2,080 research outputs found

    A review of the role of spatial resolution in energy systems modelling:Lessons learned and applicability to the North Sea region

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    The importance of spatial resolution for energy modelling has increased in the last years. Incorporating more spatial resolution in energy models presents wide benefits, but it is not straightforward, as it might compromise their computational performance. This paper aims to provide a comprehensive review of spatial resolution in energy models, including benefits, challenges and future research avenues. The paper is divided in four parts: first, it reviews and analyses the applications of geographic information systems (GIS) for energy modelling in the literature. GIS analyses are found to be relevant to analyse how meteorology affects renewable production, to assess infrastructure needs, design and routing, and to analyse resource allocation, among others. Second, it analyses a selection of large scale energy modelling tools, in terms of how they can include spatial data, which resolution they have and to what extent this resolution can be modified. Out of the 34 energy models reviewed, 16 permit to include regional coverage, while 13 of them permit to include a tailor-made spatial resolution, showing that current available modelling tools permit regional analysis in large scale frameworks. The third part presents a collection of practices used in the literature to include spatial resolution in energy models, ranging from aggregated methods where the spatial granularity is non-existent to sophisticated clustering methods. Out of the spatial data clustering methods available in the literature, k-means and max-p have been successfully used in energy related applications showing promising results. K-means permits to cluster large amounts of spatial data at a low computational cost, while max-p ensures contiguity and homogeneity in the resulting clusters. The fourth part aims to apply the findings and lessons learned throughout the paper to the North Sea region. This region combines large amounts of planned deployment of variable renewable energy sources with multiple spatial claims and geographical constraints, and therefore it is ideal as a case study. We propose a complete modelling framework for the region in order to fill two knowledge gaps identified in the literature: the lack of offshore integrated system modelling, and the lack of spatial analysis while defining the offshore regions of the modelling framework

    Tasa de éxito subjetivo y objetivo en pacientes operados con cinta suburetral transobturatriz: ocho años de seguimiento

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    Indexación: Scopus; Scielo.Antecedentes: La Incontinencia Urinaria de Esfuerzo (IOE) representa el 50% de las incontinencias urinarias en la mujer, produciendo un gran impacto en su calidad de vida. Actualmente el TOT es una de las técnicas quirúrgicas más utilizadas para su tratamiento. Objetivos: Determinar la tasa de éxito objetiva y subjetiva de las pacientes operadas por IOE e incontinencia de orina mixta (IOM) mediante TOT, y determinar la tasa de complicaciones perioperatorias. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio retrospectivo de cohorte de 8 años de seguimiento, en el que se evaluó mediante anamnesis, examen físico y protocolos quirúrgicos la tasa de éxito objetivo y subjetivo del TOT. Resultados: La tasa de éxito objetivo y subjetivo fue 92% y 76% respectivamente. El 8,3% de las pacientes presentó alguna complicación y la tasa de exposición de malla fue de 1,2%. Conclusiones: El TOT es una excelente alternativa para el tratamiento de la IOE en el Hospital de Quilpué.http://ref.scielo.org/6tnxn

    Presión arterial : ¿esfigmomanómetro manual o digital?

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    El presente es un estudio prospectivo y comparativo entre la medición de la presión arterial obtenida de manera manual con esfigmomanómetro aneroide y la obtenida mediante monitor automático. El desarrollo de la práctica se realizó sobre un grupo de 100 pacientes hospitalizados en el servicio de Neurocirugía y Otorrinolaringología del Consorcio Hospital General de Valencia durante el primer trimestre del año 2007, mediante mediciones secuenciales y efectuadas por el mismo observador con ambos aparatos bien calibrados. Se observó mediante el método de correlación bivariada de Pearson que no existen diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre las presiones tomadas por ambos aparatos determinando así la fiabilidad del aparato automático utilizado en esta sala para el registro de la tensión arterial.This is a prospective and comparative work between arterial pressure obtained through manual measurement with aneroid sphygmomanometer and the arterial pressure obtained through automatic monitor. The practice was carried out in a group of 100 inpatients in the Neurosurgery and Otolaryngology Service in the Consortium of the General Hospital of Valencia during the first term of 2007. The development of this hospital training was made on each individual through sequential measurements and executed by the same observer with both well-calibrated machines. It was observed that through the method of Pearson's bivaried correlation there are not statistically significant differences between the pressures taken by both machines. As regards this fact, both automatic machines of arterial pressure register are [email protected] [email protected]

    Chaotic scattering with direct processes: A generalization of Poisson's kernel for non-unitary scattering matrices

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    The problem of chaotic scattering in presence of direct processes or prompt responses is mapped via a transformation to the case of scattering in absence of such processes for non-unitary scattering matrices, \tilde S. In the absence of prompt responses, \tilde S is uniformly distributed according to its invariant measure in the space of \tilde S matrices with zero average, < \tilde S > =0. In the presence of direct processes, the distribution of \tilde S is non-uniform and it is characterized by the average (\neq 0). In contrast to the case of unitary matrices S, where the invariant measures of S for chaotic scattering with and without direct processes are related through the well known Poisson kernel, here we show that for non-unitary scattering matrices the invariant measures are related by the Poisson kernel squared. Our results are relevant to situations where flux conservation is not satisfied. For example, transport experiments in chaotic systems, where gains or losses are present, like microwave chaotic cavities or graphs, and acoustic or elastic resonators.Comment: Added two appendices and references. Corrected typo

    Trajectory planning of a quadrotor to monitor dependent people

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    This article introduces a framework for assisting dependent people at home through a vision-based autonomous unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV). Such an aircraft equipped with onboard cameras can be useful for monitoring and recognizing a dependent's activity. This work is focused on the problem of planning the flight path of a quadrotor to perform monitoring tasks. The objective is to design a trajectory planning algorithm that allows the UAV to position itself for the sake of capturing images of the dependent person's face. These images will be later treated by a base station to evaluate the persons emotional state, together with his/her behavior, this way determining the assistance needed in each situation. Numerical simulations have been carried out to validate the proposed algorithms. The results show the effectiveness of the trajectory planner to generate smooth references to our previously designed GPI (generalized proportional integral) controller. This demonstrates that a quadrotor is able to perform monitoring flights with a high motion precision.- This work has been partially supported by Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovacion y Universidades, Agencia Estatal de Investigacion (AEI)/European Regional Development Fund (FEDER, UE) under DPI2016-80894-R grant. Lidia M. Belmonte holds FPU014/05283 scholarship from Spanish Ministerio de Educacion y Formacion Profesional

    Los conflictos socioambientales y la construcción de alternativas: experiencias de agricultura periurbana en el sur de la zona metropolitana de Guadalajara, Jalisco, México

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    El crecimiento desordenado de la zona metropolitana de Guadalajara, Jalisco, México, ha ocasionado una serie de conflictos socioambientales que impactan los recursos naturales y la calidad de vida de los habitantes del entorno periurbano. Ante ello, diversos actores locales se han orientado a construir alternativas a estos conflictos y allí es crucial el papel de la agricultura familiar periurbana, sustentable y multifuncional. En este trabajo se da cuenta de la experiencia del Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Occidente, que lleva a cabo en la región un proyecto de acompañamiento e investigación participativa, donde se ha formado a los agricultores locales en la transición hacia agriculturas más sustentables, con el que se han demostrado las experiencias de agricultura periurbana, su viabilidad y sus aportaciones a la sustentabilidad regional, y se ha favorecido la articulación de los actores locales con organizaciones regionales y nacionales. Estos procesos se realizan en un tejido social fuerte que es la base para la construcción de alternativas a los conflictos socioambientales. The disordered sprawl of Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico has caused a number of environmental conflicts that impact the environment and quality of life of the residents of the suburban surroundings. In response, diverse local actors have focused on building alternatives to these conflicts where it is crucial the role of peri-urban, sustainable and multifunctional family agriculture. The Western Institute of Technology and Higher Education, holds in the region a project of accompaniment and participatory research, which has qualified local farmers in the transition to more sustainable agriculture and demonstrate the feasibility of the experiences of periurban agriculture and their contributions to regional sustainability, finally it has favored the articulation of local regional and national actors. These processes get done inside a strong social network which is the base to the construction of alternatives to socioenvironmental conflicts

    Los conflictos socioambientales y la construcción de alternativas: experiencias de agricultura periurbana en el sur de la zona metropolitana de Guadalajara, Jalisco, México

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    El crecimiento desordenado de la zona metropolitana de Guadalajara, Jalisco, México, ha ocasionado una serie de conflictos socioambientales que impactan los recursos naturales y la calidad de vida de los habitantes del entorno periurbano. Ante ello, diversos actores locales se han orientado a construir alternativas a estos conflictos y allí es crucial el papel de la agricultura familiar periurbana, sustentable y multifuncional. En este trabajo se da cuenta de la experiencia del Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Occidente, que lleva a cabo en la región un proyecto de acompañamiento e investigación participativa, donde se ha formado a los agricultores locales en la transición hacia agriculturas más sustentables, con el que se han demostrado las experiencias de agricultura periurbana, su viabilidad y sus aportaciones a la sustentabilidad regional, y se ha favorecido la articulación de los actores locales con organizaciones regionales y nacionales. Estos procesos se realizan en un tejido social fuerte que es la base para la construcción de alternativas a los conflictos socioambientales. The disordered sprawl of Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico has caused a number of environmental conflicts that impact the environment and quality of life of the residents of the suburban surroundings. In response, diverse local actors have focused on building alternatives to these conflicts where it is crucial the role of peri-urban, sustainable and multifunctional family agriculture. The Western Institute of Technology and Higher Education, holds in the region a project of accompaniment and participatory research, which has qualified local farmers in the transition to more sustainable agriculture and demonstrate the feasibility of the experiences of periurban agriculture and their contributions to regional sustainability, finally it has favored the articulation of local regional and national actors. These processes get done inside a strong social network which is the base to the construction of alternatives to socioenvironmental conflicts