1,111 research outputs found

    Suelos de Gipuzkoa sobre argilitas : factores limitantes a su uso y conservación

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    En este estudio se caracterizan las propiedades de los suelos de Gipuzkoa desarrollados sobre argilitas y se evalúan en función de las limitaciones que presentan para su uso y conservación, por medio del Soil Fertility Capability Classification System de Buol (1972). Las principales características de estos suelos son su textura limosa a arcillosa, alta densidad aparente, contenidos bajos a moderados de materia orgánica, reacción ácida, déficit importante de nutrientes y elevada saturación de aluminio en el complejo de intercambio, además de situarse en áreas de topografía colinada. Estas propiedades hacen que sean muy susceptibles a la erosión y tengan problemas considerables para la nutrición de las plantas y toxicidad potencial por aluminioLan honetan Gipuzkoan argiliten gainean moldaturiko lurzoruen ezaugarriak aztertzen dira eta beraien erabilpen eta kontserbaziorako aurkezten dituzten mugak ebaluatzen dira, Buol-en Soil Fertility Capability Classification System delakoaren bidez (1972). Lurzoru hauen ezaugarri nagusiak: limo eta buztinaren arteko egitura, materia organikoen kopuru txiki edo moderatuak, erreakzio azidoa, nutrienteen eskasia nabarmena eta aluminio-saturazio handia elkartrukearen konplexuan, muino-topografia duten lekuetan kokatuak izateaz gain. Ezaugarri horiek direla eta, higaduraren menpe daude, landareen nutriziorako arazo handiak dituzte eta aluminiozko toxizitate potentzial handia duteDans la présente étude nous signalons les caractéristiques des sols de Gipuzkoa développés sur des argilites et nous les évaluons en fonction des limitationes qu'ils présentent du point de vue de leur utilisation et de leur conservation, en utilisant le Soil Fertility Capability Classification System de Buol (1972). Les principales caractéristiques de ces sols sont leur texture de limoneuse à argileuse, leur haute densité apparente, leurs contenus de bas à modérés de matière organique, leur réaction acide, leur déficit important en matiéres nourricières et leur importante saturation en aluminium dans le complexe d'échange, et également le fait qu'ils se trouvent dans des zones d'une topographie de collines. Ces caractéristiques les rendent très sensibles à l'érosion et posent des problèms considérables du point de vue de l'alimentation des plantes et de la toxicité potentielle par aluminiu

    On the Moyal deformation of Nahm Equations in seven dimensions

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    We show how the reduced (anti-)self-dual Yang-Mills equations in seven dimensions described by the Nahm equations can be carried over to the Weyl-Wigner-Moyal formalism. In the process some new solutions for the cases of gauge groups SU(2) and SL(2,R) are explicitly obtained.Comment: 16+1 pages, LaTeX, no figure

    Determination of the force transmitted by an ion thruster plasma plume to an orbital object

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    An approach to determine the force transmitted by the plasma plume of an ion thruster to an orbital object immersed in it using its central projection on a selected plane is proposed. A photo camera is used to obtain the image of the object central projection. The algorithms for the calculation of the transmission of momentum by the impacting ion beam are developed including the determination of the object contour and the correction of the error due to a camera offset from the ion beam axis, and the computation of the fraction of the ion beam that impinges on the object surface.The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Union Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) under grant agreement n°607457

    Dendrocronología en bosques neotropicales secos: métodos, avances y aplicaciones.

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    Los bosques neotropicales secos (BTSs) se caracterizan por una sequía marcada que permite la formación de anillos anuales de crecimiento en diversas especies de árboles. La aplicación de la dendrocronología en los BTSs requiere identificar, datar y medir los anillos de crecimiento. Esto permite tener una visión retrospectiva del crecimiento de los árboles a una escala temporal acorde con su longevidad. Para tal fin, es necesario tener un buen conocimiento de la anatomía de la madera. Por ejemplo, la mayoría de las especies de angiospermas utilizadas en estudios dendrocronológicos en BTSs presentan anillos de crecimiento delimitados por una banda de parénquima marginal. La información que proporcionan los anillos de crecimiento ha permitido: (i) cuantificar cómo el crecimiento de las especies de árboles de los BTSs responde a las variables climáticas (principalmente a la precipitación) y determinar cómo está relacionado con patrones atmosféricos a gran escala (El Niño-Oscilación del Sur) (dendroclimatología), y (ii) reconstruir y comprender diversos aspectos fundamentales de la historia de vida de las especies arbóreas de los BTSs (dendroecología), permitiendo conocer la edad y las tasas de crecimiento. La dendroecología es una herramienta útil que permitirá a los gestores forestales cuantificar o proyectar ciclos de corta específicos para cada especie arbórea, lo que contribuirá a un manejo sostenible de los BTSs

    Long-Term Adherence to IFN Beta-1a Treatment when Using RebiSmart® Device in Patients with Relapsing-Remitting Multiple Sclerosis

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    The effectiveness of disease-modifying drugs in the treatment of multiple sclerosis is associated with adherence. RebiSmart (R) electronic device provides useful information about adherence to the treatment with subcutaneous (sc) interferon (IFN) beta-1 alpha (Rebif (R)). The aim of the study was to determine long-term adherence to this treatment in patients with relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis (RRMS). This retrospective multicentre observational study analysed 258 patients with RRMS who were receiving sc IFN beta-1 alpha (Rebif (R)) treatment by using RebiSmart (R) until replacement (36 months maximum lifetime) or treatment discontinuation. Adherence was calculated with data (injection dosage, time, and date) automatically recorded by RebiSmart (R). Patients in the study had a mean age of 41 years with a female proportion of 68%. Mean EDSS score at start of treatment was 1.8 (95% CI, 1.6-1.9). Overall adherence was 92.6%(95% CI, 90.6-94.5%). A total of 30.2% of patients achieved an adherence rate of 100%, 80.6% at least 90%, and only 13.2% of patients showed a suboptimal adherence (<80%). A total of 59.9% of subjects were relapse-free after treatment initiation. Among 106 subjects (41.1%) who experienced, on average, 1.4 relapses, the majority were mild (40.6%) or moderate (47.2%). Having experienced relapses from the beginning of the treatment was the only variable significantly related to achieving an adherence of at least 80% (OR = 3.06, 1.28-7.31). Results of this study indicate that sc IFN beta-1 alpha administration facilitated by RebiSmart (R) could lead to high rates of adherence to a prescribed dose regimen over 36 months

    Time-dependent effects of climate and drought on tree growth in a Neotropical dry forest: short-term tolerance vs. long-term sensitivity

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    A seasonal period of water deficit characterizes tropical dry forests (TDFs). There, sympatric tree species exhibit a diversity of growth rates, functional traits, and responses to drought, suggesting that each species may possess different strategies to grow under different conditions of water availability. The evaluation of the long-term growth responses to changes in the soil water balance should provide an understanding of how and when coexisting tree species respond to water deficit in TDFs. Furthermore, such differential growth responses may be linked to functional traits related to water storage and conductance. We used dendrochronology and climate data to retrospectively assess how the radial growth of seven coexisting deciduous tree species responded to the seasonal soil water balance in a Bolivian TDF. Linear mixed-effects models were used to quantify the relationships between basal area increment and seasonal water balance. We related these relationships with wood density and sapwood production to assess if they affect the growth responses to climate. The growth of all species responded positively to water balance during the wet season, but such responses differed among species as a function of their wood density. For instance, species with a strong growth response to water availability averaged a low wood density which may facilitate the storage of water in the stem. By contrast, species with very dense wood were those whose growth was less sensitive to water availability. Coexisting tree species thus show differential growth responses to changes in soil water balance during the wet season. Our findings also provide a link between wood density, a trait related to the ability of trees to store water in the stem, and wood formation in response to water availability

    Alternative symplectic structures for SO(3,1) and SO(4) four-dimensional BF theories

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    The most general action, quadratic in the B fields as well as in the curvature F, having SO(3,1) or SO(4) as the internal gauge group for a four-dimensional BF theory is presented and its symplectic geometry is displayed. It is shown that the space of solutions to the equations of motion for the BF theory can be endowed with symplectic structures alternative to the usual one. The analysis also includes topological terms and cosmological constant. The implications of this fact for gravity are briefly discussed.Comment: 13 pages, LaTeX file, no figure

    Reconstructing the impact of human activities in a NW Iberian Roman mining landscape for the last 2500 years

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    This article was made available through the Brunel Open Access Publishing Fund.Little is known about the impact of human activities during Roman times on NW Iberian mining landscapes beyond the geomorphological transformations brought about by the use of hydraulic power for gold extraction. We present the high-resolution pollen record of La Molina mire, located in an area intensely used for gold mining (Asturias, NW Spain), combined with other proxy data from the same peat core to identify different human activities, evaluate the strategies followed for the management of the resources and describe the landscape response to human disturbances. We reconstructed the timing and synchronicity of landscape changes of varying intensity and form occurred before, during and after Roman times. An open landscape was prevalent during the local Late Iron Age, a period of relatively environmental stability. During the Early Roman Empire more significant vegetation shifts took place, reflected by changes in both forest (Corylus and Quercus) and heathland cover, as mining/metallurgy peaked and grazing and cultivation increased. In the Late Roman Empire, the influence of mining/metallurgy on landscape change started to disappear. This decoupling was further consolidated in the Germanic period (i.e., Visigothic and Sueve domination of the region), with a sharp decrease in mining/metallurgy but continued grazing. Although human impact was intense in some periods, mostly during the Early Roman Empire, forest regeneration occurred afterwards: clearances were local and short-lived. However, the Roman mining landscape turned into an agrarian one at the onset of the Middle Ages, characterized by a profound deforestation at a regional level due to a myriad of human activities that resulted in an irreversible openness of the landscape. © 2014 The Authors

    Hamilton-Jacobi theory for Hamiltonian systems with non-canonical symplectic structures

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    A proposal for the Hamilton-Jacobi theory in the context of the covariant formulation of Hamiltonian systems is done. The current approach consists in applying Dirac's method to the corresponding action which implies the inclusion of second-class constraints in the formalism which are handled using the procedure of Rothe and Scholtz recently reported. The current method is applied to the nonrelativistic two-dimensional isotropic harmonic oscillator employing the various symplectic structures for this dynamical system recently reported.Comment: 17 pages, no figure