188 research outputs found

    Propuesta de modelo de atención para un Hospital del día Geriátrico Quito Ecuador

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    The Geriatric Day Hospitals are generally integrated in to a hospital in Second or Third level that bridge between inpatient and outpatient care of geriatric patients, geriatric patients considered as those frail elderly carriers of multiple comorbilities and functional disorders, social or psychic. Among the objectives of the geriatric day hospital are: ensure clinical stability and rehabilitation process after the acute illness, facilitate early discharge from hospital, recovering activities of daily living, providing support to families and caregivers, etc. Although there is ample evidence in the literature of its usefulness in improving the health and quality of life of the elderly, their high cost has question edits benefit relative to other support services for seniors.Los Hospitales del Día Geriátricos son unidades integradas generalmente a un Hospital de segundo o tercer nivel que sirven de puente entre la internación y la atención ambulatoria de pacientes geriátricos, considerándose como paciente geriátrico a aquellos adultos mayores frágiles portadores de múltiple comorbilidad y de trastornos funcionales, psíquicos y/o sociales. Dentro de los objetivos del Hospital del Día Geriátrico se hallan: garantizar la estabilidad clínica y el proceso rehabilitador tras la enfermedad aguda, facilitar el alta temprana hospitalaria, recuperar las actividades de la vida diaria, proporcionar apoyo a la familia y a los cuidadores, etc. A pesar de existir amplia evidencia en la literatura consultada de su utilidad en mejorar las condiciones de salud y calidad de vida del adulto mayor, su alto costo ha puesto en tela de juicio su beneficio en relación a otro tipo de servicios de ayuda para adultos mayores

    El plan andaluz de atención a las altas capacidades intelectuales: panorama actual y perspectivas de futuro

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    En nuestro trabajo reconocemos la importancia de promulgar y desarrollar un Plan específico para detectar alumnos y alumnas de altas capacidades, de cara darles la respuesta educativa más adecuada. Analizamos las características del Plan promulgado y puesto en marcha por la Junta de Andalucía, tratando de ver de modo crítico y constructivo sus ventajas y limitaciones. Finalmente, se hacen algunas sugerencias para mejorar las limitaciones detectadas.In our work we recognize the importance of enacting and develop a specific plan to detect high ability students, facing them to the most appropriate educational response. We analyze the characteristics of the issued implemented by the Government of Andalusia, trying to see, in a critical and constructive way, its advantages and limitations. Finally, some suggestions are made to improve the identified limitations.peerReviewe

    La evaluación del aprendizaje y el fracaso escolar

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    Actualmente hablamos más que nunca del fracaso escolar. La escuela presenta un gran desfase en relación con las motivaciones e intereses que el alumnado tiene hacia los procesos de enseñanza- aprendizaje. Entendemos por fracaso escolar el no obtener titulación acreditativa al final del periodo de escolarización obligatoria y a la repetición de cursos académicos. Pero la repetición de curso sin más no es garantía de que el niño vaya a adquirir las competencias que le permita promocionar, sino se lleva a cabo una atención mucho más individualizada. Por lo tanto repetir puede conllevar dos cosas, por un lado castigo, por no haber alcanzado los objetivos que la institución educativa ha propuesto para una determinada edad y por otra parte exclusión social. A lo largo de este artículo se hace un recorrido por los principales estudios existentes en relación a la evaluación del aprendizaje y el fracaso escolar, que nos ofrecen una visión de lo que está aconteciéndose en la sociedad actual y se analiza una muestra de 266 estudiantes en la provincia de Almería, en relación a estas variables.Today we talked about more than never school failure. The school presents a large gap on the motivations and interests that the student has to the learning process. We understand school failure not get qualification proof at the end of the period of compulsory schooling and the repetition of academic courses. The repetition without more is no guarantee that the child will acquire the skills to promote, but carried out a much more individualized attention. So repeated can lead to two things, one hand punishment, for having not attained the objectives proposed by the educational institution for a certain age and, on the other hand, social exclusion. Throughout this article makes a tour of the main existing studies in relation to the evaluation of learning and school failure, which offer us a vision of what is happening in today’s society and analyzed a sample of 266 students in the province of Almeria, in relation to these variables

    A Collaborative testbed Web Tool for Learning Model Transformation in Software Engineering Education

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    Software Engineering provides mechanisms to design, develop, manage and maintain social and collaborative software systems. At present, the Software Engineering Curricula includes teaching Model-Driven Engineering (MDE) as a new paradigm that enables higher productivity, attempting to maximize compatibility between systems. Modern learning methods MDE require the use of practical approaches to analyze new model-transformation techniques. Model transformations are carried out by using very high-level languages, like the ATL language. This model transformation language is built as a plugin for the Eclipse framework, and users who want to collaborate and develop software with it, have some difficulties executing ATL transformations outside this platform. To handle models at runtime, it is interesting to perform the transformations in a standalone way. In this context, we have developed a testbed web tool which aims to be useful for learning model transformation techniques. The tool offers a Graphical User Interface to test and verify the involved model transformations.The proposal is useful as a collaborative scenario for learning MDE and model transformation issues and techniques in Software Engineering education

    Influencia del tiempo de escaldado, presión de empacado al vacío y grado de madurez del grano en la conservación de arveja (pisum sativum l.)

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    La presente investigación propone alternativas para conservar productos que por su composición nutricional están expuestos de sufrir modificaciones , generadas específicamente por microorganismos durante la poscosecha, siendo una de las alternativas la aplicación de barreras protectoras que permitan mantener inocuo el producto, razón por la cual se plantea el siguiente tema: “Influencia del tiempo de escaldado, presión de empacado y grado de madurez del grano en la conservación de arveja (Pisum sativum l.)”. Los factores estudiados fueron: Factor Grado de Madurez del Grano: M1 (madurez comercial), M2 (madurez fisiológica) Factor Tiempo de Escaldado: B1 (6min.), B2 (8min.), B3(10min.) Factor Presión de Empacado: P1 (5mbar), P2 (10mbar) Para el estudio estadístico se utilizó un Diseño Completamente al Azar (D.C.A.) con un arreglo factorial AxBxC, en el que A corresponde al grado de madurez del grano, B al tiempo de escaldado y C a la presión de empacado, con doce tratamientos y tres repeticiones; la unidad experimental fue de 1000g. Se realizó análisis funcional de Tukey al 5% para tratamientos y Diferencia Mínima Significativa para factores. Para determinar la calidad del producto se evaluaron las variables cuantitativas: color, olor, sabor textura y preferencia del producto. En relación al porcentaje de pérdidas después del escaldado se determinó que los tratamientos con un nivel de madurez M2 (fisiológica) obtuvieron un menor porcentaje de pérdidas durante el proceso. Mientras que los análisis microbiológicos determinaron que T1 (madurez comercial, tiempo de escaldado de 6 min. y presión de empacado de 5 mbar), T3 (madurez comercial, tiempo de escaldado de 10 min. y presión de empacado de 5 mbar) y T9 (madurez fisiológica, tiempo de escaldado de 10 min. y presión de empacado de 5 mbar) fueron los tratamientos que se conservaron durante mayor tiempo, 22 días sin presentar una significativa contaminación

    Composing Model Transformations at Runtime: an approach for adapting Component-based User Interfaces

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    Nowadays, large part of the efforts in software development are focused on achieving systems with an as high as possible level of adaptation. With the traditional technique of model-driven development this can be largely accomplished. The inconvenience of these techniques however, is that the models are usually manipulated at design-time by means of fixed transformation. Furthermore, the transformations that manipulate these models cannot change dynamically according to the current execution context. This paper presents a transformation pattern aimed to adapt architectural models at runtime, this means that these models may change dynamically at runtime. The transformations that produce this model adaptation are not fixed, but dynamically composed by selecting the most appropriate set of rules from those available in a repository. As an example scenario for the application of these transformations, we chose architectural models representing component-based UIs

    Too dense to go through: The importance of low-mass clusters for satellite quenching

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    We study the evolution of satellite galaxies in clusters of the C-EAGLE simulations, a suite of 30 high-resolution cosmological hydrodynamical zoom-in simulations based on the EAGLE code. We find that the majority of galaxies that are quenched at z=0z=0 (\gtrsim 80%\%) reached this state in a dense environment (log10_{10}M200_{200}[M_{\odot}]\geq13.5). At low redshift, regardless of the final cluster mass, galaxies appear to reach their quenching state in low mass clusters. Moreover, galaxies quenched inside the cluster that they reside in at z=0z=0 are the dominant population in low-mass clusters, while galaxies quenched in a different halo dominate in the most massive clusters. When looking at clusters at z>0.5z>0.5, their in-situ quenched population dominates at all cluster masses. This suggests that galaxies are quenched inside the first cluster they fall into. After galaxies cross the cluster's r200r_{200} they rapidly become quenched (\lesssim 1Gyr). Just a small fraction of galaxies (15%\lesssim 15\%) is capable of retaining their gas for a longer period of time, but after 4Gyr, almost all galaxies are quenched. This phenomenon is related to ram pressure stripping and is produced when the density of the intracluster medium reaches a threshold of ρICM\rho_{\rm ICM} 3×105\sim 3 \times 10 ^{-5} nH_{\rm H} (cm3^{-3}). These results suggest that galaxies start a rapid-quenching phase shortly after their first infall inside r200r_{200} and that, by the time they reach r500r_{500}, most of them are already quenched.Comment: 14 pages, 8 figures, Submitted to MNRA

    How Effective Are Mindfulness-Based Interventions for Reducing Stress and Weight? A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

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    Stress contributes to the development and maintenance of obesity. Mindfulness-based therapies are being used to reduce stress and promote weight reduction and maintenance. This study aimed to determine the efficacy of mindfulness-based interventions for stress and weight reduction in the short, medium, and long term. Searches on PsycINFO, Medline, CINAHL, Scopus, WOS, and Science Direct were conducted until March 2021. Intervention studies with a sample of adults were included; these evaluated a mindfulness-based intervention and used stress and weight or body mass index as outcome variables. These criteria were met by 13 articles. A meta-analysis of 8 of the 13 articles was performed with a random-effects or fixed-effects model, depending on the level of heterogeneity between studies. Mindfulness-based interventions had a small effect on stress reduction over a 3-month period: effect size (standardized mean difference) = −0.29 (95% CI: −0.49, −0.10). However, no significant evidence was found for stress reduction from 3 months onwards, nor for weight or body mass index reduction in any period. Mindfulness-based interventions are effective in reducing stress in the short term, but not in the medium or long term, nor are they effective for weight or body mass index. More robust and longer study designs are needed to determine their effects.This research was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Education, as allocated to the intern E.S.-C., with reference number [FPU18/04620]

    Calibration of semi-analytic models of galaxy formation using Particle Swarm Optimization

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    We present a fast and accurate method to select an optimal set of parameters in semi-analytic models of galaxy formation and evolution (SAMs). Our approach compares the results of a model against a set of observables applying a stochastic technique called Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO), a self-learning algorithm for localizing regions of maximum likelihood in multidimensional spaces that outperforms traditional sampling methods in terms of computational cost. We apply the PSO technique to the SAG semi-analytic model combined with merger trees extracted from a standard Λ\LambdaCDM N-body simulation. The calibration is performed using a combination of observed galaxy properties as constraints, including the local stellar mass function and the black hole to bulge mass relation. We test the ability of the PSO algorithm to find the best set of free parameters of the model by comparing the results with those obtained using a MCMC exploration. Both methods find the same maximum likelihood region, however the PSO method requires one order of magnitude less evaluations. This new approach allows a fast estimation of the best-fitting parameter set in multidimensional spaces, providing a practical tool to test the consequences of including other astrophysical processes in SAMs.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figures, 1 table. Accepted for publication in ApJ. Comments are welcom