29 research outputs found

    Human CD6 down-modulation following T-Cell activation compromises lymphocyte survival and proliferative responses

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    Available evidence indicates that the CD6 lymphocyte surface receptor is involved in T-cell developmental and activation processes, by facilitating cell-to-cell adhesive contacts with antigen-presenting cells and likely modulating T-cell receptor (TCR) signaling. Here, we show that in vitro activation of human T cells under different TCR-ligation conditions leads to surface downregulation of CD6 expression. This phenomenon was (i) concomitant to increased levels of soluble CD6 (sCD6) in culture supernatants, (ii) partially reverted by protease inhibitors, (iii) not associated to CD6 mRNA down-regulation, and (iv) reversible by stimulus removal. CD6 down-modulation inversely correlated with the upregulation of CD25 in both FoxP3- (Tact) and FoxP3+ (Treg) T-cell subsets. Furthermore, ex vivo analysis of peripheral CD4+ and CD8+ T cells with activated (CD25+) or effector memory (effector memory T cell, CD45RA-CCR7-) phenotype present lower CD6 levels than their naïve or central memory (central memory T cell, CD45RA-CCR7+) counterparts. CD6lo/- T cells resulting from in vitro T-cell activation show higher apoptosis and lower proliferation levels than CD6hi T cells, supporting the relevance of CD6 in the induction of proper T-cell proliferative responses and resistance to apoptosis. Accordingly, CD6 transfectants also showed higher viability when exposed to TCR-independent apoptosis-inducing conditions in comparison with untransfected cells. Taken together, these results provide insight into the origin of sCD6 and the previously reported circulating CD6-negative T-cell subset in humans, as well as into the functional consequences of CD6 down-modulation on ongoing T-cell responses, which includes sensitization to apoptotic events and attenuation of T-cell proliferative responses

    Alfabetització en salut a l'Alt Empordà

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    Alfabetització; Salut; NensAlfabetización; Salud; NiñosLiteracy; Health; ChildrenL'objectiu va ser conèixer les caracteristiques de la població i l'alfabetització en Salut en usuaris de la unitat maternoinfantil el 2021, considerant que l'atenció -i el contacte- d'entrada es fa en població atesa per una activitat natural, en població sana. Metodologia: Entrevista amb qüestionari validat d'Alfabetització en Salut, a pares de nadons atesos per procés de part habitual, amb selecció de mostra oportunista a dies complerts, per eliminar biaixos de procedència. Resultats: S'han validat 60 casos, amb una edat mitjana de 32,27 anys (DE=6,2), dels quals el 75% eren dones. Respecte a la nacionalitat dels participants, el 41, 7% eren espanyols, el 30% marroquins i el 28,3% d'altres nacionalitats. Respecte al nivell d'estudis, el 10% no tenien estudis, el 31,7% tenien estudis primaris (ESO), el 36,7% secundaris (professional) i el 21,7% universitaris. La puntuació mitjana del nivell d'alfabetització per la salut va ser de 11,95 (DE=2,84) i la mediana de 12 (RIQ=5) en una escala de 0 a 16. Conclusions: Segons l’escala, es va observar que el 12,2% presentaven un nivell d'alfabetització inadequat, el 46,3% problemàtic i el 41,5% suficient. No hi ha diferencies estadístiques en alfabetització en salut segons les nacionalitats agrupades ( espanyol - altres) ni en funció del nivell d'estudis preguntats, però en totes les persones sense estudis s'observa un nivell de alfabetització en salut problemàtic o inadequa

    Human CD6 Down-Modulation following T-Cell Activation Compromises Lymphocyte Survival and Proliferative Responses

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    Available evidence indicates that the CD6 lymphocyte surface receptor is involved in T-cell developmental and activation processes, by facilitating cell-to-cell adhesive contacts with antigen-presenting cells and likely modulating T-cell receptor (TCR) signaling. Here, we show that in vitro activation of human T cells under different TCR-ligation conditions leads to surface downregulation of CD6 expression. This phenomenon was (i) concomitant to increased levels of soluble CD6 (sCD6) in culture supernatants, (ii) partially reverted by protease inhibitors, (iii) not associated to CD6 mRNA down-regulation, and (iv) reversible by stimulus removal. CD6 down-modulation inversely correlated with the upregulation of CD25 in both FoxP3− (Tact) and FoxP3+ (Treg) T-cell subsets. Furthermore, ex vivo analysis of peripheral CD4+ and CD8+ T cells with activated (CD25+) or effector memory (effector memory T cell, CD45RA−CCR7−) phenotype present lower CD6 levels than their naïve or central memory (central memory T cell, CD45RA−CCR7+) counterparts. CD6lo/− T cells resulting from in vitro T-cell activation show higher apoptosis and lower proliferation levels than CD6hi T cells, supporting the relevance of CD6 in the induction of proper T-cell proliferative responses and resistance to apoptosis. Accordingly, CD6 transfectants also showed higher viability when exposed to TCR-independent apoptosis-inducing conditions in comparison with untransfected cells. Taken together, these results provide insight into the origin of sCD6 and the previously reported circulating CD6-negative T-cell subset in humans, as well as into the functional consequences of CD6 down-modulation on ongoing T-cell responses, which includes sensitization to apoptotic events and attenuation of T-cell proliferative responses

    Polygenic markers in patients diagnosed of autosomal dominant hypercholesterolemia in Catalonia : distribution of weighted LDL-c-raising SNP scores and refinement of variant selection

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    Altres ajuts: Fundació la Marató de TV3 grant 20152431Familial hypercholesterolemia (FH) is associated with mutations in the low-density lipoprotein (LDL) receptor (LDLR), apolipoprotein B (APOB), and proprotein convertase subtilisin/kexin 9 (PCSK9) genes. A pathological variant has not been identified in 30-70% of clinically diagnosed FH patients, and a burden of LDL cholesterol (LDL-c)-raising alleles has been hypothesized as a potential cause of hypercholesterolemia in these patients. Our aim was to study the distribution of weighted LDL-c-raising single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) scores (weighted gene scores or wGS) in a population recruited in a clinical setting in Catalonia. The study included 670 consecutive patients with a clinical diagnosis of FH and a prior genetic study involving 250 mutation-positive (FH/M+) and 420 mutation-negative (FH/M−) patients. Three wGSs based on LDL-c-raising variants were calculated to evaluate their distribution among FH patients and compared with 503 European samples from the 1000 Genomes Project. The FH/M− patients had significantly higher wGSs than the FH/M+ and control populations, with sensitivities ranging from 42% to 47%. A wGS based only on the SNPs significantly associated with FH (wGS8) showed a higher area under the receiver operating characteristic curve, and higher diagnostic specificity and sensitivity, with 46.4% of the subjects in the top quartile. wGS8 would allow for the assignment of a genetic cause to 66.4% of the patients if those with polygenic FH are added to the 37.3% of patients with monogenic FH. Our data indicate that a score based on 8 SNPs and the75th percentile cutoff point may identify patients with polygenic FH in Catalonia, although with limited diagnostic sensitivity and specificity

    TFG 2012/2013

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    Amb aquesta publicació, EINA, Centre universitari de Disseny i Art adscrit a la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, dóna a conèixer el recull dels Treballs de Fi de Grau presentats durant el curs 2012-2013. Voldríem que un recull com aquest donés una idea més precisa de la tasca que es realitza a EINA per tal de formar nous dissenyadors amb capacitat de respondre professionalment i intel·lectualment a les necessitats i exigències de la nostra societat. El treball formatiu s’orienta a oferir resultats que responguin tant a paràmetres de rigor acadèmic i capacitat d’anàlisi del context com a l’experimentació i la creació de nous llenguatges, tot fomentant el potencial innovador del disseny.Con esta publicación, EINA, Centro universitario de diseño y arte adscrito a la Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona, da a conocer la recopilación de los Trabajos de Fin de Grado presentados durante el curso 2012-2013. Querríamos que una recopilación como ésta diera una idea más precisa del trabajo que se realiza en EINA para formar nuevos diseñadores con capacidad de responder profesional e intelectualmente a las necesidades y exigencias de nuestra sociedad. El trabajo formativo se orienta a ofrecer resultados que respondan tanto a parámetros de rigor académico y capacidad de análisis, como a la experimentación y la creación de nuevos lenguajes, al tiempo que se fomenta el potencial innovador del diseño.With this publication, EINA, University School of Design and Art, ascribed to the Autonomous University of Barcelona, brings to the public eye the Final Degree Projects presented during the 2012-2013 academic year. Our hope is that this volume might offer a more precise idea of the task performed by EINA in training new designers, able to speak both professionally and intellectually to the needs and demands of our society. The educational task is oriented towards results that might respond to the parameters of academic rigour and the capacity for contextual analysis, as well as to considerations of experimentation and the creation of new languages, all the while reinforcing design’s innovative potential

    Actividades Breakout para motivar al alumnado

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    Treball Final de Màster Universitari en Professor/a d'Educació Secundària Obligatòria i Batxillerat, Formació Professional i Ensenyaments d'Idiomes. Codi SAP509. Curs: 2018/2019.En este trabajo de Final de Máster (en adelante TFM) se presenta la metodología de la investigación-acción realizada para el tema de funciones para la asignatura de matemáticas aplicadas, en concreto con alumnado de 4.º de ESO, desarrollada durante la estancia en prácticas en el IES Honori García. En esta metodología el papel del profesor investigador es muy importante. Con el fin de mejorar la motivación del alumnado en la materia, se han propuesto dos actividades relacionadas el juego “Breakout”, cada vez más extendidos. Cabe destacar de la investigación-acción que, en los años 40, Kurt Lewin, en Estados Unidos, le dio entidad al intentar establecer una investigación que no se limite a producir libros, sino que se integre la experimentación científica. Esta consta de cuatro fases y es una forma de entender la enseñanza, no sólo de investigar sobre ella. Esta metodología supone entender la enseñanza como un proceso de investigación, de continua búsqueda. Lo más importante de esta investigación es la última fase, la reflexión final que el profesor hace de su práctica. (Herreras, E. B., 2004). Asimismo, un “Breakout” es un juego derivado de las populares “Escape Rooms” y, aunque no son lo mismo, tienen muchas características en común. Principalmente, cambia el objetivo de cada uno, en el primero se han de hallar los dígitos que abren una caja bloqueada con un candado y, en el segundo, salir de una habitación de la cual hay que encontrar la llave. Para obtener tanto el dígito como la llave se necesita la resolución de una serie de enigmas en un tiempo determinado. Para meter al alumnado en el contexto, las actividades están diseñadas con temáticas actuales. Según el artículo encontrado en [w5] los “Breakout“son actividades que: (a) Se adaptan a cualquier contenido curricular. (b) Promocionan la colaboración y el trabajo en equipo. (c) Desarrollan el pensamiento crítico y la habilidad para resolver problemas. (d) Mejoran la competencia verbal. (e) Plantean retos ante los que se debe perseverar. (f) Construyen el pensamiento deductivo. (g) Los participantes aprendan a trabajar bajo presión. (h) El alumnado es el protagonista del aprendizaje y es divertida para todo el mundo

    An application of excess lead-210 analysis for the study of fine sediment connectivity in a Mediterranean mountain basin with badlands, the Vallcebre research catchments

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    Analysis of sediment dynamics in Mediterranean environments is fundamental to basin management, particularly for mountain catchments with badlands, which affect water bodies and freshwater ecosystems. Connectivity has emerged in Environmental and Earth Sciences as an evolution of the sediment delivery concept, providing a useful framework for understanding how sediments are transferred between geomorphic zones of the catchment. This study explores the feasibility of excess lead-210 (210Pbex) to analyse sediment connectivity in a 4-km2 Mediterranean mountain basin with badlands (the Vallcebre research catchments, Eastern Pyrenees) by applying simple 210Pbex mass-balance models for hypothesis generation and experimental testing in the field. Badland surfaces in the basin are weathered by freezing during the winter and are further eroded in summer by the effect of highintensity storms. The eroded sediments may remain deposited within the catchment streams from months to years. Application of 210Pbex balance models in our basin proposes: (i) a saw-tooth seasonal pattern of badland surface 210Pbex activities (increasing from October to May, and depleted in summer) and (ii) a downstream increase in sediment activity due to fallout lead-210 accumulation in streambed sediment deposits. Both deposited and suspended sediments collected at the Vallcebre catchments showed, in general, low sediment 210Pbex concentrations, illustrating their fresh-rock origin at the badland sites, but also hampering the understanding of sediment 210Pbex patterns due to high measurement uncertainty (particularly for sediments with d50>20m) and to strong dependence on sediment sampling methodology. Suspended sediment 210Pbex activity reproduced the simulated seasonal activity patterns for the badland surfaces. Contrary to the in-stream transit increases of sediment 210Pbex activity that were predicted by our model simulations, fallout lead-210 concentrations in the suspended sediments decreased towards the basin outlet, suggesting that fine sediment flushing by flooding prevented 210Pbex accumulation in the coarser streambed sediment deposits. These results indicate a high fine-sediment connectivity between the badlands, streams and basin outlet of the Vallcebre catchments, as well as the sequestration and fast transmission of fallout lead-210 by the finest and most dynamic fraction of sediments

    A Generic Relation Between Turbidity, Suspended Particulate Matter Concentration, and Sediment Characteristics

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    Optical turbidity sensors have become standard instrumentation to estimate suspended particulate matter concentration (SPMC). However, turbidity readings respond to factors other than SPMC, such as particle size and shape, organic fraction, sediment density and color. Therefore, local and site dependent calibrations are needed to transfer turbidity to SPMC. In this study, we propose a new relation between turbidity, suspended particulate matter (SPM) carbon content and particle size, which helps to move from local calibrations between turbidity and SPMC toward generic relations based on inherent SPM properties. Organic content is known to influence particle size, density and, as a result, turbidity, but an explicit formulation of turbidity accounting for organic content has not yet been established. We address this knowledge gap by collecting field data from four sites representing contrasting land use types, geological settings and watershed size. The sites were monitored with a turbidity meter, a LISST-200X particle size analyzer and an automatic water sampler. SPM samples were collected and analyzed for particle size, carbon content, and color. Local calibrations between turbidity and SPMC derived at each site were compared with a generic calibration, where SPMC was obtained as a function of turbidity, carbon content, particle size and color. The mean relative error associated to predicted SPMCs was equal to 3% when using the generic calibration, which is only marginally lower than the mean relative error of 5% obtained using the local calibrations