66 research outputs found

    One-pot efficient synthesis of N α-urethane-protected β- and γ-amino acids

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    1-[(4-Methylphenyl)oxy]pyrrolidine-2,5-dione and 1-[(4-methylphenyl)oxy]piperidine-2,6-dione react in a Lossen-type reaction with primary alcohols in the presence of triethylamine to furnish corresponding N(α)-urethane-protected β-alanine and γ-aminopropionic acid (GABA), respectively, with excellent yields and purities, in an essentially “one-pot” procedure

    Audición musical activa gamificada mediante un escape room virtual

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    En el presente Trabajo Fin de Grado se desarrolla una propuesta de intervención para llevar a cabo la audición musical de forma activa en un aula de sexto curso. En el apartado de Fundamentación Teórica se expone una revisión bibliográfica que demuestra la importancia de la educación musical, explica cómo se presenta la audición musical dentro de nuestra labor como docentes y también expone las características de la audición musical activa. Desde la innovación educativa, esta propuesta respalda las metodologías activas de aprendizaje, integrando la gamificación. Se ha creado un escape room virtual que guiará todas las audiciones que realiza el alumnado, incentivando la motivación y el trabajo colaborativo, además de todas las habilidades musicales que acompañan cada una de las sesiones.In this End-of-Year Project, an intervention program has been developed to carry out the active music listening in an engaging way to a 6th grade class. In the theoretical basis section of this project, a bibliography revision proves the major role of the musical education. It also explains how is including the audition in the teaching process and it shows the main characteristics of an active audition. Taking into consideration the teaching innovation, this proposal supports active learning methodologies, including gamification. A virtual escape-room has been designed in which the students are guided into active music listening. This way, not only is motivation and collaborative work encouraged but also all their musical abilities in each and every section of this virtual environment.Grado en Educación Primari

    Rosa Cobo, Hacia una nueva política sexual. Las mujeres ante la reacción patriarcal. Madrid, Los Libros de La Catarata, 2011, 234 páginas

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    En esta obra Rosa Cobo efectúa replanteos teóricos acerca de la nueva política sexual así como sugerencias y estrategias para responder a la reacción patriarcal en estos tiempos.El objetivo de la autora es desentrañar las razones que generan esta reacción considerando que existen amplios sectores intolerantes y fanáticos en el contexto patriarcal contemporáneo que consideran como "heridas" los logros y ampliación de derechos que hemos tenido las mujeres. El texto está organizado en tres ejes: la explotación capitalista; la servidumbre cultural y la violencia sexual, para concluir "que la explotación económica, las servidumbres culturales y la violenciasexual son tres respuestas que han adquirido un carácter sistémico y que los pactos interclasistas, interraciales e interculturales entre los sectores más fanáticos del patriarcado intentan blindar esa barrera de entrada que impide a las mujeres alcanzar la individualidad y con ello, desasirse del poder masculino" (p. 20)

    SPLICS: a split green fluorescent protein-based contact site sensor for narrow and wide heterotypic organelle juxtaposition

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    Contact sites are discrete areas of organelle proximity that coordinate essential physiological processes across membranes, including Ca2+ signaling, lipid biosynthesis, apoptosis, and autophagy. However, tools to easily image inter-organelle proximity over a range of distances in living cells and in vivo are lacking. Here we report a split-GFP-based contact site sensor (SPLICS) engineered to fluoresce when organelles are in proximity. Two SPLICS versions efficiently measured narrow (8\u201310 nm) and wide (40\u201350 nm) juxtapositions between endoplasmic reticulum and mitochondria, documenting the existence of at least two types of contact sites in human cells. Narrow and wide ER\u2013mitochondria contact sites responded differently to starvation, ER stress, mitochondrial shape modifications, and changes in the levels of modulators of ER\u2013mitochondria juxtaposition. SPLICS detected contact sites in soma and axons of D. rerio Rohon Beard (RB) sensory neurons in vivo, extending its use to analyses of organelle juxtaposition in the whole anim

    Impacto de una campaña de mejora de la higiene de manos sobre el consumo de soluciones hidroalcohólicas en un hospital de tercer nivel

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    ResumenObjetivoValorar la influencia sobre el consumo de preparados de base alcohólica de una campaña de mejora de la higiene de manos, y más concretamente del desarrollo de talleres prácticos sobre higienización de manos en un hospital de tercer nivel del Servicio Cántabro de Salud.MétodosSe realizó un estudio ecológico con datos de enero de 2005 a diciembre de 2008. La variable dependiente fue el consumo de preparados de base alcohólica (ml/día). Como variable independiente se utilizó la campaña de mejora de la higiene de manos desarrollada en el Servicio Cántabro de Salud. Para valorar la relación del consumo con la campaña se utilizó un análisis de regresión lineal múltiple.Resultados y conclusionesDestaca la asociación entre la formación recibida sobre higiene de manos en las unidades de hospitalización y el consumo de preparados de base alcohólica, que mejora al consolidarse la campaña (año 2008) y demuestra un efecto positivo de ésta, en especial de sus aspectos formativos.AbstractObjectiveTo evaluate the influence of a hand hygiene program on consumption of alcoholic hand rub, and specifically the impact of the development of hand washing training in a tertiary hospital belonging to the Cantabrian Health Service in Spain.MethodsWe performed an ecological study from January 2005 to December 2008. The dependent variable was consumption of alcoholic hand rub (ml/day). As the independent variable, we used the hand hygiene campaign developed by the Cantabrian Health Service. The relationship between alcoholic hand rub consumption and the campaign was evaluated using multiple linear regression.Results and conclusionsThe training received in hand hygiene in hospital wards was associated with consumption of alcoholic hand rub, which improved as the campaign became consolidated (in 2008) and showed a positive effect, particularly its training aspects

    Oxidant and Carbonyl Stress-Related Apoptosis in End-Stage Kidney Disease: Impact of Membrane Flux

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    Apoptosis is a highly regulated process which mostly affects cell-mediated immunity. In this open-label, randomized, prospective clinical study, we determined the impact in 10 hemodialysis patients treated with high-, medium-, and low-flux membranes on spontaneous or plasma-induced apoptosis, on monocytes, as well as on oxidant and carbonyl stress. High- and medium-flux membranes significantly reduced patients' plasma-dependent proapoptotic activity on U937 monocytic cell lines. Patients who had the highest levels of plasma-induced proapoptotic activity exhibited the highest plasma levels of advanced oxidation protein products (AOPPs) and carbonyls. Plasma carbonyl residues but not AOPPs were significantly lowered. Finally, a significant correlation could be drawn between the extent of plasma-induced proapoptotic activity and both plasma carbonyl and AOPP levels

    Development of a Clinic Screening Tool to Identify Burdensome Health-Related Issues Affecting People Living With HIV in Spain

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    BackgroundNumerous health-related issues continue to undermine the health and health-related quality of life (HRQoL) of people living with HIV (PLHIV). We developed a clinic screening tool (CST-HIV) for the purpose of identifying these issues in routine specialist clinical care in Spain.MethodsWe used the following established instrument development procedures: (1) a literature review; (2) four focus group discussions (FGDs), two that convened 16 expert HIV care providers, and two that convened 15 PLHIV; (3) prioritisation, selection and definition of constructs (health-related issues) to include in the CST-HIV and drafting of initial item pool; and (4) a pilot study to analyse psychometric properties and validity of items and to determine which to retain in the final CST-HIV. The FGD interview scripts incorporated an exercise to prioritise the health-related issues perceived to have the greatest negative effect on HRQoL. The online questionnaire used for the pilot study included the pool of CST-HIV items and validated measures of each construct.ResultsWe identified 68 articles that reported on factors associated with the HRQoL of PLHIV. The most burdensome health-related issues identified in the FGDs related to stigma, socioeconomic vulnerability, sleep/fatigue, pain, body changes, emotional distress, and sexuality. Based on the literature review and FGD findings, we selected and defined the following constructs to include in the initial CST-HIV: anticipated stigma, emotional distress, sexuality, social support, material deprivation, sleep/fatigue, cognitive problems, and physical symptoms. Two researchers wrote six to eight items for each construct. Next, 18 experts rated 47 items based on their clarity, relevance, and representativeness. Pilot testing was carried out with 226 PLHIV in Spain. We retained 24 items based on empirical criteria that showed adequate psychometric properties. Confirmatory factor analysis confirmed the eight-factor structure with a good fit to the data (RMSEA = 0.035, AGFI = 0.97, CFI = 0.99). We found strong positive correlations between the instrument’s eight dimensions and validated measures of the same constructs. Likewise, we found negative associations between the dimensions of the CST-HIV and HRQoL.ConclusionThe CST-HIV is a promising tool for use in routine clinical care to efficiently identify and address health-related issues undermining the HRQoL of PLHIV

    The influence of glycation on a high pressure denaturation of ubiquitin

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    Synopsis The combination of deuterium-hydrogen exchange (DHX) and mass spectrometry (MS) can be used for studying a high pressure denaturation (HPD) of proteins. Herein we present the results of investigations of the influence of glycation on the HPD of ubiquitin. Application of various values of pressure causes different degrees of protein unfolding, resulting in molecules with a different number of protons available for exchange with deuterons. The dependence of this number on pressure gives information on the denaturation state of a protein. On the basis of the obtained results we can conclude that increasing number of fructosamine moieties in ubiquitin decreases the pressure required for its denaturation. It suggests that glycation moderately decreases the protein stability. The present study is the first example of application of hydrogen-deuterium exchange as a method of investigating the influence of posttranslational modification of protein on the HPD

    Depicting the battle between nectarine and Monilinia laxa: the fruit developmental stage dictates the effectiveness of the host defenses and the pathogen’s infection strategies

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    Infections by the fungus Monilinia laxa, the main cause of brown rot in Europe, result in considerable losses of stone fruit. Herein, we present a comprehensive transcriptomic approach to unravel strategies deployed by nectarine fruit and M. laxa during their interaction. We used M. laxa-inoculated immature and mature fruit, which was resistant and susceptible to brown rot, respectively, to perform a dual RNA-Seq analysis. In immature fruit, host responses, pathogen biomass, and pathogen transcriptional activity peaked at 14–24 h post inoculation (hpi), at which point M. laxa appeared to switch its transcriptional response to either quiescence or death. Mature fruit experienced an exponential increase in host and pathogen activity beginning at 6 hpi. Functional analyses in both host and pathogen highlighted differences in stage-dependent strategies. For example, in immature fruit, M. laxa unsuccessfully employed carbohydrate-active enzymes (CAZymes) for penetration, which the fruit was able to combat with tightly regulated hormone responses and an oxidative burst that challenged the pathogen’s survival at later time points. In contrast, in mature fruit, M. laxa was more dependent on proteolytic effectors than CAZymes, and was able to invest in filamentous growth early during the interaction. Hormone analyses of mature fruit infected with M. laxa indicated that, while jasmonic acid activity was likely useful for defense, high ethylene activity may have promoted susceptibility through the induction of ripening processes. Lastly, we identified M. laxa genes that were highly induced in both quiescent and active infections and may serve as targets for control of brown rot.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio