755 research outputs found
Methodology for the damage assessment of vehicles exposed to flooding in urban areas
Within urban areas, humans carry out a great diversity of activities, and some of them require the use of vehicles. Floods, especially in urban areas, can generate significant tangible direct damages to vehicles themselves and to the urban elements in case of loss of stability and collision, which cannot be dismissed. In this paper, after a state-of-the-art review on damage curves for vehicles, a methodology to assess the direct economic impact for vehicles exposed to flooding has been described, and applied within a study carried out in the framework of the BINGO H2020 EU Project. Only three different studies focused on damages to vehicles in contact with floodwater have been found. Contrasting damage curves for vehicles are found when comparing the three approaches, however, the ones proposed by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) offer a high level of completeness and accuracy. Moreover, USACE''s development is the most current research and all the steps for the development of the damage curves are comprehensively described. Finally, after the description of a detailed methodology for flood damage mapping for vehicles, a procedure to evaluate the Expected Annual Damage for vehicles is offered
Aportaciones de la paleobotánica a la interpretación del área natural de 'Pinnus nigra' Arn. ssp. 'sazmanni' en las Sierras Béticas (Sureste de España)
En este trabajo se ha analizado la cartografía del área natural de Pinus nigra Arn. ssp. salzmannii en las Sierras Béticas (sureste de España) a partir del Mapa Forestal de España en su versión digital y se han descrito las características geológicas y litológicas de las zonas que ocupa utilizando para ello la cartografía correspondiente. El área natural de la especie se ha comparado con los Mapas de Series de Vegetación más utilizados. Posteriormente se ha realizado una búsqueda bibliográfica seleccionando las citas significativas de yacimientos holocenos en el Sureste peninsular en los que se han encontrado evidencias paleoecológicas (pólenes, madera, carbón, etc.) de la presencia de Pinus nigra en estos enclaves. A partir de los datos obtenidos se ha discutido acerca de la presencia natural de Pinus nigra Arn. en las Sierras Béticas y su difícil encaje en los modelos fitosociológicos más utilizados, aportando datos ecológicos y paleoecológicos que inciden en la importancia de elaborar modelos más complejos que consideren factores más allá de la climatología y el suelo para explicar la dinámica vegetal. Se confirman o elaboran hipótesis acerca de la presencia de pino salgareño durante el Holoceno en dos zonas en las que actualmente se encuentra extinguido: la Sierra de Gádor (Almería) y las Sierras Subbéticas de Córdoba, y acerca de su mayor presencia en épocas pasadas. Como consecuencia de los resultados se incide en la importancia que tiene en la gestión forestal la consideración y conservación de las poblaciones de pino salgareño.This paper develops a map of the natural area of Pinus nigra Arn. ssp. salzmanni in the Beticas Mountain Range based on the Digital version of the Forestry Vegetation Map of Spain. This map has been compared with the most commonly used Potential Vegetation, Geology and Lithology maps. A bibliographic research has been carried out with a selection of Holocene deposits where Pinus nigra pollen, wood or charcoal has been found. With this information collected, a discussion about the natural distribution of Pinus nigra at the Béticas Mountain Range and the difficulty of matching this distribution within the most common phytosociological models has been posed. Ecological and palaeoecological data have been given to stress the importance of developing more complex models, considering factors beyond climate and soil, to explain the forest dynamics. It has been confirmed the hypothesis about the existence of Pinus nigra in the Holocene in two Andalousian Mountain Range (Gádor in the province of Almeria and Sierras Sub-Béticas in the province of Córdoba), where this species are currently extinguished. Considering all these data it is emphasized the interest and importance of conservation of natural salzmann pine forests in this area
Pain in advertising: an analysis of the content and design of the advertisements in press after 11-M terrorist attacks
On the anniversary of the attacks of 11 March 2004 which occurred in Madrid, we conducted a study which focused on the advertising published the days following the attacks. This study examines the message content and layout of ads across a sample of 178 advertisements published in the Spanish press. We created a table with 15 variables and 112 subvariables to find out which were the predominant messages in each advertisement and if the advertiser wanted to convey a message of sorrow to the sufferer or implicitly wanted their brand to predominate over the message of shared pain. Among the findings that we obtained was that messages of condolence and sober designs, without pictures or color, in which the advertiser expresses emotions and empathy with the victims are the most numerous. Emotional pain is the dominant feeling in the adverts published after the attacks March 2004 with messages of sorrow and strongly expressed exclamations, followed by messages of condolence and thanks. In the design, the text of the adverts is of great significance compared to the iconic features and the composition looks similar to that of obituaries. In addition, we provide a proposal for joint design of the message as a reference for advertisers in similar circumstances
Diseño de un plan de mejora para el servicio de transporte público de la Cooperativa "Casimiro Sotelo" ruta 163 de la ciudad de Managua en el período 2004
Tesis (Licenciatura en Administración de Empresas)--Universidad Americana, Managua, 2005En este proyecto se diseña un plan de mejora para el servicio de transporte publico de la Cooperativa Casimiro Sotelo Ruta 163 en la ciudad de Managua que contribuya a incrementar los ingresos de los empresarios de transporte y mejore la calidad del servicio prestado al usuario
In silico drug repurposing for the identification of potential candidate molecules against arboviruses infection
Arboviral diseases caused by dengue (DENV), Zika (ZIKV) and chikungunya (CHIKV) viruses represent a major public health problem worldwide, especially in tropical areas where millions of infections occur every year. The aim of this research was to identify candidate molecules for the treatment of these diseases among the drugs currently available in the market, through in silico screening and subsequent in vitro evaluation with cell culture models of DENV and ZIKV infections. Numerous pharmaceutical compounds from antibiotics to chemotherapeutic agents presented high in silico binding affinity for the viral proteins, including ergotamine, antrafenine, natamycin, pranlukast, nilotinib, itraconazole, conivaptan and novobiocin. These five last compounds were tested in vitro, being pranlukast the one that exhibited the best antiviral activity. Further in vitro assays for this compound showed a significant inhibitory effect on DENV and ZIKV infection of human monocytic cells and human hepatocytes (Huh-7 cells) with potential abrogation of virus entry. Finally, intrinsic fluorescence analyses suggest that pranlukast may have some level of interaction with three viral proteins of DENV: envelope, capsid, and NS1. Due to its promising results, suitable accessibility in the market and reduced restrictions compared to other pharmaceuticals; the anti-asthmatic pranlukast is proposed as a drug candidate against DENV, ZIKV, and CHIKV, supporting further in vitro and in vivo assessment of the potential of this and other lead compounds that exhibited good affinity scores in silico as therapeutic agents or scaffolds for the development of new drugs against arboviral diseases. © 2019 Elsevier B.V.Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira, UTP: TRFCI-1P2016
National Institutes of Health, NIH
National Institutes of Health, NIH: R01 AI24493
Department of Science, Information Technology and Innovation, Queensland Government, DSITI: 811-2018
Universidad Autónoma de Bucaramanga, UNABThe authors wish to thank the Administrative Department of Science, Technology and Innovation of Colombia [Grant: Colciencias No. 811-2018 ], Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México [Grant: Programa de Becas Posdoctorales en la UNAM 2016 ], Universidad Tecnológica de Bolívar [Grant: TRFCI-1P2016 ] and the National Institutes of Health [NIH grant R01 AI24493 ] for their financial support. Appendix AA continuación se relacionan los compuestos químicos y su número de registro CAS (Chemical Abstracts Service)
antrafenine, 55300-29-3; conivaptan, 168626-94-6, 210101-16-9; ergotamine, 113-15-5, 52949-35-6; itraconazole, 84625-61-6; natamycin, 52882-37-8, 7681-93-8; nilotinib, 641571-10-0; novobiocin, 1476-53-5, 303-81-1, 39301-00-3, 4309-70-0; pranlukast, 103177-37-
Linfadenectomía inguinal robot asistida (LIRA) para cáncer de pene
ResumenIntroducciónEl carcinoma de células escamosas es una entidad que ocupa el 2-5% de los tumores urogenitales, siendo por tanto poco frecuente, sin embargo en instituciones como la nuestra y por un alto volumen de pacientes y centro de referencia, se logra tener entre 5-7 casos por año. Dentro del tratamiento de estas lesiones se encuentra la linfadenectomía inguinal, la cual en la actualidad es realizada con mayor frecuencia con mínima invasión. Presentamos el caso de un paciente con carcinoma epidermoide de pene al que se le realizó linfadenectomía inguinal superficial y profunda con cirugía robot asistida.ObjetivoDescribir la técnica quirúrgica para linfadenectomía inguinal robot asistida en cáncer de pene.Presentación del casoHombre de 73 años con padecimiento con un año y 6 meses de evolución con aumento de volumen a nivel del glande; previa toma de biopsia se le realizó penectomía radical con uretrostomía perineal con resultado histopatológico de carcinoma epidermoide bien diferenciado verrucoso que infiltra el cuerpo esponjoso y la uretra (T3, N0, M0, G1); se realizó linfadenectomía inguinal robot asistida a las 4 semanas.ConclusionesLa linfadenectomía inguinal robot asistida es una técnica factible en centros en los que se cuente con dicha tecnología, logrando disminuir la morbilidad, el sangrado y la estancia hospitalaria, sin embargo tiene como desventaja el costo del procedimiento.AbstractIntroductionSquamous cell carcinoma is a rare tumor, making up from 2 to 5% of the urogenital tumors. However, because our hospital is a referral center that manages large numbers of patients, approximately 5-7 cases are seen per year. Inguinal lymph node dissection is one of the treatments for these lesions and is being performed more frequently as a minimally invasive procedure.ObjectiveOur aim was to describe the surgical technique for robotic-assisted inguinal lymphadenectomy in cancer of the penis. We present herein the case of a 73-year-old man with symptom progression of one year and 6 months and increased volume at the level of the glans penis. A biopsy was taken, after which he underwent radical penectomy with perineal urethrostomy. The histopathologic study reported well differentiated verrucous squamous cell carcinoma that invaded the corpus spongiosum and the urethra (T3N0M0G1). Four weeks later he underwent robotic-assisted inguinal lymphadenectomy of the superficial and deep lymph nodes.ConclusionsRobotic-assisted inguinal lymphadenectomy, aside from its high cost, is a feasible technique when carried out in specialized centers that reduces morbidity, blood loss, and hospital stay
Damage assessment methodology for vehicles exposed to flooding in urban areas
[EN] Urban floods may provoke important damages to vehicles, usually not taken into account within most studies related to urban flood risks damage assessments. Herein a methodology to estimate damages to vehicles exposed to urban floods is presented. After a state-of-the-art review, the most recent damage curves for vehicles developed by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE, 2009) are presented as the best adaptive and the most comprehensively performed so far. The proposed methodology is applied to the Spanish municipality of Badalona, framed in the H2020 European Project BINGO. In order to conduct this methodology some aspects such as the vehicular distribution are analyzed within the study area. Finally, Expected Annual Damage (EAD) for flooded vehicles is calculated based on inundations related to design storms of different return periods (1, 10, 100 and 500 years).[ES] Las inundaciones urbanas pueden provocar importantes daños a vehículos que, en general, no son considerados en la mayoría de estudios sobre evaluación de riesgo por inundaciones. En este artículo se propone una metodología para la estimación de los daños a vehículos expuestos a inundaciones urbanas. Se presenta inicialmente el estado de la cuestión en lo que se refiere a curvas de daños para vehículos, escogiéndose las desarrolladas por el U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE, 2009) por ser las más recientes, mejor justificadas y presentar mayor adaptabilidad al caso de estudio propuesto. La metodología propuesta se aplica al municipio español de Badalona, en el marco del proyecto europeo H2020 BINGO. Para llevar a cabo dicha metodología se definen y aplican conceptos como la distribución vehicular en toda el área estudiada. Finalmente, se evalúa el Daño Anual Esperado (DAE) relativo a coches a partir de los daños ocasionados por eventos sintéticos de 1, 10, 100 y 500 años de periodo de retorno.El trabajo presentado en este artículo se ha realizado en el marco del proyecto BINGO (Project ID: 641739) financiado por el programa H2020 de la Unión Europea (Acuerdo No. 641739).Martínez Gomariz, E.; Gómez, M.; Russo, B.; Sánchez, P.; Montes, J. (2017). Metodología para la evaluación de daños a vehículos expuestos a inundaciones en zonas urbanas. Ingeniería del Agua. 21(4):247-262. https://doi.org/10.4995/ia.2017.8772SWORD247262214Casas M. C., Rodríguez R., Redaño Á. (2010). Analysis of extreme rainfall in Barcelona using a microscale rain gauge network. Meteorological Applications 17(1): 117-123.Cummins, J.D., Suher, M., and Zanjani, G., 2010. Federal financial exposure to natural catastrophe. In: D. Lucas, ed. Risk Measuring and managing Federal financial risk. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press, 61-92.España (2016) Orden HFP/1895/2016, de 14 de diciembre. Boletín Oficial del Estado, 17 de diciembre de 2016, 304, pp. 87816-88485. [online: http://www.boe.es/buscar/doc.php?id=BOE-A-2016-11948].Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). Department of Homeland Security. Mitigation Division. (2015). Multi-hazard Loss Estimation Methodology. Flood Model. Hazus-MH MR5 Technical Manual. Washingtong, D.C., USA. 449p.Francés F., García-Bartual R., Ortiz E., Salazar S., Miralles J. L., Blöschl G., Komma J., Habereder C., Bronstert A., Blume T. (2008). Efficiency of non-structural flood mitigation measures: "room for the river" and "retaining water in the landscape." CRUE Research Report No I-6. 242p.Grigg N. S., Helweg O. J. (1975) State-of-the-art of estimating flood damage in urban areas. J Am Water Resour Assoc 11:379-390.Hammond M. J., Chen A. S., Djordjević S., et al (2015) Urban flood impact assessment: A state-of-the-art review. Urban Water J 12:14-29.Jongman, B., Kreibich, H., Apel, H., Barredo, J. I., Bates, P. D., Feyen, L., Gericke, A., Neal, J., Aerts,J. C. J. H., Ward, P. J. (2012). Comparative flood damage model assessment: towards a European approach. Natural Hazards and Earth System Science, 12(12), 3733-3752.Martínez-Gomariz, E., Gómez, M., Russo, B., Djordjević, S. (2016a) Stability criteria for flooded vehicles: a state-of-the-art review. Journal of Flood Risk Management. 10pp. (record online).Merz, B., Kreibich, H., Schwarze, R., Thieken, A. (2010). Review article "Assessment of economic flood damage." Natural Hazards and Earth System Science, 10(8), 1697-1724.Meyer V., Priest S., Kuhlicke C. (2011) Economic evaluation of structural and non-structural flood risk management measures: examples from the Mulde River. Nat Hazards 62:301-324.Shand T.D., Cox R.J., Blacka M.J., Smith G.P. (2011) Australian Rainfall and Runoff (AR&R). Revision Project 10: Appropriate Safety Criteria for Vehicles (Report Number: P10/S2/020). Sydney, Australia. 7p.U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) (2009). Economic Guidance Memorandum, 09-04, Generic Depth-Damage Relationships for Vehicles. Washington, D.C, USA. 9p.Velasco, M., Cabello, À., Russo, B. (2015). Flood damage assessment in urban areas. Application to the Raval district of Barcelona using synthetic depth damage curves. Urban Water Journal, 13(4), 426-440White G. F. (1945) Human Adjustment to Floods: A Geographical Approach to the Flood Problem in the United States. PhD Thesis, University of Chicago, USA
Supercritical Impregnation of Mangifera indica Leaves Extracts into Porous Conductive PLGA-PEDOT Scaffolds
Plant leaves, such as those from Mangifera indica, represent a potential utilization of waste due to their richness in bioactive compounds. Supercritical CO2 allows these compounds to be incorporated into various matrices by impregnation. Combined with its ability to generate polymeric scaffolds, it represents an attractive strategy for the production of biomedical devices. For this purpose, conjugated polymeric scaffolds of biodegradable PLGA (poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid)) and PEDOT:PSS (poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene)-poly(styrenesulfonate)), generated in situ by foaming, were employed for the supercritical impregnation of ethanolic mango leaves extract (MLE) in tissue engineering as a potential application. The extraction of MLE was performed by Enhanced Solvent Extraction. The effects of pressure (120–300 bar), temperature (35–55 °C), and depressurization rate (1–50 bar/min) on the physical/conductive properties and the impregnation of MLE were studied. The scaffolds have been characterized by liquid displacement, scanning electron microscope, resistance to conductivity techniques, measurements of impregnated load, antioxidant capacity and antimicrobial activity. Porosity values ranging 9–46% and conductivity values between 10−4–10−5 S/cm were obtained. High pressures, low temperatures and rapid depressurization favored the impregnation of bioactive compounds. Scaffolds with remarkable antioxidant activity were obtained (75.2–87.3% oxidation inhibition), demonstrating the ability to inhibit S. aureus bacterial growth (60.1 to 71.4%).Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (España)
Universidad de Cádiz (España)16 página
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