litter of sawdust. Both houses had positive pressure ventilation. The inner area of the poultry was virtually divided into three quadrants. The footpads were checked for the feet quality, and a degree of pododermatitis was awarded. Thermal images were made to test the surface temperature of the foot and identify inflammation in a total of 30 birds per house, at ages 5, 19, 29, 28 and 40 days of grow-out. Conditions of the rearing environment as well as the surface temperature of the litter, litter moisture, and degree of compression, were recorded. The environment within the houses did not differ. The surface temperatures of the footpad did not differ between the groups. The minimum footpad surface temperatures within the scores were similar, except for the score 3, which did not occur in A1. There was a prevalence of severe injury in the house with a new litter.O comércio internacional de pés de frangos, sobretudo para os mercados asiáticos, demanda maior controle de qualidade. O objetivo da pesquisa foi estudar o uso de temperatura superficial dos pés de frangos de várias idades, para identificar a presença de lesões de pododermatite. O projeto foi feito em dois galpões de uma granja comercial durante um lote. Os aviários eram similares (A1 e A2). A1 tinha cama reusada de maravalha e casca de arroz e A2, cama nova de pó de serra. Os aviários tinham ventilação de pressão positiva. A área interna dos aviários foi dividida em três quadrantes. Os coxins foram checados para avaliara a qualidade dos pés sendo atribuído o grau de pododermatite. Imagens térmicas foram feitas para testar a temperatura superficial do pé e identificar a lesão em 30 aves por aviário nas idades de 5; 19; 29; 28 e 40 dias. Foram registradas a ambiência do alojamento, a temperatura da cama e sua compactação. O ambiente dos aviários não diferiu. As temperaturas superficiais dos pés das aves não diferiram entre os grupos. As temperaturas superficiais mínimas dentro dos escores eram similares, com exceção do escore 3, que não teve em A1. Houve prevalência de mais injúrias severas no aviário com cama nova.36225325