210 research outputs found

    Exploration of the Shoulder Internal Rotation’s Influence on Throwing Velocity in Handball Players: A Pilot Study

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    The main objective of this study was to test the relationship between shoulder internal rotation strength and standing throwing velocity. A repeated measures cross-sectional study was conducted with 20 professional handball players (mean +/- SD; age: 19.28 +/- 2.55 years, weight: 81.52 +/- 9.66 kg, height: 185 +/- 6 cm, BMI: 23.74 +/- 1.69). The participants were instructed to perform eight standing throws from the 7 m line of the handball court at maximum velocity to calculate the mean and maximum throwing velocity. An incremental test was performed to calculate the repetition maximum (1-RM) of internal rotation shoulder strength. A Pearson's correlation analysis with a 95% confidence interval (95% CI) was performed to determine whether correlations existed between dominant arm internal rotation strength characteristics and maximum and mean ball-throwing velocity. There is no correlation between the internal rotation strength of the throwing shoulder and the velocity of the ball in the standing handball throw.FEDER/Junta de Andalucia- Consejeria de Transformacion Economica, Industria, Conocimiento y UniversidadesEuropean Commission B-CTS-184-UGR2

    Responsabilidad social: perspectiva del alumnado de Administración y Dirección de Empresas

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    [Resumen] En esta comunicación se recoge la perspectiva del alumnado perteneciente a primero del grado de Administración y Dirección de Empresas de la Facultad de Economía y Empresa, en la Universidade da Coruña durante el curso 2016-2017, en torno a la responsabilidad social. Este trabajo está dividido en tres fases, la primera, la recogida de información cuantitativa mediante un cuestionario estructurado, la segunda, el desarrollo de un trabajo cualitativo por parte del alumnado y la última fase, exposición y reflexión oral del alumnado en torno a la temática. En la primera fase de este trabajo se analiza el grado de conocimiento del concepto de la responsabilidad social; la identificación de las dimensiones de la responsabilidad social; la principal finalidad que percibe el alumnado para llevar a cabo políticas de responsabilidad social en las organizaciones; la clasificación de los sectores según su grado de implicación en materia de responsabilidad social (entre los que se encuadra la educación en comparación con otros sectores); la importancia de los requisitos para clasificar a las organizaciones como socialmente responsables; y los programas en los que desearía participar el alumnado una vez que finalicen sus estudios en la universidad

    El Análisis del Contexto, Fundamento Básico para el Diseño de Propuestas Didácticas.

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    The context is the framework in which a situation occurs, a community or a person develops. This context makes us understand that the student is not an abstract entity, but is inserted in a space and time, which determines their learning, in this sense, this work aims to show a didactic proposal that considers the implementation of STEAM methodology as a resource for teaching the formative field "knowledge and scientific thinking" in the framework of the New Mexican School in Colima considering the main characteristics of this context. The approach is mixed, since, in order to understand the context of the schools, it is important to analyze its context variables, such as demographic, socioeconomic and political variables from a qualitative approach, trying to relate how these affect the development of the educational community. On the other hand, it is also necessary to analyze from the quantitative approach, the internal variables of the schools, such as achievement levels, and, from the qualitative approach, what is the relationship of the management variables, in order to have such levels. The type of research is descriptive, since the intention is to show the main characteristics of the study context in order to design a didactic proposal.El contexto es el marco en que se da una situación, se desarrolla una comunidad o una persona. Este contexto hace entender que el alumno no es una entidad abstracta, sino que está inserto en un espacio y un tiempo, lo que determina su aprendizaje, en este sentido, este trabajo tiene como objetivo mostrar una propuesta didáctica que considere la implementación de la metodología STEAM como un recurso para la enseñanza del campo formativo “saberes y pensamiento científico” en el marco de la Nueva Escuela Mexicana en Colima considerando las principales características de dicho contexto. El enfoque es mixto, puesto que, para comprender el contexto de las escuelas, es importante analizar sus variables de contexto, tales como, demográficas, socio económicas y políticas desde el enfoque cualitativo, intentanto relacionar cómo éstas afectan el desarrollo de la comunidad educativa. Por otro lado, también es necesario analizar desde el enfoque cuantitativo, las variables internas de las escuelas, como los niveles de logro, y, desde lo cualitativo, cuál es la relación de las variables de gestión, para tener dichos niveles. El tipo de investigación es descriptivo, puesto que, la intención es mostrar las principales características del contexto de estudio, para diseñar una propuesta didáctica

    Muscle Quality and Functional and Conventional Ratios of Trunk Strength in Young Healthy Subjects: A Pilot Study

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    Background: The trunk strength conventional ratio (CR) has been evaluated. However, the functional ratio and the ratio of strength to body weight (BW) or muscle mass (MM) have been poorly explored. Relative strength is a measure of muscle quality. Objectives: To analyze the trunk strength ratio normalized by BW and MM and compare the trunk's conventional and functional ratios collected in isokinetic and isometric conditions. Methods: Twenty-seven healthy males (21.48 +/- 2.08 years, 70.22 +/- 7.65 kg) were evaluated for trunk isometric and isokinetic strength using a functional electromechanical dynamometer. Results: The extensor's strength was greater than the flexors, with a CR of 0.41 +/- 0.10 to 0.44 +/- 0.10. Muscle quality was higher in eccentric contraction and high velocity for flexors and extensors. The functional flexor ratio (FFR) ranged between 0.41 +/- 0.09 and 0.92 +/- 0.27. The functional extensor ratio (FER) ranged between 2.53 +/- 0.65 and 4.92 +/- 1.26. The FFR and FER showed significant differences between velocities when considering the peak strength (p = 0.001) and mean strength (p = 0.001). Conclusions: Trunk extensors were stronger than the flexors; thus, the CR was less than one. Muscle quality was higher at a high velocity. Unlike CR, FFR and FER behaved differently at distinct velocities. This finding highlights the need to explore the behavior of the functional ratio in different populations.DGI-University Andres Bello DI-08-CBC/22FEDER/Ministry of Science, Innovation, and Universities-State Research Agency RTI2018-099723-B-I0

    Evaluación de productos botánicos para manejo de mosca blanca (Bemisia tabaci Gennadius) y pulga del tomate (Halticu ssp) en el cultivo de tomate (Solanum lycopersicum Mill.), en Nicaragua

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    The whitefly-virus complex (Bemisia tabaci)-Geminivirus and Halticus sp. are the main cause of economic losses in tomato (Solanum Lycopersicum Mill) in the municipality of Tisma, Masaya. Due to this situation, a study was conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of botanical insecticides such as: Chile + Garlic + Soap, Madero Negro, Chrysanthemum, alcoholic extract + Chili and alcoholic extract + Chili + Garlic in the period from December 2013 to February 2014. Of the treatments evaluated, the lowest number of whiteflies per plant and lower percentage of severity at one hundred days after transplanting was obtained with the treatment Alcoholic extract+Chili+Garlic. The treatment Madero Negro had the highest effectiveness in managing populations of Halticus sp. The economic analysis showed that the highest yield was obtained by the Alcoholic extract+Chili+Garlic with 34 685.18 kg/ha-1 followed by the treatment Chili+Garlic+Soap with 30 614.28 kg/ha-1. According to the marginal return analysis, this proved that the treatment Chili+Garlic+Soap is the one who obtained the best marginal rate of return with 1 476 %, which means that USD 14.76 is obtained for every dollar invested. According to samples of tomato tissue and whiteflies insect samples sent for analysis to at the University of Arizona in Tucson, this determined that the 66.66% of white flies samples from Tisma are indigenous whitefly, biotype “A”, and the 33.33% corresponds to the “B” biotype, the one that is more aggressive than “A”. The Begomoviruses analysis found that severe curl leaf tomato (ToSLCV) with at least 96% and golden mosaic virus of pepper (PepGMV) with 98% identity were identified in this studyEl complejo mosca blanca (Bemisia tabaci)-Geminivirus y Halticus sp son las principales plagas causantes de pérdidas económicas en el cultivo de tomate (Solanum lycopersicum Mill) en el municipio de Tisma-Masaya. En base a esta situación se realizó un estudio para evaluar la efectividad que tiene para controlar estas y otras plagas secundarias los tratamientos botánicos: chile + ajo + jabón, madero negro, crisantemo, extracto alcohólico + chile, extracto alcohólico + chile + ajo y testigo en el período comprendido entre diciembre 2013 a febrero 2014. De los tratamientos evaluados, el menor número de moscas blancas por planta y el menor porcentaje de severidad a los cien después de trasplante lo obtuvo el tratamiento extracto alcohólico + chile + ajo. El tratamiento madero negro presentó la mayor efectividad en el manejo de poblaciones de Halticus sp. El mayor rendimiento se obtuvo con extracto alcohólico + chile + ajo con 34 685.18 kg ha-1 seguido del tratamiento chile + ajo + jabón con 30 614.28 kg ha-1. De acuerdo al análisis de tasa de retorno marginal, el tratamiento chile+ajo+jabón es el que obtuvo la mejor tasa de retorno marginal con 1 476%, es decir, USD 14.76 por cada dólar invertido. Además el análisis de biotipo de mosca blanca realizado en la Universidad de Tucson, Arizona muestra que un 66.66% corresponde a la mosca blanca autóctona (biotipo A), y el 33.33% corresponde al biotipo B, el cual es más agresivo que el A. Según el análisis de los begomovirus se determinó: enrollamiento severo de la hoja de tomate (ToSLCV) con al menos 96% de identidad en las muestras y el virus del mosaico dorado de la chiltoma (PepGMV) con un 98% de identidad

    Tornando-se um profissional: comparando quatro intervenções para promover mudança de identidade

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    This study describes the main results obtained in a research in which the aim was to promote a positive developmental transition involving an identity change: from being a student to becoming a professional. Taking into account recent literature on promoting positive youth development we designed an ideographic process-oriented intervention. This aimed to compare the effects of four different kinds of intervention: remediative, generative, life-learning and an integration of all three. Twelve students belonging to two different groups (6 students from university studies and 6 students from technical studies) were studied during three months from an initial interview. Every participant was assigned to an experimental group depending on the kind of intervention taking place: G1. Remediative Intervention, G2. Generative Intervention, G3. Life Learning Intervention, G4. Integrative Intervention, G5. Interview, G6. Control Group. In addition to the interview and intervention there were two qualitative tests of changes taking place one month and 3 months after the first interview. In this article we will describe the characteristics of the different interventions, the comparison of their main effects and the main issues appearing in the sessions. We will finish with the presentation of some useful concepts in order to prepare developmental interventions dealing with transitions. Key words: transition, identity, intervention, process, ideographic.Este artigo descreve os principais resultados de um estudo cujo objetivo foi promover uma transição positiva do desenvolvimento envolvendo uma mudança de identidade: da fase de estudante para a profissional. Levando-se em consideração a literatura recente sobre promoção do desenvolvimento positivo na adolescência, foi delineada uma intervenção ideográfica orientada para o processo. O objetivo foi comparar os efeitos de quatro diferentes tipos de intervenção: remediativa, generativa, aprendizagem de vida e uma integração das três. Doze estudantes pertencentes a dois diferentes grupos (6 estudantes universitários e 6 de uma escola técnica) foram acompanhados durante três meses após uma entrevista inicial. Cada participante foi alocado em um grupo experimental, de acordo com o tipo de intervenção: G1 Remediativa, G2. Generativa. G3. Aprendizagem de vida, G4. Integrativa, G5 Entrevista, G6. Controle. Além da entrevista e intervenção foram realizados dois testes qualitativos sobre as mudanças ocorridas um e três meses após as diferentes intervenções. Neste artigo serão descritas as características das diferentes intervenções, as comparações dos principais efeitos e os principais resultados das sessões. Finalizando, serão apresentadas algumas concepções úteis para a preparação de intervenções desenvolvimentais que lidam com transições. Palavras-chave: transição, identidade, intervenção, processo, ideográfico

    Diseñar una empresa dedicada a la prestación de servicios domiciliarios en salud, en el municipio de Cartago Valle, 2018 IPS salud casa S.A.S

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    Este estudio surge como una opción, a los diversos problemas referentes a la ocupación en la red hospitalaria, destacando el modelo de prestación de servicios, que permite atender a los usuarios de manera oportuna, eficiente y eficaz en su domicilio. Este modelo de atención, impacta al sistema general de seguridad social en salud, teniendo en cuenta al usuario, a la institución prestadora en servicios de salud y a las entidades administradoras de planes de beneficios.Declaración: EL AUTOR-ESTUDIANTE, manifiesta que la obra objeto de la presente autorización es original y la realizó sin violar o usurpar derechos de autor de terceros, por lo tanto, la obra es de su exclusiva autoría y tiene la titularidad sobre la misma. PARÁGRAFO: en caso de presentarse cualquier reclamación o acción por parte de un tercero en cuanto a los derechos de autor sobre la obra en cuestión, EL ESTUDIANTE-AUTOR, asumirá toda la responsabilidad, y saldrá en defensa de los derechos aquí autorizados; para todos los efectos la Fundación Universitaria del Área Andina actúa como un tercero de buena fe

    Propiedades anticoagulantes de una fracción polisacárida de alto peso molecular (1000RS) del ascidian Microcosmus exasperatus

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    ABSTRACT: The anticoagulant effect and cytotoxicity of a high molecular weight polysaccharide fraction (1000RS) obtained from the tunic of the ascidia Microcosmus exasperatus were evaluated. Methods: Anticoagulant properties of 1000RS was evaluated by activated Partial Thromboplastin Time (aPTT), Thrombin Time (TT), Prothrombin Time (PT), anti-factor Xa and lupic anticoagulant (dRVVT) assays. Cytotoxicity was tested on murine hematopoietic cells using MTT assay. Results: This galactose rich fraction showed to be a potential anticoagulant due to its inhibitory effect on the intrinsic coagulation pathway. At the same time, anticoagulant doses of this fraction have no effect on cellular viability, which means that it can be used as a therapeutic agent. Conclusion: In vitro anticoagulant effect of 1000RS occurs at innocuous doses, however, it still need to be tested using in vivo models and its cytotoxicity evaluated in normal human cell lines.RESUMEN: El efecto anticoagulante y la citotoxicidad de una fracción de polisacáridos de alto peso molecular (1000RS), obtenida de la túnica de la ascidia Microcosmus exasperatus, fueron evaluados. Métodos: La actividad anticoagulante de 1000RS fue evaluada mediante los ensayos de tiempo de tromboplastina parcial activado (TTPa), tiempo de trombina (TT), tiempo de protrombina (TP), anti factor Xa y anticoagulante lúpico (dRVVT). La citotoxicidad sobre las células hematopoyéticas murinas fue evaluada usando el método del MTT. Resultados: Esta fracción rica en galactosa mostró ser un anticoagulante potencial debido a su efecto inhibidor de la vía intrínseca de la coagulación. Así mismo, las dosis anticoagulantes de esta fracción no afectan la viabilidad celular, lo cual ratifica su potencial como agente terapéutico. Conclusión: El efecto anticoagulante in vitro de 1000RS ocurre a dosis inocuas, sin embargo, éste debe ser evaluado en modelos in vivo, así como su citotoxicidad sobre células humanas normales

    Fitted avatars: automatic skeleton adjustment for self-avatars in virtual reality

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    In the era of the metaverse, self-avatars are gaining popularity, as they can enhance presence and provide embodiment when a user is immersed in Virtual Reality. They are also very important in collaborative Virtual Reality to improve communication through gestures. Whether we are using a complex motion capture solution or a few trackers with inverse kinematics (IK), it is essential to have a good match in size between the avatar and the user, as otherwise mismatches in self-avatar posture could be noticeable for the user. To achieve such a correct match in dimensions, a manual process is often required, with the need for a second person to take measurements of body limbs and introduce them into the system. This process can be time-consuming, and prone to errors. In this paper, we propose an automatic measuring method that simply requires the user to do a small set of exercises while wearing a Head-Mounted Display (HMD), two hand controllers, and three trackers. Our work provides an affordable and quick method to automatically extract user measurements and adjust the virtual humanoid skeleton to the exact dimensions. Our results show that our method can reduce the misalignment produced by the IK system when compared to other solutions that simply apply a uniform scaling to an avatar based on the height of the HMD, and make assumptions about the locations of joints with respect to the trackers.This work was funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (PID2021-122136OB-C21). Jose Luis Ponton was also funded by the Spanish Ministry of Universities (FPU21/01927).Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version