230 research outputs found

    Phasic and tonic muscle synergies are different in number, structure and sparseness

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    In the last two decades, muscle synergies analysis has been commonly used to assess the neurophysiological mechanisms underlying human motor control. Several synergy models and algorithms have been employed for processing the electromyographic (EMG) signal, and it has been shown that the coordination of motor control is characterized by the presence of phasic (movement-related) and tonic (anti-gravity and related to co-contraction) EMG components. Neural substrates indicate that phasic and tonic components have non-homogeneous origin; however, it is still unclear if these components are generated by the same set of synergies or by distinct synergies. This study aims at testing whether phasic and tonic components are generated by distinct phasic and tonic synergies or by the same set of synergies with phasic and tonic activation coefficients. The study also aims at characterizing the differences between the phasic and the tonic synergies. Using a comprehensive mapping of upper-limb point-to-point movements, synergies were extracted from phasic and tonic EMG signal separately, estimating the tonic components with a linear ramp model. The goodness of reconstruction (R2) as a function of the number of synergies was compared, and sets of synergies extracted from each dataset at three R2 threshold levels (0.80, 0.85, 0.90) were retained for further analysis. Then, shared, phasic-specific, and tonic-specific synergies were extracted from the two datasets concatenated. The dimensionality of the synergies shared between the phasic and the tonic datasets was estimated with a bootstrap procedure based on the evaluation of the distribution of principal angles between the subspaces spanned by phasic and tonic synergies due to noise. We found only few shared synergies, indicating that phasic and tonic synergies have in general different structures. To compare consistent differences in synergy composition, shared, phasic-specific, and tonic-specific synergies were clustered separately. Phasic-specific clusters were more numerous than tonic-specific ones, suggesting that they were more differentiated among subjects. The structure of phasic clusters and the higher sparseness indicated that phasic synergies capture specific muscle activation patterns related to the movement while tonic synergies show co-contraction of multiple muscles for joint stabilization and holding postures. These results suggest that in many scenarios phasic and tonic synergies should be extracted separately, especially when performing muscle synergy analysis in patients with abnormal tonic activity and for tuning devices with gravity support

    The Enhancement of Special-Use Real Estate Properties: The Case of Hospital Facilities

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    In the Italian context, public investments for the redevelopment and securing of the National Health Service’s real estate assets are a crucial topic in the context of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (NRRP) within the Next Generation Italian strategy. The paper proposes the evaluation of alternative scenarios for accessing financing under the NRRP with respect to the criterion of the technically efficient solution, i.e., the solution that minimizes investment costs while respecting time obligations. The methodology proposed refers to the Cost approach with specific reference to the Depreciated Replacement Cost Method (DRC) in order to estimate the market value in different scenarios. The approach is applied to a case study located in the Piedmont Region, where alternatives are compared with respect to both budget constraints and the timeframe for accessing financing. Given the growing concern for urban regeneration and “public city” rearrangement as an answer to the ongoing global changes, making investments in special-use real estate properties has become a central and challenging issue both in the public and private decision domains

    Attempts at memory control induce dysfunctional brain activation profiles in Generalized Anxiety Disorder: An exploratory fMRI study

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    Suppression of aversive memories through memory control has historically been proposed as a central psychological defense mechanism. Inability to suppress memories is considered a central psychological trait in several psychiatric disorders, including Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD). Yet, few studies have attempted the focused identification of dysfunctional brain activation profiles when patients with Generalized Anxiety Disorders attempt memory control. Using a well-characterized behavioral paradigm we studied brain activation profiles in a group of adult GAD patients and well-matched healthy controls (HC). Participants learned word-association pairs before imaging. During fMRI when presented with one word of the pair, they were instructed to either suppress memory of, or retrieve the paired word. Subsequent behavioral testing indicated both GAD and HC were able to engage in the task, but attempts at memory control (suppression or retrieval) during fMRI revealed vastly different activation profiles. GAD were characterized by substantive hypo-activation signatures during both types of memory control, with effects particularly strong during suppression in brain regions including the dorsal anterior cingulate and the ventral prefrontal cortex. Attempts at memory control in GAD fail to engage brain regions to the same extent HC, providing a putative neuronal signature for a well-established psychological characteristic of the illness

    Association of Microvesicles With Graft Patency in Patients Undergoing CABG Surgery

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    Abstract Background Graft patency is one of the major determinants of long-term outcome following coronary artery bypass graft surgery (CABG). Biomarkers, if indicative of the underlying pathophysiological mechanisms, would suggest strategies to limit graft failure. The prognostic value of microvesicles (MVs) for midterm graft patency has never been tested. Objectives The aim of this study was to evaluate whether MV pre-operative signature (number, cellular origin, procoagulant phenotype) could predict midterm graft failure and to investigate potential functional role of MVs in graft occlusion. Methods This was a nested case-control substudy of the CAGE (CoronAry bypass grafting: factors related to late events and Graft patency) study that enrolled 330 patients undergoing elective CABG. Of these, 179 underwent coronary computed tomography angiography 18 months post-surgery showing 24% graft occlusion. Flow cytometry MV analysis was performed in 60 patients (30 per group with occluded [cases] and patent [control subjects] grafts) on plasma samples collected the day before surgery and at follow-up. Results Before surgery, cases had 2- and 4-fold more activated platelet-derived and tissue-factor positive MVs respectively than control subjects. The MV procoagulant capacity was also significantly greater. Altogether this MV signature properly classified graft occlusion (area under the curve 0.897 [95% confidence interval: 0.81 to 0.98]; p Conclusions The pre-operative signature of MVs is independently associated with midterm graft occlusion in CABG patients and a cumulative MV score stratifies patients' risk. Because the MV signature mirrors platelet activation, patients with a high MV score could benefit from a personalized antiplatelet therapy

    Trehalose polyphleates, external cell wall lipids in mycobacterium abscessus, are associated with the formation of clumps with cording morphology, which have been associated with virulence

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    Mycobacterium abscessus is a reemerging pathogen that causes pulmonary diseases similar to tuberculosis, which is caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis. When grown in agar medium, M. abscessus strains generate rough (R) or smooth colonies (S). R morphotypes are more virulent than S morphotypes. In searching for the virulence factors responsible for this difference, R morphotypes have been found to form large aggregates (clumps) that, after being phagocytozed, result in macrophage death. Furthermore, the aggregates released to the extracellular space by damaged macrophages grow, forming unphagocytosable structures that resemble cords. In contrast, bacilli of the S morphotype, which do not form aggregates, do not damage macrophages after phagocytosis and do not form cords. Cording has also been related to the virulence of M. tuberculosis. In this species, the presence of mycolic acids and surface-exposed cell wall lipids has been correlated with the formation of cords. The objective of this work was to study the roles of the surface-exposed cell wall lipids and mycolic acids in the formation of cords in M. abscessus. A comparative study of the pattern and structure of mycolic acids was performed on R (cording) and S (non-cording) morphotypes derived from the same parent strains, and no differences were observed between morphotypes. Furthermore, cords formed by R morphotypes were disrupted with petroleum ether (PE), and the extracted lipids were analyzed by thin layer chromatography, nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy and mass spectrometry. Substantial amounts of trehalose polyphleates (TPP) were recovered as major lipids from PE extracts, and images obtained by transmission electron microscopy suggested that these lipids are localized to the external surfaces of cords and R bacilli. The structure of M. abscessus TPP was revealed to be similar to those previously described in Mycobacterium smegmatis. Although the exact role of TPP is unknown, our results demonstrated that TPP are not toxic by themselves and have a function in the formation of clumps and cords in M. abscessus, thus playing an important role in the pathogenesis of this species

    Common and different neural markers in major depression and anxiety disorders: A pilot structural magnetic resonance imaging study.

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    Although anxiety and depression often co-occur and share some clinical features, it is still unclear if they are neurobiologically distinct or similar processes. In this study, we explored common and specific cortical morphology alterations in depression and anxiety disorders. Magnetic Resonance Imaging data were acquired from 13 Major Depressive Disorder (MDD), 11 Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD), 11 Panic Disorder (PD) patients and 21 healthy controls (HC). Regional cortical thickness, surface area (SA), volume and gyrification were measured and compared among groups. We found left orbitofrontal thinning in all patient groups, as well as disease-specific alterations. MDD showed volume deficits in left precentral gyrus compared to all groups, volume and area deficits in right fusiform gyrus compared to GAD and HC. GAD showed lower SA than MDD and PD in right superior parietal cortex, higher gyrification than HC in right frontal gyrus. PD showed higher gyrification in left superior parietal cortex when compared to MDD and higher SA in left postcentral gyrus compared to all groups. Our results suggest that clinical phenotypic similarities between major depression and anxiety disorders might rely on common prefrontal alterations. Frontotemporal and parietal abnormalities may represent unique biological signatures of depression and anxiety

    Environmental awareness gained during a citizen science project in touristic resorts is maintained after 3 years since participation

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    The research leading to these results has received funding from Project AWARE Foundation, ASTOI Association, Milano, Ministry of Tourism of the Arab Republic of Egypt, Settemari S. p. A Tour Operator, Scuba Nitrox Safety International, Viaggio nel Blu Diving Center.Tourism is one of the largest economic sectors in the world. It has a positive effect on the economy of many countries, but it can also lead to negative impacts on local ecosystems. Informal environmental education through Citizen Science (CS) projects can be effective in increasing citizen environmental knowledge and awareness in the short-term. A change of awareness could bring to a behavioral change in the long-term, making tourism more sustainable. However, the long-term effects of participating in CS projects are still unknown. This is the first follow-up study concerning the effects of participating in a CS project on cognitive and psychological aspects at the basis of pro-environmental behavior. An environmental education program was developed, between 2012 and 2013, in a resort in Marsa Alam, Egypt. The study directly evaluated, through paper questionnaires, the short-term (after 1 week or 10 days) retention of knowledge and awareness of volunteers that had participated in the activities proposed by the program. After three years, participants were re-contacted via email to fill in the same questionnaire as in the short-term study, plus a new section with psychological variables. 40.5% of the re-contacted participants completed the follow-up questionnaires with a final sample size of fifty-five people for this study. Notwithstanding the limited sample size, positive trends in volunteer awareness, personal satisfaction regarding the CS project, and motivation to engage in pro-environmental behavior in the long-term were observed.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Mycobacteria clumping increase their capacity to damage macrophages

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    The rough morphotypes of non-tuberculous mycobacteria have been associated with the most severe illnesses in humans. This idea is consistent with the fact that Mycobacterium tuberculosis presents a stable rough morphotype. Unlike smooth morphotypes, the bacilli of rough morphotypes grow close together, leaving no spaces among them and forming large aggregates (clumps). Currently, the initial interaction of macrophages with clumps remains unclear. Thus, we infected J774 macrophages with bacterial suspensions of rough morphotypes of M. abscessus containing clumps and suspensions of smooth morphotypes, primarily containing isolated bacilli. Using confocal laser scanning microscopy and electron microscopy, we observed clumps of at least five rough-morphotype bacilli inside the phagocytic vesicles of macrophages at 3 h post-infection. These clumps grew within the phagocytic vesicles, killing 100% of the macrophages at 72 h post-infection, whereas the proliferation of macrophages infected with smooth morphotypes remained unaltered at 96 h post-infection. Thus, macrophages phagocytose large clumps, exceeding the bactericidal capacities of these cells. Furthermore, proinflammatory cytokines and granuloma-like structures were only produced by macrophages infected with rough morphotypes. Thus, the present study provides a foundation for further studies that consider mycobacterial clumps as virulence factors

    Biotratamento de vinhaça sintética e geração de eletricidade utilizando uma célula a combustível microbiana

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    Avanços Científicos e Tecnológicos em BioprocessosO Brasil é um dos maiores produtores de etanol no mundo, no entanto, durante o processo de obtenção deste combustível, elevadas quantidades de vinhaça são geradas, em média, para cada litro de etanol produzido são gerados 13 litros deste resíduo. A vinhaça possui propriedades físicas e químicas que podem desencadear efeitos nocivos à biota, deste modo, existe um interesse crescente em identificar novas tecnologias para o seu tratamento. A utilização de células a combustível microbianas (CCMs) apresenta um enorme potencial, uma vez que, pode promover simultaneamente o tratamento deste resíduo e a biogeração de energia elétrica, pela conversão da energia química disponível nesses substratos biodegradáveis diretamente em eletricidade, por meio da ação catalítica de bactérias eletrogênicas aderidas ao eletrodo. Neste contexto, o presente estudo avaliou a utilização de uma CCM de câmara dupla no tratamento de vinhaça sintética. Durante a operação deste reator foi detectada uma máxima densidade de potência de 330 mW·m-2 e uma redução na demanda química de oxigênio (DQO) em 58,8% após 28 dias. Diante destes resultados preliminares, a tecnologia CCM pode ser considerada promissora no tratamento da vinhaça, contudo, estudos a respeito da configuração, tipo de inóculo e formas de operação da CCM são necessários para que amplie sua eficiência.Brazil is one of the largest producers of ethanol in the world, however, during the process of obtaining ethanol, high quantities of vinasse are generated, on average, for each liter of ethanol produced, 13 liters of this residue is generated. Vinasse has physical and chemical properties that can trigger harmful effects on biota, so there is a growing interest in identifying new technologies for its treatment. The use of microbial fuel cells (CCMs) presents a very high potential, since it can simultaneously promote the treatment of this residue and the biogeneration of electric energy, by converting the available chemical energy in these biodegradable substrates and directly into electricity, by means of the action of electrogenic bacteria adhered to the electrode. In this context, the present study evaluated the use of a double chamber CCM in the treatment of synthetic vinasse. During the operation of this reactor, a maximum power density of 330 mW m-2 and a reduction in chemical oxygen demand (COD) was detected at 58.8% after 28 days. Considering these preliminary results, CCM technology may be considered promising in the treatment of vinasse, however, studies regarding the configuration, type of inoculum and forms of CCM operation are necessary to increase its efficiency.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Is hyperprogressive disease a specific phenomenom of immunotherapy?

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    Hyperprogressive disease (HPD) is a novel pattern of response during immunotherapy treatment. Several retrospective studies have evaluated its prevalence among various cancer types and, in particular, in non-small cell lung cancer patients, based on different definition criteria. If HPD is a just a typical phenomenon of immunotherapy is still an unsolved concern. This paper summarized the available data about HPD in other cancer treatments. Hyperprogressive disease (HPD) is a novel pattern of response during immunotherapy treatment. Several retrospective studies have evaluated its prevalence among various cancer types and, in particular, in non-small cell lung cancer patients, based on different definition criteria. If HPD is a just a typical phenomenon of immunotherapy is still an unsolved concern. This paper summarized the available data about HPD in other cancer treatments