807 research outputs found

    IOBSERVER: species recognition via computer vision

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    This paper is about the design of an automated computer vision system that is able to recognize the species of fish individuals that are classified into a fishing vessel and produces a report file with that information. This system is called iObserver and it is a part of project Life-iSEAS (Life program).A very first version of the system has been tested at the oceanographic vessel “Miguel Oliver”. At the time of writing a more advanced prototype is being tested onboard other oceanographic vessel: “Vizconde de Eza”. We will describe the hardware design and the algorithms used by the computer vision software.Peer Reviewe

    Mutaciones del asociacionismo en una ciudad portindustrial

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    Se exponen en este trabajo los resultados de un estudio sobre la historia reciente y la situación actual del asociacionismo vecinal en Vigo. Después de un análisis del contexto socioeconómico y urbano, pasamos a reconstruir la génesis y consolidación de este reivindicativo movimiento vecinal. Por último, analizamos las principales diferencias entre asociaciones y la lógica que comunica sus particulares estrategias de acción. Observamos un cambio sustancial en la pérdida de representatividad y capacidades de influencia de las asociaciones del centro urbano, a la vez que las del ámbito periurbano incluso las han incrementado. La terciarización y las transformaciones en la composición social y usos espaciales de estas zonas periurbanas ha generado el singular fenómeno de que las asociaciones ahí localizadas siguen contribuyendo a la cohesión social de los vecindarios y a considerar las cuestiones de urbanismo como centrales en el conjunto de sus actividades.Vigoko auzoen asoziazionismoaren oraintsuko historia eta egungo egoerari buruzko ikerketa baten emaitzak erakusten dira lan honetan. Sozioekonomia eta hiri testuingurua aztertu ondoren, auzo mugimendu errebindikatzaile horren sortze eta sendotzeaz dihardugu. Azkenik, elkarteen arteko desberdintasun nagusiak aztertzen ditugu eta haien ekintzarako estrategia bereziek aditzera ematen duten logika. Funtsezko aldaketari erreparatzen diogu hiriguneko elkarteen ordezkatze eta eragiteko ahalmenaren galerari dagokionez, hiri ingurukoek ahalmen hori gehitzen zuten bitartean. Hirugarren sektorearen hedapenak eta hiri inguruko eskualde horien gizarte osaeran zein espazioen erabileran gertatu aldaketek fenomeno berezia eragin dute: bertako elkarteek auzoen gizarte kohesioari laguntzen jarraitzen dute eta hirigintza kontuak beren ekintzen muinean daude beti ere.On expose, dans ce travail, les résultats d'une étude sur l'histoire récente et la situation actuelle de l'associationnisme de voisinage à Vigo. Après une analyse du contexte socioéconomique et urbain, nous reconstruisons la genèse et la consolidation de ce mouvement de voisinage revendicatif. Enfin, nous analysons les principales différences entre associations et la logique que communique ses stratégies d'action particulières. Nous observons un changement substantiel dans la perte de représentativité et les capacités d'influence des associations du centre urbain, en même temps que celles du milieu périphérique les ont augmentées. La tertiairisation et les transformations dans la composition sociale et les usages spatiaux de ces zones de périphérie ont engendré un singulier phénomène: les associations qui sont localisées là continuent à contribuer à la cohésion sociale des voisinages et à considérer les questions d'urbanisme comme point central dans l'ensemble de ses activités.This research focuses on urban social movements in the city of Vigo, especially emphasizing on neighbourhood associations. Their recent history shows a common unity and strong legitimation around one federation. At the same time, two different and opposed phenomena ocurred inside this movement: the first one was the decline, in terms of representativity and capacities of mobilization, of neigbourhood associations located at the city centre; in second place, associations placed at the second "urban periphery" gained referenciality and power of influence. Urban planning continued as a main worry only for these last groups

    Study of biomolecules adsorption on carbon nanotubes for their application as biosensors

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    Carbon Nanotubes (CNTs) are a new material with electric, mechanical and electrochemical properties that make them interesting for different applications. Due to their high superficial area, the CNTs are very sensitive to molecules adsorbing on them. This property makes them a very good candidate for integrating into biosensors. In this context, the control of the non specific adsorption of molecules different from the one wanting to detect, is a parameter to be known and controlled. Along this Master Final Project, the adsorption of streptavidin, a biomolecule widely used in biomedical research, on the surface of Single Walled NanoTubes (SWNTs) have been studied. The highly specific biotin-streptavidin system have been used for specifically binding the streptavidin to the surface of the nanotube and to control the degree of specific / non specific adsorption. SWNTs with different functional groups at the surface have been considered. The horseradish peroxidase (HRP)-catalyzed oxidation of 3,3’-5,5’-tetramethylbenzidine (TMB) have been used as colorimetric test to determine the presence of streptavidin onto the SWNTs. The non specific adsorption of the protein has been intended to be prevented. Among the great variety of surfactants and molecules used to prevent the adsorption, polyethylene glycol (PEG), Tween20® and Pluronic® F-127 have been used. No complete blockage have been achieved. Once the adsorption of that protein over the surface of SWNTs has been known, it has been used to detect DNA hybridization, binding on strand to the nanotube in a specific way. The detection of the hybridization have been carried out optically by a fluorescent probe on the complementary strand

    Insights into the role of differential gene expression on the ecological adaptation of the snail Littorina saxatilis

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>In the past 40 years, there has been increasing acceptance that variation in levels of gene expression represents a major source of evolutionary novelty. Gene expression divergence is therefore likely to be involved in the emergence of incipient species, namely, in a context of adaptive radiation. In this study, a genome-wide expression profiling approach (cDNA-AFLP), validated by quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) were used to get insights into the role of differential gene expression on the ecological adaptation of the marine snail <it>Littorina saxatilis</it>. This gastropod displays two sympatric ecotypes (RB and SU) which are becoming one of the best studied systems for ecological speciation.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Among the 99 transcripts shared between ecotypes, 12.12% showed significant differential expression. At least 4% of these transcripts still displayed significant differences after correction for multiple tests, highlighting that gene expression can differ considerably between subpopulations adapted to alternative habitats in the face of gene flow. One of the transcripts identified was Cytochrome c Oxidase subunit I (COI). In addition, 6 possible reference genes were validated to normalize and confirm this result using qPCR. α-Tubulin and histone H3.3 showed the more stable expression levels, being therefore chosen as the best option for normalization. The qPCR analysis confirmed a higher COI expression in SU individuals.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>At least 4% of the transcriptome studied is being differentially expressed between ecotypes living in alternative habitats, even when gene flow is still substantial between ecotypes. We could identify a candidate transcript of such ecotype differentiation: Cytochrome c Oxidase Subunit I (COI), a mitochondrial gene involved in energy metabolism. Quantitative PCR was used to confirm the differences found in COI and its over-expression in the SU ecotype. Interestingly, COI is involved in the oxidative phosphorylation, suggesting an enhanced mitochondrial gene expression (or increased number of mitochondria) to improve energy supply in the ecotype subjected to the strongest wave action.</p

    Patterns and barriers for innovation and R&D cooperation between Argentine and Spanish firms

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    10 tables, 4 figures, 27 pagesThis paper examines co-operative innovation and research and development (R&D) behaviour between Argentine and Spanish firms. Based on theoretical perspectives from the literature, we surveyed a sample of 540 Argentine and Spanish firms believed to have cooperated for technological innovation. We present empirical evidence based on 104 firms of patterns of cooperation in several processes and out-puts, highlighting firm characteristics, the motives of the collaborating parties, types of partners and R&D and innovation activities, leadership, and obstacles to cooperation. Our results reveal that the determinants of success differ considerably among countries depending on the sector, the firm specific characteristics and funding. These differences have important implications for public policy and instruments to support R&D and innovation activities

    Activation in the family of Candida rugosa isolipases by polyethylene glycol

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    Disponible en: http://www.xtal.iqfr.csic.es/publications/jmolcat2005.pdfWe have investigated activation of two isoenzymes (lip1 and lip3) from Candida rugosa in polyethylene glycol (PEG) media. Aqueous solutions of PEG 8000 and 20,000 activate lip3 but not lip1 from C. rugosa. Maximum activation (260%) of lip3 requires 6 h of pre-incubation with PEG 8000 (4%, w/v). PEG seems to shift the equilibrium between the open and the closed forms of lip3 towards the active conformation. Inhibition experiments demonstrate that ligands have easier access to the lip3 active site than to the lip1 active site, both in the presence and the absence of PEG. The presence of PEG in the crystallization medium is responsible for reported differences in the crystal structures of lip1 and lip3. A comparative analysis of crystallographic models of lip1 and lip3 suggests a role for PEG in activation of lip3 and further stabilization of the activated/open form via dimerization in aqueous media.This work has been financed by the Spanish CICYT (PB92/0495 and BIO 96/0837). A predoctoral fellowship for M.F.P. was provided by the Autonomous Community of Madrid (Spain).Peer reviewe

    La intervención didáctica para promover la alfabetización inicial de dos niños no nativo hablantes de español, un estudio de caso

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    El propósito de este informe es presentar los resultados de la intervención didáctica para alfabetizar, llevada a cabo por una alumna que realizaba prácticas docentes en un preescolar público de la ciudad de Querétaro, México. Dentro del aula asistían dos niños, no nativo hablantes de español. Uno de ellos tenía como primera lengua (L1) el hñähñú (lengua indígena del centro del país), y el otro el chino (mandarín). Ambos lograban comunicarse con sus compañeros en español y presentaban escaso conocimiento del sistema de escritura (Ferreiro y Teberosky, 1979). La intervención constó de 25 sesiones organizadas en tres momentos: lectura literaria, realización de tareas de escritura e, interpretación y seguimiento de instrucciones escritas. La intervención constructivista, se enfoca en que el alumno tome decisiones gráficas y de lectura a partir de resolver problemas comunicativos (Brousseau, 2007; Alvarado, 2001; Vernon, 2001). Al final de las 25 sesiones ambos niños presentaban escrituras alfabéticas

    A regionalized IO-model to value seasonal recreational ecosystem services in a mountain National Park in Spain

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    Recreational Ecosystem Services (RES) are among the most frequently evaluated ecosystem services. RES are seen as a major opportunity for sustainable development in areas of high ecological value resulting from the presence of emblematic species, habitats or scenery, often integrated in conservation areas, in particular in mountain areas affected by depopulation, rising environmental risks and poverty. Economically, the assessment of RES has been based on Contingent Valuation and Choice Experiments, methods with limitations related to their subjectivity. Alternatively, Input-Output (IO) models provide a very accurate and effective way of valuation of RES with regional information regarding interindustry transactions. Whilst data on nature tourist expenditure may be only available annually, tourism inflows have a strong seasonal behavior, which impacts the profitability of several local economic activities. In this paper, we firstly constructed a novel regionalized IO-model based on Cross-Industry Location Quotients using employment data and, secondly, based on Monte Carlo simulation, we estimated nature tourist expenditure monthly using data on nature tourism inflows. This method allowed for a more precise RES evaluation, estimating direct, indirect and induced monthly economic impacts of nature-based tourism. The method was applied to the Ordesa and Monte Perdido (OMP) National Park in the Spanish Pyrenees. To estimate the average tourist expenditure, we collected and analyzed spending on commerce, hospitality and restaurants, leisure, and transport of 385 visitors. Results suggest that using a regionalized IO model leads to a considerable reduction of over-estimation of the economic impact of tourist expenditure estimated by conventional methods. Taking into consideration the direct, indirect and induced effects of tourist expenditure in 2016-2018, the total annual output effect in the OMP National Park amounted to €208.8 million, while the total income effect amounted to €86.29 million. Also, a total of 2,429 jobs were created which indicates that for each thousand annual visitors to the National Park, 3.8 jobs are created in the surrounding area. Overall, the proposed methodology can be easily applied to the remaining National Parks in Spain or other regions in the world, making it a valuable tool to estimate the value of RES in areas affects by strong seasonality, to set priorities and support regional policies for mountain sustainable development.We gratefully acknowledge financial support from the Organismo Autónomo de Parques Nacionales (Project V09-Cátedra de Parques Nacionales) to the development of this study. The authors would like to acknowledge the entire staff and the stakeholders of the Ordesa and Monte Perdido National Park for their support in this endeavor.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Dealing with water conflicts: a comprehensive review of mcdm approaches to manage freshwater ecosystem services

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    This paper presents a comprehensive review of the application of Multiple-Criteria Decision-Making (MCDM) approaches exclusively to water-related freshwater ecosystem services. MCDM analysis has been useful in solving conflicts and it works well in this framework, given the serious conflicts historically associated with water use and the protection of freshwater ecosystems around the world. In this study, we present a review of 150 papers that proposed the use of MCDM-based methods for the social, economic, or ecological planning and management of water ecosystem services over the period 2000–2020. The analysis accounts for six elements: ecosystem service type, method, participation, biogeographical realm, waterbody type, and problem to solve. A Chi-square test was used to identify dependence between these elements. Studies involving the participation of stakeholder groups adopted an integrated approach to analysing sustainable water management, considering provisioning, regulating, and cultural services. However, such studies have been in decline since 2015, in favour of non-participatory studies that were strictly focused on ecological and provisioning issues. Although this reflects greater concern for the health of freshwater ecosystems, it is a long way removed from the essence of ecosystem services, which entails an integrated approach to the interrelationships between hydrology, landscapes, ecology, and humans.The authors thanks the UNESCO UNED-URJC Chair in Water and Peace institutional coverage to the development of this study.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio