127 research outputs found

    Las nodrizas y su importancia en los cuidados

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    Respecto a la figura historia de la nodriza podemos indicar que supuso un elemento normalizado en la sociedad en el entorno de los cuidados con un rol importante en el patrón demográfico

    Malformación de Arnold-Chiari. La pérdida de la sonrisa

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    La Malformación de Arnold-Chiari es una enfermedad rara caracterizada por la presencia de síntomas insidiosos que pueden suponer un retraso en el diagnóstico. Las características sintomatológicas como el dolor, la pérdida de fuerza progresiva, los mareos, etc., junto con los efectos secundarios de los fármacos indicados para el tratamiento sintomático (anticonvulsionantes, antidepresivos, analgésicos, etc.) supone una pérdida de la calidad de vida de la persona. Aspectos de la calidad de vida que en un entorno biomédico suelen pasar desapercibidos, y juntamente, con la falta de repercusión exterior de la patología, supone la incomprensión de las personas del entorno. Con el fin de poder conocer las percepciones y experiencias de una persona afecta se ha utilizado la historia de vida, presentando la historia de Javi, que por su doble vertiente de persona afecta y personal sanitario, se convierte en informante clave. The Arnold-Chiari malformation is a rare disease characterized by the presence of insidious symptoms that may be a delay in diagnosis. The symptomatology char-acteristics such as pain, progressive loss of strength, dizziness, etc., along with the side effects of the drugs indicated for the symptomatic treatment (anticonvulsants, antidepressants, analgesics, etc.) a loss of quality of life of the individual. Aspects of quality of life in a biomedical environment that often go unnoticed, and together with the lack of external impact of the disease, is misunderstood by the people around. In order to understand the perceptions and experiences of a person is used affects the life history, presenting the story of Javi, which in turn affects two aspects of person and health personnel, becomes a key informant

    Afectividad positiva y salud

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    RESUMEN Clásicamente se ha relacionado la afectividad positiva con la salud, y se intuye que hay una conexión directa entre ambas. De hecho, se cree que el desarrollo de sentimientos y emociones positivas ejerce un papel preventivo respecto a la enfermedad; o lo que es lo mismo, actúa como factor protector de la salud. En este texto se pretende explorar la relación entre ambos conceptos a través de diversos postulados teóricos de la Psicología de las emociones. Como resultados principales destaca la confirmación de la hipótesis que apunta a una íntima relación entre estos dos aspectos. Muchos autores consideran que en la actitud o forma de reaccionar ante los estímulos que nos rodean, está la clave o el origen de lo que posteriormente llegará a convertirse en trastornos afectivos o enfermedades psicosomáticas si no son tratados correctamente ABSTRACT Positive affectivity has always been associated with health, and it is said that there is a direct connection between the two. In fact, it is believed that the development of feelings and positive emotions plays a preventive role as far as illness is concerned, that is to say, it helps protect our health. The aim of this text is to ascertain the relationship between both concepts, based on various theoretical postulates of the Psychology of Emotions. One of the main results is the confirmation of the hypothesis which states that there is a close relationship between the concepts. Many authors believe that in this attitude and the in way we react to stimuli around us, we will be able to find the origin of future emotional disorders or psychosomatic illnesses

    Importancia de la enfermera escolar en la detección de la neoplasia testicular

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    En este artículo planteamos una revisión de la literatura en diferentes bases de datos (CINAHL, CUIDEN, MEDLINE) con el fin de valorar la importancia de la neoplasia testicular en la adolescencia y el papel fundamental del profesional de enfermería, concretamente de la enfermera escolar, en la detección precoz de esta patología. Una vez analizado el tema y tras tomar conciencia de la importancia de enseñar prácticas de autoexploración testicular correctas, se ha concluido que la enfermera escolar no debe desarrollar únicamente una actividad asistencial, sino que entre sus funciones se debe contemplar la promoción de la salud y la prevención del cáncer testicular. Dentro del proceso educador, y como fomento de hábitos higiénicos en el adolescente, planteamos dadas las características de presentación de la neoplasia testicular la realización de talleres en los que se instruya a los jóvenes en la autoexploración testicular y la necesidad de realizar una técnica correcta, con el fin de fomentar la adquisición de hábitos de autoexploración testicular al igual que se hace en las mujeres para detectar precozmente la patología mamari

    Spanish Nurses' Knowledge about Palliative Care. A National Online Survey

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    Background: Nurses can find people with advanced diseases or in their last days of life during their professional careers and in many different care settings. For this reason, they need to have at least a basic level of palliative care education since they are the professional cohort treating these patients in a very close way. This research aims to determine the level of knowledge in palliative care of Spanish nurses and establish any possible difference based on their experience and training in palliative care. (2) Methods: A cross-sectional design using survey methods (distributed an online questionnaire) aimed at Spanish registered nurses. A validated questionnaire (PCQN-SV) was used to determine the level of knowledge in palliative care; information on some variables to characterize the population was also collected (experience and education in palliative care, years of professional experience, academic level, and others). Uni and bivariate descriptive analyses were performed. A binary logistic regression model was also developed to identify those variables that influenced obtaining results higher than the population's average. (3) Results: Spanish nurses have a medium-low level of knowledge in palliative care, higher in those who have previous experience or education in this area. Statistically significant differences were also found according to the area in which their caring activity was developed. (4) Conclusions: It is necessary to implement strategies for the basic training of nursing professionals in palliative care to offer quality care to people in advanced stages of illnesses or at the end of their lives

    An instrument to measure nurses' knowledge in palliative care: Validation of the Spanish version of Palliative Care Quiz for Nurses

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    Background Palliative care is nowadays essential in nursing care, due to the increasing number of patients who require attention in final stages of their life. Nurses need to acquire specific knowledge and abilities to provide quality palliative care. Palliative Care Quiz for Nurses is a questionnaire that evaluates their basic knowledge about palliative care. The Palliative Care Quiz for Nurses (PCQN) is useful to evaluate basic knowledge about palliative care, but its adaptation into the Spanish language and the analysis of its effectiveness and utility for Spanish culture is lacking. Purpose To report the adaptation into the Spanish language and the psychometric analysis of the Palliative Care Quiz for Nurses. Method The Palliative Care Quiz for Nurses-Spanish Version (PCQN-SV) was obtained from a process including translation, back-translation, comparison with versions in other languages, revision by experts, and pilot study. Content validity and reliability of questionnaire were analyzed. Difficulty and discrimination indexes of each item were also calculated according to Item Response Theory (IRT). Findings Adequate internal consistency was found (S-CVI = 0.83); Cronbach's alpha coefficient of 0.67 and KR-20 test result of 0,72 reflected the reliability of PCQN-SV. The questionnaire had a global difficulty index of 0,55, with six items which could be considered as difficult or very difficult, and five items with could be considered easy or very easy. The discrimination indexes of the 20 items, show us that eight items are good or very good while six items are bad to discriminate between good and bad respondents. Discussion Although in shows internal consistency, reliability and difficulty indexes similar to those obtained by versions of PCQN in other languages, a reformulation of the items with lowest content validity or discrimination indexes and those showing difficulties with their comprehension is an aspect to take into account in order to improve the PCQN-SV. Conclusion The PCQN-SV is a useful Spanish language instrument for measuring Spanish nurses' knowledge in palliative care and it is adequate to establish international comparisons

    Essential oil composition of leaves of Pistacia lentiscus L. growing wild in Valencia (Spain)

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    [EN] Pistacia lentiscus L. grows wild in a wide range of habitats in Mediterranean countries. The essential oil (EO) composition of its aerial parts has been extensively studied showing noticeable differences according to plant organ (leaves and twigs or fruits), geographical origin and harvest time. In this study, EO composition of leaves of samples coming from two representative habitats from Valencia (Spain) -siliceous (Segart) and calcicolous (Xeraco) soils-were determined by GC/MS and GC/FID. Hydrocarbon monoterpenes was found the major fraction (57.5 %) in calcicolous soil, whereas hydrocarbon sesquiterpenes was in siliceous soil (39.9 %). Oxygenated monoterpenes reached a significant higher amount in leaves from siliceous location (11.2 %) as against calcicolous one (6.7 %). The rate of oxygenated sesquiterpenes was also higher in siliceous soil (15.2 % in contrast to 1.6 % in calcicolous one. These results lead to consider soil parameters as hypothetical source of EO composition variability being the target for further researches.Llorens Molina, JA.; Vacas González, S.; Sabater Martínez, J. (2015). Essential oil composition of leaves of Pistacia lentiscus L. growing wild in Valencia (Spain). Natural Volatiles and Essential Oils. 2(4):17-26. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/70897S17262

    Smartphone Addiction Inventory (SPAI): Translation, adaptation and validation of the tool in Spanish adult population

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    The wide functionality and the vast range of attributes offered by smartphones has led to a substantial increase in the average amount of time these devices are used per day. An excessive use of these tools has been shown to result in symptomatology similar to psychological disorders caused by substance addiction. In Spain, smartphone use has risen exponentially but the effects of this increase remain unclear. Therefore, an instrument is required to help determine the extent of smartphone addiction in the Spanish population. The Smartphone Addiction Inventory (SPAI) is a valid and reliable mean to identify and measure smartphone addiction and so, the aim of this research is the translation and adaptation of SPAI to Spanish, as well as the analysis of its psychometric properties in a Spanish adult population of 2,958 adults, at the University of Valencia. A multiphase-interactive model has been used, based on classical translation-back-translation methods to translate and adapt the SPAI. Moreover, a confirmatory factor analysis to verify that the inventory showed acceptable goodness of fit indices (χ2293 = 4795.909, Comparative Fit Index = 0.927, Tucker-Lewis Index = 0.919, Root Mean Square Error of approximation = 0.072, and Standardised Root Mean square Residual = 0.051) has been carried out. Also good reliability has been found for the global inventory (Cronbach's alpha = 0.949), and each of its corresponding factors: compulsive behaviour, functional impairment, abstinence, and tolerance (Cronbach's alpha = 0.856, 0.888, 0.855, and 0.712, respectively). Hence, the SPAI has been adequately translated and adapted for its use in Spain and therefore it is a useful tool for evaluating the degree of smartphone addiction in the Spanish adult population

    Intervención multidisciplinar en el manejo de la disnea en personas con patologías crónicas no malignas en situación avanzada

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    El presente trabajo muestra una revisión crítica de un artículo en que se presentan los resultados de un ensayo clínico realizado en un hospital de Reino Unido para estudiar los resultados de una intervención con enfoque paliativo utilizada en el manejo de la disnea en pacientes con enfermedades crónicas en fases avanzadas. Tras el resumen del artículo, destacando los principales resultados obtenidos, se presenta la revisión crítica del artículo, en la que se ha intentado analizar tanto el diseño como la metodología utilizada en el ensayo clínico, como las implicaciones para la práctica de enfermería y especialmente en el ámbito de los cuidados paliativos

    Complications Associated with Peripherally Inserted Central Catheters (PICC) in People Undergoing Autologous Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation (HSCT) in Home Hospitalization

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    Introduction: The SARS‐CoV‐2 pandemic generated the need to keep immunosuppressed patients away from hospital institutions for as long as possible. This in turn stimulated the imple‐ mentation of a home hospitalization model for autologous hematopoietic stem‐cell transplantation (HSCT). Purpose: To analyze whether there are significant differences in post‐transplantation com‐ plications related to catheters observed in patients treated in the home‐transplant care modality compared to patients treated in the hospital. Methodology: Observational, analytical, longitudinal, and retrospective study of cases and controls. A convenience sample was chosen, in which the cases comprised 20 patients included in the home HSCT care model. For each patient, it was considered suitable to propose two controls among those who received autologous transplantation in the last five years with a baseline demographic and pathological profile similar to the case for whom they were control. Results: The home patients achieved an average of 22.4 ± 2.6 days of evolution with an average of 16.4 ± 2.08 days post‐transplant, compared to the hospital process with an average of 21.21 ± 4.18 days of evolution and 15.51 ± 3.96 days post‐transplant (evolution days p = 0.022; post‐ transplant days p = 0.002). A higher percentage of use of parenteral nutrition (p = 0.036) and trans‐ fusions (p = 0.003) was observed during the post‐transplant phase in the hospital. The rest of the therapeutic measures did not show significant differences. When analyzing the frequency of ad‐ verse effects in the post‐transplant phase, a significant increase in neutropenic fever (OR = 8.55) and positive blood cultures (OR = 6.65) was observed in hospital patients. Any other significant differ‐ ences in other variables related to PICC were found (presence and days of neutropenic fever, cath‐ eter infection, complications, pathogens, admission to the ICU, or death). Concerning local compli‐ cations (pain, DVT, Medical adhesive‐related Skin Injury, and erythema), there was more erythema in the hospital (p = 0.056). Conclusions: The results obtained indicate that regarding the appearance of complications associated with PICCs in home hospitalization HSCT patients, there are no signif‐ icant differences compared to hospitalization, so that home care can be a safe context for people with these line