188 research outputs found

    The Schrödinger equation and chaotic dynamics

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    Treballs Finals de Grau de Matemàtiques, Facultat de Matemàtiques, Universitat de Barcelona, Any: 2022, Director: Marina Gonchenko[en] This work explores dynamical billiards and its general properties and focuses, in particular, in the Bunimovich stadium which is one of the most studied among known chaotic billiards. This project follows with the analytical resolution of the time independent Schrödinger equation for the case of the simple harmonic oscillator potential. It is also solved numerically for the one-dimensional and two-dimensional cases, developing a Matlab programming that uses the finitedifferences method with the aim to find the eigenvalues and eigenfunctions. Finally, the union of chaotic dynamics and quantum mechanics is explored to investigate quantum chaos and one of its most striking manifestations, quantum "‘scars"’. The numerical analysis is able to replicate the evidence of scarring for the Bunimovich stadium

    Lapso Experience

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    Treballs de l'alumnat del Grau de Comunicació Audiovisual, Facultat de Biblioteconomia i Documentació, Universitat de Barcelona, Treball Final de Grau - TFG. Curs: 2014-2015, Tutor: Arnau Gifreu i Mariona GranéEl siguiente documento tiene como objetivo ofrecer al lector información acerca de los pasos que hemos seguido mi compañera y yo a la hora de realizar nuestro trabajo de Final de Grado. Nuestro objetivo desde el primer momento ha sido plasmar los conocimientos adquiridos durante los cuatro años de carrera en un solo trabajo, y después de la realización del mismo podemos concretar que lo hemos conseguido. Nuestro trabajo consiste en la creación de la empresa Lapso Experience, cuyo objetivo es ofrecer al público la oportunidad de congelar un momento de su vida, ya sea un cumpleaños, un aniversario o cualquier otro día del año. A través de una página web diseñada para este fin, ofrecemos al usuario cajas personalizadas, álbumes de fotos, dispositivos electrónicos e incluso sencillas cámaras instantáneas para perpetuar momentos únicos. Este proyecto implica, además de una página web, el diseño corporativo y gráfico de la marca y un plan de comunicación y de medios sociales para presentarla al público.Plan de marketing: Lapso Experience es un proyecto empresarial que consiste, fundamentalmente, en la venta de cajas denominadas "experiencias" con las que, a través de los elementos que la componen, se pueden inmortalizar momentos, guardar datos, objetos, jugar e interactuar con otras personas. Al completar la "experiencia", ésta se debe guardar para poder abrirla pasados unos años y revivir todo aquello que se dejó plasmado en su interior. El proyecto está inspirado en el concepto de cápsula del tiempo. El presente trabajo se compone de un exhaustivo análisis situacional en el que se investiga la competencia, se hace una reflexión interna y se evalúa el entorno de consumo óptimo para el producto. Por otro lado se definen los objetivos de los que se parte para elaborar una estrategia de marketing sólida. Seguidamente se profundiza en la estrategia de marketing online, sus objetivos específicos y las plataformas por las que se hará visible el proyecto. Finalmente se concibe un plan de acción inicial y se termina con una breve aproximación a la parte económica

    Técnicas de conformación de haces para redes ópticas de acceso híbridas 5G/6G en la banda de ondas milimétricas

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    [ES] El objetivo de este trabajo será sentar las bases para la futura tesis doctoral en conformación de haces para redes de acceso ópticas híbridas de cable/inalámbricas. En concreto, el trabajo consistirá en estudiar las distintas técnicas de conformación de haces para este tipo de redes, y su evaluación para la implementación en redes 5G/6G. Las redes emplearán técnicas fotónicas de microondas tanto para la generación de ondas milimétricas como para la conformación de haces con el objetivo de valorar la viabilidad de su implantación como tecnologías habilitadoras para el desarrollo de las redes de acceso móviles de futura generación. La metodología incluye documentación teórica, simulación de las redes y en algún caso, medidas experimentales que se requieran para completar simulaciones en escenarios realistas.[EN] The objective of this work will be to lay the foundations for a future doctoral thesis on beamforming for hybrid cable / wireless optical access networks. Specifically, the work will consist of studying the different beam shaping techniques for this type of network, and its evaluation for implementation in 5G / 6G networks. The networks will use microwave photonic techniques both for the generation of millimeter waves and for the shaping of beams in order to assess the viability of their implementation as enabling technologies for the development of future generation mobile access networks. The methodology includes theoretical documentation, simulation of the networks and in some cases, experimental measurements that are required to complete simulations in realistic scenarios.Botella Campos, M. (2021). Técnicas de conformación de haces para redes ópticas de acceso híbridas 5G/6G en la banda de ondas milimétricas. Universitat Politècnica de València. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/174432TFG

    Morvedre amb elles

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    Treball Final de Grau en Periodisme. Codi: PE0932. Curs acadèmic: 2020/2021Morvedre amb elles is a cybermedia specialized in women's sports in the region of Camp de Morvedre. It has been set up with the intention of bringing the largest number of people closer to women's sport at the same time that is giving more visibility to a field that often goes unnoticed. This journalistic work includes content focused on sportswomen, telling their stories, successes and learnings. 32 The opinion of experts (coaches and health professionals) has also been considered in order to provide complete and truthful information. The name of this project arises due to the geographical area about which information will be produced. In addition, the other words have been chosen because symbolize the presence of women. The type of logo designed means the simplicity that the media seeks to convey. From the beginning, the idea has been to provide the reader with information different from that of any generalist medium. Therefore, the publications are mostly focused from a personal point of view. Morvedre amb elles has been built with the intention of making available to athletes a space to explain their concerns, denounce the injustices experienced and be able to announce their successes. Through interviews and reports we know the different realities that the women of Camp de Morvedre announce. All this without neglecting the actuality. Morvedre amb elles has made a series of pieces accessible to all types of audiences. In most of the contents of the portal web there is no kind of sports knowledge needed to understand the information provided. In addition, the women of the Camp de Morvedre also respond personally to what motivates them to play sports

    Aplicación en la nube para la gestión integral de exploraciones neuropsicológicas

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    El objetivo de este proyecto es diseñar un programa informatizado de exploración neuropsicológica que sustituya a las valoraciones en papel y optimice los tiempos de exploración, corrección y elaboración de informes. Esta aplicación informática ha sido diseñada con la colaboración de 7 profesionales médicos del Hospital Dr. Peset y será implantado por primera vez en este centro en diciembre de 2019. El objetivo último es tener una herramienta informática unificada que facilite la interacción entre los diferentes profesionales de la neuropsicología y crear una base de datos neuropsicológicos a nivel nacional, para facilitar el diagnóstico precoz y favorecer otras vías de investigaciónThe aim of this project is to design a computerized program of neuropsychological explorations to replace paper assessments and optimize exploration, correction and reporting times. This computer application has been designed with the collaboration of 7 medical professionals from Dr. Peset Hospital and will be set up for the first time in this center in December 2019. The ultimate goal is to create a unified computer tool that facilitates the interaction between the different neuropsychological professionals, and create a neuropsychological database at a national level, to facilitate early diagnosis and favor other research paths.Botella Campos, M. (2019). Aplicación en la nube para la gestión integral de exploraciones neuropsicológicas. Universitat Politècnica de València. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/134359TFG

    Working alliance inventory applied to virtual and augmented reality (WAI-VAR): psychometrics and therapeutic outcomes

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    This study examines the psychometric properties of the Working Alliance Inventory-Short (WAI-S) adaptation to Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) therapies (WAI-VAR). The relationship between the therapeutic alliance (TA) with VR and AR and clinically significant change (CSC) is also explored. Seventy-five patients took part in this study (74.7% women, Mage = 34.41). Fear of flying and adjustment disorder patients received VR therapy, and cockroach phobia patients received AR therapy. Psychometric properties, CSC, one-way ANOVA, Spearman’s Correlations and Multiple Regression were calculated. The WAI-VAR showed a unidimensional structure, high internal consistency and adequate convergent validity. “Not changed” patients scored lower on the WAI-VAR than “improved” and “recovered” patients. Correlation between the WAI-VAR and CSC was moderate. The best fitting model for predicting CSC was a linear combination of the TA with therapist (WAI-S) and the TA with VR and AR (WAI-VAR), due to the latter variable slightly increased the percentage of variability accounted for in CSC. The WAI-VAR is the first validated instrument to measure the TA with VR and AR in research and clinical practice. This study reveals the importance of the quality of the TA with technologies in achieving positive outcomes in the therapy

    Optimización del procedimiento de evaluación experimental de conductores con discapacidad motora mediante el uso de simuladores de conducción. Sistema de frenado

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    [ES] El TFG que se presenta a continuación se aplicará al estudio del procedimiento de evaluación de conductores que requieren el uso de adaptaciones de mandos convencionales para la conducción de un vehículo automóvil. En primer lugar, se expone el panorama actual en temas de conducción y obtención de licencia de conducir para personas con movilidad reducida, poniendo de manifiesto la demanda, las dificultades que conlleva y la necesidad de mejora de dicho proceso. Así mismo, se expresan las ventajas que ofrecen los sistemas de simulación de conducción y los beneficios que pueden aportar a este campo. El consecuente estudio se ha desarrollado a partir del análisis del comportamiento de diferentes tipos de conductores, con y sin discapacidad, en distintas pruebas del protocolo con el simulador. Este cometido se llevará a cabo con ayuda de mandos convencionales y adaptaciones para frenada en un vehículo automóvil, principalmente. Se han tomado, además, las opiniones de los voluntarios después de realizar las pruebas, mediante un cuestionario para obtener información de la percepción del sujeto a nivel de usuario. Como conclusión del TFG se pretende con los resultados obtenidos contrastar el grado de significatividad estadística en las diferentes situaciones y a definir el nivel de aplicación y la optimización del protocolo de evaluación para conductores con discapacidad motora.[EN] The final degree project, which is presented below, is directly applied to the study of the Disabled Drivers Evaluation Process, that require the use of conventional control adaptations for a real driving motor vehicle. In the first place, regarding the theoretical framework, the current panorama on driving and obtaining a driver's license for people with reduced mobility is exposed. Highlighting demands, difficulties involved and the need to improve this process. Advantages offered by driving simulation systems are also commented; likewise, different benefits which are indicated in matter to understand how they can contribute to this field. The following study is developed from the behavior of different types of drivers’ analysis, with and without disability or independence mobility problems, in different tests of the protocol with a driving simulator system. This task will be carried out with conventional controls and adaptations for braking in a motor vehicle, mainly. Volunteers’ opinions have been taken as well, through a questionnaire, in order to obtain information about their perception at user level. As a conclusion of the project, results obtained are intended to compare the degree of statistical significance in the different situations. It also tries to define both the application level and optimization possibilities of the evaluation protocol for drivers with motor disabilities.Botella Espeso, MM. (2017). Optimización del procedimiento de evaluación experimental de conductores con discapacidad motora mediante el uso de simuladores de conducción. Sistema de frenado. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/85415

    Near-Ground Wireless Coverage Design in Rural Environments

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    [EN] Due to the broad range of options that wireless systems offer, Wi-Fi products are increasingly being used in agriculture environments to improve farming practices and better control the output of the production. However, the foliage has proven to harm radio-frequency propagation as well as decreasing the coverage area of Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs). Therefore, near-ground channel characterization can help in avoiding high antennas and vegetation. Nevertheless, theoretical models tend to fail when forecasting near-ground path losses. This paper aims at determining how the field components such as soil, grass and, trunks affect radio-links in near-ground scenarios. To do this, we measure the Received Signal Strength (RSSI), the Signal to Interference Ratio (SIR) and the Round-Trip Time (RTT) of a Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN), at different distances, and the results are compared with 3 prediction models: the Free-Space Propagation Model, Two-Ray Ground Reflection Model and, One-Slope Log-Normal Model. The experiment was carried out by collecting experimental data at two different locations, i.e., an orange tree plantation and a field without vegetation, taking measurements every meter. A comprehensive analysis of the influence of rural environments can help to obtain better near-ground WSN performance and coverage in precision agriculture.This work has been partially supported by European Union through the ERANETMED project ERANETMED3- 227 SMARTWATIR, by the Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades through the Ayudas para la adquisición de equipamiento científico-técnico, Subprograma estatal de infraestructuras de investigación y equipamiento científico-técnico (plan Estatal I+D+i 2017- 2020) (project EQC2018-004988-P), by the Universidad de Granada through the "Programa de Proyectos de Investigación Precompetitivos para Jóvenes Investigadores. Modalidad A jóvenes Doctores of "Plan Propio de Investigación y Transferencia 2019" (PPJIA2019.10) and by the Campus de Excelencia Internacional Global del Mar (CEI·Mar) through the "Ayudas Proyectos Jóvenes Investigadores CEI·Mar 2019" (Project CEIJ-020).Botella-Campos, M.; Jimenez, JM.; Sendra, S.; Lloret, J. (2020). Near-Ground Wireless Coverage Design in Rural Environments. IARIA XPS Press. 14-19. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/178039S141

    Old age pensions and retirement in Spain

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    In this paper we analyze the influence that incentives play in the timing of the transition to retirement in Spain. We use the Continuous Sample of Working Histories 2006 (CSWH 'Muestra Continua de Vidas Laborales', in Spanish) to construct incentive measures from the Social Security provisions in relation to retiring at old age. We analyse the role played by such incentives and other socio-economic variables on the retirement hazard of men aged between 60 and 70, using a duration model to carry out a dynamic analysis. We assess the effects of the pension system reform that took place in 2002, which set stricter conditions to access an old pension. The results show that both the pension wealth and the substitution effects play a significant role in retirement decisions, but that, after the reform, the latter effects become less important