1,838 research outputs found

    Trace elements and C and N isotope composition in two mushroom species from a mine-spill contaminated site

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    Fungi play a key role in the functioning of soil in terrestrial ecosystems, and in particular in the remediation of degraded soils. The contribution of fungi to carbon and nutrient cycles, along with their capability to mobilise soil trace elements, is well-known. However, the importance of life history strategy for these functions has not yet been thoroughly studied. This study explored the soil-fungi relationship of two wild edible fungi, the ectomycorrhizal Laccaria laccata and the saprotroph Volvopluteus gloiocephalus. Fruiting bodies and surrounding soils in a mine-spill contaminated area were analysed. Isotope analyses revealed Laccaria laccata fruiting bodies were 15N-enriched when compared to Volvopluteus gloiocephalus, likely due to the transfer of 15N-depleted compounds to their host plant. Moreover, Laccaria laccata fruiting bodies δ13C values were closer to host plant values than surrounding soil, while Volvopluteus gloiocephalus matched the δ13C composition to that of the soil. Fungal species presented high bioaccumulation and concentrations of Cd and Cu in their fruiting bodies. Human consumption of these fruiting bodies may represent a toxicological risk due to their elevated Cd concentrations

    Axes of relationship value between manufacturers and retailers

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    Purpose - The purpose of this paper is to define the relationship strategy of manufacturers with their retail customers through the identification of axes for the creation of relationship value. Design/methodology/approach - A survey was carried out and 219 valid questionnaires were completed and returned by the purchasing managers of retail companies in the furniture sector. The model was estimated using the partial least squares approach. Findings - The results revealed three axes of value creation: the core axis, the information and communication technologies (ICTs) axis, and the access axis. These axes included the benefits and costs related to the product and the service provided, the ICTs of the manufacturing project, and the relationships with the sales personnel. Research limitations/implications - Due to the size of the sample, the authors were unable to analyse the potential unobserved heterogeneity of the sample. The authors would suggest that this aspect should be analysed in future research in order to attempt to segment clients. Practical implications - Seller support is the main element of value creation. The importance of the efforts made by management to strengthen the capacities of the field force may be highlighted. Originality/value - The main contribution of this study has been to increase the level of abstraction of the study of relationship value through the identification and modelling of its axes of creation for the under-researched retailers-suppliers relationship

    Aportación al conocimiento de las algas marinas bentónicas del litoral comprendido entre el estuario del río Quejo y Punta de la Mesa, Noja, Cantabria, España

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    Se presenta un catálogo de la flora bentónica marina del litoral comprendido entre el estuario del río Quejo y la Punta de Mesa, Noja, Cantabria. Se aportan datos sobre el hábitat y estado reproductor de los taxones observados. El total de especies identificadas es de 146, de las cuales 95 corresponden a las Rodófitas (65%), 18 a las Clorófitas (12%) y 33 a las Feofíceas (23%). Consideramos que 20 especies (Pterocladiella melanoidea, Bonnemaisonia clavata en su fase esporofítica (Trailliella intricata), Phyllophora sicula, Gastroclonium reflexum, Aglaothamnion feldmanniae, Callithamnion corymbosum, Centroceras clavulatum, Ptilothamnion sphaericum, Drachiella minuta, Polysiphonia nigra, Polysiphonia scopulorum, Polysiphonia stricta, Streblocladia collabens, Cladophora albida, Codium decorticatum, Acinetospora crinita, Ectocarpus siliculosus, Zanardinia typus, Phyllariopsis brevipes subsp. pseudopurpurascens y Sargassum vulgare) son nuevas citas para la flora de Cantabria. Además 17 especies son segundas citas.A benthic marine algae catalogue from Noja, Cantabria is provided, including reproductive and habitat data of the distinct taxa. The total amount of species is 146, 95 of them are Rhodophyta (65%), 18 Chlorophyta (12%) and 33 Heterokontophyta (23%). We consider that 20 species (Pterocladiella melanoidea, Bonnemaisonia clavata (Trailliella intricata), Phyllophora sicula, Gastroclonium reflexum, Aglaothamnion feldmanniae, Callithamnion corymbosum, Centroceras clavulatum, Ptilothamnion sphaericum, Drachiella minuta, Polysiphonia nigra, Polysiphonia scopulorum, Polysiphonia stricta, Streblocladia collabens, Cladophora albida, Codium decorticatum, Acinetospora crinita, Ectocarpus siliculosus, Zanardinia typus, Phyllariopsis brevipes subsp. pseudopurpurascens and Sargassum vulgare) are new records for Cantabria. Moreover, 17 species are second records

    Submersible Printed Split-Ring Resonator-Based Sensor for Thin-Film Detection and Permittivity Characterization

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    A split-ring resonator (SRR)-based sensor for the detection of solid thickness and relative permittivity characterization of solid and liquid materials is proposed. The structure is composed of two SRRs hosted in a microstrip transmission line. The sensing principle is based on the detection of the notch introduced by the resonators in the transmission coefficient. Hence, a frequency shift of the notch is related to a change in the effective permittivity of the structure when the sensor is covered with any solid or liquid material. A complete characterization of the sensor, for the three proposed applications, is performed through simulations. Finally, all simulated results are corroborated with measurements. The proposed sensor is implemented in single-layer printed technology, resulting in a low-cost and low-complexity solution. It presents real-time response and high sensitivity. Moreover, it is fully submersible and reusable

    Application of 3D Printing in the Design of Functional Gluten-Free Dough

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    [EN] The design of functional foods through 3D printing is proposed here as one of the most appropriate technologies to provide closer food personalization for the population. However, it is essential to study the properties of the biomaterials intended to be printed. This work will evaluate the incorporation of rosehip as a functional ingredient in a gluten-free dough. Three types of dough (control, rosehip, and encapsulated rosehip) were printed in a rectangular figure of dimensions 7 cm long, 2 cm wide, and 1, 2, and 3 cm high. Changes in printed figures before and after baking were evaluated by image analysis. Physicochemical properties, total phenols (TP), antioxidant capacity (AC), and total carotenoids (TC) were determined both in the pre-printed doughs and in the printed and baked samples. The bread enriched with rosehips presented more orange colors in dough and crumbs. They were also more acidic than control, probably due to the ascorbic acid content of rosehip. The addition of rosehip generally makes the product more resistant to breakage, which could be due to the fiber content of the rosehip. It was observed that the incorporation of rosehip notably improved the functional properties of the bread.This research was funded by Conselleria de Innovacion, Universidades, Ciencia y Sociedad Digital, Generalitat Valenciana, grant number AICO/2021/137 and from MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033/through project PID2020-115973RB-C22.Matas-Gil, A.; Igual Ramo, M.; García-Segovia, P.; Martínez-Monzó, J. (2022). Application of 3D Printing in the Design of Functional Gluten-Free Dough. Foods. 11(11):1-17. https://doi.org/10.3390/foods11111555117111

    Impact of Rosehip (Rose Canina) Powder Addition and Figure Height on 3D-Printed Gluten-Free Bread

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    [EN] Three-dimensional (3D) food printing is a technique that satisfies the criteria for manufacturing personalized food and for specific consumer groups, both in terms of sensorial and nutritional properties. Rose hips are recognized as valuable food and medicine constituents due to their highlevel content of bioactive compounds. The aim of this study was to investigate the printability in terms of dimensional properties (variation in length, width and height) of 3D-printed, rectangular base (7 × 3 cm), gluten free bread doughs containing rosehip powder or rosehip powder encapsulated with maltodextrin. The effect of the addition of rose hips on rheology and the colour of dough plus texture and colour of final product was studied. The addition of rosehip increased both elastic and viscous modulus of dough and changed its colour from white to orange. After printing process, height effect on figure dimension was remarkable in comparison with dough formulation. The addition of rosehip powder in dough and the use of 2 cm of figure height improve the printability in terms of dimensional properties, achieving 3D structures with more stability and resistance to baking.This research was funded by Conselleria de Innovación, Universidades, Ciencia y Sociedad Digital, Generalitat Valenciana, grant number AICO/2021/137 and from MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033/ through project PID2020-115973RB-C22.Matas-Gil, A.; Igual Ramo, M.; García-Segovia, P.; Martínez-Monzó, J. (2022). Impact of Rosehip (Rose Canina) Powder Addition and Figure Height on 3D-Printed Gluten-Free Bread. Biology and Life Sciences Forum. 6(1):1-7. https://doi.org/10.3390/Foods2021-10979176

    Identificación bioinformática y análisis funcional de factores de transcripción de Pseudomonas savastanoi potencialmente implicados en la infección de Mandevilla spp.

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    La bacteria fitopatógena Pseudomonas savastanoi, perteneciente al complejo Pseudomonas syringae, incluye 4 patovares aislados de diferentes plantas leñosas: pv. savastanoi (olivo), pv. nerii (adelfa), pv. fraxini (fresno) y pv. retacarpa (retama). Recientemente, se ha caracterizado en nuestro grupo un nuevo patovar causante de necrosis bacteriana en la planta ornamental dipladenia (Mandevilla spp.) (Caballo-Ponce, E, 2017, Tesis Doctoral). Estudios filogenéticos han demostrado la estrecha relación entre cepas del patovar nerii (Psn) y las aisladas de Mandevilla spp. (Psm), sin embargo, éstas difieren en el rango de huésped. En este trabajo hemos llevado a cabo un análisis bioinformático comparativo del repertorio de posibles factores de transcripción codificados en los genomas de la cepa Ph3 de Psm y de las cepas de Psn ICMP16943 (capaz de infectar dipladenia y adelfa) y ESC23 (infecta solamente adelfa). De la comparativa bioinformática de un total de 500 posibles factores de transcripción, se han seleccionado 9 de ellos: 3 factores exclusivos de Psm Ph3, 2 factores truncados en Psm Ph3 y 4 factores ausentes en las cepas capaces de infectar dipladenia (Psn ICMP16943 y Psm Ph3). La ausencia/presencia o el truncamiento de los genes codificadores de estos factores se ha comprobado en estas y otras cepas de P. savastanoi mediante técnicas de PCR y secuenciación. Actualmente estamos llevando a cabo la construcción de mutantes en los factores seleccionados para determinar su papel en la infección de dipladenia. Este trabajo pretende contribuir en el conocimiento de los determinantes genéticos implicados en la especificidad de huésped de los diversos patovares de la especie P. savastanoi.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Identificación bioinformática y análisis funcional de factores de transcripción de Pseudomonas savastanoi potencialmente implicados en la infección de Mandevilla spp.

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    La bacteria fitopatógena Pseudomonas savastanoi, perteneciente al complejo Pseudomonas syringae, incluye cuatro patovares aislados de diferentes plantas leñosas: pv. savastanoi (olivo), pv. nerii (adelfa), pv. fraxini (fresno) y pv. retacarpa (retama). Recientemente, se ha caracterizado en nuestro grupo un nuevo patovar (Psm) causante de necrosis bacteriana en la planta ornamental dipladenia (Mandevilla spp.) (Caballo-Ponce, E, 2017, Tesis Doctoral). Estudios filogenéticos han demostrado la estrecha relación existente entre cepas del patovar nerii (Psn) y las aisladas de Mandevilla spp., aun cuando éstas difieren en el rango de huésped. En este trabajo hemos llevado a cabo un análisis bioinformático comparativo del repertorio de posibles factores de transcripción (Fts) codificados en los genomas de la cepa Ph3 de Psm y de las cepas de Psn ICMP16943 y ESC23. La búsqueda se centró en aquellos Fts posiblemente implicados en la infección de dipladenia, seleccionando un total de nueve posibles Fts: tres factores exclusivos de Psm Ph3, dos factores truncados exclusivamente en Psm Ph3 y cuatro factores ausentes tanto en Psn ICMP16943 como Psm Ph3 (las dos cepas que infectan dipladenia). De entre los TFs identificados, hemos seleccionados tres que forman parte de un posible operón junto a otros genes implicados en quimiotaxis. Se han construido mutantes de este operón en cada uno de los tres genes codificadores de los Fts seleccionados y en dos genes codificadores de Methyl Chemotaxis proteins (MCP). Actualmente estamos analizando el papel de estos genes en la patogenicidad en plantas de dipladenia y su implicación en quimiotaxis. Este trabajo pretende contribuir en el conocimiento de los determinantes genéticos implicados en la especificidad de huésped de los diversos patovares de la especie P. savastanoi.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Characterization of the GacS/GacA system in the virulence regulation in Pseudomonas savastanoi.

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    The two-component regulatory system GacS/GacA is one of the main mechanisms for global regulation in bacteria. GacS/GacA is a highly conserved system that has been studied in many pathogenic bacteria. However, its characterization has been mainly focused on pathogenic bacteria of herbaceous plants. Despite previous works have reported that GacS/GacA regulates the expression of virulence factors, its role in virulence varies among different species and strains. The aim of this work was the identification of virulence factors regulated by the GacS/GacA system in the model bacterium Pseudomonas savastanoi pv. savastanoi (Psv), causal agent of olive knot disease. To this end, we generated a gacA deletion mutant in the strain Psv NCPPB 3335, whose transcriptomic profile was further analyzed using a massive RNA sequencing (RNA-seq) strategy. The bioinformatic analysis of RNA-seq data showed that the Psv GacS/GacA system regulates a large number of genes, including some virulence factors already described, such as those related to the type III secretion system, the biosynthesis of phytohormones and the catabolism of aromatic compounds, among others. In addition, small Rsm-type RNAs and regulatory proteins (RsmA) were identified in the regulatory cascade of the GacS/GacA system. Finally, the involvement of some of the virulence factors of Psv NCPP 3335 were further studied through different phenotypic assays, such as plant virulence assays, induction of hypersensitive response, leaf adhesion tests and translocation of type III effectors. Results obtained in this work indicate that GacS/GacA system presents a role in regulation of virulence factors of Psv NCPPB 3335.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech