23,186 research outputs found

    Social Profiles and Social Behaviour and Attitudes towards Gaming and On-Line Gaming in Spain

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    For the last two decades our world has experienced increasing globalization linked to the revolution in Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) leading to new business spheres escaping from the traditional Nation-State control. The gaming business is one of these areas and has recorded a notable increase in profits in the last decade: gambling, betting and network games constitute some of the main issues developed by ICT companies located beyond State control. The action of the States is focusing on the formulation of new public policies that allow them to control these activities. But first a deep social description of gaming is needed to know which actors are involved in this field of activities, which is the profile of the gamer and what kind of social attitudes are carried out by users and companies taking part of the business. This article focuses on the social profiles and the social behaviour and attitudes towards gaming in Spain, and specially in the transition from traditional gaming to on line gaming.gaming, internet, social profiles, social behaviour, social attitudes.

    Growth vs level effect of population change on economic development: An inspection into human-capital-related mechanisms

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    We study the impact of demographic change on economic short and long-term dynamics in an enlarged Lucas-Uzawa model with intratemporal altruism. Demographics are summarized by population growth rate and initial size. In contrast to the existing literature, the long-run level effects of demographic changes, i.e. their impact on the levels of variables along the balanced growth paths, are deeply characterized in addition to the more standard growth effects. It is shown that the level effect of population growth is a priori ambiguous due to the interaction of three causation mechanisms, a standard one (dilution) and two non-standard, featuring in particular the transmission of demographic shocks into human capital accumulation. Overall, the sign of the level effect of population growth depends on preference and technology parameters, and on the initial conditions as well. In contrast, we prove that the long-run level effect of population size on per capita income is negative while its growth effect is zero. Finally, we show that the model is able to replicate complicated time relationships between economic and demographic changes. In particular, it entails a negative effect of population growth on per capita income, which dominates in the initial periods, and a positive effect which restores a positive correlation between population growth and economic performance in the long-run.Human Capital; Population Growth; Population Size; Endogenous Growth; Level Effect; Growth Effect

    Response of a liquid bridge to an acceleration varying sinusoidally with time

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    The response of a long cylindrical liquid column subjected to an axial microgravity field has been experimentally studied on a TEXUS sounding rocket flight to check with theoretical predictions. The expected response of the liquid bridge was a quasi-static amphora-type deformation of the cylindrical shape. However, the experimental results showed a more complex behaviour. Nevertheless it has been possible to find out the reasons of this discrepancy except for a mysterious 0.5% uncertainty in the stimuli

    A Client mobile application for Chinese-Spanish statistical machine translation

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    This show and tell paper describes a client mobile application for Chinese-Spanish machine translation. The system combines a standard server-based statistical machine translation (SMT) system, which requires online operation, with different input modalities including text, optical character recognition (OCR) and automatic speech recognition (ASR). It also includes an index-based search engine for supporting off-line translation.Postprint (published version

    Biomechanics of spinal grafts

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    La importancia que las artrodesis tienen en e1 contexto de la cirugía del raquis hace necesaria, por parte del cirujano, una visión de los conceptos biomecánicos implicados en las mismas. El empleo de injertos en sus múltiples variantes, la aplicación auxiliar de dispositivos intersomáticos y la interrelación entre elementos de fijación e injertos, en cuanto a la estabilidad de la columna se refiere, requieren un conocimiento de la configuración biomecánica resultante antes y después de la artrodesis. En el presente artículo se plantea un análisis de esta configuración, una parte mas del conjunto de conocimientos que constituyen el know how del cirujano de columna

    Criminology of international crimes : a revision of the crime of aggression from a critical criminology perspective

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    This paper focusses the debate on the crime of aggression, analysing it from the perspective of critical criminology, taking as main hypothesis the idea that crime of aggression, as it is currently typified in the Rome Statute, does not criminalize the actually capable powers to commit crime of aggression, whereby the efforts made in order to prevent and punish this crime would not be effective. The analysis of the elements of the crime take us to the conclusion that, even when the inclusion of the jurisdiction over the crime of aggression in the Rome Statute and its subsequent drafting in the Kampala conference is a giant step for the international recognition of aggression as a crime, this step skims the symbolic to criminalize the actually capable powers to commit crime of aggression, whereby the efforts made in order to prevent and punish this crime are useless at all, since the crime type might not be correctly focussed. At the end of this paper some suggestions and future working lines are proposed in order to promote the recognition and real persecution of the crime of aggression, as it is can be understood from a critical criminology perspective.Este trabajo se centra en el debate sobre el crimen de agresión analizándolo desde la perspectiva de la criminología crítica, tomando como hipótesis principal la idea de que el crimen de agresión, tal y como está tipificado actualmente en el Estatuto de Roma, no sirve para perseguir a los países que son realmente capaces de cometer crimen de agresión, por lo que los esfuerzos realizados a fin de prevenir y sancionar este delito no serían eficaces. El análisis de los elementos del delito nos lleva a la conclusión de que, incluso cuando la inclusión de la jurisdicción sobre el crimen de agresión en el Estatuto de Roma y su posterior redacción en la conferencia de Kampala es un paso gigante para el reconocimiento internacional de la agresión como un crimen, este paso roza lo simbólico para la criminalización de los poderes realmente capaces de cometer el crimen de agresión, por lo que los esfuerzos realizados con el fin de prevenir y sancionar este delito no son eficaces en absoluto tal y como están enfocados en este momento. Al final del trabajo también se proponen algunas sugerencias y líneas de trabajo futuras para el reconocimiento y la persecución real del crimen de agresión desde la teoría criminológica

    La intervención judicial en el ejercicio de la patria potestad

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    El presente trabajo aborda la problemática de la intervención judicial en el ejercicio de la patria potestad, ejercicio que debe estar mediatizado por el principio del interés superior del menor en todos los ámbitos en que se manifiesta dicha potestad. En definitiva se trata de demostrar si nuestro ordenamiento jurídico ofrece una adecuada protección a los hijos menores que se encuentran bajo la patria potestad de sus progenitores y en qué ámbitos se produce esa protección, las medidas que se adoptan o se pueden adoptar en el correspondiente procedimiento con el fin de proteger esos intereses y analizando los deberes y facultades que corresponden en esta relación a los hijos y a los padres.Departamento de Derecho CivilGrado en Derech

    La España de Franco (1939-1975)

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    Editada en la Fundación SEPIPublicad

    A note on global dynamics and imbalance effects in the Lucas-Uzawa model

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    In the traditional literature on the Lucas-Uzawa model, it is proved that in the neighborhood of the long-run balanced growth path, human capital stock grows at a rate greater than its long-run counterpart when the ratio physical to human capi- tal is above its long run value if and only if the capital share in the production of physical good is lower than the inverse of the elasticity of intertemporal substitution in consumption. We first prove that the claim is true outside the neighborhood of balanced growth paths. More importantly, we identify a crucial asymmetry: what- ever the position of the capital share with respect to the inverse of the elasticity of intertemporal substitution, physical capital stock always grows at a rate lower than its long-run counterpart when the ratio physical to human capital is above its long run value.Lucas-Uzawa, hypergeometric functions, imbalance e®ects, global dynamics.